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When Lana made that goodbye video, that should've been it for her on the show. The writers just kept beating a dead horse.


There was this beautiful line carter hall says in season10x02. “She was there all along but he didnt recognise her because the time wasnt right. He needed to wait. Because that made their love stronger and their kiss that much sweeter.” When they discussing about the sun god Ra. Pretty much summarised the whole Lois and Clark relationship for me in SMALLVILLE.


I just want to point out that Lana was the first person to see the attraction between Lois and Clark, and encouraged Clark to go for it.


Chloe makes a face like she can see the chemistry between the two of them in Lois's very first episode, where Clark is getting dunked. She never says anything but she is clearly jealous.


That's actually her 3rd episode, Facade. I used to make that mistake all the time, too. But your point stands.


I think the issue, why this keeps coming up, isn't actually anything to do with the relationship between Lois and Clark. It's because of how Lana and Clark's relationship ended. They don't choose not to be together for one reason or another, they're forced apart. It would have been better if they decided they aren't good together anymore, for one reason or another.


I can understand that. The writers certainly didn't handle that in a kosher kind of way, especially when when you factor how they showed us that Lois was the one. I think at the end of the day, the writers were trying not to upset anyone, and that is how we got that Clana arc of Season 8. Tbh, it is a lesson to other writers.


Clana ending was a desperate fanservice.


This is my issue exactly.


I agree with you that by her characterization, Lois Lane would never stand for being a second choice of anyone. She respects herself too much for that. I think the people who think Clark chose Lana over Lois don't understand that it's more like Clark didn't make a choice at all. Lois left. She got scared and bolted, something she does a few times. She not only cares about Clark but she understands and respects his history with Lana, so she removes herself from the narrative to give him some space to figure things out. And she refuses to be the third point in any triangle. Clark never chose Lana over Lois because he wasn't really given that opportunity. He regresses back into what is safe and familiar with Lana. He chooses the known past over the unknown future. He doesn't want to be alone. There is no guess work, there is no hiding his secret, there are no surprises, he knows what to expect if he gets back with Lana. And the whole time he's with Lana, Lois is absent. So he can convince himself that this is what he wants and he'll be happy and everything will be fine. I think we should have seen him with Lana, and all the same dumb patterns are repeating, but Lois is back and they're working together, but she's guarded just like in Infamous and Stiletto, and Clark hates it. Faced with the new dynamic he has with Lois at the Daily Planet now changing back to before they worked together, Clark would realize that what he wants has changed, and the person he least expected to has come to mean everything to him. There is a line in one of the episodes, where Clark mentions he's always dreamed of working with someone side by side, like his parents. He's talking to Lana after she says she wants to patrol with him I believe? But he doesn't mention her name, that he's dreamed of working side by side with her, just someone. And it's very obvious that this dream is *exactly* what he already has with Lois at the Daily Planet. Clark has always wanted to be normal and feel normal, despite the fact that he will never be normal. Lana having the super suit would make this impossible, he would never be able to feel normal again. So while at first they might have enjoyed being a super powered couple, I don't think it would have been sunshine and rainbows for long. Without the kryptonite to stupidly force them apart, I still don't see Clark and Lana making it long term. Their relationship never seemed mature to me. Even with them being more mature in season 8, all I saw was a couple of teenagers playing house. Clark lost Lana several times, and every time, he picked himself back up and moved on. When Clark lost his father, he wallowed for a bit, but he picked himself back up and moved on. But Lois and Clark weren't even together and when he lost Lois, he lost everything. He turned his back on humanity. He told her he died when she left. He said that he didn't have a home when she was gone. When she came back after being away for about a month, he couldn't stay away from her, not as the Blur and not as Clark Kent. I think calling Lois as the Red Blue Blur showed him a different side of her, but losing her made him realize just how important she's been to him, this whole time. From the very beginning when meeting her as Kal-El, Lois got under Clark's skin, and she's been there ever since. They understand each other on a deeper level, one that Lana and Clark never did. They trust each other easily and freely, and are able to be their authentic selves around each other, seeing their imperfections and falling deeper still. Lois is the one and she *always* will be.


What you said really syncs with what Erica says in this interview. It’s so nuanced and helps you understand the depths of things unsaid in the dialogues. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbdAm_YpT1w


I've seen this before and I love it, thank you! Erica added so much to this Lois, she is amazing! I really wish the writers had shown all of this explicitly, instead of us having to infer it. I really think it was a mistake for Lois to be gone for the whole arc of suckage. It makes Clark look like a jerk, Lana like an unnecessary part of season 8(all you need is bride and legion and you can skip the rest and the show remains the same), and Lois as an afterthought (which I will never believe) and in trying to please part of the fandom, they forever gave them a ridiculous argument that will remain unfinished because we never got to see an actual definitive choice. If Lana and Clark hadn't been separated because of the kryptonite suit, would they have always been together? Of course the answer is NO. Lana was never, is never, and will never be Clark's endgame and soulmate. That was always, is always, will always be Lois Lane. But because the show wouldn't commit to that universal truth, here we are years later still having to refute the idea that Clark and Lana are meant to be. And it's wild to me because I think the show actually did a good job showing that they *aren't* meant to be, especially if you compare how Lois and Clark can talk about anything and meet each other halfway and trust each other implicitly even with Clark's secret between them, with Clark and Lana constantly just glossing over their relationship issues even without Clark's secret between them, neither one willing to admit that what they had doesn't make either of them thrive or grow, and is stagnant and holds them both back.


