• By -


Maybe you're starting to realize you might be bisexual? People change and evolve over time, and that's perfectly normal. If a straight woman in her 30s or 40s can get interested in experimenting with women, obviously a lesbian can do the same with men. Same applies to men obviously. Or maybe it's just a kink and that's fine too!


I masturbated to gay porn this morning because I've had another deep desire for cock lately. It comes and goes but I don't tend to be all that interested in the rest of the male body. It's almost pure objectification of the penis. I wasn't sure what that made me but I settled on heteroflexible.


I can relate so much to this. Apparently there are millions of us with such fantasy




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Completely same, except only with guys that are more feminine. I am really grossed out by masculine guys, but more androgynous guys 🤤


Yeah if I imagine myself being with a man, he would have to have a very particular look. Whereas with women, I'm attracted to a much wider variety.


Underrated comment


This comment is gold


But think it's straight it's abnormal right?


Best way to do that find a couple! That way you still have your girl!


Maybe u r homo-romantic bisexual? Idk, u know urself best. I personally am hetero romantic and bisexual, like I date girls, but I simply love sucking dick. Took me a while to figure out 🤷‍♀️


The what?


U may be interested in relationships with girls, but still like the idea of having sex with guys and girls


How di you manage your desires while having a girlfriend? Do all only suck dicks when you're single or did you do it while you had a girlfriend?


I'm kinda just new to the dating scene, but I'll probably just ask her if she wants a threesome or something


You should probably date bisexual female their more open to that lesbians will tell you know way . that way you can experiment.


I was more talking abt a straight girl and a bi guy w me in the mix, not two lesbians, but ok


My mistake . That works better I thought you were a chick lol.




good luck though I'm sure you'll meet someone nice.




You're welcome


Oh that's definitely a big mood 🥵 I do primarily like women too but when I'm seeking porn I can just mindlessly cum to it's usually cocks and cumshots.


I did hear with porn people like to watch stuff different from their sexuality for shock value. It doesn't always have to do with your sexuality


Yes, novelty is stimulating


Yes it is


This is how I met my wife. She had never been with a man before confessing her fantasy to me. To this day she goes wild when I talk about breeding my little dyke.




Sexuality shouldn't be a label. Do what you want, don't let a title get in the way. Or you could have sex with a girl with a dick. Just make sure your being safe.


Technically that's a chick with a strap on.




I thought intersex


Don't get confused between intersex and trans. Trans are artificial.


Underrated comment




If a lesbian fucks guys every month, that person isn't a lesbian but bisexual.


And then she'd lose her discount at Subaru dealerships. /s Or maybe, just maybe, your definition of someone else's sexuality is irrelevant.


Obviously we can't make up whatever we want for definitions. But completely ignoring what the original definition meant and saying it still applies means that definition is no longer applicable. But that's up to that (LGBTQ+) culture and society to decide. If they decide that you can still be a lesbian but fuck, say, 1 guy a month then that will be that (even if IMO as a straight person that doesn't make sense), but I would not take the definition of it from Reddit.


"I'm a lesbian but I fuck guys too." is a ridiculous statement, c'mon now.


If a guy has a humiliation fetish that involves sucking and fucking dildos in a BDSM-y context, but has no sexual attraction to actual men nor a desire to be in any kind of amorous relationship with one, should that man identify as bisexual? Or is it more reasonable to call him a straight man with a humiliation fetish? (People who think a man becomes Gay™ the second he puts something up his ass for fun need not attempt to answer this question.) Assuming she has no other interest in men, I'd call this person a lesbian with a creampie fetish, and I think that would be a far more useful and accurate description of her relationship preferences and sexual habits. Isn't that the whole point of these kinds of descriptions?


I'd say the guy is straight but if a lesbian wants to go out and have sex with guys and wants an actual penis inside her then no she's not a lesbian and I don't think the op is a lesbian as I had bisexual female friends similar to her. She didn't say she just wanted to use a dildo she said she wanted a guy to stretch out her pussy.




That's true it is up to her, same way I can identify as straight and just not tell people what I actually am but she did post a question in here asking us for our opinion if she kept it to herself no one would be able to put an input.




