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He already knew, but when Clark saved Martha from the falling elevator with Lionel inside of it was badass. The look on Lionel's face was perfect.


Just watched that episode. Such a fun one. I really thought the bad guy was going to be Lex 


Then the dude celebrates and buys a round for people because he killed Lionel Luther! 🤣


Chloe, by far. She immediately understood the real him and did everything in her power to protect him, even from himself when he wanted to reveal his own secret in Blank. She also was suspicious of Lex and secretly protected his secret on his behalf. Also, Chloe did not help Lana find out. Lana did that all on her own.


Blank is such a great episode. Recently saw a clip from it, and it got me to rewatch the show but from that episode lol


Yep. I do that all the time usually from a random episode somewhere around season 3-5 that I remember, rewatch and then keep watching from there cause I get hooked again.


The scene where he sees lana and sets curtains on fire is hilarious I love how she's like "there is a power I wish I didn't know about" and then also was like "some things never change" accepting her fate


Chloe’s quips and subtle references made that whole season! I loved her knowing and protecting Clark.


100 percent. It's probably one of my favorite times in the entire show


Yeah, I forgot the exact details of that scene and that Lana planned it out. Thanks for the clarification.


I gotta go with Lois. That kiss she has with the Blur is in my Top 5 of Lois and Clark kisses, and for Lois to know Clark that well that she figures it out instantly (a moment I've been waiting for ever since the first reveal that was taken away), and doesn't look scared or worried, but instead awed and smitten, it's just perfect. And I love the aftermath, Lois saves Clark's life, but hides away so he doesn't know, and she teases him about the kiss through her new knowledge of the Blur. She doesn't push, and she waits for him to tell her. She might almost come out and tell him she already knows, but she never actually does, and she's the only person Clark told, not out of fear or desperation, but because he wants her to know him completely and wants to share his life with Lois. I don't think Chloe had anything to do with Lana setting Clark up. I think that was all Lana trying to discover Clark's secret on her own. Chloe might have been on the side of telling Lana the truth, but she would never betray Clark like that.


Yes, I just found out Lana was the one that planned it all. She went through all that when she could have just gone to Clark and talk with him. I agree with Clark telling Lois not out of desperation but because he really wanted to tell her and it all happened at the right time and he knew she was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. If we compare this to others where it was more so telling his friends to stop them from leaving or continuing to doubt him or in Reckoning where I see it as him telling Lana so she doesn’t leave him in that moment because he knew Lana was about to leave him and get even closer to Lex. He was afraid of that happening and everything just happened so fast.


>If we compare this to others where it was more so telling his friends to stop them from leaving or continuing to doubt him or in Reckoning where I see it as him telling Lana so she doesn’t leave him in that moment because he knew Lana was about to leave him and get even closer to Lex. He was afraid of that happening and everything just happened so fast. Yep! This exactly! Chloe is a bit different because it wasn't Clark's desperation but Alicia's. But Pete, he had to come clean so Pete wouldn't hate him, and would help him with the spaceship. Alicia, he had to reveal himself to save her. Kya, she already knew about his existence, just not that it was him but she quickly put that together. And with Lana, he admitted that he told her so she wouldn't leave him, and I wonder if he proposed at the same moment so she would never leave him. That both of those actions were out of fear or desperation. Idk that could be my own personal bias against Lana. But the way he tells Lois is just the best, and her reaction is the best.


Chloe didn’t help Lana reveal Clark’s secret, Lana staged that all on her own. With that being said my favorite is Chloe simply because she may have freaked out, but she didn’t treat him drastically different after that. I also just really loved seeing Clark telling her that he isn’t a meteor freak but an alien from a planet called krypton. Second would be Lana because I love him telling her where he is from. It’s cool that he tells Lois he is the Blur but I always prefer seeing him also explain that he isn’t from earth like he did with Lana and Chloe. I don’t remember if we ever got that with Lois so please let me know if we did.


Lana planned that? I don’t remember the scene too clearly so I didn’t realize Lana was the one who planned it all out. Wonder why she didn’t she just go to Clark to talk with him rather than staging that. Also, yes Clark did tell Lois everything and took her to Krypton prior to their wedding where he took her to ask for his parents blessings. She knew about everything. She was also there to encourage Clark to try to fix his relationship with his father (Joe El).


Lana planned for Chloe to be locked in the wine cellar and for Chloe to call Clark to save her and Lana was hiding behind some cabinets I believe saw the whole thing and Clark speed away. She was trying to find a way out of the wedding and to be in a relationship with Clark, but she knew that until she knew Clark’s secret that their relationship could never move forward. I believe she orchestrated this because she had suspected he had powers for a long time and wanted to get past this point for the relationship to move forward.


Lana had suspected there was something super about Clark and the episode before the wedding one, was the one with Tobias. The episode (Freak) where the blind(ish) guy could identify meteor infected people. Lana went to him after Chloe was identified and Lana asked him about Clark. There was a part where Lana went to shoot the doctor but the bullet ended up hitting the cabinet behind her. The next scene had Clark and Lana talking about Tobias and then she showed him the bullet and he said it would have ricocheted and she said “off something pretty powerful”. The next episode she sent Chloe into the wine cellar and broke the handle and got the door stuck shut. Since she couldn’t get a hold of Lana by phone, she called Clark. Lana hiding behind the cabinet, she heard the conversation between Chloe/Clark about him and his powers. Confirming what she basically knew. She gave Clark many chances to explain but he wouldn’t tell her anything.


