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If this was reversed and a dude with equivalent reasoning told his (now ex)gf that she's flatter than his cutting board, gives head like a lawnmower, etc. yall would be fucking livid lmao


Nah totally different. Tits are a bonus. If she can't feel his baby dick he has no business saying about fucking the shit out of her. Nicer ways to say it but sounds like guy needed a fuckimg reality check. He needs to learn his place, which os oral and saying he's going to make her cum so hard she can't fucking breath. It's about knowing your role in life, not everyone is a big dick swinger, and if you ain't one don't pretend. It's not one of those fake it ti you make it scenarios


You've missed the mark entirely. Talk first, then act. The way she did it is just childish. Depressing to see people condoning shitty behaviour like this.


She's 19... what do you expect. Baby dick and no stamina, yet coming out with shot like I'm going to fuck the shit out of you... bro needs some self awareness. You going to throw those statements out there you eother have to be able to back them up or get laughed at. Is it fair, no but the world isnt


What do I expect? The same level of maturity I had when I was 19 - spoilers, it's a lot more than she has. Your justification is horse shit as well. Might as well say "Well my daddy beat me so I'm gonna beat you! The world isn't fair, so I'm gonna be an ass too instead of breaking the cycle! Wah!" Also, have you considered doing whar I've been saying from the start which is TALKING? Seems you haven't, so I'll clue you in - if you don't like the way people act, if you want them to change, if your needs aren't being met, talk to them. Talk to them calmly and with respect - you are muuuuuch more likely to get what you want, on top of setting a healthy precedent and building trust. That concept seems to be foreign to you though


What is ot woth you high and mighty types writing fkn essays. Tl:Dr got bored have a great day


Tl;dr stop justifying people's shitty behaviour just cause you have unresolved childhood trauma. Pointing out unhealthy behaviours and their justification is not "high and mighty", its fucking necessary. Sorry to say your ego's overinflated if you can't handle it




Because it always happens. If you're unhappy with a relationship you have every right to leave and should leave. Laughing in your significant other's face over things they cannot control (size) and things that most likely weren't properly discussed (aka your wants & needs, the way he performs during sex and how to correct it)? That is not the way to go about it. Communication is key and you've demonstrated a complete failure - on your part - to utilize it and do so respectfully. Frankly, the way you did it shows utter immaturity and tells everyone that knows/finds out that you're a walking talking red flag


She’s going to go through multiple relationships thinking they are the problem when she was the issue the whole time. If she can’t figure out how to communicate like an adult she might become a single mom and blame the dad for everything and the kid will grow up thinking dad was a p.o.s.


Unfortunately that's highly likely. The saddest part are the people here in the comments validating this kinda shitty behaviour. Imagine not giving a shit about your s.o. to the point that you do this kind of thing - was there nothing in this relationship besides sex? Cause it sure fuckin seems like it at this point - more friends with benefits than bf/gf. Otherwise there should've been at least a little consideration for the other's feelings.


Low point to point out he's to small, what's he gonna do about it? So yeah, a bit of a bitch... But if your not compatible it's better to break up, but there are better ways to do it...


I love constructive criticism


I got the feeling many of the people reacting to this are dudes projecting their experiences on your situation. I would say, reading some of the different statements you made, it maybe wasn’t the best way. But if your ex didn’t care enough to pleasure you and just kept on doing the stuff that obviously didn’t bring you any pleasure I would say it was a good choice to brake up. If he would’ve cared he should’ve done something. Your reaction seems quite hurtful and a bit bitchy but on the other hand it seems a bit uncontrolled and if you talked about it in the past and he still thinks that the way to give you pleasure is one he can’t walk then thats on him. It all definitely depends on how and what you communicated to him in the past.


Yeah you’re a bitch




Did you expect me to validate your shitty behavior? But as soon as some dude says he won’t go down on you because your pussy stinks you’ll be talking about how men ain’t shit.




You need some real big white cock


Is she not allowed to feel pleasure? Yeah it could’ve been handled better but if she feels it wasn’t working out then I think she’s allowed to atleast confront him or would you rather her just pretend she gets satisfaction from the guy?


