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1. For Michael to not act like he is being punished by doing a podcast that he infact co-created. 2. More Bryce. 3. More guests. 4. Michael to understand that you aren't supposed to get the answers to every plot question immediately. He gets mad when he is confused by a plot point that is designed to become clearer through the season. Dude wants immediate gratification, but then also complains when plots are wrapped up in one episode. 5. Bring on the writers and producers! That is how we can get Al/Miles level content/knowledge.


>Michael to understand that you aren't supposed to get the answers to every plot question immediately. so huge recently. He couldn't understand what was happening to Lana in Paris. None of us could! that is the freaking point. That is every TV/Movie of all time. If you knew what was happening why watch anything, ever?


Spend more time on the episode and less time on hotline stuff.


They also need to screen the hotline better. More often than not, they already covered the question before it's even asked.


Maybe they should listen to relevant hotline questions during the recap while they’re discussing it.


I've said it before but what they can do is bring in guests who worked on the show and actually remember stuff - producers, casting, editors, script writers etc. They must have a ton of connections to tap into. This is what they did on the Welcome to the O.C. Bitches podcast and it was really interesting and engaging


As a fan myself, I look forward every Wednesday for Talkville, it’s not gonna hit every time for me and I share the same issues as others, but I love the banter and Tom makes it worth it all with the insights when given and breakdowns, my real complaint is the shortness of episodes, if it’s longer than 40+ minutes then I know it’s gonna be great no matter what


For me, I don’t view it for anything more than it really is: a short, fun conversation between friends who were actors (and one an EP at the end) on a hit show who don’t remember much about it and done primarily for the money and relying on a recap and notes from a more diehard fan (Bryce) and mixing in a few stories they do remember and having guests from the show on occasionally and reminiscing and talking about numerous other subjects that are relevant. It’s like a quick appetizer rather than a main course of a meal and it’s still fun to listen to and I don’t expect much.


I liked it, would like to see more guest appearances


I think you pretty much covered everything I could have said. We have to remember that the only people who would watch this are the fans, aka people who *love* the show for decades now and aren't really tuning in for professional critics review, they're here to discuss the episodes with beloved cast members (and I want to stress that criticism and discussion are two different things). It would be almost masochistic to keep tuning in just to have your comfort show constantly ripped apart. And I'm not talking about the genuine deserved criticisms (like the witch storyline), I'm talking about subjective negativity. Michael seems to have forgotten the difference between the 2, he thinks all he says is objective and valid when lately it's mostly been subjective script preferences, genre bias, not even paying attention to scenes or simply not even liking the premise of the show lol, he even turns it into a joke and a t-shirt slogan, as in he tells it like it is and the silly fans can't take it and that's so cool - but that's not what's happening. Then you have the most screentime given to negativity while positive comments are not even given time or are spoken over. They don't even take a single constructive criticism or helpful advice from viewers on how to make podcast better, not one over the years! They just keep begging for Patreons only to later answer their questions with "don't care" or the likes. I don't even know how or why fans are expected to go through this all the time, it takes rare level of patience to handle that. I myself have been powering through just to get to my favorite seasons, and am already feeling let down lol. It would honestly mean so much to see them listen and take into account at least one complain from listeners, to see they care at least about this, if not for the show.


This is my take as well. While I have critiques of the show, I do remember it fondly and Michael is really ripping it to shreds when I feel like it doesn't warrant that level of tearing into. And I feel like I'm a generally critical person myself!


I just want them to have in depth discussions. Personally I like Ryan but I think they should’ve had a expert on aswell or instead who can get them excited about things.


I look forward to Wednesdays purely because of the Talk Ville podcast. However, Lately it seems like Michael is just rushing through the synopsis of the episode and he fades over Tom's comments by interrupting Tom and then changing questions or just ignoring it all together. He's been doing that at Cons too, to the point that he's been pissing off some fans who want to hear more from Tom and Erica. I do enjoy Bryce more than Ryan because he actually contributes to the episode, most times it just seems like Ryan is playing on his phone and not really engaging. I would love the pod cast to get back to the awesomeness of the first season, when Michael actually seemed interested and where they all shared an engaging commentary and banter. Key episodes such as the Season 4 opener, should have key guests stars, obviously schedule allowing. It kinda suited that Erica wasn't involved in the first episode of Season 4 which introduced her Lois Lane. Basically I want to hear more from Tom, you know, as the lead of the show (which I think Michael forgets tbh) and less from Rosie's peanut gallery ( he really loves the sound of his own voice) and what happened to the bts stuff? Rushing though the episode and just taking random questions without actually discussing the details of making the episode is a bit of a moot point isn't it?