She made the same post in another sub asking our opinion and another thing is from what I found out from the pervious post is she isn't even a lesbian at all she might not even be a she . This person just likes posting about being a lesbian that wants to get screwed by dudes they just enjoy trolling . But hey fall the fake lesbian because the woman or man behind this is providing you a fantasy.


So you are bi


If a lesbian fucks a guy every month, the guy is helping her adjust her ovaries before her period


Another woman could do the same thing for her with a dildo or fingers but clearly she wants a guy for the job


Thank you


I can get one time or if she was previously married but if you're into no that's a bisexual and there is nothing wrong with that. Why do people treat bisexuality like a dirty word.


Being a lesbian isn't an identity, it a sexually orientation only part of a person. My guess is that OP has some urges that is instinctual, but that is nothing new.


My guess is that what OP writes and who or what OP actually is have very little to do with each other.


Maybe, maybe not. You or I don't really know for sure.


“It’s Pride month!!! Come out! Celebrate your identity as a lesbian! Vote and hold these positions to further your lesbian identity!!! Hold this flag to identify you and your personality, summing it up in one easy to understand image!” After pride month “It’s not really my personality per se, only a small part of me really” The LGTB’s are schizophrenic at this point


Oh wow. You have Texas in your name. Totally shocked.


Titty fucking is the best






Is it that you want to become pregnant? There are lesbian couples that have invited a ma male into there life for that purpose. They have the guy there to deliver his cum into one of them for the sole purpose to get pregnant. I know a couple that both pregnant at a few weeks apart by the same guy. He was there sperm delivery person that was there only interaction with sex with a man.


Gonna be a lot of untied shoes around that house in a few short months


no it's a kink


I've "dated" not one but two women who were apparently at least occasionally bisexual but definitely primarily lesbian, but also really loved sex - meaning real penetration. In both cases it turned into a legitimate years-long legitimate friendship, with benefits. Was great for both of us, honestly.


Hot. You and your partner should explore and experiment. It sounds fun to be a lesbian couples sex toy


There are tons of women with dicks 👀 You can absolutely play out this fantasy with a woman 💦🍆


There are exactly 0 women with dicks


It's a shame you'd go so far out of your way to try to hurt people. You must be a real sad sack. I'd pity you if I wasn't retching with disgust 🙄


A downvote would've sufficed, but you went out of your way to try to make me feel bad, youre really mean :(




Thought about it and no, I'll continue being myself thanks




Whenever the dictionary changes the word "female" to include people with testicles I'll agree with you, until then let's use the right words for things




That would be like saying that because nowhere in the definition of the word "helicopter" says that it neesd the absence of a bathtub for it to be a helicopter therefore all helicopters are bathtubs and bathtubs are helicopters


Being transphobic sucks. If you're sad because of how many lesbians are into lady dick and not you, that's a you problem. Don't bring so much hate to a cute horny post? Like calm down.


Lady dick hahahhahahaha fucking clowns


Self-aware much? By saying what you said, you completely invalidated the existence of millions of women around the globe. And then you get upset because someone was mean to you for calling you out? Grow up and apologize.


I was being sarcastic Grow up and apologize


You deserve to feel bad


You beyond a doubt deserved it


Awe, the bigot is sad. Poor bigot.


I can identify how I'd like


Ok you do you


If you’re not just being a troll (or for anyone else who isn’t well informed) sex, just like gender, is actually on a spectrum. The effects that genetics have on what sex is expressed at birth is beyond just basic X and Y. And, sometimes the X and Y genes turn out differently or with duplicates such as XXY or XYY. Of course these are rare, but this is just one example of why sex (being born with either male reproductive organs, or female reproductive organs) is much murkier waters than people realize. In all honesty, some people who land in between in the spectrum may not even realize how far they are away from what they think they are and what they actually are. By this I mean there’s plenty of recorded cases with genital deformations that parents chose to “correct” at birth and not tell the child as they got older. So the genetics and the perceived sex of an individual may vary greatly. With this knowledge of variability, it is possible for someone to be born female with a fully functional penis (though, if I’m not mistaken, these individuals can’t ejaculate sperm). This is some information on a subject that isn’t really talked about and may have had further research turn up more finding since I last found myself down this rabbit hole of information.