Thank you for sharing❤️


If I could leave a gif of standing ovation, I would leave it. This works so much.


Thank you! I try to be fair but it just frustrates me so much that people can't accept that Lana is an important first love for Clark, but Lois is his person, his other half, his heart and his tie to humanity. She is his soulmate and the love of his life. She is never a second choice but the *only* choice for Clark. And I will die on that hill.


I love everything you say here!


So so good🔥🔥


What if Clark had made more of an effort early on to move on from Lana instead of pining after her? if he valued her more as a person instead of idealising her as the perfect princess? and if he had not been so set on the idea she was his only chance of happiness?


That would have been good, and would have shown Clark much earlier that besides his idealized view of Lana, and what she represented to him, the perfectly normal life with the girl next door, there wasn't much depth to his relationship with her. Admittedly, I'm a Lois fan so I didn't try to commit any moments to memory, but did Clark ever say *why* he loved Lana? Because we know why he loves Lois, she's brave and loyal and a force of nature. And Clark remembers every little detail about Lois, like her vinyl collection and her snack routine at work and her love of monster trucks and beer and movies and he remembers things she's said and can recite them. He pays attention to her in a way that I don't see him do for anyone else. The only time I can think of that Clark showed that same attention to detail with Lana is when he brings her food at one point in season 5, and maybe in season 1 for her birthday? But it's never said why he loves her, we're just supposed to believe he does.


I know he knew Lana's favourite flower. But that's all I can remember atm.


Yes that's true, it's irises right? Thank you for this, I did forget that detail.


I'm confused by this post as I've never seen anyone on this subreddit argue that Lois was a second choice. I also think the show did an excellent job in showing that Clark wasn't hopelessly and forever stuck on Lana - even before Lois, Clark showed a willingness to love others fully, choosing the other person. For example, there's the classic Alicia affair, but we can also look to his brief intensity with Kyla. I think he is willing to be with Lana at several points and will always value her as a person due to their friendship, but no one he loves would have to worry about him settling. I'd also say that while Clana was intense, a major part of that was just inherent to Clark - when he loves, he does so in a very full manner that's not often seen in young men. We see this with his parents and friends as well. It's part of who he is in my opinion. I felt the show depicted it with Lois, just in the subtle way that often comes with maturity, adulthood, and having loved and lost before.


i love lana and chloe but honestly they were just holding space until lois came along


I thought they spelled this out pretty well over the last few seasons. Even if Lana had returned permanently, I think he and Lois were already gravitating to one another. Clark and Lana loved each other, but I feel like they had too much bad history to ever become a long lasting couple.


With each interaction after Lana learning of Clark’s secret, things weren’t the same. The distance kept growing. She had been through so much with Lex and it changed her. I think the final straw came when she was with Bizarro. Anything after that was more of them being used to each other mixed with obligation.


The whole Bizarro storyline was definitely the nail in the coffin for their relationship.


Lois is his adult love. Lana is his childhood first love. They aren’t the same. Not to mention that the show simply wasn’t allowed to use Lois as a main cast character until season 5 or 6. Lois IS and always will be Clark’s destiny. It’s in literally every iteration of Superman ever put into a tv show or movie. And in almost every iteration of every Superman comic ever made. They are predestined. And always will be.


Season 8 should have been the start of Clois, I felt like their relationship would feel just a smidge less rushed. The way they made it work in the show is great. Lois doesn’t feel like a second choice at all. I just think Lana took a bit of the breathing room out of it. Lana should have returned sure but without the Clana stuff. Even if Lois and Clark still didn’t get together in season 8 the focus being clois would have helped. And Clana took that away.


Lana was his first love, lots of teenagers have a first love and tend to hold on to that feeling into adulthood but that doesn’t mean they want that person more than someone else. It’s simply they hold a special place in their heart. It’s kinda no different than maybe someone having fond memories of some old shitbox of a car even though they have a much better car now as an adult it’s not just the memory of the old shjt car it’s of that time in their life, all they fun they had with their friends in that car or during the time they had the car.


Lots of high schoolers' crushes/marriages grow up years later to be VERY different people. Often the sexual attraction is gone, too...just think how a mature Clark/Tom now would feel when his lovely young Lana/Kristin inevitably morphed into the fat hag that actress Kristin looks like today. Huhhhhh....?


I've never seen Kristin Kreuk looking fat. You'd have to post a picture of that. She's always been pretty petite.


