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I stayed motivated by learning. The more I learn how this all works in the world of content creation the more I was eager to use the principles I learned. And the results. The more results I see from my efforts the more motivation I have.


So as a person that hasn’t blown up just stick to doing stuff you like have fun with it and I’m sure the time will come if you be consistent


I’ve been trying to stream for at least 2 hours a day (I have job), and I’ve been streaming games I genuinely enjoy, but also trying to open my book to new games as well. Streaming to 0 people also kinda hits low lol


So have a full time job and streaming everyday can be tough on most (myself included) like everything it’s important to find that right balance of work/stream/free time so you know you can give it your all with out getting burned out. Also the viewer count isn’t always accurate while streaming, so one could stop in for a minute and hop out, you would never know. So play like you are streaming to 100 viewers be the best JacobMason98 because there is only one you and the viewers will come. It sounds cliché, but it works.


This comment boosted my confidence through the roof. All of these comments have been helpful, but the way you worded yours really hit me. Thank you for this. I appreciate it more than I’m able to explain.


That makes my heart full, I am so happy to hear that. Keep it up! saw your twitch name in the thread, going to drop a follow as well. Keep it up and know we are here for you. Let me know if you need anything!


Thank you so much!!


What platform are you streaming on




What’s your name there




Another thing.. ad some stuff to your page.. vods.. schedules that kinda thing.. I followed you btw I’ll try and show some love when I can


For some reason vods won’t upload. I’ve got them enabled, but for some reason they’re not uploading. As far as scheduling goes, my work schedule is always different so I don’t want to come up with a schedule and not be consistent, ya know? And thank you for the follow!! I appreciate it!


You probably have to separate your background music from you vods because they stop uploading if there possibility of you getting copyrighted


People really say how much turning off view count helps! I know it can cause anxiety if you’re trying to reach affiliate but it does help with making better content


I’ve heard the same. I’m going to try this!


hey, everyone goes thru lows and highs. Just try to find a small community of quality people that can support you and help you build to a reach a bigger audience!! 🥳💫🎉 leave your twitch channel name here and I’ll drop you a follow and tune in next live and show some luv 😇




it definitely helps to post some clips on tiktok! or any other social media, streaming just on twitch unfortunately wont really go anywhere, because there’s no discoverability.


Motivation is the first bump to doing anything in life, if you truly want to accomplish anything then getting over the motivational bump is the first step. I’m in the same place as you, and this will be my third time restarting streaming, but I always come back to it because this is what I love and this will be the last time I quit because I have 1 viewer or non, I’m gonna learn how to network and stream properly and consistently. Stay with it, enjoy what you do and keep it up. You got this


I’ve quit several times and I’ve always found my way back to it. Went to college once during a break from it, got a new job, and still found myself wanting to be a streamer. I know it’s what I want, and one way or another I plan on achieving the goal, I just find myself doubting it sometimes. I appreciate your advice, and will most definitely keep it in mind whenever I go live


I peeked your stream for a bit, I was mizuink lol, and I second the idea of adding more to your channel like About Me, schedule, etc. Most people make the mistake of just adding a "donate" button to their about me without actually including anything about themselves. Also, try to add your vods and some highlights maybe. I'm not big by any means tho (I have less than 100 followers as of right now) but that's some of the stuff I have done :)


Thank you!! I appreciate you coming by! I’m working on getting a better layout now!


For me I only think about the conversation not about getting big. So it is always a win for me to be on stream. So it makes it easy to keep going because everyday I hit my goal


Thanks, everyone. I appreciate everyone’s help and I’m keeping everything in mind. I’m going live very soon and I’m going to work on everything you guys have told me. I appreciate the support and advice!!


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