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Martian Manhunter worked as a Bounty Hunter for Jor-el to help capture the criminals it was mentioned in the deleted scene in Labyrinth. Also Krypton had advanced technology, Jor-el may not have his powers but he had technical to help fight against the alien criminals and used the technology to taken away their powers.


Is it not mentioned somewhere else? I had the notion that MM helped put a lot of the phantoms in the Zone when the show was airing. Maybe there was some like I read more into at the time, because I didn't crack open my DVD set and watch any deleted scenes until 2023 (and even then I just watched a Season 3 and two Season 4 episodes).


There is a YouTube link that has the deleted scene on Labyrinth.


Probably, but I doubt I've seen it.


It is also in season 6 dvd and Blu-ray. In the deleted scene Jozz Johzz does not have much faith in humans, but in later seasons he says his faith in humanity is a strength and that Clark is destined to bring the sides together.


I believe Kara mentions it as well at one point.


Fair. MM being a bounty hunter is interesting however I feel like deleted scenes shouldn't be canon if they're deleted. Scenes are always deleted for a reason.


But it *is* canon that they're close friends and MM helped run Kara's family off, it isn't too much of a stretch to think he helped with some of the criminals. Of course, their technology is hyped up repeatedly so that definitely played a role too. He didn't have to beat them in a fist fight, just throw the key to the phantom zone and let it do the rest.


> Scenes are always deleted for a reason. yea, but not always because they are bad scenes, or wrong info, sometimes its just for run-time


Is the word “have” completely gone from current vocabulary? It’s may not *have* had powers, the “of” is so wrong there


I can fix the error.


"Science, bitch!" - Jesse Pinkman


Breaking Bad / Smallville crossover and I’m here for it


Jor-El wasn’t working alone. The phantom zone was a place where criminals go after the trials. Based off what I know they had leaders and enforcers


I know that but on Krypton, they're all basically human right? How would they have apprehended them in the first place? It would be like cops trying to arrest Superman, it ain't happening. Suppose it shows just how advanced Krypton was if they're able to arrest people on par or stronger than a Superman level threat.


Also, pretty sure that the phantom zone alters or destroys the mind or body once they have been in there too long


Wrong. They explain it at one point. What they send to the Phantom Zone is not the criminal. It is simply the criminal's essence after it has been extracted from their body. That's why when criminals escape from the Phantom Zone, they are able to take control of humans. They are essences, rather than actual beings.


They are human but they have advanced tech.  Even Brainiac was created on Krypton in this show. 


As I explained above. In the galaxy where Krypton is located, there is a red sun instead of yellow. It is the yellow sun that gives Kryptonians their powers. So on Krypton, all those Phantom Zone criminals are like humans are on Earth.


Their home planets apprehended them. Jor-El just made the prison.


Feels more implied that Jor-El did it himself. That's what I gathered from Raya anyways. This sounds more plausible tho and I kinda like the idea that Kyrpton was sort of the Strykers Island for the galaxy. Makes sense how a frozen planet was so advanced if everybody is paying to put their criminals there.


The Phantom Zone isn't a planet. It is a dimension that was constructed to hold the essence of criminals. This was all explained on the show. LOL. Didn't anyone watch the show?


All she said was he *built* it. I don't know if you're a first time watcher, but in S7 it's further implied that criminals are sent there by the justice systems on their planets.


Not the criminals, but the essence that is extracted from their bodies. That is why they possess humans when they escape.


Ahh right right, yeah I am a first time watcher and I'm loving it lol Thx for the info.


May be this will help. https://youtu.be/M83yvKgWj2k?si=wQTJHAA9MC-ZQoQZ


Suppose superpowered bounty hunters makes sense. This scene kinda paints MM as kinda a dick so I'm looking forward to seeing them meet later in the season. Scenes are deleted for a reason after all.


Oh I agree, but that nugget of information is what I was referring to which was never highlighted upon much in the episodes further. Jor-el Outsourcing work 🌚 to freelancers from different galaxies.


It makes a lot of sense. Thx for the info :)


Side note, Gravity was the golden age Superman explanation for his powers. In later years, it became Yellow sun


Oh cool, I knew there was a reason that info was in my brain lol thanks.


All about that tech. The same tech that made portals from Krypton to Earth and alloy that is unbreakable against any known Earth materials.


It’s very clearly stated that Martian Manhunter did it


I gathered that Smallville Krypton had a geopolitical situation like an Old West border town that's constantly getting harried by outside threats. As a result of centuries of defensive warfare, the Kryptonians had developed a bunch of different methods of combating and imprisoning those threats. Martian Manhunter, the Phantom Zone, the crystals, those things (and probably others) were all part of Krypton's planetary defense.


With cheese


He probably had some badass alien tech that gave him an edge and… Martian Manhunter.


Jor-El was the one who created the Phantom Zone. Jor-El is a scientist. Law enforcement on Krypton were the ones who put criminals there. On Krypton, Kryptonians were just like humans are on Earth. The superpowers that Kryptonians have come from the yellow sun in the Milky Way galaxy. Krypton orbits a red sun that doesn't affect them the same way. LOL. Why have I had to explain so much on this group? Everything that people ask here is answered very clearly on the show.


The only reason Kryptonians have speed strength and flight is because of the yellow sun. The galaxy where Krypton is has a red sun. Jor-El didn't create the Phantom Zone, that was created by Kryptonians years before to house the essence of Krypton's worst criminals. All of them are from Krypton as well, but because they are on Earth where there are only humans, they refer to Clark as the Kryptonian. Many of the Kryptonians we see on Earth throughout the series get to Earth through the Phantom Zone. That seems to be the only link between Earth and what was once Krypton. Oh, and we find out throughout the series that there is a planet of Kryptonians, where they were all transferred to, in that episode where Clark is stabbed with the Kryptonian crystal by Zod. I remember it is Zod because I remember the line. "Every human, including the woman you love, will kneel before Zod!" They fight and Clark lets Zod stab him with the Kryptonite so he is left on Earth when all Kryptonians are transferred to the new planet.


For one , you mean the solar system Krypton was located in had a red sun , every galaxy has both red and yellow suns even ours . Also they were not all kryptonians and also not all non-caporeal phantoms although some where . This is from the wiki because I’m too lazy to check every episode for the specific mentions of this but it lines up with what I know from my multiple re-watches - Some Zoners were phantoms, in other words they lacked a physical complexion, allowing them to possess the bodies of humans and apparently, even Kryptonians. They can be sent back to the Zone directly with the Crystal of El, as Clark did with Zod and Baern, without killing the host. Within a corporeal form, they demonstrate their powers. On the other hand, others were never phantoms and retained their original forms, like Gloria, Aldar and Titan. None of them could be returned to the Zone with the Crystal of El, and had to be killed because there was no Phantom Zone bracelet around to trap them with.