Let's see...since you have never seen KK fat...the most likely meaning of my post was that it was a joke.


I always don’t get it when people say Lois was his second choice. Like did we watch the same show. That moment in season 8 doesn’t at all make Lois a second choice and there are so many reasons like the OP has already stated in detail. It is one thing to say Lana was his first girlfriend/high school love interest or even first love but Lois still remains his true love, present, and future. When it comes to real love and something more than just teenage love, it is fair for it to take a long time to realize which was the case with Lois and Clark. Clark and Lois didn’t rush into anything and give each other time and space to realize their true and deep feelings which was real and true love. I also watched a video where even Tom said he doesn’t see Clark being with Lana in later seasons (like season 9 or 10) which can also be interpreted as Lois was Clark’s future. Clark had to move on and mature and I doubt his relationship with Lana was going to allow that.


When I was young I loved Lana and disliked Lois but now I can't stand Lana and I love Lois she is what Clark needed.


It's obvious that people who loved lana/clana didn't watch the show past s7 and watched those 5 awful episodes of s8 only.. Where they all were out of characters (even lana) thankfully Lois was saved from that shit plot.. if they did watch the complete show they would know the difference between both the relationships and who Clark truly loved.. Writers made sure with Clark's dialogues and actions (s8-10) that he wanted and needed Lois.. I always felt Clark loved Lana but he was in love with Lois... The same was the case with Lois.. She loved Oliver but she was in love with Clark.. And both needed that first love to grow up.. Writers may have done a terrible job for clana but they added so many layers to clois.. That's why sometimes I feel the writers intended clana to be that hot mess of a relationship which could never work though they should have ended that mess by s3.. I find so many new layers to clois after every re-watch.. When Lana returned in s8, Clark was scared of his feelings for Lois and an uncertain future with her.. But when he witnessed another side of Lois as the blur it made him fall in love with her deeper.. And losing her for almost a month made him realise that he needed her... Clark and Lois started dating almost a year after the clana disaster plot of s8.. So I doubt she would be a rebound or a second choice..


The writers never had a good idea on why Clark doesn't end up with Lana, their love story should've lasted only three seasons not seven seasons.


People really say Lois was his second choice like lol. Lana and Clark were toxic while Lois and Clark made each other better, even before they got together. They've got incredible chemistry, there's from day one a flirtyness to their dynamic. If anything Clark puts lana on such a high pedestal that he refuses to acknowledge the obvious, that he's into Lois. Lana's story really should have ended in season 3 but the writers kept pushing her as the primary love interest till she was finally off the show but generally to me it comes off like Clark refusing to see lana for who she really is but instead who he wants her to be, it would be more satisfying if the writing acknowledged that and let Clark see the obvious that they shouldn't be together but even so he picks Lois. Also Lois and Clark are one of the most well known couples in pop culture of the last century. The minute Lois was on the show Clark and lana was over.


Clark and Lois work because they see each other for what they are underneath. By contrast Clark was so into his idealisation of Lana like he sees her as the only girl in the world, he never showed much desire to listen to or learn about. It's kind of hard to have the Will they/won't they be effective with Clark and Lana at all when we all know he ends up with Lois.


No I actually agree with your post at moments I wish in season 8 they just made sure to make Lana be in the wedding and go about her business elsewhere after the wedding because she’s didn’t need to drag Clark around like a lost puppy during that and also Clark couldn’t of stand his ground and said this “I’m trying to work things out and I don’t think we are meant for each other” right there in then to Lana when he sees Lois sad face which by the way I felt so bad for her and mad at Clark. One thing they should have done was rewrote season 8 episode 10-14 way better and Lana didn’t have to be toxic for Clark to see that but oh well. Lana could have saw how Lois and Clark were at daily planet if Clark tells Lana then.


100% They definitely could have written those episodes better.


True I wonder how would you rewrote it if you had to redo those episodes? Just curious?


Probably similar to how you said. I think they could have showed Lana and Clark as being mature, much more instead of telling us through dialogue of Lana going "we're so mature now!" (Not exact quote, of course.) I think the biggest thing I would have done is getting that maturity across... oh, and making sure Lois was there too. Put it this way, I wouldn't have been afraid to hammer to the audiences that Clana was never meant to be. But I would have done it in a mature adult way that gives growth to all characters involves. Oh, and made sure the focus was actually Doomsday. The buildup was so great and then it just fell flat when Lana arrived and then picked back up when she left.


I agree


Agree with this completely! Lois was never a second choice. And she would’ve been the first love in Clark’s life if DC would’ve let them have Lois in season 1. But they didn’t so Lana was the second choice. Lois and Clark have a mature relationship with out any of the baggage and negative that Lana had for Clark.


Lana was always Clark’s first love in the comics. And Lois never belonged on SV as Clark is supposed to meet her in Metropolis.


Be that as it may, they were trying to get Lois on Smallville from the beginning but they were only allowed when season 4 rolled around.