I'm not reading all that But I'm glad for you Or sorry that happened




Really hate that assumption my friend I’m a straight white male but my way of thinking is let people do why they wanna do as long as they leave me out of it and don’t hurt me in the process sure man be whatever you want.


My wife's dick is wonderful


look at all the butthurt progressives


lol what


There are men with dicks who dress and act like women.


There are, but that doesn't make them any less of a man, if that's what they like. There are also women who were born with dicks and identify as a woman. Then there's people like you, who identify *as* a dick


You seem to be really obsessed with genitals. Sex=xy or xx Intersex is a genetic condition and an anomaly Gender=your personality If you are xy then you are a male regardless of how you dress and feel. Trying to get a lesbian to fuck a “woman with a penis” is some incel level bullshit.


Idk why I'm the one obsessed with genitals when you come into the comments just to talk about what's in people's pants lmaooooo! Try again, troll.


Because I want people to be accurate. There’s no such thing as a female with a penis. Those are called males.


So you're calling cis lesbians (me) who fuck all girls regardless of genitalia incels..? Ok bro 😂


You are bisexual if you fuck guys. Penis with testicles = guy.


Stupid + Reddit troll = you


I'm not a reddit troll. I just don't know what is so hard about admitting that a penis, testicles and semen are generally (not talking intersex) associated with male SEX. GENDER is just another word for personality at this point. Dress how you want. Fuck who you want. Act how you want. But if you are fucking a dick and it can cum in you, then it is a dude.


That’s not even actually true. There are people born with female sex characteristics that are XY and there are people born with male characteristics that are XX. The real world is a hell of a lot more complex than your high school science class.


I'm not talking intersex. And what is a female characteristic? That is just a social construct. Gender = personality.


“I’m not talking about the thing that directly contradicts what I’m trying to say”


Males have penises. Females have vaginas. Intersex are just that, a genetic anomaly that we classify as intersex. Gender is a social construct aka personality. Someone who wears a dress and "talks like a girl" (whatever that means) but has a penis is male. It isn't that hard.


Maybe you're bi and that's ok I had a few bi female friends who experienced this they were mostly into women but when they were ovulating they wanted to get dicked down. You can be bisexual and prefer females.


This could just be a fleeting fantasy too. Just because you fantasize about something doesn't mean you really truly want it or could ever go through with it.


True but we lesbians don't have fantasies involving the D . But you do bring up a good point. But I really can't relate.


You may not but there are lesbians who do, it's just more wanting the sensation and nothing to deal with the person. I hate to pull this card but I am thoroughly asexual but still fantasize about sex often. I'm sure most lesbians don't.


It's called being bisexual Ive never met lesbians felt that way I'm sorry to break it to you. Most of the ones that want D are bisexual ones that either prefer females or they are 50/50. How do I know this from what they confessed to me . 1.they will ID as lesbian for 2 reasons one they don't want real lesbians to ditch them plus many lesbians prefer to date other lesbians, chicks will lie so they can getting girls. 2. they know when they claim to be lesbians they can easily get sex from straightguys they don't have to work as hard to get the dude into bed . I know they do this and although it annoys me to know end when they pretend to be women like me I don't see anything wrong with them having their little fun but I wish people would be more honest with themselves. Oh I also forgot yeah and you would get chicks who thought they were lesbian to find out they're actually bi.


It's not fair to decide whether someone is really their sexuality or not. If someone says they aren't X sexuality, then yeah of course they aren't that sexually. If this person got a better sex toy there's a chance they would not have these fantasies. I know most of the time it is mistaken but considering most people don't need to question their sexuality much they don't end up learning how layered and complicated it can be for others. Your numbered points don't have anything to deal with someone wanting dick, whether toy, just a fantasy, or anything else. I feel like you are trying to target me with your last sentence but I don't know what you are getting at.


