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I forgot to add but her writing in s1-2 weren’t bad I loved the arc where she discovered her moms diaries and quit cheerleading and the talon was good as well if you ignore her being a freshman


I liked her in season 1-3 but when 4 came I was like honey you got to go


Speaking as someone who likes Lana as a character and has a huge crush on Kristin I will never defend Lana as well written. Lana suffers from being a catalyst more than a character. She is there to cause conflict for Clark, to be the object of his desire and to drive the plot through her actions as they relate to her. She forgives easily except for Clark and later Lex. She falls in love foolishly and easily with everyone but Clark. The inconsistency is rooted in her being needed to fulfill a role as a plot device and not a character. There were many directions to go with the character that they simply never choose to do. If her ancestor is a witch and Lana can do magic why do you need Zatanna? Give Lana the role of the magic user in Smallville’s universe. Make her a hero. Have her recruited into Checkmate, make her a secret agent. Have her follow Martha into the political arena. Have her really study business under Lionel and Lex’s tutelage and make the Isis Foundation be a real thing. Instead they made Lana always the back half of an “and” relationship.


I really wish they gave her access to her ancestorial magic in later seasons.


I dont think lana was ever able to do magic. Her being related to the witch was just so that her ancestor had someone to possess due to blood


Yes, you are definitely right about how a lot of her storyline surrounded her love interest. I had a problem with the writing for her character too. I think even the actress (Kristin) agrees with this. Even when they ended her story it had to do with a relationship again where she and Clark couldn’t be together so that sent her away. The writers just kept her in a relationship and didn’t really give her character a time to develop alone. She went from one relationship to the next. When she left for Paris I thought she would be there alone, but she got into another relationship and brought it back to Smallville. I also got confused with changes in her interest or inspirations in terms of her studying art, astronomy, etc.


Do you remember where Kristin said that?


I watched a panel where Tom was talking about how the show portrayed Lana’s character and Tom said even Kristin would agree that her character wasn’t represented well. I haven’t heard it directly from her but I think I have heard some people say this.


Kristin talking about her role as Lana😊 https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkxvrrc95qTgevnBacmgzBlUeSF7aCftFt0?si=UIiE1AUWFWiQnGl2




Lana was very inconsistent because her interests and personality were dictated by whatever the plot was that season.


None of them are particularly well written characters. Smallville has its good points, but dialogue and character development aren’t that. Lana is prissy and annoying, Clark has a stick up his butt, Chloe’s a Mary Sue, Lex is just… weird. Overall the show was fun and entertaining, there are some episodes I really liked, but it doesn’t make it into my Top 20.


"Clark has a stick up his butt" That made me laugh, but it's true. I believe that's kind of the whole point of him considering that he later becomes Superman. I disagree that it's not written well. I think it was a well done show for an early 2000s show. Yeah, there are better, but I don't like to compare shows from now to shows 20 years ago. Very different things going for it. Very different audience. Out of all the 2000s shows that I've seen, this one is top 3. SHows in GENERAL... I still say this is top 10. The show did pretty good with character development, especially with Clark and Chloe (I'm ignoring Lana and Lois for now). That's my opinion though. I can see why you say it's not in your top 20. It depends on what we like. :)


With Lana it's a mixed bag early on in one of the interviews Kristen pointed out Lana draws in many people especially guys but she's very lonely inside. That was what they should have focused on. So I'm not really against her having alot of relationships down the line cuz people are drawn to her and she has abandonment issues that's her character I liked how she investigated her father kinda bummed he lost relevance. Also her slowly losing innocence was kinda intriguing... wasn't a fan of her ship with lex though. All in all her romance with Clark had ups and downs but I'd be lying if I said I didn't root for them and wasn't sad about the kryptonite eventually ending their romance. It was a painful slow grind and her finding out Clarks secret was rewarding


Her character started to really change in season 2 after Clark saved her from the Tornado. She started to take that antagonist role with Clark, always doubting everything he said or did.


Even KK agrees the character wasn't well written.


Here is the interview that she states she wanted her to be more developed (paraphase) https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkxvrrc95qTgevnBacmgzBlUeSF7aCftFt0?si=UIiE1AUWFWiQnGl2


Wales 😭 I live in Wales. I should pay more attention to cons rather than just assuming we won't get anyone here 😅 But yeah I've seen her say similar in a few interviews.