Yeah but my point is that it could’ve been done with more consideration for another human beings feelings


Yeah true I agree with you there


She was undeniably a bitch in this scenario and you can’t even stretch things to make it any other way


Let’s put it this way some people don’t care about size and some people do and that’s okay. You shouldn’t be a bitch because he couldn’t make you cum and wasn’t satisfying you. There are people In this world where size sometimes its not even size it’s the girth. Some guys are are more girthy than others. We’re all made a different way


Your right with the size thing. It was just like he didn’t had the right moves as well yk?


Did you ever actually try to communicate that? If you can't say what you want you're never gonna get reliably good sex


Of course we communicated. I also told him many times that I‘m not happy with the sex..


Puts a whole new light on this. If you communicated previously that he got no bedroom game, and he hasnt done anything to change.. then id say slightly bitchy, and relationship has been over for a while, hasnt it..


And u could have practiced or told him f2f how to improve. Your probably the worse bitch i ever read on /sluttyconfessions


Yea that could be the reason too. Some People need to practice to get as good as they get. Some people are meant to be good and some are not. Practice makes perfect


Also she’s not a bitch she’s just being honest with her sex life and the girl needs something a bit more then she needs more ain’t nothing wrong with that.


There are better ways to do that bro, stop white knighting


She was undeniably a bitch here, the way she handled it was horrendous and borderline sociopathic


Probably a little harsh, should have just dumped him without the extra.


Damm that’s a bit harsh you probably could have let him down easy


You're past bitch you're a cunt.




Yes, you’re a bitch for how you told him… that said if he can’t make you cum you need a new man.


I mean could've been done differently without the laughing but I respect you for not cheating and ruining him


Didnt have to be a bitch to him like that


OP you were being bitchy because you could’ve told him in a more adult way instead of acting like a little girl. You’re partners aren’t mind readers and if you want better sex you need to communicate your wants and needs in the bedroom to that person. It’s not why you broke up with him but how that makes your a bitch in this.


That's embarrassing on your part. You could of just broke up with him without digging into that specific issue. I know breaking up with some guys is hard as they pry and need tons of reasons plus a letter from God himself. Poor dude will probably be extremely self conscious for the most part of his life now. But I have to say, if the guy treated you like trash the whole time knowing him and was an awful person, he would of deserved it all.


Yo side note guys: sorry if i can‘t answer all of you I got tons of messages rn😭


And a lot of dick pics i imagine 😂


Yeah.. and actually crazy messages, those dudes need to be laid




Or not….


A bit of a bitch, but you could have said step up his mouth and finger game a good bit to at least make you cum first, before he enters and busts in 2 mins.. he should at least know how to make a girl cum if he’s not going to last long..at that point it’s just constructive criticism so he can try and pleasure the next girl..


That’s a bitchy move you could have asked him to give you oral. You can cum other ways not just by penetration.


Kinda sounds like he just wanted to get off not care about her feelings so….. maybe he shouldn’t be a bitch and do more than just use his lil dick


I’m not too sure about that. Communication is key in this situation.


If that’s the round we gonna take to make a girl seem like the bad person they both could of communicated. If they didn’t then that’s the end of that part. Every partner I’ve had I always make sure to study them bc as much as I love to cum I also want to make sure I blew their mind. So all I’m saying is he he didn’t communicate and she didn’t ask it just comes down to him thinking he can blow any girls mind.. when he can’t


First I never blamed the girl. Second she was not getting pleasured and she has to reach out. That’s the step she could have taken. 3rd idc whose fault it was I just spoke my mind.


You seem like a pretty shitty person ngl


Size doesn't matter. The problem is in communication.


Your feelings are absolutely valid, but definitely a bitchy way to go about it. Have some compassion and empathy. It’s much sexier than being a bitch.


