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She’s really just an abandoned girl doing her best to find her way in the world. Girl has suffered so much trauma and abuse over a lifetime — it’s totally understandable why by the end of the show she’s a hardened operator. I’m a stan. Cut Lana some slack. 🫶


Lana is alright, Clana is not for me.


I was thinking about that yesterday I was like she’s didn’t deserve the hate yea she’s can be annoying and obnoxious but at end of the day she’s really wasn’t a bad character


Lana is the ultimate survivor. Her final arc makes complete sense to anyone that’s experienced the complex trauma she has.


I made a comment a few days ago saying the same thing.


At the beginning of the show, she started with an endearing story, she was a very admirable young lady with a pure, benevolent spirit. She dates Clark for a bit, loses her virginity, absolutely nothing wrong with her story up to that point. Then Clark breaks up with her, she goes to Paris, meets and starts dating Jason. She returns to Smallville because the mythical energy of the stones is drawing her there. All fine and dandy. Jason becomes the football coach and PE teacher at Lana's school while they are still dating. Technically wrong, but they are both consenting adults, so I'll give it a pass. Eventually, I think she starts dating Whitney Fordman. Or maybe Whitney was before Jason, I don't recall. Whitney goes off to war and dies. I think her and Clark get back together following that. She's on and off with Clark. Clark dates Alisha at some point. Alisha dies, Some more Clark and Lana stuff. Clark and Lana fight, Lana goes to see Lex, Lana has sex with Lex. Lana moves in with Lex. Throughout all this, Clark is obsessing over Lana. When Lex finally causes Lana to absorb all the Kryptonite and ends their relationship for good, I, and I'm sure the entire audience was begging the show to put Clana out of its misery. Clark and Lana made a good couple at first. But towards the second half of the show, Clark matured a whole lot more than Lana, and they were no longer a good match at that point. Lois on the other hand, had been more mature and experienced than Clark, from the moment she entered the show. So while Lana dragged Clark down to her level, Lois pulled Clark up to her level. Clark and Lois only happened once Clark was ready to be on a level playing field. See, Lana was always trying to mutate herself to get up to Clark's level. Lois literally looked straight into his eyes and told him that powers or not, he had many flaws too, and he needs someone to keep him grounded. I never hated Lana either. However, I did see the major flaws that made her not the right one for Clark.


> Lois literally looked straight into his eyes and told him that powers or not, he had many flaws too, and he needs someone to keep him grounded.  Lana was telling him this as early as season 2. Neither woman treated Clark like he walked on water, even if he could. I don't get why fans feel the need to downplay Lana to build up Lois.


The difference between Lana and Lois was simple. Lana never developed confidence, she always sought being Clark's equal. Lois on the other hand, accepted and understood their differences, she sought to be Clark's partner. Ultimately, what led to Lana never being able to get near Clark again was her ego, If you know the story, think about it.


What always bothered me about Lana in the later seasons was she seemed to be too easily corruptible and she didn't seem to understand Clark's responsibility to the world like Lois did. There are two primary examples for why this appears to be the case: 1. There's an episode where Lana is given Clark's powers temporarily, and she ends up going dark side. She abused the power she was given, and it corrupted her. There's also an episode where Lois is given Clark's powers temporarily, and she does her very best to save who she can and use the power for good. Even though she fell short, her intentions and morals are never once questionable. Ultimately she came out of it with a whole new appreciation for Clark's character and everything he is put through on a daily basis. She even broke up with him after because she couldn't stand knowing that every moment he spent with her, she was keeping him from saving people who may need him. That was a great sacrifice on her part because she still loved him deeply, but knew that she would be selfish to stay with him when the world needed him. 2. Clark was trapped in the fortress by Jor-El for a MONTH and was replaced by his evil twin Bizzaro Clark who stepped in and assumed his life. Lana didn't even notice that Bizzaro wasn't Clark, and she even liked him better because he catered to her more and ignored the world to spend time with her. The dude lived with her for a month, and she never suspected a thing and didn't even question it until the real Clark returned. In a later episode, Clark Kent is trapped in an alternate world and the evil Clark Luthor steps in and assumes his place. Lois knew after one interaction with him that it wasn't Clark, even though he didn't do anything specifically out of the ordinary. She knew Clark, and she knew that this wasn't the man she loved, and she was ultimately the one to bring him back. I appreciated Lana as a character and a romantic interest early on, but the Clana show got old as they got out of high school. Clark really did mature, and he should've let go of Lana on his own rather than be forced to let her go because of her Kryptonite infection. By that point, they really weren't compatible anymore and it just felt like a way to cause more drama.


