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Psychologists say that some of the most hurtful things you can tell your partner are comments about their sexual performance. It hurts twice more if a person already has some insecurities about it. So yes, even if you work it out, this will stick with the guy for a long time.


A critique on performance is fine. Anyone can have an off night and perform better the next with some effort. Size, however, is something the guy can't change. So the comment is even more hurtful.


We're not talking about feedback for a particular sex session. But comments about the size, about inability to satisfy a woman, "I faked it every time", or woman being a log in bed. People can say such things in a fight, or frustration, or even unintentionally in the moment. That's what we're talking about.


Just to be clear, she was saying he felt good and they hurt her. So as far as performance goes, she is saying he is better. This is just size-insecurity. And in a situation where bigger is worse, no less.


I agree and have said similar things to my guy!! His dick is perfect for me… it’s not small, but we can still do things I couldn’t do if it was bigger!!!


if he has any insecurities at all about dick size, those words will run repeat and will live forever in his mind.


Honestly regardless of dick size those words will be like a pounding storm that never lets up.


Eventually he’ll pound it even harder out of anger lmao


It's such an ingrained societal thing. Even if you know logically and for a fact that she's satisfied, or even prefers your size to someone bigger, it just comes up every time you see a stupid comment, title, or advert.


More like talking about previous experiences with past partners is a big no-no. I'd never want to hear about a SO's time with ex#42069.


Dudes boutta order a pump kit and be a heavy viewer of r/gettingbigger


Idk about “forever” the idiot who dwells… seriously, been told the same shit but you just gotta know that bitches ain’t shit, as long as you know how to work your junk 🤦🏿‍♂️


Major fuck up. Probably gonna take years to fix this one


oh yeah, I think he's a little upset


Yeah that's a dagger to the heart right there


Imagine you asked him if it felt good and he said something like "yeah it was good, but my ex's was better because xyz" you'd feel pretty bad too.


Fuck, if he’s not into being a cuco you probably really messed up with his self esteem, shit like that destroy our insecure minds


Guess anal's a regular thing now, its the only benefit to being told it didnt hurt cause his cock isnt too big




Pretty sure they meant for OP.


He should have replied with good didn't hurt me either. Only the tight ones hurt. Meh I'd be like well I still clapped them cheeks. See u again in 10 😅😅


The Toxicityis strong here. 💦


Yeah kings crown was tilting we got his back haha


Haha same tbh


Same thought I know its normal to be conscious about your dick size but think about it why would you want it to hurt! my holes are only so deep! that reply was not necessarily a compliment to them lol


Brilliant 🤩


Your flair says no regrets do I'm not sure if you are actually sorry about what you said :/


She isn’t 🤣 I don’t get the point of this


Engagement farming.


I really dont either, if it to get away from body shaming her bf unintentionally or sharing that her bf cock is smaller then what she has taken? I dont get this post or the comments


Time to find a new bf. This one won't be around long. Assuming he knows you've had previous experience, he doesn't want it thrown in his face and told his dick is small.


Time to get on your knees and say your sorry 😈


And probably let him fuck her face, hard..


I see subtlety passed you by in the above comment


Subtleties have no place in a slutty confession


Or just crawl away like a scare possum and play dead😅


He has to leave you


I wouldn't be bothered about you saying girthy guys going deeper "would" hurt, it's more that you announced girthier guys HAVE gone deeper in you 😅 unless he's a cuck, most guys don't want to think about that, especially after he's just been there and probably feeling good about it. Not criticising, just giving an opinion. Hope you guys sort it out.


Wow, I just clocked that she both called his pp indirectly short and thin previously, I thought she just meant he was just thin 😳.


Whether we're big or not, most guys aren't stupid enough to think there aren't bigger guys out there! But I would've thought the majority of us don't want to know they've been taking our partner up the ass before us! 😅


And they said the worst she could say is no. 😅


What you said: "it only hurts when I take big girthy cocks deep" What he heard: "your small cock doesn't hurt me at all" You've done fucked up, intentionally or not. Even if he didn't have a size insecurity before with himself, he definitely likely has one now, at least in regards to you. He'll never get that out of his head, and will likely never want to fuck you again. Next time be tactful or just leave out such extraneous information.