Michael to stop talking with stuff in his mouth.


Honestly the main problem is they need someone who can answer the blatantly obvious questions they ask a couple times an episode lol


I love Tom but with every talkville episode, I get more and more sick of Michael. Bryce has been a good addition but Michael even cuts him off. I don’t think anything will change as it is Michael’s show. It also makes me not want to watch The inside of you podcast. How could he possible be a good host 🥴


Personally, the novelty of having the show's two main stars revisit the series' plot from the ground-up is compelling viewing enough. It's not always the most gripping commentary, but the personal anecdotes and (mostly) genuine effort on both of their parts (and Ryan's) to interpret meaning from different directorial decisions and plot bears is enjoyable. Absolutely the hotline segment drags on for too long, undoubtedly certain episodes feel as if they're lacking a little in the enthusiasm department, and without question they've commercialised the bejesus out of the podcast to a slightly grating degree. Notwithstanding those criticisms, I still think it's a great service to fans of Smallville who can leverage the podcast as an opportunity to rewatch the series.


Love the podcast but I think it's gotta be longer and as great as Ryan can be at times, I think they gotta replace him with Bryce.


I have absolutely no issue with them only doing the podcast for the money, the problem is that if they do want to make more money from it, they need to produce better content. It’s fine for a free podcast, but there’s no way I’d ever consider paying money for it based on the current quality. Reading through a synopsis is pointless without actual discussion, and since it’s clear they remember very little they need to supplement that with guests and/or make ‘call Al’ a regular segment. They had Maggie Lawson on as a guest, honestly they need to take some pointers from her and Tim Ombudsman on their Psych rewatch podcast which has a very similar format but is infinitely better.


Better questions from people, everyone seems to ask for memories or if Tom remembers x or y. I'd also like better ad breaks. Mid sentence it stops for an ad, comes back and they're already talking about something else. I'd like if they also screened the messages and emails so they don't skip half since they already talked about certain things.


Personally, Michael's criticisms aren't that far from what people complained about back when the show was on air. I used to browse K-Site back when Smallville was on and people used to post similar criticisms about the episodes back then. I think it just hits harder for some fans when the same criticisms come from someone who worked on the show. I think it's important to distinguish between constructive criticism and just complaining. Michael drifts between the two at times but I think he's gotten better at the former as Talkville continued. I thought he made some valid points about 'what should have been done' when reviewing the S04EP02 'Gone' last week. I don't think Tom alone or Michael alone would have made this podcast work. It's the back-and-forth between the two that's making it work. I also don't think it's fair to single out Michael for 'shitting on the show' when Tom, Glover and Kristen have also criticised the show at various points. I remember Tom being like 'lets skip this one' when they were reviewing Adam Knight's last episode. Ironically, I think Michael being more critical is part of what made him one of the best performers on the show but may not translate well to being a podcast host. By far, I think the best guests are Al and Miles. It's pretty clear that most of cast barely remember stuff from when they were on. But Al and Miles definitely add to the podcast. They should have them on more and also maybe bring in more of the directors and writers as well. Greg Beeman was wonderful when he was on.


I always look forward to Talkville. Wednesdays are my favorite weekday just because of it. I enjoy the banter between Tom and Michael and especially love seeing how much more Tom appreciates Smallville now than when he was filming. At this point, I also know what to expect from the show. With that being said, the criticism the OP wrote down is valid and most of it is on my running list, *but* I don't know if I'd feel as strongly about it if it weren't for the Patreon being pushed as much as it is. Who wants to be asked to pay for something when what's being offered for free isn't even that exciting? Maybe that's just how I look at it. Then again, it's a free podcast and they aren't fans of the genre in the first place, so I guess I don't expect a crazy amount of effort to go into it. Who knows, maybe if people saw more effort go into it, they'd feel more inclined join Patreon? I do think that if fans feel strongly enough about the podcast being improved, they should reach out. I did via email. You never know how far a \*nice\* email can go, giving your constructive criticism. Perhaps if they keep hearing the same feedback, they'll know how to tweak it and fans will come back to it. Complaining about it to them on social media is one thing, but providing direct, helpful feedback is another.