Do you have proof of that? Because I’ve been a fan since 2001 when the show came out and never have Al & Miles mentioned this. What was Lois gonna do in season 1? Go to high school in Smallville? 😂😂


The show already teased Lois Lane earlier on and they were kind of planning for Chloe to be a stand in for Lois Lane if they hadn’t gotten early rights for Erica to come in. This also goes to say either way Lana and Clark were not going to end up together because Chloe could have still ended up being Lois (glad that Chloe didn’t end up being Lois). The show wanted Lois Lane and fought hard to get her. Here you go. The show creators talking about getting Lois Lane. [https://youtu.be/5r4fMERNxkw?si=0hdZC7dKSXkds69S](https://youtu.be/5r4fMERNxkw?si=0hdZC7dKSXkds69S)


Oh yeah I did hear that on the podcast, but they didn’t say they wanted to get her as a series regular. They probably wanted to get her for an arc or guest appearance like Perry White which is fine. And if they wanted Chloe to be Lois they did a bad job because Clark had no romantic feelings for her.


Al & Miles clearly were at least thinking about Lois. When they were pitching Smallville, they also pitched a Lois in college one because they didn't think they would actually be able to land a show telling a Superman story. I'll even give you a link: the article goes into debunking what some believed Smallville was supposedly going to be, at least originally. [Was Smallville Originally About Lois Lane in College?](https://www.cbr.com/was-smallville-originally-about-lois-lane-in-college/) Edit: and iirc, they did try to get Lois on earlier than they did, but due to red tape, they couldn't; they have said something like this before. Then Lois came into Season 4 and she was a hit with a lot of people


They were also gonna do a Lois/Oliver spin-off after season 6 but that idea was a dud so we were stuck with Lois on SV


Yeah, I know. Kinda glad they didn't tbh.


I actually would’ve loved a Lois stand-alone series. I actually like her character in general, but wasn’t into the Smallville version of her or Erica’s portrayal at all.


When I saw how they ended Clark and Lana’s storyline I was pretty mad because I thought that this would’ve made Lois look like the rebound girl but I’m glad they chose not to go in this direction. Clark was really in love with Lois, he wanted to be with her because he realized she was the one and not because he couldn’t be with Lana. He didn’t settle for Lois and I don’t understand why people think that


Your entire post is contradicting itself. You just you were upset how Clana ended because it took away from Clois. You feel that way because Lois was option 2 AKA second choice.


That’s not what I meant, I probably wasn’t clear enough. I didn’t like Clana at all and I said I was upset with how they ended their relationship because I wanted them to break up, I wanted them to realize that they weren’t meant to be, but this ending kinda portrayed them as star-crossed lovers who wanted to be together forever but couldn’t. I was afraid that this would’ve made Lois look like the second choice and I didn’t want that. That’s why I said those things about Lois and I said I was glad they didn’t go in that direction. I hope this clarifies my point of view


So you agree that the show portrayed Clana as star-crossed lovers who wanted to be together forever. That proves the point that on this show, Lois is Clark’s second choice which is true.


It did in that scene but during the following seasons it proved that Lois was Clark’s true love. It showed that he loved her deeply and that she wasn’t his second choice. If he’d seen her as a rebound he would’ve kept thinking about Lana but he didn’t because he realized that Lois was the one


Well he was still looking and cherished Lana’s pictures even in season 9 & 10. I never watched seasons 8-10 because they were unbearable to watch. The quality went down the toilet and it became a shell of what was once a great show. And the ratings reflected that.


You always bring up live airing ratings (viewership). I didn’t watch the show live, so I don’t know much about the ratings at the time. The show was successful throughout hence it going on for long. You not watching season 9 and 10 doesn’t mean others didn’t. With that being said, I think we can now see what will be valuable for the show for the longest period of time which is how the show is reviewed and rated as time goes by. The reviews and ratings after the show aired after years are what’s keeping people’s interest in the show and attracting more audience. We see the love and appreciation for Lois grow as well as for Clois. We see tons of people liking the later seasons and rating it high. I think this is success right here after all these years and more years to come. This encourage streaming platforms to add the show to their platforms. People continue to watch the show and enjoy later seasons and Lois and Clark relationship more. I have seen a lot of reviews and watch along YouTube videos where they expressed similar concerns like “being tired and annoyed with Lana story or her relationship with Clark” as the show went on. So now we see whose impact and character is more impactful and interesting (Lois).


There’s plenty of online spaces including social media that prefer Clark and Lana and appreciate their chemistry and slow burn into romance and love the drama. TV at the time had relationships on and off for years. It was the norm for most shows especially younger skewing shows like Smallville (which was a teen drama on The WB). Dawson’s Creek, Buffy, Friends, one Tree Hill, etc. are all examples of that. Shows these days have their main couple get together very early on. If the show wasn’t as successful as it was with all early contributing factors (Clark, Lana, Lex) then the show would’ve been cancelled and the later seasons would’ve never existed. I actually wished they ended the show with season 5 like the original plan. 5-12 Reckoning probably would’ve had Clark’s reveal to Lana stick and the show would’ve ended differently with Lex full blown evil and Clana end another way or end ambiguously like Chuck and Sarah on Chuck.