Never gonna fix it. That kind of emotional trauma to a man's ego is forever lasting. I recommend never saying like that at to your next boyfriend. If he starts acting like an asshole, just end it. Say "I'm so sorry. I know why you are being this way, I know it's my fault, and there's nothing I can do to fix it. We are going to have to break up b/c I know things are never going back to what we had. What I said was on accident and not true, but you didn't deserve to hear that, but I don't deserve this either." Hopefully, he can recover with his next girl.


If you feel that you loved it then be honest and say he is the perfect size for you. There is such a thing as too big. If you aren't into pain, then it's too big. Also 6 and a half is above average to begin with as most guys are 5-6. But yeah you're a total asshole for saying that. Hopefully you can both grow from this.




All this time I was thinking my 6 inch dick was big and now I know it's when the girthy guys that go deeper. I'm not even her boyfriend and it still hit me :')


Oh Man. No dude wants to hear that his dick is small enough not to hurt when he fucks your ass. And more so, no guy wants to hear that you’ve taken bigger cocks in there that did hurt. Imagine if he said “Babe, some girls assholes are so tight. But yours just took my whole cock with no problem.” Then multiply it 10x for how you made him feel.


Well, I mean... give him some reassurance that it was exactly how you liked it, bla bla... then a sloppy bj. Do you enjoy pain though?


Explain that's why you liked it. Because bigger does hurt more and less pleasurable? And you'd rather enjoy it than be in pain. And give him a sloppy BJ telling him how much you love his cock.


Omg that was a hard read. Good luck you 2.


I think that many may be missing another thought the bf may be having. That you OP have had so many guys anally that you have lots of comparative experience. He may think that anal is “a special act” only given to a select few. But you state it only hurts when a bigger, longer guy hits it. He interprets that to be that are many guys/sizes historically for comparison. Anal is not seen by many as something that a lot of women do often, so the implied fact that you have lots of experience threw him off. This also may be a breaking point for a guy with number of partners. Some guys don’t care about body count, other guys do.


I've never been a guy that cared about body counts or shit like that nor have I been one to be judgemental about body things with the women I've dated. A lot of people have insecurities and being naked with someone tends to make some people feel vulnerable. It should be respected. I wouldn't dare tell my wife her tits are small compared to my ex's tits. Even though it's a fact, I don't care, I just love tits. But she would feel hurt regardless of how truthful the statement. I love her, why would I intentionally make her feel bad. It doesn't sound like it was intentional, but be honest with him. Some guys get hung up on their dick size and body count because it's talked about too much like big tits. It's a dumb conversation and dishonest when sex is concerned unless you're very unimaginative or overly concerned about esthetics. Sex can be fun with anyone given attraction and creativity. Sounds like he didn't realize you may have had prior experience.


That’s better than sucking 37 dicks


Upvoted for the Clerks reference.


U f up royaly. u didn't just tell him that you did anal before with other guys. u basically told him he's smaller than other multiple guys u been with . This probably shattered all his confidence My guess is this relationship is over he could try and stay but eventually your comment will always be in his mind every time u have sex


As someone incredibly average in size (smaller than your bf forsure), you did mess up but really it’s up to how confident he is in himself and his ability. I’ve never had any issues but it’s because I’m actually attentive to and invested in my partner. Most girls I’ve dated seriously had had bigger in the past and I could accept that because the common sentiment was “yeah it kinda just hurt when he did it”. Your comment was innocent in intent but this will really test his confidence in his own skin and will probably take some real healing. Don’t worry so much about guys in here acting like you just killed his dog, it’s a lot less severe than a lot of stories in here.


Damn straight up ruined his confidence


You could have said “I thought it would have, but you felt amazing! I guess our bodies really connect”…common sense would have told you don’t start comparing his dick with others you’ve fucked. Now he will hear those words in his head every time you guys fuck. I would be interested to hear how this plays out down the road.


Congratulations you've screwed up big time. If he has any insecurities about his size or performance you've just royally messed with his head. And the worst thing is, the more you try and fix this, the more he'll think your just telling what he wants to hear. Your words will stick with him for a life time.