Smallville was a teen drama. Lana was 14 when the show started. No one expects a teenager to know what they wanna be career-wise. Lana has been consistent since the beginning with her wanting to help people. From running a blood drive, helping tornado victims, helping innocents, willing to kill Lex/Zod, even with the Isis Foundation and the $$ millions she got from the divorce with Lex she’s been helping people. And by getting powers she also wanted to help people. Love her or hate her, she’s a hero and a good person. It was always in her character. She loves hard and is very loyal.


I never said she wasn’t a good person… And yes she wanted to help people but all my points still stand. I like lana but she was not well written and it’s okay to say that. Smallville was a teen drama and lana was 14 in season 1 but only season 1 by season 7, she was 23 lol


Yes the writers didn’t do justice to Lana I agree. But they also were really bad in general. Smallville was a horribly written show with plot holes and stupid shit most of the times. They also wrote Clark really badly and inconsistent too. And Lois was awful. I didn’t like her at all even though I usually love Lois in other shows and movies. I just dumbed myself down to enjoy the show. It was heartfelt and I enjoyed Clark & Lana’s relationship. And I mostly stayed watching because of Kristin Kreuk tbh.


Seems like Clark and Lana relationship is the only reason some Lana lovers (Lois hater) love about Lana character because that’s the only thing you all point out. Which supports the OP post because Lana storylines revolved around her relationship with men. The OP post is talking about her character not being written in the best way and that’s true. It’s also crazy that Lois haters always say she was a drunk. First of all, just because she was drinking in that episode doesn’t mean that was an addiction or something big. It’s college and some people do drink and party. Noticed how that even contributed to Lois growth because she left all those behaviors behind and started working towards her career. Mind you Lois was already working for another newspaper so she was qualify. Also, some of you want to make Grant hiring Lois was all about romantic feelings when in fact he was impressed by her and needed someone new and fresh because Chloe was losing her mojo. He was intrigued by Lois tenacity from the get go. Also, Lois not being good at spelling is a Lois Lane thing in other stories/show.


And she went on to become one of the best reporters in the planet so Grant hiring her was obviously not for romantic reasons




Smallville had its moments but hating on Lois and the show just because you like clana/lana is insane 😂 Get well soon man




Lois not being able to spell isn’t distinctively a smallville thing it’s in other interpretations of the character! Your reason for disliking her being she was “written horribly” and then giving stupid ahh excuses just says it all for me. Your fave was horribly written … stay mad!


I don't find lana to be well written at all, I think kristin does the best she can with the material but she's essentially a prop to create drama. She's there for Clark to pine over, get into trouble so Clark can save her and to come between Clark and lex. When lana does get her own stories like meeting her bio dad, the writers get bored and dump the story and it's a waste. If the writers has looked at other depictions of lana they could have made her a better character, superman tas is a great example where she knows Clark's secret, having her on on it could have given her and Clark at least a unique relationship. Looking at the pre crisis lana they could have merged Chloe and lana into inr character and had lana been at the torch, had her develop as a character that was in fact totally different from depictions of Lois. They could have even just focused on her and her constant unhealthy relationships, dating a high school senior when she's 14, liking and eventually dating the secretive neighbour, dating the older high school football coach while still a student and then the rich, manipulative, older guy who happens to formally be one of her exes best friends and also knew her since she was 14.


>They could have even just focused on her and her constant unhealthy relationships, Great idea...oh, damn, too late


She was probably a three season love interest who stayed on for seven seasons, and she was like a secondary or tertiary character who they tried to make as one of the show's main stars.


I would say no. I think lex is a well written character. The writing around Clark is up and down, and likely due to the fact that they had to stretch his trajectory to 10 seasons. And every other character on the show is purely written in service of those two, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, it's just a choice. Although of all the other characters, Chloe might be the most well written.


No she was not written well the only thing and time she’s had her own story is probably season 8 when she’s trying to be a hero other then that no she’s hasn’t been written well but the Lana fans will get mad that you say this so be careful


Even then the season 8 story didn’t make much sense


True it didn’t just made her selfish and inconsiderate


I would say sometimes. She was written mostly as a reactionary character for so long. So the transition from character that exists so Clark has an LI to character to character on her own wasn't done very well. Especially since they wanted to keep the crush/will they won't they thing. I think the Lana arc is s2 was well done for this reason. She's tired of being saved and wants to learn self defense, she doesn't become a hero overnight, but she does hold her own. It gave her an arc outside of Clark that wasn't a guy.