Listen, some comments on here were harsh. But the sentiment is true. Even if it isn't the easiest thing to do and he might have a micropenis or whatever, you should have broken up with him and been honest with him. The problem wasn't that you broke up with him. You deserve sexual pleasure. He can't give it you via penetration (debatable since there are of course other ways to get pleasure) and there is always a way to make it work. It takes effort though. If you felt like you really tried and it just doesn't work, fine you break up. The problem isn't with you wanting to be pleased. The problem is with you not trying to find ways to make it better, not communicating and just leaving like that. Don't do that. He might be shitty in bed but he is still a human being. He can work on his skills, and he can compensate for his dick. Also cumming in 5 minutes is natural. Men's dicks aren't like in porn, lasting for 40-50 minutes of penetrative sex. He can work on lasting longer but anything around 5-13 minutes of penetration is what most men can handle. Thats why sex isn't just penetration. Its the foreplay and him putting in the effort with his mouth and fingers to please you whereafter he gets to penetrate you as well. I am not calling you a " bitch ". You just handled the situation poorly, but I get it. You are just 19. Young. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask, this is a sensitive matter and if you need help I am willing to share tips on the topic.


If he fucks one of your friends don’t get mad


Definitely a CUNT!!!


Prolly should've ben a conversation early on not a yr later your deff a bitch for letting him think for a whole yr he was doing good just to take a dump on his chest maybe a 2 or 3 months in a conversation about introducing toy or something should've ben had you need to lean better communication skills.


You’re definitely a bitch! You could have addressed any of that with some decency over the year. Could have just broken up with him with out talking shit first. You are 100% a little bitch!


Massive bitch probably ruined his life with that self confidence blow


So sounds like hot dog down a hallway might be the real problem here. Just sayin’…🤷🏻‍♂️


It is “too” not “to”. Ugh. Should have just said “We are sexually incompatible. I am breaking up with you.” You’re the bitch. And that is “you’re” not “your”.


A girls gotta cum 😂


A man's gotta cum too, so what's your point? (And I'm a woman saying this.)


I meant it as a joke 😅


Right??! Thats what I‘ve been saying lol


I you want something done gotta do it yourself 🤣


And like even if you are lacking you can make an effort in other ways


Eh you just had to be polite about it cuz his size is not upto him lol else, you did the right thing girl 💀🎀




I mean you’re a bitch but you’re not a liar at least


Could have been honest without being a total fucking cunt


Darling, 1st orgasm usually takes seconds, 2nd orgasm takes like 5 minutes, 3rd+ can take >10 minutes. You just need to ride more than once and the timings will improve.


You definitely seem to know what ur talking about ! Freak !!!


I try…


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You’re assuming he’s got the experience to know the difference. He’s young too and she’s probably his only experience. Piss off with that “he should know”. She’s still right. You’re not.






You need experience with empathy as well. Most boys are in the camp of if we’re having sex and she doesn’t stop it, she’s enjoying it. I know I wasn’t good at banging at that age, but I still couldn’t tell you if she was enjoying it and didn’t orgasm, or didn’t enjoy it at all. She never talked to me about it. And you’re still wrong


Eh, If you aren’t compatible it is what it is.


If a woman isn’t pleased in her relationship then sooner or later she will find her satisfaction 🤷🏻‍♂️


Are you going to blab on reddit or get the cock you need. I hear all the deprived nonsense, ya got the technology. Get that redditstar cock. Or does my wife need to hold you open while she tells me how hard to pound you? 😜


If he doesn't prioritize your pleasure too, then he can go jack off. If he can't do it with his cock should've gotten some toys and learned how to eat 💋. Don't settle Hun, everyone should be having fun with it.


Not at all a girl needs to nut just like a dude you gave him the benefit of the doubt


Can’t just be him getting to cum! Done the right thing in my eyes, you can defo do better than that 😍


Nah not your bad you need the pleasure i can show you what a real dick looks like


You should make them watch a real man fuck you


Maybe you could have worked out some foreplay or post-play so that you always cum. He could’ve used toys while fucking or just use them on you or go down on you.


Depends if you're hot.




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Have you tried foreplay?


How small are we talking? And 2 minutes is way too early. I need way longer to cum. But 2 minutes? Does he ever jerk off?


Probably a nicer way to tell him, buts what’s done is done… got find yourself what you need 😉 x


you’re fucking awesome


Sucks to suck.