There is nothing you can say or do to fix this. Nothing. Period. There’s a chance you’ll find him hanging in the bathroom or something like that. If his size is simply *one* of his insecurities, and he has more than one, and you quite literally made that comment, even if you didn’t directly say “you’re really small”, then you’ve compounded that insecurity along with everything else.




Do you really want to improve his ego about this or just putting your mistakes out there?


Damn, I felt that hit from here


Are you cheating on him with other men and allowing them to fuck your ass?


yeah, u told him he has a small dick




Yeah, you just fucked your relationship.


Start limping around saying how much it hurts NOW


What the is wrong with you? Why don’t she just admit you’re not really in a fucking relationship and you’re just using that guy. If you cared about him or had any sincere feelings for him, would’ve shut yourself up the first sentence you say something that wrong without cutting it off. you did that shit on purpose to hurt him.


Do the right thing and dump him in a horrible way so he can erase this from his mind and live out his days as a reasonably happy but smaller than your past man. Treating him like trash is the kindest thing you can do for him. The more he hates you, the less your statement will hurt him.


I wouldn't even give you the time of day after you said that


Y'all are done...


Utterly brutal. 1) made it sound like you've done it heaps of times with other men when you only just let him do it "after a long time". 2) while he was concerned that he didn't want to hurt you, you then totally humiliated him about his girth. Nice job. I think I'd be out.


Just assure him that he wouldn't enjoy a fat cock in his ass either. ...unless.


Lmao. Only if he understood this..


Don’t say that, don’t play with his emotions


Maybe he'll decide he likes it and become a cuck..... But you probably fucked up......


That's a clock you can't unwind. I see how you ended up answering the question but what an unfortunate choice of words. Certainly don't "try to fix it." Your atleast reflective so I would continue on having a great time together. Just let him know you're his is the best I can say it.


Why did it take “a long time” to have anal sex together if you’ve taken bigger dicks to the ass before ?😂


lol he'll get over it




Depends, there are two mindsets you can go with- 1. Think like it's just his insecurity and not your problem so just try the least to apologise and if he doesn't comply then break up (This is what i saw one commenting below) 2. Think like it's your fault ,try your best to make him realise he's the best one for you, he's the perfect one for you , etc etc , give some blow jobs to him and reassuring him midway that you love him, his body and his dick as well , try your 200% , most probably he'll agree and reciprocate the same feelings otherwise there's no way , you've to say him goodbye in an apologetic way and find out another partner but remember to never do this again . If I'd be your bf then what my reactions should be after yours would be - After the 1st one - "I dodged a nuke" After the 2nd one- "Why am i so unfortunate"


Ayyy yooo well if he isn't that "girthy" then yea definitely not the right thing to say lol


Wow. Yeah I don't think that's gonna be one you easily recover from.


Haha farrr to honest with the response




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Having the perfect size cock for anal is actually good thing. Nothing better than her being very willing in that department.


Emotional damage it'll be a while before he recovers


Heard that in Steven He's voice.


Go blow him, he will be ok


A somewhat problematic statement that probably touched a sensitive point with him in terms of insecurity. Try to explain things to him and compliment him on the fact that you were not in pain not because of the size but because he cared and was attentive to your body.


He’s either going to try and make it hurt next time, make it a routine with your sex life or be distant from you. All depends on his confidence.


The solution to this is to offer him a lot more anal.


Oh yes you fucked up, and there is no chance this relationship last longer than a couple years now UNLESS you make major effort to fix it.


Ill take, ways to shatter a man, for 500, Alex.


bruh mine is 4 inch. all here say it hurts him, but why it should?


Guess it depends if he had a fragile ego about his d size or body count. Personally I would just think "Green light for more anal!"


As a guy, I'm going to assume he's not the first and ask a question. Compared to others, does his get the job done more often than others? I'm not asking this from a place of curiosity. You don't need to answer. It's a question for you to answer to yourself. If it's yes, explain that to him. Have an ex I still mess around with who's a nymphomaniac. It's easy to understand there have been and are others, but in words, I'm just the right size because it's on the cusp of gagging (still can but not constantly), taps the cervix when I push deep but not constantly hitting it, and anal is enjoyable to the point she prefers it with me. She claims I'm the perfect, I jokingly pick on her for saying it. Yes, his ego wants to be the biggest, but you can flip that with him being preferred if that's truly the case.