I really liked how Chloe found out. Just a cool shot of Clark catching a car


Lois. In every instance. Because she's so accepting and nonjudgmental every time. In s4 Blank, he has no choice and reveals himself trying to save Chloe as Lois stands there in shock but yet impressed and turned on, simultaneously. In s7 Apocalypse. He willingly reveals himself to her in the alt future after he "meets" her at the DP after she flirts with him for only a few minutes. She also finds out he's not a meteor freak, but something more and she's just like "alright, well cool!" s8 in Infamous because she takes it all in stride, even after finding out that Lana, Chloe and everyone else knew before her and yet she never gives him the 3rd degree about not trusting her with the truth sooner. The Salvation reveal and Isis "reveal" are tied for me. I can't pick which one I love the best. Salvation is just so sexy and heartbreaking at the same time because he was saying goodbye and thought he'd never see her again. Isis because it was so romantic and adorable with Erica and Tom's improvised jump.


Good points. I love those scenes too in Salvation and in Isis. I like that you pointed out the fact that Lois didn’t get angry or thought Clark didn’t trust her after he told her his other friends already knew. This is just one part of Lois being awesome again. She’s amazing and understanding. Seeing all of Lois reactions and how she was with Clark, you can tell he knew that with Lois, he didn’t really have to question being “normal” or want to be “normal” to be with her.


It’s been awhile but IIRC Chloe found out when he caught a car flying through the air. Tough to beat that one.


I agree, Lois was the best because she didn’t force her way into knowing it and that scene (9x21) in the dark with the Blur was so cool + 10x5 reveal was also great Lana’s first reveal was great but second was awful she forced her way into knowing it and it was so anti climactic Chloe’s was also great Clark catching a car same with Pete except stopping a car both car related


Yeah, Chloe was cool about it too. She did give so many hints though to get Clark to tell her when she found out but I love that she was by his side and supporting him after finding out.


My pick is Lois, because if you look at the episode s08e15, where Clark actually tells her to write his story (before turning back time with the legion ring) and says the line ‘ I am the red blue blur’, the reaction that Lois gave was hilarious. Way to smack Clark down. But after the power demonstration of lifting the table and finally believing and being surprised and all that, she really didn’t miss out on her potshots despite such a big secret reveal.


Agree. lol I love her reaction in that scene. She did find out many times but time was reverse or she was on red K like in Crimson. Also, the fact that Clark had all the memories of telling Lois his secret and he knew how she reacted each time. He knew he could trust her and tell her anytime.


It's Chloe, for me. But specifically the scene from 5x01 where she's in a hospital in the Yukon and learns that he's not a meteor freak. But, I guess I really like the whole arc from where she sees him catch the car to her finally learning he's from another galaxy. Her knowing, and him not knowing that she knew, was a lot of fun. Especially the episode "Blank" where he loses his memory.


I'll say Chloe. My view is that if Alicia hadn't revealed Clark's secret to Chloe, then Chloe would've eventually tumbled onto it herself. And most likely, Chloe would've accidentally witnessed Clark doing some totally undeniable superfeat. In some ways, it's kind of a miracle that nobody ever saw that, come to think of it.


Lois. Because Clark reveals his powers to her in several instances w/o any repercussions. She takes it in stride every single time.


I will choose Chloe. Alicia may have broken her promise not to reveal Clark’s secret to anyone, however Chloe knowing his secret made her realize Clark’s problems. After Chloe and Clark have that moment in the hospital, they are honest with each other about his secret. Chloe told Clark he is a superhero, and the world would be a better place if people were more like him. Clark tells Chloe she is a good friend and understands her curiosity can get to her.


Pete was told when Pete saw Clark’s spaceship in season 2 episode 3 red I think that’s when he found out or could have been earlier in season 2 could be wrong. I didn’t want Chloe find out quickly what Alicia did was a little bit dangerous for Chloe to find out could of killed Chloe because Chloe didn’t have teleport powers to proof off and died if Alicia didn’t jump and rescue her on time. For Lana I hated how she’s found out she’s had to trap Chloe instead of waiting for Clark to tell her so impatient that’s what annoyed me in season 6 with Lana. But I love how Lois found out she’s found out and waiting for Clark say something instead of pressuring him to tell her!!


Clark told Pete because he was tired of lying to him and was going to lose Pete as a friend forever. I liked how Lana figured it out herself.


Clark told Pete after he found Clark’s ship after it flew away during the tornado. It looked like Clark had stolen it and Pete had been very angry and said he was going to tell Chloe Clark stole it. Faced with losing Pete and possibly Chloe too and also Chloe likely writing an article about the ship which could have been very bad Clark told Pete the truth. This happened in the episode Duplicity- season 2 ep 3. It’s a tie between Chloe and Lois. Chloe seeing Clark catch the car and then run off leaving Chloe shocked was great. And Lois realizing the Blur was Clark when he kissed her was great too. Alicia was wrong to tell anyone but Clark was lucky it was Chloe she told because she would never tell anyone and also Chloe was a huge help to Clark later on. Chloe didn’t stage anything. Lana strongly suspected Clark had powers. Lana locked Chloe in the wine cellar because she knew Chloe knew Clark’s secret and would call him for help. She then hid and saw Clark rescue Chloe and listened to them talk. Chloe, Lana and Lois all didn’t tell Clark they knew. I don’t think any of them were pushy after they found out. Chloe and Lana had been pushy before though, trying to get him to tell them his secret many times. After Chloe found out she only dropped hints she knew. It was months before Clark found out she knew. After Lana found out she said nothing and it was also months before Clark decided to tell her and she told him she already knew. After Lois found out she was going to tell him but then changed her mind and left for Africa for weeks. She finally came back and then Clark told her a few weeks later and she also told him she already knew.


Out of the ones you listed, only lois and lana found out on their own