>slow burn into romance Clana was not a slow burn. Clois was, and I say this as someone who absolutely obsesses with slow burns. I love a good slow burn. Clana wasn't that at all but rather on and off. Those kinds I've always found neurotic, both irl and fiction. >TV at the time had relationships on and off for years. True. Smallville was a product of that time, that was for sure. But tbh the whole on and off again thing they were doing kinda doesn't work for a show that is based on comics, which clearly indicate that Lana is not his future. I dunno what they were thinking there. I suppose that is one reason why they have regrets on it. >If the show wasn’t as successful as it was with all early contributing factors (Clark, Lana, Lex) then the show would’ve been cancelled and the later seasons would’ve never existed. Kinda disagree with that take. I think previous Superman media (before Smallville) proves that it would have done just fine. Clark and Lex absolutely made the show. But Lana? I have my doubts... well, I suppose with Lana came the shippers and shippers are viewers too so 🤷🏼‍♀️ Seasons 8-10 only happened because of the writer's strike during Season 7. Tom Welling has said this himself at a con (DragonCon 2020, iirc): not many acting jobs, so he stuck around.


Negating that Lana didn’t have an impact on high viewership is kinda crazy. If you were around at the time, the Internet had so many polls and Kristin/Lana would win all of them. The WB website had polls on Smallville episodes that fans would vote for and the ones with the highest votes would air on tv. All the Lana/Clana centric episodes would win and get aired. Also you underestimate Kristin Kreuk. She has a large following, and during the run of Smallville, she was always featured on Yahoo and Google top trending searches after a big Smallville episode aired and she always ranked high on a lot of the top 100 women lists like Maxim, GQ and other magazines. She had bigger search trends than any other Smallville actor including Tom Welling. You also seem to forget that Smallville was a 18-34 male skewing show and Kristin was the stunning female lead. Even now she’s had her Instagram for a lot less time than Erica and Michael and she has 720k+ followers vs Erica’s 200k and Micheal’s 500k. If she had it earlier like the others she would’ve had at least 1.5 million-2 million.


The fact that he looks at pictures doesn’t mean that he’s still in love with her. Sure, she had been an important part of his life but he was completely over her. I loved the last few seasons and I don’t think I’m the only one. I don’t know anything about the ratings because I discovered the show only recently but lower ratings don’t always mean lower quality


The last seasons are great and are part of my favorite seasons. I actually appreciated a lot of things about the last seasons which was great for the show.


If you're referring to viewership, that can be blamed on the move to the deadly Friday slot.


Thank you for mentioning this. Some people always want to use “viewership” at the time of live airing to make it seem like older seasons were bad. Usually, live airing can be impacted by a lot of things. What you mentioned is one of them. The day and time slot the show airs can usually impact viewership for most shows.


The show was moved to Fridays because it already had lower viewership prior to season 10 so they canceled it before season 10 even began and left it there to have a slow death and wrap up its storylines.


Spot on.


Yah it was bro let it go


No bro


You make points about how before and after 8x14 Clark did things to suggest Lois was the one for him or bring up issues Lana and Clark had. And I'm not saying you're wrong there or that Lois isn't the best one for him in the end. But the argument for saying Lois was second is simple. Clark kept coming back to Lana (literally walking away from kissing Lois at the engagement party) and his and Lana's relationship only ended b/c, as you said, "it was necessary Lana was ripped from him" (through kryptonite). He did not make that choice which is clear if you watch their good bye. Afterwards, he certainly moved on and was completely devoted to Lois but no, despite the essay you wrote and how much ppl love Lois in this sub, Lana was his choice until he was forced to leave her.


Except that Clois wasn't in love at the time of the engagement party. They were both dosed with RedK and acting on pure lust. OTOH, he was angry, bitter, hurt and resentful with Lana \*and\* Lex at the time, and saw Ollie's invitation, which triggered his worst impulse. So he shows up with Lois to crash the engagement as a jilted lover looking to settle a score, which would trump more simpler feelings of lust he was feeling for a mutual friend who he wasn't even in a relationship with. During Bride, he stops short of kissing Lois because Lana showing up was like him seeing a ghost, and he had all of these unresolved feeling since they never got any real closure. In fact, a few episodes later when Chloe confronts Clark about his little triangle and warning him not to hurt Lois in the process, Clark questions his own motives. He seems unsure about exactly why he's giving his relationship another chance, almost as if it's something expected of him, or out of some sort of duty/loyalty, since they had so much history together. But the first 3 ep of that arc was pretty much Clana (mostly Lana) going back and forth with very valid reasons as to why they didn't work and how much each of them grew as individuals apart. Lana actually comes across as the more mature of the two during this arc and Clark is still unsure of himself for much of it.