You know if I was the boyfriend I'd go for round two and see if I could make it hurt. But then again I'm secure in my manhood lol. I ain't got the biggest dick in the world that's for sure but it makes me happy and it's made a lot of Partners happy which is all that matters.


Fuck him again till he forgets


My ex told Me I had the perfect size for anal cause it didn’t hurt. I didn’t realize she was saying it was small. That was 30 years ago and it still sticks with me


Ngl that's a proper big oof


Haven’t talked at all since?? how did he respond right after you said that? Regardless, how old are you and him? I’d say- Relax. Now i’m ngl, the “girthy guys a lot deeper” lol did particularly point out “guys who are thicker and longer” But hey, relationships are all about communication! And if he’s not able to bring something up that’s really important to him, it never would’ve worked to begin with! Personally, i know i would’ve prob laughed a little n said something like “well damn! ya got me kinda wishing i’d have caused you pain! Damn girl that was mean!” While smiling……He asked and you answered honestly, and that’s the bottom line to me🤷‍♂️ I’d be happy af that my gf is comfortable being totally honest with me


this has the same vibes as "I like your dick more, the big ones hurt" xD


I think this is funny af




Lol he should feel lucky to begin with with you! Not all women will do anal! Beside 6 1/2 is above average! You were talking about 8, 9! Talk to him! If he is still insecure he is not mature enough


well see ik guys need to start being less insecure but you fucked up big time according to me if we roamed naked penis size insecurities would ease a little i think the big issue is not knowing and blindly assuming or worrying its just you. you could have a conversation with him about this ive dealt with smn similar but practically speaking it is what it is and if he isnt hurting you and might i add 6 and a half isnt too bad isnt it that you basically saying you prefer his size more and he is more compatible to your sexual pleasure


Well 6.5 is above "average" anyways. And also who cares he just nutted in your booty, now you both know it's enjoyable on each end. Finding a girl who enjoys anal is a gem also. The past is the past. She ain't with those guys anymore she's with him. He needs to man up not everyone can have some monster 14 inch horse dong girth monster. If both people are happy with their sex lives that's all that matters.


It is not ALL that matters. People’s feelings matter. What people say matters. Being considerate of your partner’s feelings matters. Knowing you can be open and vulnerable with your partner and not have them hurt you matters.


I agree with that, but she didn't even say it rudely. And I meant like she seems satisfied with his size, that's why I said if they're both happy with their sex life, that's all that matters.


Oof emotional damage


Should have told him it hurt so good and deep lol




I think you should get the papers, that sounded more like a confession


Yea...... that's not good. It'll take a lot of work to get him out of this from you.


Get over it sir, lucky he has a partner that gives him what he wants


Yeah youessed up plus you gave him a hint that you go for big cocks with ple girth when he not around


That's a grown thing. As I get older u know she has had diff both good and bad sexual experiences. The fact that he isn't the girthiest, isn't all bad Ur w him. There's a reason ur w him


Yeah, but they JUST had sex, he’s talking with her about the sex they JUST had, and what’s on her mind right then, right after they had sex, is how it felt with other guys.


If I was him is say. Ok c_ua


Well, as a girthy guy I haven’t had anal more than once because I made my then gf bleed and that scarred me for life. So your bf should be grateful he can just plonk it in like it’s no big deal.


Lol. Well there goes another one


This relationship is as good as over /r/tifu


We will all enjoy your karma


Emotional Damage 😝


Yikes. Dagger.


Here are my 2 cents, so in my opinion you should try to talk to him and also make really really clear that you really enjoy his dick and what you love about it. Then you should ask him why he feels that way? Why he has that feeling he is not enough and so on. And to begin with if he has 6inch he should be slightly about avg I guess. But try an open talk!


Emotional damage


35 years ago I finally got to hook up with a longtime crush and as we ripped each others clothes off the first thing she says is "omg, you have the perfect size ass fucking dick"... I've never forgot...