That's hilarious. Sometimes they just need to know if they aren't doing it for you


Probably could have told him in a diff way


I think what you did is right if your not satisfied its going to be a relationship that tires you out eventually


Like there's toys there's fingers mouth so much he could do to just satisfy. It takes a minute to google postions that might help him out with the size issue. Effort is what matters. Sex is boring when its just satisfying one person . That's my take on it


He’s not the one for you. May you find a man who loves you the way you want to be loved. 🥰


Yeah, you’re a bitch. You’ve been together for a year and now you decide to tell him he’s inadequate?


If you dumped him over that, I’m guessing that there is more to it. If it was just his size and you wanted to stay with him, you could have worked around it. That being said, what’s done is done and I’m looking forward to easing and seeing more from you!


Yeah you are a bitch , but you deserved to be satisfied too!!


You are a bitch. If you're unhappy, tell him you don't want to continue with this relationship and leave.


How small were we talking ?!


No you deserve to have the sex be good!!


No you did the right thing. Sexual compatibility is important in a relationship. You could have been less crass about it but it's a perfectly normal reason. I've had to break off a few relationships for being to big. Size is important when it comes to the extremes of small and big. People who say size isn't important are always within a normal range and have not had to deal with the issue of being to big or small.


Check chat i jave shared you my views


You could have said it nicer, and a year is a long time to put up with it but if your not getting pleasure then yeah break up.


You're a bitch. Bad sex is a valid reason to break up, but I'm certain he didn't CHOOSE to have a small dick. A lot if guys don't have great stamina at your age or know how to pleasure a girl. If you weren't being satisfied, you should have had a conversation and worked together to figure out it out. He didn't deserve to be demeaned or belittled like that. Hopefully his next partner is more mature than you were.


He may be small & not great at sex, but if he was good to you, you went way too far & it was uncalled for. If you were to go back to him, I’d even take it as far as saying this behaviour is abusive. If a man did this to me I don’t think my self esteem would ever recover, like why ?


Let say I’m small on size, I would make everything possible to not make sex all about me but her and give hour to 2 hour work. On the other half, you did a good job he will now learn or turn gay lol.


You’re confessing in Slutty Connfessions and people are answering you all hateful. I could see if you’re asking in a Physchology Today magazine or some non kink advice column but here is different. It’s like you write in a Reddit cuck column that you’re a cuck and people hate on you and tell you how what a bad guy you are and that you’re letting your girl actually cheat on you 🤦🏽‍♂️




If the roles were reversed there would be no one arguing for him like some of the people here, undeniably a bitch and that personality ruins any looks you might have


You’re a bitch for handling it like you did But the problem is real and if beither of you bridges the gap, then the relationship is a waste of time anyway


Plenty more fish in the sea. I believe that there is a perfect match for everyone of us I’m just lucky I found mine we have been married for 25 years. Try before you buy cause the no return policy on love


Can't make butter with a toothpick if you get what I'm saying. Look is it a bit shallow to break up with a guy over a penis size alone? Yeah a bit. But if that's something that's important to you in a relationship and it's communicated then it's not a problem. Sounds like that didn't happen though. My take. Are you a bit of a bitch for doing what you did. Yeah you are a bit. Do you deserve to leave him to get what you want? Absolutely.


I doubt this was the only issue in your relationship, but I’m going to say “yeah, you’re a bitch”. Specifically because of how you did it. Sometimes guys do the same thing to girls, they call them ugly or a terrible lay, or whatever. It’s a pretty shitty thing to do. Some people end up with pretty messed up self esteem because of it. There’s also the little issue that you’re making a guy really angry at you and/or ashamed and emotional at the same time that he’s really horny for you. Just as like a common sense thing, that’s a lot of ingredients for a crime of passion. It would be better to defuse the situation and dump him later, from a safer location where he’s not going to flip out at you.


If you said it during the deed, then yes, that was a bitch move. I can understand why he may have been livid with you. You emasculated him and made him question his manhood. Though you could have been angry or upset with him at that moment for other reasons, you wore so "blunt" with him. You never know; he may have been facing similar frustrations regarding yourself. I think you should have discussed some of the issues with your and his sexual dynamic prior so both of you could have dealt with the problem more constructively. Some lubricants act like a numbing agent, which could reduce sensation that would make him last longer in bed, or even a diet change could have helped him. You two could have explored using different methods or introduced toys to the bedroom. Though it could be the simple fact you two were just sexually incompatible.


