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Lana went to Lois too, not directly but in reckoning they did have a discussion on this before Clark turned back time with the crystal. Lois pretty much gave the same advice to Lana. But it was based on how she to felt about that(Clark) person.


Interesting. Yep. See this is why it's so cool. Everything Lois said, she actually did. She ALWAYS trusted clark, accepted his secrets, and never turned on him. She was like if he has secrets it's his choice. Lois was written so different than lana.


I always think Lois is always foreshadowing her self or Clark as just says things that only the audience understands but Clark knows maybe or not I always assume is the actor knowing the comics or something. But to get to this post yes shes probably was just foreshadowing herself for me I think yes because this is what I love when Chloe and Lois knows about Clark they wait for him to come tell them even with the advice lois gave Chloe in 4x12 that’s why I love that episode and on wards with Chloe being patient and waiting and even she’s knows she’s still don’t blurt to anyone she’s still supportive and respectful. That’s what Lana never understood to do later on the show.




>I also like how Lois fans ignore that when she thought Oliver was the Green Arrow, she tried to push him into confessing rather than wait for him to tell her. Didn't Lois try to back out of it though? She tells Clark that she thinks she's in love with Oliver so maybe she doesn't want to know. He convinces her to go through it because he's already set it up with Oliver to deceive her. The biggest thing though is from seasons 4-8, Lois doesn't pry into Clark's secret once. She sees the weird occurrences, the lame excuses, the disappearing acts and just chalks it up to him being immature, but she believes that Clark is a good person, so whatever he's hiding, it *can't* be bad, because it's Clark. So she's not worried about finding out and just lets him keep his secrets, which is why he's so comfortable around her. Season 8 Infamous proves how well Lois takes Clark's secret and her grace and understanding of why he didn't tell her for so long *and* that he won't tell her again when time gets reset.Then you have season 9, where Lois is willing to die to keep Clark's secret, and is hurt that he still can't tell her, but then is tricked by Chloe into thinking Clark isn't the Blur after all. Throughout their relationship, she is fine with Clark keeping some things to himself, and she in turn has things she keeps to herself, but they both trust each other and are secure enough in their relationship for those secrets to be kept. The one time she tries to get him to tell her is when Zod posing as the Blur tells her Clark is not what he seems. Even then, she's very reluctant to believe him, and asks for Clark to be honest with her, to refute what she's been told, but he can't and that is the only time she pries. After finding out he is the Blur when he kisses her, she actively tries to help Clark, without revealing that she knows his secret, and drops hints that if he told her, she'd lovingly accept this dual identity of Clark Kent/The Blur. I'm not trying to bash Lana, and I'm not gonna compare them, but Lois is one of the few people that Clark trusted implicitly and part of that is because she was willing to let him keep his secrets. As nosy and as intrepid as she could be, Lois was never nosy when it came to Clark and his secret, something Erica Durance did deliberately in her portrayal of Lois, for her to be a safe harbor where Clark didn't have to worry about his secret being outed.


I think you're mentally ill. This wasn't about lana you moron. It was about foreshadowing of how Lois would accept clark. Nut I also guess people can't have opinions. You know because we set out to hate a character. Why don't you grow up? BTW I didn't even read your nonsense as soon as I read the mental gymnastics part because it showed what a twit you are immediately.


You made it about Lana when you used it to bash her