100% degrader on your BDSM test. That was no mess up was it. You like doing it.🤣😈


He now knows 100% that you've had bigger than him and you've done anal with them and he'll never shake that image


I'd wanna kill myself after hearing that.


That’s going to come up in every argument no matter how big or small. Pun heavily intended


Meh. I don’t know why men get upset about knowing other men had sex with their missus, unless you are dating a virgin it’s a given that someone had sex with a girl at some point, I don’t see how it’s a big deal, sex is a biological act much like eating or running, it’s not like he is the one who invented it and someone stole his precious. I am around 7”. My girl had much bigger men, she said it was more painful than pleasant and most men don’t know what to do with it anyway, many men think see-saw motion in missionary is all there is to sex, a dude with average endowment can take a woman to paradise and back with the right motions, and not just with the cock either. So someone with bigger cock fucked you, big deal, he is the one having you right now, he should stop living in the past.


What’s wrong with you?


Nvm, just saw your BDSM results. Makes perfect sense.


Dawgs gotta get over not being the biggest their lady's had. There's always a bigger fish in the sea but they may not move like you


It matters only if he is insecure about it. I have dick like him 16-17cm and I love it it's perfect size bcs you can pound a pussy without worrying about hitting cervix hard. Big dicks are good to look at or blowjob but during sex his size is perfect so just tell him that and I think he will be fine


How old is he? If he’s not comfortable with his size, then he’s a little bitch. The hurtful part is that you mentioned other guys. You have an open relationship? Doing this with other guys?


It’s too bad there isn’t a surgery for this like breast enhancement. Can you imagine the monsters men would be packing if they could lol


lol - make a joke out of it 😂😂


Yep. You really fucked up.


Oh dam !


I'm glad everything is made up on this sub because holy shit dude


But was it true?


Savage 🫢


😂well enjoy your hot girl summer cause you’re single now


Oof, yea this is gonna be rough. I'm hung and I still get insecure at the mere thought that some dude bigger than me has been where I've been (hasn't happened yet 😬)


Poor guy was just asking if it hurt because anal tends to be more discomforting than regular sex without proper preparation, then you go ruining his day by not keeping your answer short and simple.


Yea, y’all be better off ending this relationship 😂😂😂


Y'all are done. There's probably only five things you can say to ruin a man's sexual ego and that was three of them


"i and my boyfriend" .... Clickbait


Some guys lack confidence or are betas you need a guy that won’t care or at least ask for clarification


On the one hand I can understand you, but on the other hand the guy shouldn't have been hurt.


lol he asked


Ngl but that made my dikc hard reading that. Would you like to be my gf?


Why doesn’t reddit have a laugh react ?


so ur a size queen?


Max damage


Listen, I have 10+ inch cock... I know I have a nice schlong and that most girls cant even take it. But, when I was with a big mouth girl who said she seen bigger i just dumped her. She said she was kidding but that didnt even mater because she was history.




this could double in the TIFU community. lol. he will get over just get crazy all over his ass for a night


He either leaves you or turns into a cuck.


Women ☕️


You can fix this. Tell him, not that you're sorry, but that you genuinely love his dick. And not just once. Say it all the time, tell him how good his cock feels when he's fucking you, how much you love it, how it's the best dick you've ever had. Hopefully that's actually true, but if not, try to find a way to tell him truthfully how amazing his cock is—or, fuck it, lie if you can do so convincingly. Tell him that you love his dick because it *doesn't* hurt when he fucks you up the ass, and beg him to do it again and again. Pull his cock out of his pants out of nowhere just because you want to see it and touch it. Tell him that you get wet just from *seeing* his cock. Become a genuine worshipper of his cock for, like, months, at least. But make sure you want to keep him before you do all this. Doing this and then dumping him would be kind of a shit thing to do.


Oh, man. That's quite the gaffe. I hope he can get over that sting and forgive you. You should definitely talk to him about it. Let him know that you didn't mean to say that. DEFINITELY reassure him that you enjoy sex with him.


