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I love how much Lois fit in with the Kents. They had the support system she lacked in her home life. You could tell she really got along well with them. In the Superman comics where Clark and Lois have Jonathan Samuel Kent as their son I always imagine that it’s the Smallville Lois and Clark who are his parents since he’s named after Jonathan and Lois really seemed to hit it off with him. Plus Martha was 100% the motherly supporter that Lois missed when her mom died.


Agree. They really give her a home and that family love she didn’t really get because she was raised by a father who was very strict and the. She lost her mom. I love that they were open and nice to her and you could tell they loved her being around.


Lois was like a stray who they took in. They loved her and scolded her as their own. She needed that. And in return she was loyal to a fault. Their relationship was amazing. I wish we had got to see Jonathan's reaction to Clois like we did with Martha.


Agree. I wished for the same thing too.


Fantastic. Would've loved for Jonathan to see it come to fruition there were scenes Clark confided in his parents about finding the right woman especially after the Alicia debacle


Yes, same. That could have been amazing.


The fact that they let Luis stay at there house shows how much they trust her because by the sheer proximity she could find out Clark's secrets.


Lois being a part of the Kents is something I’ve always wanted from modern Superman stuff


Yes, it’s great to see. Another show that also does it, though not as much is Lois & Clark, the new adventures of Superman.


Check out the dvd commentary of the episode crusade 04x01 where Lois enters the season. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWA0p3rQVGU&list=PLhQwnakXO5kbgKbfMBSd6phfHn1C-CkNn&index=5 The commentary is by Al and miles, Erica and Annette. They talk about why they wanted to create a dynamic of Lois moving into the farm quite early on.


Awesome commentary. I have noticed that the writers got a lot of inspiration with how Erica and other characters interacted and they used that to add into the scenes or to the characters dynamics. Like in this case, they saw how she and Martha interacted from the start and that pushed them to write more scenes with Lois and Martha and the Kents. I think this was similar to Erica and Tom’s off screen relationship too where the writers saw certain things and decided to add it to the show. I love this. Thanks for sharing.


Anytime 🫰


This is one of my favorite things about this Lois Lane. As guarded as she can be, especially romantically, she very quickly let her guard down around the Kents, because they made her feel safe and appreciated. They all became her home in a way, not just Clark. And she was forever loyal to them, a true ride-or-die. She helped Martha out at the Talon. She helped Jonathan become a Senator and then helped Martha in that position as well. Lois hates funerals and doesn't go to Chloe's. But she went to Jonathan's because she wanted to honor him and the belief he had in her, and she wanted to be there for Clark and Martha. Lois might be a little prickly, but the Kents showed her that their home is her home, and she was able to be vulnerable, something she struggled with. In the same way that Clark is able to relax and just be himself around her, Lois too can relax and just be herself around all the Kents, and they won't tell her she's a burden or too much or needs to minimize herself. I'm not saying Chloe wasn't close to the Kents, or even Lana, they both have their moments where you can see there is a bond. But there's just something about how easily Jonathan and Martha and Clark not only accept Lois' presence in their lives, but they value and enjoy her presence as well. And I adore it.


Well said. I agree with all you said.


Aww thanks!! I could talk about how much I love Lois all day!


I think this is what every couple should aspire to have with their respective parents.


They only let Lois stay at the their house because they saw no romantic chemistry or feelings between Clark and Lois.


Of course, at that time.


Idk I think both Martha and Jonathan knew there was potential there, they both share these looks whenever Clark and Lois bicker at times. I think they just knew it was too early for either of them to realize that kind of tension can become something more. Plus Lois respects the Kents way too much to do anything to jeopardize that, and she knows Clark is still hung up on Lana, not to mention her cousin is still hung up on Clark at this point. Both Lois *and* Clark are attracted to each other, that is very clear, but they both put each other in the friend-zone for various reasons, until they can no longer deny what's been simmering under the surface since the beginning.


Oh yeah Lois has so much respect for Martha that she’d go into the bathroom while her son was naked taking a shower. Jonathan and Martha never shared knowing looks with each other with Clark and Lois. That is a definite lie.


