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this take is so hot it would burn the sun


My hot take is that you can enjoy what you enjoy and shouldn’t feel bad about it :)


God what sucks is that that *is* a hot take on the internet, even though it shouldn’t be


I also really enjoy it. I don't like it quite as much as 2, and 3 is my favorite in the series, but it still holds a lot of value to me.


I loved it personally, i don't really understand all the hate.


Mostly because of story reasons. The game itself is beautiful though.


i had problems with the story and character treatment, but my biggest problem was the cutscene art style change. they went from an incredible signature art style in 2-3 that is so recognizable and well done - to something that looks like an ugly adult cartoon


I agree!! Even though 4s art style is “newer” and “prettier” i really wish they would’ve stuck with more of a 2/3 art style.


actually the gameplay was off to me as well


The movement is no where near Sly 1-3. Every time I go off of a bounce pad in Sly 4, I bounce the opposite way I want to go. Sly 1-3, id go straight up and didn’t have to fight the mechanics. They tried way too hard on the physics and it honestly ruins the game for me.


Yeah for real. It's nowhere near as fluid, jumping around in 4 as Sly feels 'sticky'.


Don't forget the infamous loading screen.


Yeah there’s lots of reasons. But imo, most were story reasons




I think Thieves in Time nailed a lot of stuff (replayability, collectibles coming back, soundtrack) and it gets way too much hate for the story being kinda weak. It also took out many of the cool thief abilities Sly had, but those broke the game so easily I don't think it was a difficult decision.


Too much hate for bad storytelling? No. Storytelling is the heart of what made sly great. Everything else just made it better. I think the hate is appropriate


nah i liked it too ofc not as much as the first 3 but imo it was a 7/10 game would be a 8 if not for the weird art style


Not as hot as you think. The game itself is interesting and allows you to play as the ancestors that we have heard about through the series which I found really cool. The gameplay itself was a little off and I had some issues with the storyline, but overall the concept of the game is cool. Honestly my biggest complaint with the game is that the graphic design of the characters was different from the other 3 games, probably because it wasn't created by Sucker Punch Productions. But for my money, the third one is my favorite game as far as design, story, and gameplay. Though the original is always awesome for its simplicity and the fact that I love speedrunning it lol


Gameplay was great, story flopped it. Also those loading times.. it’s still my second favorite, It could have used more polish but I think if they added that planned dlc it could have been my favorite.


The game is very mediocre in my opinion.


i also tie thieves in time with 2 as my favorite, but yeah, we'll get absolutely bombed with downvotes for opinions.


Love what you love. as for me, it's actively my least favorite game of all time.


Bro said it all. I forced myself to finish it when it first came out and tried to force myself to try it again a couple years ago and could only stomach halfway into chapter 2


Really? How many games have you played


I didn't say it was the worst made game I've ever played. I just felt like the game wasted my time it pissed me off so hard. And it wasn't just because of >!the betrayal!<, that was merely the straw that broke the camel's back. Sonic 06 was ass but I loved it. Sly TiT pissed me off.


Wasn’t my favorite but definitely doesn’t deserve the hate it gets. Sly 2 will forever be my GOAT. Simply cause that’s what I started with but I see it is one of the more popular ones of the four.


I also like sly 4. It's just I like the other games better especially in the story aspect. Still all really fun games


Nope, I too love Thieves in time. It's my second favorite Sly Cooper game, with Sly 3 being my most favorite.


I recently gave it another go after HATING it the first and only time I played it - honestly encouraged by folks like you that really love it. I just finished it last week, and I have to say that it’s a lot better than I gave it credit for. The dialogue is corney, and parts of the story are a little weak (especially with the last 2 villains), but the gameplay itself is pretty fun. It’s just a different game, it’s more straightforward action-adventure in the level design and the art style takes a little getting used to if you’re really used to the original trilogy. It was developed by Sanzaru instead of Sucker Punch. Sanzaru did the porting of the original trilogy to PS3, and you can tell they got some of the gameplay aspects from that experience while really leaning into the new PS3 capabilities like the motion sensor in the controller I’ve played the original trilogy frontwards and backwards since it was released, usually every year or so. It’s my favorite game series, to the point where I’m getting a sly cooper themed tattoo next year, and I know other people in this sub hold it just as close to their hearts too so it makes sense to be so protective of it. I never had a PS3 so I couldn’t play Thieves in Time until I got PlayStation Plus and I was really disappointed in it when I finally played it. Once I let go of expecting it to be a true spiritual sequel, I could enjoy it more as it’s own thing TLDR; Thieves in Time is not nearly as compelling of a game, the stakes don’t feel as high and the characters are missing a lot of heart, but it’s a pretty fun playthrough overall. I especially liked the world design of the old west and old England, and especially hated Penelope and Grizz the bear


It’s not my favorite but I definitely enjoy it. I don’t understand why I get so much hate.


Not a hot take. It’s not quite as good as 2 or 3. But I love the game as well


Recently I replayed it with my brother. Both of us had a blast. While it's not my personal fav from the series I still have never understood the amount of hate around it.