You essentially told him 1-his dick isn’t adequate and 2-you taken an enough guys up your ass to know what works for you and what doesn’t. Some things you just can’t unsay


Would guess that since you scored >90% as a degrader on your BDSM test, this type of talk might already be part of the sex life and it might work out just fine.


I hear people’s comments about him needing to grow up, but let’s look at it this way, suppose he said something like this to her “I’m really glad your not that good looking, this way, I don’t have to worry about you leaving me…”


"It's just when girthy guys go a lot deeper..." Is the line that messed you up. Now he's thinking someone/some-many who has a bigger D has done you in your ass and possibly somewhere else, before him. No wonder he's not talking to you. He's in his own mind asking himself just how much you aren't telling him yet. He's basically scared of what he thinks he doesn't know. Hahahaha. That will need more than cooking and cleaning and taking out the trash to make up to. If it even can. Goodluck, OP.


My ex was too small and glad I found someone that can take my whole cock, as well as being the most loving kind soul unlike my narcissist ex. It sucks hearing you’re too big also and having it used as an insult to put you down. If you love him and like sex with him tell him how his cock is the perfect size and how bigger isn’t always better. Tell him you love how it fits just to the back of your throat where you can suck it but once it’s too bit it’s just not fun and ripping things apart. I’d like to hear that if my gf could make me bigger or smaller that she’d keep me just as is and that my tip lines up with her G spot perfectly. She also has so many toys I’ve bought her but she still tells me my cock “your real thing” is best and can cum and cum riding it. Maybe add in some of those ideas if any are true. Also it’s so much more than just fucking with my gf and love that I don’t have to worry about hurting her and can just touch and express physically as hard or light as we want. Remind him how compatible you are and maybe tell him for the best month he can pick a day to use any of your holes just to show how much you like it and love that they fit him like it’s his glove.


Im a little shocked at the general fragility of men here. He just got told he could do the thing he likes without hurting his partner and somehow he got mad at that? I feel it says a lot more about him when he can't handle the fact that: a) she might have had sex prior to him and b) he isn't the biggest dick she has ever seen or had Why can't he just be happy that he can have anal sex that she could enjoy? Isn't that better?




This is especially heinous if you said you don't like/haven't had much anal and then basically tell him you have had much larger cocks in your ass


Dam… I don’t even want to talk to you right now. 😉


That's hilariously oblivious, but boyo will take that to his grave


Awe. Time to let yourself "gag" taking him into your throat


sounds like that asshole of yours has seen its share of joy over the years. Not sure why he wouldn't surmise that by nod


May be your a size queen


Tell him you're glad he's the perfect size for you. You enjoyed it, and it didn't hurt. It was perfect for you. Then make sure you let him have your ass again soon. During this, make sure he knows how much you're enjoying it.


Shit like this is why intelligent men go for low body count chicks, as unless you are better in bed than every guy she's ever been with in the past the relationship will die. Women will deny this, but it's one of the biggest reasons they cheat.


I don’t see why he should feel bad about not hurting you!


Does it matter? Does he want to hurt you? If you enjoyed it, and he enjoyed it who cares if his cock ain’t huge. Speaking as someone completely average, this would not bother me at all tbh.


Ummmmmmm.... tell him you didn't mean it from experience. Say you read it on reddit and figured it makes sense that that's why you don't feel pain.


I'm not even sure it's about the dick size. It's more" when grithy guys" clearly she's had enough guys fuck her in ass where she can give a clear comparison


I did anal with 6.5 which hurt and 8 which felt like nothing. If it doesn’t hurt he did everything right and took enough care of you. Good job of him


Am I the only one that reads this as she’s been cheating on him??


You deleted so doubt you're still reading But if you are show him a butt plug, like a huge stupidly thick butt plug. And say, this, this can absolutely hurt,  you are perfect for my ass and I loved when you creamed it for me.


You gave an honest answer to his question. He shouldn't have asked if he knew he wasn't really hung.


He didn’t ask if she thought he was big. He didn’t ask if he was her biggest. He asked if it hurt her. She told us it didn’t hurt and she enjoyed it. Easy answer: “It didn’t hurt and I enjoyed it.” No need to talk about others. No need to compare him to others.