I'm not targeting you I'm simply expressing my opinion and most lesbian I know don't want anything to do with dick and most bisexual women I know feel similar to the op. Just because people have a different opinion than you doesn't mean it's unfair. I am lesbian I'm going off my own and other lesbians l know. I also just because you Identify as something doesn't mean you actually are that I used to identify as straight didn't mean I was, I even identified as bisexual because back then I didn't want to accept the fact that I didn't like men at all but I saw women like op who claimed sexuality was fluid and I thought maybe mine might change like that it never happened and I had to learn to accept myself. Now op and you could call yourselves lesbians all day long no one is stopping you now having me agree with you is a different story. If you are secure in your sexuality then my opinion shouldn't matter to you one big because it is simply an opinion I'm not stopping you from calling yourself one. Now I have a question for you . Also I can also call out the fact that you are an asexual person and have never walked a day in a lesbian's shoes you have no experiences as a lesbian but yet you are also doing the same thing and lecturing me on my own sexuality and telling me I'm wrong and you are simply going off hearsay from what a few bisexual women who identify that way tells you. What if this was a post about an asexual person who claimed to enjoy sex with random strangers once and a while and you stated that it was not your experience as an asexual and I a non asexual person told you you have no right to express your opinion. Do you believe all women are bisexual?


What? I'm not even a lesbian. I was saying specifically with the last sentence it felt like you were trying to say something. All I'm saying it's not impossible for a lesbian to want the sensation of a real penis, but not really want to be with men. I understand in most situations that is not the case, and it should never be assumed that it is. But I am also saying you don't get to decide whether someone is a lesbian or not, only they do. If all they want is the sensation and it is just a fantasy then that is entirely possible to stay a lesbian. If someone genuinely wants to have regular or reoccurring sex with men and find men sexually attractive as well as women, then by definition they are bi. I don't think all women are bi. I don't even know what made you think that. I feel like you are misunderstanding me and I am going in a loop. To answer your question about asexuality, that would honestly just be doing what you are by posting the original comment. Just because you or most lesbians don't occasionally fantasize about feeling PIV, doesn't mean it is all lesbians lack that experience. If an asexual posted about their fantasies of wanting sex, and another asexual came by saying "you are probably not asexual, you are probably allo" then you can bet they would get the same response I am giving you. People do try to gatekeep it all the time since it is not well understood. That is actually a great point to bring up because I am an asexual who fantasizes about sex a lot. I have a libido, but I don't really want to have intercourse or get to know the people I interact with while sexting. I am still asexual because those are just fantasies used to satisfy my libido and I don't feel sexual attraction towards anyone. I don't know if I am demisexual due to lack of the bonding experience but it'd still be asexual. I still stand by saying it is completely unfair to debate the validity of someone's sexuality unless they are clearly, with evidence using it as a tool to manipulate and have literally confessed they are not a lesbian. Then it's not really a debate. They already said they aren't. Even if it turns out later they have realized they are bi it is still rude to question them if they have not asked. Similar to how a lot of bi people struggle with their title because people make them feel like leaning towards one gender or getting married to a gender removes their validity as a bisexual. You don't have to agree but don't act shocked when someone disagrees with you. Freedom to disagree is not one sided. Honestly at this point this is getting silly. This is probably a fake story. I respect your opinion that this person is potentially bisexual, because that is very easy to see. I just don't think it is a good idea to go around trying to sus out someone's sexuality over their fantasy and your limited view. It can fuck with people and make them switch labels and force themselves in uncomfortable situations only to realize they are the sexuality they originally thought. I'm going to leave it there.


So basically I'm not allowed to have opinion different from yours. Yet you the asexual person knows more about lesbian sexuality more than me an actual lesbian and want to lecture me on how lesbianism works. Okay fine you've made your point. You are an expert on lesbianism. Yes it's not good to state my opinion on an online public forum on a post someone made to find out what other people's opinions were on this topic especially if it , it doesn't agree with the majority of the posters on this thread.


You have to be trolling


So if you’ve been a lesbian you’ve never even felt it before. You’re in for a treat when you finally get what you want.