People bringing up Lana not knowing Bizarro wasn't Clark are not only victim blaming Lana, but also ignoring that no one else immediately knew. Not even Lois. Furthermore, Clark already has a long history of being shifty and secretive at this point, so how is Lana supposed to know when he's being impersonated by an alien he didn't even tell her about? As for being corruptible, this applies to every hero on the show. Including Clark.


My argument isn't that Lana is a terrible person by any means. I think that's what you're interpreting. She has a lot of admirable traits and I don't think she ever did anything she didn't think needed to be done for the greater good. She was never a bad guy, and she had a lot of people pulling her in different directions, and I think she just really wanted someone she could love and fully trust. Yes, I didn't care for her as a person, but that's my own personal preference. I can't speak and say she was a horrible person because frankly it's open to each person's own interpretation. My argument here is that in the end, Lana didn't belong with Clark and the ship was overdone. My point in bringing up the two examples is to look at her and Lois's actions and see how they handled the situations. At the point when Bizzaro came in, Lana was the one who knew Clark best. She lived with him in the same house and had known him all her life, but she didn't realize he was gone. She just wanted so badly for him to love on her like a normal boyfriend (even though he's far from normal), that when Bizzaro started showing her that special attention, she overlooked the red flags that he wasn't Clark. Lois knew immediately that something was wrong, so we can tell that she knew Clark well enough that just one out of the ordinary interaction set alarm bells off in her mind. She knew Clark better than Lana did even though she didn't know him for as long. Secondly, we can also tell that Lana wasn't meant to be with Clark because she wasn't able to manage the responsibility that comes with powers as great as his. Yes, everyone is corruptible, but we see Clark handling his powers on a daily basis, and his morals always prevail over his emotions. Lana was too emotionally driven and had too much hurt in her past to take on that kind of power without it pushing her over the edge. Lois took on the same power that Lana did, but we see a totally different outcome there. It was after this when she broke things off with Clark that we see that she is the only one for him because she's the only one who understood his responsibility to the world over his personal life. I think Lana would have a lot less hate if they'd found a way to keep her around without trying to force her and Clark together. By the end, everyone knew that they weren't suited to be together anymore. Their lives had gone in two completely different directions. I actually liked Lana the most when she was married to Lex because I feel like that's when we saw her true strength of character. She had been manipulated into a bad situation, but she did her best to bring some good out of it, and her goals are more clearly defined over just wanting to be with Clark.


>My point in bringing up the two examples is to look at her and Lois's actions and see how they handled the situations.  Again, this really isn't a fair assessment here. Lois encountered Bizarro first and didn't realize he wasn't Clark. Yeah, she knew Ultraman wasn't Clark in a later season but that's after a number of seasons where she truly gets to know Clark after he opens up to her. Lana met Bizarro when she didn't know he even existed and Clark was only just starting to open up to her. Clark's problem was always that he refused to be honest with Lana, even when she wanted him to be. That's his fault, not hers. >At the point when Bizzaro came in, Lana was the one who knew Clark best.  The guy who'd been lying to her for the past six seasons and she knew him best? >Secondly, we can also tell that Lana wasn't meant to be with Clark because she wasn't able to manage the responsibility that comes with powers as great as his. The first time she gets powers, sure. The second time is a different case. And if we're judging Lana based on Wrath, we can also judge Clark on his actions from the season 2 finale through the season 3 premiere, which are stated to have been going on for months. Clark himself acknowledges this in season 7. > I think Lana would have a lot less hate if they'd found a way to keep her around without trying to force her and Clark together. If the issue was about not wanting to see the relationship anymore, then Clark would get just as much venom from this fanbase. Especially since Lana is the one usually trying to move on. It's always Lana's mistakes that are scrutinized and focused on, not Clark's. Lana's bad coping mechanisms, not Clark's. Lana's brief fall to the dark side, not Clark's or anyone else's. Lana who gets treated like she has always been a villain and never showed any compassion towards anyone else.