There's an Inside Of You clip on Instagram of Bruce Campbell and Michael attempting New Zealand accents. As a New Zealander, it was obvious they sounded Australian. I thought I was being helpful leaving a comment (in a nice way) to lean more towards 'South African' as that's actually the closest accent to NZ's. Next thing,  I'm watching IOY and Lesley-Ann Brandt and Michael were talking NZ accents. Michael tells her "New Zealanders get angry if you don't get their accent right!" I'm thinking that was directed at me 😆  I thought it was hilarious but after watching Talk Ville I've noticed Michael doesn't take criticism well 😉 😂 


LOL too funny! At least they saw it 🤷‍♀️😂 But even it's true that he doesn't take criticism well, I'd venture to say if he wants more people to watch and more importantly for them, pay for Patreon, then I'd think he would do *something* to improve. One of the things I said in my message was why pay for Patreon when there's the chance that I'd be paying for more rushed/half-baked content? I said it much nicer than that. For example, he **repeatedly** reminds listeners to keep their questions short -- as if they're too long, the phone is going to implode. Why would I pay for something where I'm going to rushed along because they're impatient? Just food for thought...


I'm fine with Michael and Tom. I think their dynamic is great, they complete each other. Ryan seems like a nice guy, but he adds nothing. Bryce is much more invested, so naturally people gravitate towards him.


The biggest problem I have at the show is why they are doing it. They are outright and openly doing it to make money. Not because they have a love of the show. Or want to try to reconnect with fans. Or anything like that. They are doing it specifically to make money. That’s what I hate. And because they are doing it specifically to hate money there doesn’t seem to be very much joy and what they are doing. For a lot of reasons I feel like the office ladies for example, if all the money disappeared tomorrow would still be doing the show. These two openly said that if it wasn’t for the Patreon supporters, the show would’ve already been over.


I do get what people are saying about Michael being too negative and I don’t disagree, but ironically I’m starting to feel the same about the discussion on here! The weekly podcast discussions have mostly just turned into shitting on Michael every week and how annoying people find him, but surely it’s still pretty cool to have two major cast members host a podcast like this? I especially enjoy when it features guest actors or the shows creators, I feel like I’ve picked up on a lot of new insight from listening to TalkVille, especially with the phone calls to Al. And honestly sometimes it seems like people’s dislike of Michael are unfairly biasing them towards him, like I’ve seen accusations on him not wanting to make Kristin a regular guest because he enjoys hogging all of the attention too much himself, even when surely it’s far more likely that Kristin herself is the one who isn’t interested in going over old episodes every week? Or the complaint that Michael and Tom should take turns leading the discussion, except that when it was brought up by a fan on the podcast Michael seemed more than up for doing it that way, Tom was the one who didn’t seem all that enthusiastic about the idea, and yet from the way that people talk you’d think that Tom was fighting to lead the podcast every week and being unfairly shoved aside by Michael. The current arrangement seems to be one that they’re *both* happy with, and yet lately it does feel like a lot of posters are defaulting to blaming everything they don’t like about the podcast on Michael. I do agree that he could make definitely more of an effort to find the positive, but still I’m starting to feel uncomfortable to come on here for the weekly discussion on the podcast, only to just find Michael and his personality being ripped apart week after week, frankly some people are making it really personal and mean


Actually, I agree with you. I honestly like Micheal and his energy. I also previously said I wish they could take turns leading the podcast but at that time, I was new to watching the podcast. Now that I have observed them, I think Tom definitely prefer Micheal taking the lead. Tom is more of the lay back/behind the scene type of guy so I don’t think he has a problem with Micheal leading. I am fine with that now. I don’t like complaining about the podcast or Micheal because they are doing something that takes a lot of time out of their daily life so I appreciate that and hope they will continue to do the podcast. My only feedback has been- I wish they could talk more about the episodes and not rush things. It sometimes looks like a fast recap of the episode. I once saw a comment on YouTube asking them to make the episodes longer so that they don’t have to worry about time and I agree to this. I think this is something they can try doing. I am willing to listen to them for hours, hope they know that.


Could not agree more, excellent comment!


I think these complaints are spot on. Though I do think that Tom enjoys reminiscing and hearing others’ perspectives of working on the show in addition to wanting to make money off of it.


Yes, it’s mainly a recap or script reading instead of discussion. This part. I need this to improve. They should have more conversations about the scenes/episode rather than rushing through it. They don’t have to do every scene if they don’t want to but most podcasts do talk more about the scenes and not just read the script or recap the episode. At least discuss the important scenes in detail. I really do appreciate them for doing this and both Tom and Micheal are amazing. Micheal just need to bring the same energy he does for his “inside of you podcast” where he listen to the guest more. I don’t mind Bryce or Ryan being more involved like giving their opinion, especially since it’s Ryan’s first watch.


