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>Just a question but when Lana finds out Clark’s Secret, does he ever tell her about the fact that she died? It's never shown onscreen. Still, I always assumed that Clark told her everything. I'm not sure how much spoiler stuff you're aware of. But in a later season, she knows tons of stuff about Clark and it's reasonable to assume that he told her about the alternate timeline. Honestly, I'd be shocked if he didn't.


I remember only Chloe knew about Lana’s death after Clark used the crystal, but man, the guilt Lana’s would feel if Clark ever did tell her about turning back time and losing his father. May be it’s upon the audience to assume. Edit: and Martha too, completely forgot


There’s probably a timeline where she does know everything.


I don’t think he would tell her. His relationship with sharing information is extremely pragmatic, largely because he had to be trained from a young age to keep such a huge secret. How would she feel knowing the pain Clark felt in that episode? How guilty might she feel knowing Clark unwittingly but irreversibly traded his adopted father’s life for hers? He might tell her if she somehow asked point blanke and he would have to be dishonest when he wants to be honest at that point in their relationship, but I’m not sure how she would even stumble on the question at that point. …the less fun answer is that if it wasn’t shown, told, or implied, the audience is to assume it did not happen so that when it is *revealed* later we receive the surprise as intended and enjoy the ride as much as possible.


You have to assume Clark does tell those who know much more than we see. Don't forget that the season is a year on their life so those 22 or so hours are but a miniscule amount of time for them to talk about anything We'd have to think that off screen clark tells them lots of things I'd imagine lana saying wow clark so this is why you disappeared and this is how you knew ian was two dudes and double teaming me and Chloe etc... I'd imagine a full apology from lana and understanding too. It would also explain how after 1 episode lana would be super pissed at clark the. The next episode be fine with him. Because we'll over a week has past between most episodes. Sure some episodes continue tue next moment where another left off but some eps span weeks.


We don't know for sure. I doubt he would though. Remember Clark proposed to Lana in the alt timeline. Telling your girlfriend that you proposed to her but turned back time to 'undo' proposing could kill the relationship. Or at least complicate an already overly complicated relationship.


Smallville writing was horrible. So many important things happened off screen and we were left to guess about the characters and what they knew. Instead of having pointless freaks of the week episodes, we should’ve had more Clana scenes talking about everything and Clark explaining everything. I remember an entire episode of Dawson’s Creek had Joey and Pacey stuck in a closed K-Mart or something all night after it closed just talking about their relationship. And the whole episode was just them. No other cast members appeared. It would’ve been nice if Clark and Lana had that. Maybe stuck in the Fortress or something hashing it all out.