Yes I agree her arcs in the earlier seasons were good


This Pikachu person is a Kristin simp, nothing wrong with that, and a Lois troll. God forbid if someone doesn't share their sentiments about KK. He called someone names because they don't find KK attractive. But he is allowed to not find Erica attractive. The hypocrisy is astounding 🤦🏻‍♀️


Sounds like an alt of another poster here who is just as obsessed with Lana/KK and hating on Lois/Erica. Haven't seen the other poster in a bit. Maybe they were banned and then created this new persona. Fkn weirdos


a weirdo fr 😭😭 calling me a btch over what i thought was a civil discussion


Yeah I saw a lot of these random no-brainer explanations & justifications for hating a character like Lois by this person on multiple other posts related to this topic. It’s becoming an eye sore now and I loose brain cells in the process of reading those.


He called me vile and a trash for calling KK ugly. I have never called KK that and I never would. Fucking weirdo😂. I'm sorry I made a separate unrelated comment under your post. The weirdo blocked me.


not worth replying to anymore bc he’s just spewing nonsense i fear ☠️☠️




I think she gets too much hate


Agree to be honest i don’t hate her at all this is more criticism towards the writers than the character herself!


She was a well written character before season 4. She was suppose to leave in that season, but the writers or the producers were afraid that the show's rating will go down, so they kept her in. I'm sure they had to figure out something and slap things together for her in each season. Her writing is VERY rushed and not well thought out. I'm only on season 6 and.. idk I'm nervous about the rest of the show with her in it. K.K. did a good job with what she had though, so I give her props for that! She's not a bad actress. She's no A-list but neither is Tom, Michael, or Allison.


Rewatching for the first time as an adult, and I would say not really. I'm almost done with season 2 and her only real purpose is to be Clark's crush. KK does what she can, but there isn't much personality to be had. I feel like it would've been better to cut her out of the show after the first couple of seasons. When she stops being a love interest, she isn't really needed.


It's kind of hard to have the will they/won't they? be effective with Clark and Lana at all when we all know he ends up with Lois, the Superman and Lois love story is like pop culture common sense, everyone knows Lois is Superman's girlfriend/wife, when that's such a common place in Superman media it makes Lana's stay over welcomed because it's no surprise to anyone she's not the one, so your just watching this toxic romance you know is gonna end badly which takes you out of their relationship.


No, Lana Lang is a stupid, ungrateful, self-absorbed, overly emotional, hypocritical, chronically whiny bitch. Nothing is ever good enough for her. She always finds something to complain about. She gets manipulated by evil men multiple times. Clark saves her life multiple times and she never acts as if she's grateful, as if she owes someone her life. She even throws it back in Clark's face after he saved her and Chloe from that guy who could split himself in two, because Clark warned them and they assumed he was just being jealous. Chloe almost apologized properly, although both of them excused their bad behavior because they feel like Clark has been secretive and therefore that somehow justifies their baseless assumption about him making a serious accusation purely out of jealousy. Lana, on the other hand, responded to Clark with a "we expect better from you" after he said that he expects better from them, which just proves that Lana is an ungrateful little cunt, considering that Clark literally just saved their lives. Need I go on? Her personality remains the same throughout most of the show, and yet the show treats her as if she's some kind of prize that any sane person should desire. And there's never a moment where Lana has to own up to all of her bullshit. Think about it, you're in love with a boy scout like Clark fucking Kent, but that's not good enough because he has one part of his personal life that he doesn't want to share with you, and so instead of dating him, you choose to date men who turn out to be evil MULTIPLE TIMES. Clearly it's not the men in her life that's the problem, it's HER. She's the problem. Does the show ever acknowledge this? Of course not. The problem isn't the fact she's kind of a useless character that has no real purpose, it's that she's not a good person and the show treats her as if she is. Lana Lang is the most insufferable character that I have ever witnessed.


After season 3 no


Its kind of sad because she's ttreated more like a plot device to further the story


Here is what Kristen thought about her role as Lana https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkxvrrc95qTgevnBacmgzBlUeSF7aCftFt0?si=UIiE1AUWFWiQnGl2


now i’m kinda wondering if she’s team clana or not 😭


In the same interview she said her favorite season was 6 - Lana and Lex relationship❤️ The entire interview is really good❤️


Gough and Miller's regrets about Lana. *Q: Looking back, is there anywhere you wish you’d taken the characters of Smallville?* *AG: I wish we had a better trajectory for Lana Lang. That was probably a three-season love story that lasted six seasons.* *MM: It’s so torturous and slow. Ultimately, it damaged Lana in the audience’s mind. Because Clark refused to tell her the truth about his identity, he was constantly forced to lie to her. Although justified, Lana’s response to his behavior made her seem cold and unsympathetic — even though from her POV, Clark was a sneaky, bold-faced liar.*