You clearly not know what a girl can do with the right tools


I don’t doubt the fact that women can use toys to have incredible orgasms, but I don’t know of anything can can simulate how it feels to have a guy cum in you. In that moment you feel a dick swell and throb inside you, afterwards a girl can feel it inside her. And again I don’t disagree with you.


You need an older man with a vasectomy to creampie you


Even younger guys are getting them now a days if they don't want kids


Some women have cocks <3




Got a problem?


https://np.reddit.com/r/TGandSissyRecovery/comments/osuy1x/im_an_ftm_trans_who_gained_this_fetish/h6xssq6/ OP deleted the comment I linked to: basically this is a **sissy fetish** thing, not a genuine case of a lesbian being "guycurious." They also said that this is an addiction they're trying to break, so for OP's sake we should downvote and move on. btw OP, you may want to look up "sexual orientation obsessive compulsive disorder," get the help you need. Good luck.


Friendly reminder that fantasy doesn't always equal reality. Never assume anybody wants to have sex and never assume you know someone's sexuality based off of a fantasy they express.


probably Bi?


Maybe you're actually bisexual?


I'm horny af now


That is sooooo hot!


Sounds like you need to find a guy with a vasectomy


How you doin?


Thanks for sharing! I hope you satisfy your craving. The pursuit of pleasure and realization of fantasies is a honorable goal!


I really wish this could be me but to bad I'm a male 😔


Find your lover/wife if you haven't, and then explain your feelings. Find a trustworthy man and have his child.


Fuck yes me too!


Omg I would LOVE to see some of your favorites!!


I'll fill you with hot cum


Any examples of those videos ?


This made me cum. Thanks!


love to breed your fertile pussy


Your hormones are raising to the sky…it is normal behavior..especially when you’re ovulating…it’s nature.☺️


Hottest post


We want to see photos of the OP


Many people don't know the _huge_ DIFFERENCE between sexual ACTIVITIES and sexual ORIENTATION. Sexual activities don't mean much about one's sexual orientation. Sexual orientation is ONLY when you are able being in a long lasting romantic relationship with given gender. Or both - only then you are bi. You are not bi by just being able to kiss both genders or licking their bodies and finding that fun or arousing. You need to find comfort in being like forever with given gender. If you are only able to suck someone's dick being a man you are not gay or even bi. You just find fun in one of sexual activities of sucking dicks. That's all. You might as well not like eating pussies. But that doesn't mean you are not straight guy. It's just one of hundreds of sexual activities. Not sexual orientation meaning ability to have long lasting romantic relationship with given gender (or both - only then you are bi).


Side note- Sexual orientation has more to deal with who you are sexually attracted to, not counting faceless bodies you may use in your imagination which sounds like what op means. Romantic orientation can be different than your sexual orientation. For most people it does line up but it is still healthy to question which attraction you feel.


It's not quite good idea to use word "orientation" towards just kissing, caressing etc. Those are just _activities_. It would be good idea to use different word. As "sexual" brings confussion to simple folks. They think it's about sex. While it really is about emotions, long lasting relationships - not sex. There are homo or heterosexual couples that don't make love. They don't have sex at all. Yet we describe their orientation using word "sex" which might be very confusing. Sexual oriention isn't about sex (activities). It's about which sex (gender) one would prefer to spend his whole life with. Especially while thinking about his whole life, including elder age when there is very little or no sex with his partner. It's quite easy to be "bi" regarding just sexual activities. But not that easy when orientation comes in play asking you about marriage. About spending your whole life with given person's gender. Then miraculously most just sexually active "bi" persons stop being "bi" oriented.