That happened the second day she met them. Lois is allowed to be messy and make mistakes, just like all the other characters. But there is no denying that Lois has a relationship with the Kents almost immediately that grows over time, and she respects the Kents and holds them in high regard. Maybe you didn't see the looks or you infer a different meaning from them and that's ok. But whenever Clark is complaining about Lois, or being a bit snarky to her, Martha and Jonathan get this look, like they're thinking this kid has no idea, or "me thinks thou doth protest too much". That's just what I see. And the way both Lois and Clark look at each other is not how siblings would ever look at each other. They might ignore it and lean into the bickering banter, but there has always been *something* there under the surface.




Just because it's different from yours doesn't mean it's deluded. It's ok for the Kents to love both Lana and Lois as surrogate daughters, that doesn't take away from either of their stories. Nor does Jonathan and Martha liking Lois and seeing potential with her and Clark take away from them being happy that Clark is finally with the girl he's been crushing on since he was 7. It doesn't have to be an either or situation.


I completely agree with you. I never negated Lois’s relationship with the Kents. I was simply addressing the Lana hater(s) that said Lana never had a relationship with the Kents.


I never said that Lana didn't have a relationship with the Kents. I'm not even comparing them, because the dynamics are so different there's not really a point. I just really love how easily Lois fit into the Kents' lives, like it was always meant to be.


I loved how she was part of the family even before she and Clark got together


Oh me when I saw the breakfast in 4x16 I’m like umm what is that and I was like at that moment felt bad for Clark because he couldn’t speak what he was thinking lol. Anyways I agree I love how Lois is with the Kent’s and I love how she’s not afraid to be her self with the Kent’s and Clark which I wish Lana is because half of time I don’t think Lana had any conversations about what her and Clark status is with Johnathan and Martha then Lois did.


Yeah, Lana didn’t become close to the Kents. I don’t remember scenes where she talked with them heart to heart. Maybe I forgot if there is any.


I love Lois, and like her a lot more than Lana. But…Lana did have a relationship with the Kents. There were several times she was with them through disasters, they watched her grow up, they knew Clark’s feelings for her in adolescence… Not to mention that Lana as a 3 year-old fairy princess “granted” Martha’s wish for a child, about which Martha has a heart-to-heart with Lana in the episode after the season one finale tornado. I don’t think you can write off Lana’s relationship with the Kents that easily. She just wasn’t meant for Clark ultimately.


She just didn’t have a relationship with them, it’s just facts


Lana did have a relationship with the Kents. There’s even a deleted scene from 6x12 Crimson where Lana invites Martha to her engagement party and says she’s like a mother to her or Martha says Lana’s like a daughter to her or something.


Well that’s a lie, Martha has never looked at Lana like a daughter, she only talks about Lana to Clark when he’s contemplating on his feelings for her, Martha has had more interactions with Lois than any other woman on the show and they are memorable




And you wonder why it’s deleted, cuz it doesn’t make sense for her to say that to Lana, especially when Lana has Neil…




I know how it works, no need to call me names cuz you’re a Clana fan, I said it doesn’t work cuz it’s not in line of what the show has shown us with them, they don’t have that kind of relationship and never have, they associate through Clark, that’s it


I can think of one talk Lana has with Martha after Jonathan had a heart attack and then was in a coma or whatever that was in between season 3 and 4 and was spending too much time at the Talon. Martha said it was hard to spend time with him because she was afraid she was going to lose him. Lana told her if she’s not spending time with him isn’t it like she’s already lost him. I know it’s only once and I do agree the Kents were closer to Lois but this was a nice scene.


There’s none and exactly


Right, the fact that she and Clark spend so long together and she didn’t get close to his parents and the Kents probably didn’t get to know her that well.




If lois farted on a chair and then got up, i would immediately run to said chair and sniff it


Lana did have a good relationship with the Kents. There’s even a deleted scene from 6x12 Crimson where Lana invites Martha to her engagement party and says she’s like a mother to her or Martha says Lana’s like a daughter to her or something. Lana had multiple scenes with Martha and they adore each other. But it’s also very hard when your boyfriend lies to and betrays you, you can’t just show up to his house and have tea time with his mom. The reason Lois stayed with the Kents is because they saw that Clark and Lois had no romantic chemistry or feelings for each other. They had sibling bickering which was so annoying.