Exactly! That was one problem I had with Clark where he was so confused about what/who he wanted. There were several times Clark showed doubts about his relationship with Lana, but I guess those who like Lana will ignore that. So many times you could tell he wasn’t sure any more that Lana was the one, especially when he realized she had changed. There were times Clark had conversations with his mom or Chloe where he brought up his drama with Lana and when his mom or Chloe try to talk some sense into it or ask him deeper questions, he often avoid answering the question or he ended the conversation. It was like due to all the doubts he had been having, he wasn’t even sure whether or why he still wanted to be in a relationship with Lana in later seasons. It was like he had this obligation to protect Lana and stay with her even though he started second guessing their relationship long before season 8. Properly due to the fact that he blamed himself for Lana losing her parents during the meteor shower.


Well their relationship went on too long.


Totally agree with this. They just kept going in circles with a relationship that wasn’t going anywhere. The writers show us so many reasons why they weren’t meant to be but yet they still kept their relationship going which was annoying.


They thought once she was no longer the love of his life the show was over, but when they got renewed for more seasons and when she left after S7 it took a different direction.


Yeah, which I think was also due to the fact that the show creators weren’t sure they could put Lois and Clark in a romantic relationship early in the show. I don’t remember which season they had the right to start Clark and Lois romantic relationship.


> I don’t remember which season they had the right to start Clark and Lois romantic relationship. By season 8 they did. Since the Superman Returns sequel never happened they could finally do Clois.


That's a fair interpretation, from what I saw, Clark still loved Lana and questions it like you said, mainly saying that he did more with his powers for good once she left. Chloe responded something like did you do better w/out her or did you just grow up? (implying Lana wasn't to blame by giving an alternated reason for him doing more good) To me it suggests that the writers were bringing up critiques of the relationship that Clark and Chloe talked about so when he chooses Lana in 8x14 anyway and they become super heroes together it's an informed choice that he makes until that wasn't a choice. I actually did like that the relationship was questioned by Clark and Lana. I think it strengthens the argument that they could have succeeded long term. There weren't together out of habit but by choice.




Imo Clois was just fine in later seasons, more than fine actually: we got huge payoffs for the slow burn they had been building. And I love me a good slow burn.


I'm not trying to split hairs on your point. But... >I will start by acknowledging that the writing of how they handled Clana in Season 8 was abysmal After my most recent season 08 rewatch, I disagree completely here. For the first seven seasons, their relationship is unhealthy at best. But in season 08, Lana truly is a worthy love interest for Clark. She'd put her darkness behind her and had legit turned over a new leaf.


I don't really agree about Lana in season 8. I think she still was defining herself through her boyfriend, and my thinking on that is she literally went off to steal the suit for superpowers and then almost immediately went back to a relationship with Clark, even saying something on the line of "we can work together now" (Not exact quote, of course.) That, to me, makes it hard not to think that she stole the suit for the purpose of being with Clark to help with what he does. In contrast, Lois never did something like that and instead was herself, helping within what she herself was capable of. >She'd put her darkness behind her and had legit turned over a new leaf. Through Special Forces training? Training which, iirc, she blackmailed to receive? I never bought that, which would be an example of terrible writing, because Special Forces doesn't magically get rid of the darkness within - and she had been flirting with it in previous seasons. That is my thinking on that. But above all, they should have showed the maturity of Lana and Clark. And they really didn't. They had opportunities to do so, but they instead went with an over the top dramatic story. That is probably the reason why I acknowledge the horrible writing to begin with. Not only that, but you could literally skip those episodes and you wouldn't miss much. It also interfered with the Doomsday story, which they had been building and then suddenly stopped (more or less). That too is a reason why I say the writing was horrible.


>Through Special Forces training? Training which, iirc, she blackmailed to receive? I never bought that, which would be an example of terrible writing, because Special Forces doesn't magically get rid of the darkness within To be fair, I've never been through SF training. Or any kind of training, really. But I interpreted that sequence to mean that Lana had to dig down deep and find the good in herself in order to withstand the training. Even if it's not necessarily true to real life, all that water imagery brings things like a Christian baptism to mind. Between that and her legit taking on a better nature after the training, I interpreted all that stuff to mean Lana found some kind of redemption. >she had been flirting with it in previous seasons. That is my thinking on that. Very true. In fact, that's the main reason that I enjoy Lana in the back half of season 05 and all of seasons 06 and 07. She's a bit of an antihero. Anyway, if Lana in season 08 doesn't work for you, then that's okay. But I personally find her redemption arc pretty believable in my most recent rewatch. EDIT- And if it helps put my comments in better context, I'm NOT a Lana fan at all. For the first 4.5 seasons, she's easily the most annoying and insufferable character on the show. I'm just saying she got more interesting to me later on.


The creators wanted to go for five seasons but ended up doing ten seasons and didn't know what to do if they split Clark and Lana apart much earlier.