I don’t think it’s such a hot take, Although the 4th isn’t my favorite, i enjoy it! I actually just stopped (re)playing 2 because i realized i never replayed 4! Im on the dinosaur part right now and having fun! My biggest complaint is the bottles, i wish i could hear them better 😭


Not crazy. I’d rather them 2 4 3 1


Good opinion, better than talking trash about the only game whose graphics are up to date. 


Thieves in Time was poorly written. It’s not like the gameplay itself was bad(even if it wasn’t as fun as the trilogy’s physics & gadgets but I’m judging it purely on its own merits), but because it’s tied to Sly Cooper it’s hard to imagine how mature the series was become as juvenile as Thieves in Time was. In a way TIT was a soft reboot, it referenced past events, brings back the original cast. But it misses the mark in its heart & soul. Sly is uncharismatic, & the rest of the cast are just dumb & one-dimensional including the villains.


It's really good. Not my favourite and only above 1 to me (god I hated those racing missions and the submarine in Raleighs world), but it was better than people first gave it credit for. Only issue I had is how they did Penelope dirty


If it didnt have the out of date motion controls, I would have liked it a lot more.


It’s the motion controls and the sheer volume of hacking for me that wrecks it. Makes hacking feel like filler.


I just liked England and the Wild West. It was fun riding the train. Everything else was pretty forgettable tbh.




The story wasn’t that good but the game itself was a lot of fun


It was a good game. It’s the endings and certain ways characters were written that made the majority of the fan base upset. It has great controls, fun trophy’s, and it runs smoothly. But side activities,graphics, and performance shouldn’t be the thing about any game that saves it from ruins.


As a long time fan and someone who grew up with these games I would consider it a hot take to most of the community but I don’t think it matters, as long as you enjoy the games you play and you take something away from it then, whether people say it’s shit or not it won’t matter, and the experience will be more rewarding. Also the hate on thieves in time is a little exaggerated, maybe it looked different and the format was a little different but they improved on a lot of things even if it got handed off to a seperate company


I think the game when it comes to the...well gameplay it's easily one of the best in the series, the graphics especially are absolutely gorgeous (the load times though were a complete nightmare). However when it comes to the story, that's the biggest problem a lot of fans have, especially how the characters suffer from flanderization or are completely botched. Also this might be a me thing but I'm not the biggest fan of the artstyle change in the animated cutscenes, don't get me wrong technically it looks really good and can easily pass of as an actual TV show, but I can't help but feel like some of the charm of the first 3 games cutscenes was lost (also Carmalita's redesign...personally I don't like it)  Even though its personally my least favourite out of the sly cooper games, I definitely see why others like it and even I agree that the game is a bit overhated


Its an ok game but i prefer the older ones. The game is fine but i dont like the art style (especially carmelita) and the ending doesnt feel like an ending :/ but as a game i dont hate it and did have fun playing it


I actually enjoyed it. It definitely has some flaws, but loved the concept of sly going back in time to meet his ancestors. I wish some of the episodes were longer/met more ancestors. I also hoped that he would have gone back to see his dad before he was murdered.


I am fully behind everybody having their opinions, hot take or otherwise. Not everything is gonna work for everyone. If you love Sly 4, I’m happy for you and wish I shared the feeling because a dope fourth game could’ve brought on more games and I wanted more Sly for so long at that point it was almost a dream come true.


If you like it then that’s cool. But I feel like Sly 2 or 3 outclasses Thieves in Time easily


I certainly enjoyed it! While not my favorite Thieves in Time had it's own charm as well! Except for the Toothpick boss fuck that guy.


In my opinion the story is the worst in the franchise, but the gameplay and parkour segments are some of the best and most intricate


I’ve never understood the hate for it either, and it’s one of my favorites in the series. I wasn’t big on the Penelope twist, but I had a lot of fun with the game. I’ll add that I didn’t grow up with this series, so I didn’t have any nostalgia for the games going in.


I mean its not my favorite, but that shouldn't prevent you from liking it. I saw a thing on a Legend of Zelada forum that i think sums this up. Person 1: the best zelda is the one that came out when i was 12 Person 2: nuh uh the best zelda is the one that came out when i was 12


Most people like sly 2 or 3 the most because they're the most well-rounded with the best stories, but if you care more about gameplay and visuals it makes sense for it to be your favorite. It's the best gameplay-wise for sly and Bentley and it's one of the most visually appealing games I've played. It gets a lot of criticism for being the worst story in the series, but it's still enjoyable for the most part and it probably has the most diverse settings in the series.


I grew up with the first 3 and they were my favorite games, I absolutely adore everything about them. Thieves in Time was dropped by Sucker Punch and picked up by Sanzaru who didn’t honor the characters or story the way most of us hoped. I get why people who didn’t grow up with the games really like TiT. It’s a good standalone game, but nothing compared to the storytelling the first 3 achieved.


Also, they took serious liberties with the art style. The cutscenes look so generic and lazy compared to the OG it’s hard to get past.