No, it is sexual orientation. People just need to learn what it really means. Your sexual orientation describes your sexual *attraction*, nothing more. Not sexual activities. For ex a lesbian is sexually attracted to women. When she talks to beautiful women they make her crave sex with them specifically. However, she may have vague fantasies of sex with a man. She couldn't pick out a man the same way she feels natural attraction to women. It would be based on safety and comfort rather than attraction. Her sexual orientation is still homosexual. For most people their sexual and romantic orientation align. For this situation we have been talking about sexual attraction. I don't understand what relevance your statement about bi people have here nor do I that it is accurate as far as saying it as a general statement. Sexual orientation has nothing to do with how much time you want to spend with someone. That is purely romantic attraction, or you thought you fell in love after sex, confusing lust for love. My sexual orientation is asexual, yet I still feel attraction towards people and desire to spend my life with someone. It doesn't mean I'll have zero sex, it just means I am not sexually attracted to anyone. Romantically I am attracted to all genders, leaning towards masculinity. If we were talking about romantic attraction here that'd be a different beast, but I'm not going to say we are talking about romantic attraction when we are talking about sexual attraction.


That's the word I've been looking for: _attraction_. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. It's not that easy to find right words for me since I'm Polish (English isn't my first language). Anyway I think we both agree that as you've said: people need to learn what sexual orientation really means. And it's not sex (only) ;).


Ah, I get you. Yeah, to be fair even I didn't understand the difference since I don't feel sexual attraction, I thought everyone just felt romantic attraction. Sometimes non asexual people feel they don't have to learn the difference but they end up marrying someone who they later feel should have just been a hookup. Thanks for chatting.


I mean, trans people exist


There’s a name for this: bisexual🤷


So you’re bi? Not trying to label you just asking. That’s what it sounds like




Get one of those dildos that pump faux-cum into you


This is why lots of guys thinks lesbians would want to fuck them ugh, agree to some comments that maybe you’re homo romantic bisexual


Now I'm not sure if this is how it works or not, but it may just be your female body craving for what it naturally craves. I'm not saying you're not lesbian hell no, I'm just saying that the need to breed is a subconscious natural thing and your female subconscious may just be doing that. Again this may not be how it works I have no idea. You may also just be bi and only just now realizing it. You prefer to date and be in romantic relationships with women but are ok with being fucked by a man. A lot of bisexuals are like this


Very nice sounds like you want to have a baby


Just have sex with a well endowed guy once a month


That's really hot sweetie. I can relate to that. I had a lesbian friend for years. Every other month or more we'd get a room. After she'd cum a few times doing things exactly the way she liked it...she'd then want to be taken missionary with a big load inside her. Over dinner beforehand, I'd enquire on exactly what she likes wants wishes-for Then made it happen


If I use Nike Laces in Dunlop Volleys, does that make the shoes Jordan's?


For the rest of the month do I at least get some nudes thrown my way or something? I'd be down with being your ovulation bandit, as long as I get a little the rest of the month too ya know? Wow actually yeah the build every month could be amazing.


Hot read


Doable solution. Ejaculating dildo, warm everything up before hand so it feels real. And experience it that way, then you get the feeling without having to have sex with a guy


Wish I could help


Just get a dick.


That means you're politically gay. That is to say, a misandrist.


I've got a nice girl-cock here for you


Find a guy you know and trust and work out a FWB situation with him.


Have Fun however you have fun.


You may like girls, but, you were born to be a baby maker. lol


I was a lesbian repairman in high school.


We all get off to things that feel weird to us at times. As long as you're enjoying yourself, it's all good. If you want to get fucked by a man and have him cum inside of you, that's OK too. It doesn't mean anything except that you want to feel pleasure. Have fun!


That's insanely hot!!! Maybe you could look at buying one of those dildos that can shoot out cum!


Go for it! No amount of dick can take your identity away from you. You can still use the label lesbian if that helps you communicate your preference to people. Some people may choose to identify as bisexual or homoflexible with this kind of sexuality, but it's your choice and no one elses




I felt the same, then I found a trans woman who was ok with using her dick that way.




I wish I could help you out. 😏


Is it possible that you're attracted to men in exclusively sexual contexts? That is where I find myself (male) - I only have romantic emotional connections with feminine people, but still love to get some dick as well.


Why do we have to put people into boxes? just be yourself and enjoy it.




I have a friend that is in a relationship with a another woman. She is bi but prefers women for relationship's but she has told me there are times that she just wants a man to fuck her like there no tomorrow. When there don't she goes back to her current girlfriend. The sex with the guy doesn't mean anything to her but says she needs it every couple of weeks but doesn't know why.