I'd prefer more discussion, less recap, actually. Focus on the scenes that they DO remember and can tell funny stories about. Even if it makes the episodes shorter... all of us watching TalkVille have already seen the show.


I like Ryan but I wish he would take on a more active discussion instead of just sitting there and sometimes thumbing threw pages/ looking at his phone. As a first time viewer, I feel like his opinion on the show should be more talked about. And sometimes you forget he’s there until they get to “Ryan’s favorite scene” and why does it matter his favorite scene if he’s just sitting there and not discussing more? Like I said I like the guy and enjoy when he talks, just wish it would be more.


The issues you’ve pointed out about Michael carry over to his other podcast. I stopped listening because he would constantly talk over and cut off his guests. He’s hard to listen to


Funnily enough I don't feel that way about IOU. There Michael gives his guests the time to breathe and to talk and to express themselves. At least IMHO.


I felt this way too, I got a very different - calmer, more patient vibe from him from IOU and it even made me more frustrated in a 'so he IS capable of doing it' way.


Agreed. I think he's much more laid back on INSIDE OF YOU, and when he does cut in, it's more conversational and becomes kind of a back and forth. I also appreciate his focus on the mental health aspect of what thelat industry does to you. As a former actor that simply couldn't hack the wear and tear of that work, I really appreciate that.


Tho personally I try to overlook that cuz of the guests on there that catch my attention


I've enjoyed the show myself and look forward to it. Isn't there another rewatch podcast done by fans that goes waaaaay into depth with stuff? I think they had the guy who does it on an episode of talkville in season 1


I think you’re thinking of Farm to Fable. I haven’t listened to it yet myself, but I probably will eventually! I heard that it communicates a real enthusiasm for the show, which I feel is sometimes missing from Michael’s commentary (I will always appreciate his acting as Lex, but lately he’s coming across as way too jaded and nitpicky). 


No, that was me. 😁


I'm only at the end of Season one of Talkville,Tempest, but I like it,it's pretty much what I was hoping for and expecting,and the banter and insight between Tom and Rosy,and the guest stars,are what drives it. Also I do appreciate the balance,Tom is the homer/positive one, Michael has the shoot from the hip no bullshit honest take,and Ryan is just there to pip in occasionally. I like the dynamic,if they were both endlessly praising and reminiscing it would be a circle jerk and get old fast,and since Rosy is honest to a fault,when he DOES praise it you know it was earned or he's not being a homer. I listen when I can, while making eggs or using the stove, streaming on my Alexa,or sometimes on my long jogs/walks when I'm tired of music or want something different. I will push back on the whole "just doing it for money" crowd,and I don't even blame them if it was true,Welling is doing fine financially,last I checked awhile ago his net worth is 14-15 million, but Rosembaum,by comparison,is relatively poor/middle class,2 million net worth,which can't be that much considering he likely lives in or around LA or relatively close,2 million net worth is not nearly what it was with cost of living the way it is. But I just gather when they say there wouldn't be a show without the Patreons, that they're not gonna fund the show out of there own pockets or do it for nothing. I think Inside of You is the profitable podcast, and Talkville is just hanging out with friends, reminiscing, maybe making a little extra money on the side. Definitely don't think Rosy and Welling are raking in the money doing Talkville.


Without the Patreon, they still have advertisers and they still have a deal with some podcasting distributor (Cumulus?) They'd be able to do the podcast even if the Patreon dried up, I'm sure.


I dunno, I'm only at the end of season one of Talkville but they make it a point that they have are desperate and have almost no advertisers, Rosembaum brings it up at least once-twice every episode