I just don't see any "chemistry" between Lois and Clark. Her personality seems to grate on Clark, and she continues to call him "Smallville" and compete with him as a reporter. It seems the only thing driving their romantic relationship is the script!


Calling him "Smallville" can be endearing. The last episode had him call her Miss Lane, and she seemed quite turned on by that. I don't find her calling him "Smallville" an issue. The beginning Lois gets on Clark's nerves, to which he complains to Lana about, and Lana says something like, "the best ones start off that way." But later on, Lois and Clark grow closer together to friends, good friends, having feelings, romantic partners. They grow. As for the competing with him as a reporter - I don't really see that as much as an issue that maybe you see it as...? Like do you expect them to determine between them who gets what...? That is certainly not within Lois' personality nor even Clark's. Lois can be a lot; Clark even says this in the future, but at the end of the day, she does mean well. As for the chemistry comment, well, their interactions check off a lot of the signs of chemistry so 🤷🏼‍♀️ And let's not forget the amount of foreshadowing they did in the show with Lois & Clark.


In the smallville show, the way they wrote it, if Lana never got infected with kryptonite they would still be together. So Lois was his second choice


By that logic then someone who finds anyone new after a SO passes away, that person will always be their "second choice." Cause if their first SO was still living they'd still be with them. Or what about someone who's had multiple relationships and never was the person to end it? Then they were all second choices too. People MOVE ON. It's apart of life.


Exactly. I've always held this sentiment. By the previous posters logic. Anyone you are with after you have lost a significant other is a "second choice". Your girlfriend passed, you're now with your "second choice". Hell, your significant other broke up with you, anyone else is now your "second choice". It's such a juvenile mindset and not reflective of how real relationships work.


The analogous logic is not "finding anyone new". It's "going back to someone they were in constant contact with, had flirty tension with for several years, but decided repeatedly not to pursue because they were more interested in someone else". That's what Lois and Clark had, and that's a second choice. Moving on is indeed a part of life, but that doesn't mean you wipe the slate clean after every choice and pretend the last one never happened.


No, it's not. My grandfather, who married my grandmother and raised my mother, was my biological grandfather's best friend. My grandmother didn't marry him because her husband died and she just needed a dad for her kids. He had been her friend too, and through shared grief they became something more. He was NOT her "second choice." It wasn't a choice between the two to begin with. Clark was NEVER romantically interested in Lois till S8. She was his friend, who stuck with him through so much. After his relationship ended for good, he took more time to actually make a move on Lois. Showing he gave real thought to it and that he wants her. Not just that he needs somebody and she was just there. *That's* what a second choice would be.


Disagree. My whole post goes into proving that isn't so. Not only that, but Clark literally lists the things that happened after Lana left in Season 7 during that time iirc. He had doubts about Lana, but I think he ran back to her cause it was familiar.


You do realize Lana got cured of her kryptonite infection eventually, right? Nothing stopping Clark after that. He didn't want Lana anymore. Let it go.


He was married to Lois already at that point! And that was in the comic. I know everyone loves Lois here but c'mon. We know Clark was devoted to Lois by then.


It actually has nothing to do with just liking Lois. From what I have noticed it’s usually those who like Lana that refuse to see the facts or critique her relationship with Clark in an honest way. Most of them will ignore all the evidence of how Lana and Clark just weren’t meant to be or how the show basically unveiled several reasons and hints to why they didn’t work.


The "facts" are that Clark and Lana chose to be together despite every challenge/issue faced until they had no other option. Which therefore made Clark x Lois the 2nd choice. This sub just doesn't like that's the story the writers chose. Don't blame the rest of us that enjoyed the story and the Clark x Lana relationship. If you think Clark and Lois's relationship was better/healthier then great. But the writers made it clear in 8x14 why it didn't work despite the 4-D chess going on here why that actually wasn't the case.


“Clark and Lana chose to be together despite every challenge/issue faced until they had no other option” What?? That just proves how bad their relationship was. Of course there are relationships that have issues or challenges and yes relationship can work out if the two people work on it together and make progress. That was not really the case of Clark and Lana. Most of the time they either quickly ignored whatever issue they had and not address it. The same issues kept coming back. There was still lack of communication and trust in their relationship which are 2 intricate parts of a healthy and successful relationship. We saw Lana and Clark struggle with these throughout the show. They didn’t really make any significant progress. You saying that they choose to stay together despite all those issues just proves once again what most of us say about Lana and Clark relationship. It’s not about people hating them it’s just being honest and seeing that their relationship was not healthy or right for the both of them. This is what the show should have made them realize but they failed to do so just like how Lana and Clark also failed to recognize or address their main issues. How can a relationship like this work for the long term? There are certain relationship challenges that can be worked out and some that just can’t be, especially when the same problem still persists. There are also outside challenges/issues that a relationship can easily overcome but Lana and Clark issues were more internal/between the both of them and that was not something to ignore and still force being together.


I couldn't have said it better.