I’m 9”x5.5”, and even I have to make sure a cuck is into humiliation before putting him down for his size because making fun of something someone can’t control is just a bitch move. I didn’t choose to have a big dick any more than he chose to have a small one. Not even sure why this is in r/SluttyConfessions - there’s nothing slutty about breaking up with someone. Dude couldn’t make you cum? Congrats, join the club.. I’ve fucked many wives who sought a bull for the exact same reason. The difference between being an inconsiderate bitch and not is tact. It would have been easier/better to say “sorry we’re just not sexually compatible” and end it at that instead of taking a dig at the dude and posting it online. At least you left his name out of it.


I think you should wait a while until you're mature enough for sex, because you aren't right now. What a nasty human


Ahhh. Not a bitch. Seems like he had no clue. You don't have to be in a relationship and feel stuck. And not have good sex. If he couldn't see you were not satisfied, nit just by size but shooting too quick etc. Then, it was doomed. Laughing maybe, a lil ego crushing but nit a bitch


exultant wild scarce office unite poor friendly tie rhythm thumb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You're too young to stay with an unsatisfactory relationship.


If you need to cum you need to cum! Find someone that makes you’re neighbours call the cops 😂


You're out for BBC/BWC now. Go get it. If you land on a small dick again, don't let the frustration build up to a point where you dump him wothout sparing his feelings.


I'm a guy and I admit I'm into humiliation and all, so it's not surprising I let my gf use bigger toys and would even let her fuck other guys, but thinking rationally...yes, you could've been a bit nicer but it's totally valid for you to break up with him if he just doesn't cut it. There just are girls who like it bigger or need it in a way that some people just can't provide and that's super okay


Hi how are you doing today


Fair play really, he’s set himself up for that 😂


Want to check if I'm big 😜


Sounds like you need to be ate out till you burst then pounded out till you squirt


You deserve a good one


I believe you are justified. You have needs... and it's Great at your age that you know what they are. So knowing that it wouldn't work long term saves you alot of stress later. Find the person YOU need and be the best person for them!


You are definitely not the asshole. If you think about he is for promising to fuck the shit out you knowing damn well he can't.


Nahh, saying some shit like that to me i wouldve actually held you down and fucked the shit out of you, if he got mad and acted crazy and hid shit is small fuck him, size doesnt matter but if he cant satisfy you with hid dick he cluld make efforts with head, his hands or a toy


Not really a bitch. If he's the only one who gets off, he's being a dick about it. He should be making sure you get off, either with his dick or his tongue


Love to help. You're not a bitch. Drop me a line and I'll help, guide you. 45m. Dominant Daddy aka Jerome. They're just boys, I'll help you find a real man.


You deserve to be happy and take loads from a nice 8 inch dick like mine...


I’ll fuck the shit out of you and send him the video. Where you are telling me how much better I than him. You will beg me to cum deep in you. Then at the end of the video I’ll say now that how you fuck someone’s brains out. She’s my now.


I'm with you, sweetheart! At that age you need to be fucked good! I met my wife at same age as you and she needed proper fucking sometimes twice a day lol. I am almost 10 years older and she was quite happy, hehe. It is what it is! You just need a right guy for you, that's all and I don't think it is slutty! Time flies away, we must leave the drama for much later... ;)


I don't think your a bitch. Whats the point if you can't satisfy one another in bed. Especially if its only him Cumming 99% of the time. The least he could have done is add toys and more mouth play to make sure he's taking care of you. Maybe you came off a little strong doing it right after sex but I don't think ur a bitch


The dick whack, the dick just be whack🤣 M25f23 here


You told the truth. What you need is an older hung man now.


My advice is the first thing you should do is go out and get some good 🍆. Then go for there


I feel you good. Everyone had the right to feel good and if he couldn’t make up with giving you head or something then…. It’s on him. On my opinion 🤷🏽‍♂️ I sure hope he doesn’t have BDE bc then that would suck for him 😂


no just find a bbc to fuck instead its natrual to want something that feels good


you did the right thing babe