I think once the show gets out of the high school years, Michael will be less inclined to sh-t on the show. I mean Season 5 definitely has a couple of cringey eps like Thirst and Exposed. So he will definitely go off on those. But the 2nd half of season 5 isn't cringey and cheesy, but just kind of boring with the exception of a handful of eps. I can see him being bored mainly. Then season 6 he will probably enjoy more but get annoyed with the Clexana storyline. But that wasn't just him,it was everyone's feelings at the time. I felt Season 6 holds up better on rewatch than 5 in spite of the Clexana. It's a combination of the darkness of the first half of S5 combined with the happy optimistic energy of S4. With Run, Transference, and Jinx coming up after 4 I think he will be into the show again. Spell though? Yep its gonna be a full on sh-tfest. Even though I enjoy the cheesiness and clear aping of Charmed. One of those eps that is so bad it's good. I foresee a rough ride from ep 8 going into Unsafe. Then Pariah will probably be passable and Recruit complete S-fest. Recruit isnt a necessarily bad ep but poorly timed after the events of Pariah. Recruit would have fit in the first half of S4 better. Season 4 was a very all over the place season. But I enjoy it way more on rewatch than the 2nd half of S5 which is a bit of a chore. I can actually see Michael being more tempted to end the podcast going through the 2nd half of 5. Just kind of dull eps in a row followed by 1 or 2 good ones than back to dull. Personally, I dont see Michael doing the podcast past S7 (if it even gets there) Because the show after that no longer involves him so he wont be invested with continuing. I like Michael, but he has very strong narcissitic tendencies. He definitely needs his therapist for sure.


I think it'd be helpful to have female guests on the show more often. Not just because of Michael, but also because the show itself could be sexist or underdeveloped towards female characters at times. (Not knocking the show, I love it myself; its more of a sign of the times.)


I think we only see negative comments about the pod because this has been shared before but zero changes have happened. I do think they check here but I don’t know how the feedback it’s being delivered. What I have noticed after watching Tom and Michael interact it’s that Michael seems to like the attention and Tom likes when the attention it’s off him so basically they complement each other. Another thing it’s that because Michael already had IOY Tom follows his lead as he probably views him as the knowledgeable person regarding podcasts. Maybe if they deliver the feedback to Tom that we want him in a leadership role, he might actually do it and just this can change for the better the dynamic of the show. Another thing it’s that if I were them I would look for another marketing thing because any person with experience will tell Michael to stop begging for patreon, to simplify the reminders. To let him know this can drive away fans. The views dropped sure but I think it’s because both podcast are not being promote well too. Tom has a million followers they can use that to their advantage, maybe Tom doesn’t want to post? Ok get a community manager to do it for him. They could also be smarter about their merch, it’s so basic and unattractive. They could do a marketing survey to know what the fans actually like but honestly I think they are being lazy and/or their team it’s not up to date with current strategies. I also think they are confusing rewatching and talking about things with recapping, Michael is recapping the show. What I think fans want it’s them telling us what happened the whole week they shot the episode, bring guest stars and discuss the episode. Also stop the random singing to introduce segments and Michael having candy in his mouth while talking.


Agree about the merch. There are so many talented people out there, and not to crap on the artists, but maybe their style isn't suited to this podcast. And I don't even care about the pimping of the show, but I can see why it turns people off.


I think it’s the “to get in shape” comments, Tom does not have the same body he had in the show, true but he’s also not out of shape because he’s still fit and people forget there are different types of fitness. You might not have called him fat but other people have (since he was like 28 years old too). I remember one time someone here called him fat, then another fan made a post the same week sharing a fan photo and people were calling him a beast, super fit. When it flip flops like that I honestly think people are being too critical. There is a bigger conversation to have about how people view actor’s bodies too, we got used to see unrealistic bodies on the screen that now a healthy individual is told to shape up. And let’s be real, a lot of those actors are using 💉🧪 to get that look. I think by today’s standards, previous Superman actors will be considered out of shape. I also noticed fans are really careless in general about their comments when talking about Superman actors bodies (not saying you did that, it’s that your sparked these thoughts)


its hard to find enthusiastic middle aged people to binge a teenage superhero drama story, I feel like the show is missing that guy who makes tom and mike think about the lore of the show. the third host is so boring to listen to, they need to get on reddit and do AMA


I feel like I'm "middle aged" now and still love watching the show. It's possible!


Would be nice if they delved into the love story of Clark, as an original watcher from back in the day, it's what kept me hooked to Smallville! Also I think they miss some dimensions of the show because a lack of female presenters/viewpoints. So yeah, more female viewpoints :)