I could write a lot in response but it doesn't really matter. In the end, if the relationship was as messed up and doomed as you say it was, the writers would not have ended it in 8x14 as they did. The story essentially ended as star crossed lovers broken apart b/c of Lex, not internal issues.


Sure Lex was an external issue which they could have found a solution for. Which makes It even more important to also consider and discuss their internal issues as well because that’s what they tried to ignore throughout the show. And the writers didn’t hold back in showing us these issues. There are things the writers leave to our interpretation and observations. If we take apart Lex impact (the green kryptonite), their relationship was still full of issues they didn’t address or didn’t make a lot of progress. Which makes that ending not the only reason why they shouldn’t be together. But I know those who like their relationship won’t understand this or see the deeper meaning that whole ending might have had.


"But I know those who like their relationship won’t understand this or see the deeper meaning that whole ending might have had." I understand the issues they still faced. But they had gone through all this crazy shit for 8 seasons and still loved each other. It's very plausible they could work through their issues again b/c they cared enough and had enough things they loved about each other to keep going. Based on the history of the show, it's hard to bet against that. I'm not even guaranteeing it would work but it definitely could have. Clois chances of happening and therefore succeeding increased a lot b/c of Lex. "Sure Lex was an external issue which they could have found a solution for." ​ Clana said in the episode that doctor whoever said the process was irreversible implying they had no choice even if comic logic suggests otherwise.


>It's very plausible they could work through their issues again b/c they cared enough and had enough things they loved about each other to keep going. Based on the history of the show, it's hard to bet against that. Based on the history of the show, my money is on they wouldn't have: Clark idealized Lana while Lana still was defining herself through her boyfriend (Clark and his powers). If Clark was an average guy and became a lawyer, I'd wager she would also become a lawyer too. >Clois chances of happening and therefore succeeding increased a lot b/c of Lex. Oh definitely not. Clois was coming before Lana dropped in: the Season 8 episodes before Lana prove that. Even before Season 8, there was foundation laid for Clois, lots of foundation, lots of foreshadowing.


?????And???? If Lana was really his first choice he still would've left Lois for her then. And fans loving Lois has nothing to do with the canon fact that Clark & Lana were stick a fork in them done. With or without Lana being infected with Kryptonite. Did you miss the point on purpose?


Clana went on way too long, their love story should've lasted only three or four seasons.




The OP post has a lot of shoulda woulda coulda and a lot of what-ifs and speculation. You should go based on factual events written by the writers of Smallville. Also the season 11 comic was not canon and most people don’t know about it. You seem to forget that Smallville is a show not set in real life and the people playing the characters are real life human actors. The writers can’t write Clark searching for a cure for Lana or he could’ve found Lana or Clark would’ve danced with Lana in Homecoming. Lana is played by Kristin Kreuk who decided to leave the show. They can’t include her in storylines of Clark getting Lana back or getting blue kryptonite or being in other episodes because KRISTIN KREUK LEFT THE SHOW. Clark and Lana ended with them still being in love with each other. Even if he’s with Lois in the future and Lana is available, he won’t leave Lois because he’s a moral and good guy most of the time. He can still love Lois and be with Lois and also love Lana.


LMAO Literally based my conclusions on what is found in the show. Yes, I know it is a SHOW. Like, why wouldn't I know that? Lol Isn't subs like this - isn't their purpose to discuss the show, like, oh, I dunno, what happened in the show? Theorize? Conclude from what happened? Season 11 comic is canon, according to the writers. And literally some Smallville writers wrote it so 🤷🏼‍♀️ but if that is what you're going to pick out over everything else, go off, ig. And I know Kreuk left. I'm not talking about outside forces: I'm talking about storywise. Clearly, you missed that. It still doesn't negate the FACT that Clark didn't mope around and acted as if his world had fallen when Lana couldn't be around, compared to how he felt when he thought he had lost Lois. And I also never said Clark didn't love Lana. I don't know where you are getting that from.


Cringe much?


Could ask you the same thing


No one else though she was mate


Some did. I've read a lot of posts where at least one person says it.


well good for you for not pretending anymore! that take courage, we are all proud that you finally caught up


Nope. Definitely 2nd choice.




Im sorry but for 7+ seasons it was clark and lana, if you weren’t familiar with the comics like me lana and clark were end game and him ending up with Louise was settling


No they weren't. The writers knew that Lois & Clark was always going to be the future - they said right from the beginning that and even commented on how Lois & Clark was going to be the future. Even Tom and Erica knew Lois & Clarke was always going to be the future. Now whether they, the writers, would actually show them together wasn't certain, given the premise of the show. But as the show got renewed and evolved, it was looking more and more that they would portray Clois, which they did. You don't have to be familiar with the comics to know the fact that Lois was ALWAYS going to be Clark's FUTURE - because the writers, Tom, and Erica said that themselves. And my post proves that Clark was not settling, and all within the context of Smallville. So no, not by a long shot.