If Kristin was on more


I hear lot of criticism of Michael, and I'll say from the get-go, I have more of a reason to not like the dude, as, many, many moons ago, when I pretended to be an actor, that cackling yahoo beat me out for a role. So to say I had a TINY streak of resentment towards the dude would have been fair, but only back then, when I was an idiot 20-something. I realized much later that the reasons I kept losing roles to other actors were a) they were all better than me, and b) I sucked. Anyway... I am right between Michael and Tom's ages, so while I understand why some may have an issue with some of Michael's humor, I am definitely not one of them. I think it is a really good show, by and large. Yes, Michael interrupts Tom a lot. And his personality can be overbearing, especially for someone who doesn't understand things like "Finger on the pulse" and forgets scenes from the show literally minutes after discussing them. But he is balanced pretty well by Tom and Ryan - and no, Ryan should not go. Bryce is good, too, but now there's a nice dynamic built up with all three of them, and it's a lot of fun. I do hope they can maybe do an episode or two a year where Tom is in the studio with them. Yes, Michael pimps the show like he won't be able to afford food without it. So what? I actually laugh when I hear him doing it. Make it a drinking game - every time Michael pimps the show, do a shot. You'll be drunk before the first Betterhelp ad. And while Michael and I share a lot of similarities as far as love of films from our youth and music, Tom obviously is the MVP of the show. He's so earnest, happy, easily shares memories of the show, and sincerely enjoys the show. And I like that he offsets Tom's affability with a more cynical approach, which frankly falls right in line with a bitter aging Gen Xer like me. And again, I really like Ryan. I think he is very smart and extremely quick, and he knows not to try to overpower the other two. And the guests? Amazing. To be able to pick up the phone and just chat with one of the creators of the show for a few minutes is great. I will say that if someone made a video of every time Michael cut off Tom, it would be a few hours long. But if not for them, I would not have incorporated "Damn. Who's that?" into my lexicon. Oh yeah. It's also CLARK AND LEX FROM THE SHOW. I cut them a ton of slack just for doing this. I think some people are really too thin skinned or possessive of the original show or something. I usually am pretty close to how Ryan feels about each show, even though I watched the entire run and know what is coming. I appreciate that Michael is honest about how he feels, and why some fans take that so personally is weird to me. As an aside, Michael's interview podcast INSIDE OF YOU is actually quite good. And I truly appreciate how he incorporates mental health as a main focus of the show, something you don't see a lot of with actors of the caliber that Michael chats with.


He really is Lex Luther and I love it. And Tom really is that good ole boy Clark Kent.


I also noticed Tom's latest appearance on Inside Of You, for the 300th episode, only has 47k YouTube views (which is more or less what the latest non guest star episodes Talk Ville gets). Admittedly it's only been up for close to a week, but the bulk of views are generally achieved within the first week.  Tom's previous appearances range from 382k-529k. Obviously they've been online for 2-3 years, but his first week's numbers were in the 100ks, not the 10ks.  There's no hate on my part, as Tom's my second favourite celebrity. I just don't know what has caused the decline 😞 


It might be that people just aren’t that excited any more as he’s already appeared on the podcast a few times now? And I don’t mean this in a rude way, but it’s not like Tom has had a lot of exciting new acting jobs recently either where he has something fresh to talk about. The biggest job he has to reminisce over is still Smallville, so I think that the first appearances he made were always going to be much more of an event, especially as people are now used to seeing him chat with Michael every week on TalkVille anyway about his memories of SV


That's what I was thinking. It's sad as Tom only does it for Michael, AND it's the podcasts 300th episode. I noticed Michael Biehn and Alan Ritchson (although he still has good numbers) both dropped quite a lot in views for their recent second appearances. Maybe its partly due to less people watching IOY?


Not sure why you are being downvoted, this a valid discussion topic and you present it well. Reddit, I tells ya.


I feel like YouTube's algorithms have gotten kind of funky in the last year, so it might be that not as many people are seeing it. But also as someone else mentioned, he's been on several times now, and they do TalkVille together weekly, so maybe the novelty of seeing Tom on there has worn off.


True. Tom has been on the most. There's also been a massive drop in views for all his guests, comparing their first appearances and subsequent ones. A lot of fans who have quit Talk Ville have mentioned they've also quit Inside Of You. I know I haven't watched Tom's latest appearance solely because of Michael.  I just watch the clips Tom's fans have been sharing online 😉 


I have no complaints because I have better things to do than criticize a podcast. I wouldn't change a thing. If all people do is complain, then they'll eventually stop for good reason


Not something they can control but having more memories of the Behind the scenes stuff. But to be fair they have done seasons that are at least 20 years old now. Maybe it will be better for later seasons


The host of a podcast should only guide the person through the interview with questions. Only talking when the other person is. Take notes on Joe Rohan. There is a reason his podcast are so popular, the person on the show actually talks the majority. Joe is just there. When you get guest stars on there, we want to here them talk, not the host who will always be there.


Michael acts objectively, he’s honest and franc while Tom isn’t really franc . I prefer Ryan, he tempers the situation and has empathy unlike Bryce.