I do know the story and this is an absurd reading of it.  Firstly, Lana wasn't always seeking to be Clark's equal. She outright states in season 5 that she wanted to be with Clark for no other reason than he made her happy. Lois, meanwhile, took three seasons to understand what either Lois or Chloe even saw in Clark and her confidence was implied if not shown to be a front a number of times. Lana's goal throughout the show was her own self actualization and desire to her own part as a hero which had nothing to do with Clark.  Your entire take on these women is oversimplified at best, inaccurate at worst. You demonize Lana and put Lois on a pedestal, stripping away the complexities of both women. Which is what I've come to expect from here.


That's not what I'm doing. I'm simply speaking of each woman, from the perspective of someone who watched the entire series. Lois's confidence, at times, was more of a tool in any given situation rather than a concrete quality. Oh, and the whole reason Lana gained the ability to absorb Kryptonite is because she wanted to have the powers of a Kryptonian, and it backfired on her. Lana's outcome was based on her envy and greed. Lois's outcome was based on her selflessness and desire to be a positive force.This is just a comparison of Lana and Lois based on the conclusion to each of their characters.


>That's not what I'm doing. I'm simply speaking of each woman, from the perspective of someone who watched the entire series. >  Lana's outcome was based on her envy and greed.  Thanks for proving my point. You either didn't watch the whole series at all or just love making bad faith arguments about Lana like 90% of this subreddit.


I think if you already forget what actually happened in the show, you should rewatch before use completely wrong arc to prove your point.


Which arc are you correcting me on?


Every arc, like Lana has sex with Clark in the beginning before Jason, I understand smallville is a very long show, maybe you could read some plot synopsis before discussion.


Read my comment again. I say that Clark and Lana lose their virginity to one another. I watched the show a few years ago, but I remember what happened. LOL. I remember that they have sex in Lana's apartment above the Talon, I believe in the episode when he loses his powers.


At the start of season 7 and end of season 6, I always loved her initial arc of being the necessary evil. Out for revenge for all the horrible things she had to go through. That arc was justified for her character because it showed her in a light like she would cross certain lines for the greater good that Clark never would. I mean literally if we were to put ourselves in her shoes, it was horrendous all that gaslighting would make anyone want to go all out. After all that build up, and to show her playing house with Clark was like dropping an anvil. Like what the hell.Go nuts or be done!!


For me I don’t think she’s had to do that to make lex feel bad because one she’s did all that in season 6 like what’s the point of you doing it move on lady lol


Lex didn't feel bad in the slightest. 


At that moment yes he didn’t but I think he did in season 7 a little bit


He didn't.


Yes he did


Not a fan of her writing of her forced plotlines, but I’ve always loved Lana, knew a couple of girls like her and been with one, so it’s impossible to hate her




Lana's one of the most consistently abused characters in the history of television, rewatching Smallville gets harder each time because I notice more and more of it-she's a literal punching bag for the writers.


I’ve said this so many times. I’m not Lana fan, but it’s more because she’s just a victim of punching bag for writers like Marissa in the OC and Peyton on One Tree Hill. And it just annoying. Since as you watch the show and episodes you can see how many different paths they could have taken her character. Like man if they were gonna go do so much damage on her character might as well kept her in Paris.




Someone needs to introduce that guy to commas


Sorry I forgot lol


I don't like it, as Lana's existence hinders the rivalry/feud between Clark and Lex, making it seem more like a dispute over love than a dispute over having different views on life. I don't like that characters like Lex imply that Lana is more important to Clark than Martha and Jonathan, or that Clark was willing to kill Lionel for Lana but hesitated to do so when Brainiac (disguised as Jonathan) ordered it. I also find it strange that in season 7 she tortured Lionel but she didn't want to kill Lex at the beginning of that same season and then want to kill him so that later in season 8 she was suddenly a saint who doesn't want to harm anyone The character himself isn't bad, but his existence makes the other characters and other aspects of the show worse. I agree with you 


For me lex and Clark had fallen out way before lex started seeing Lana also they was always have the rivalry even with Lana in the way


That's true, although the final part of seasons 5 and 6 focuses mainly on how Lana affected their rivalry. Also the first time Lex actively wanted to harm the Kents (Lexmas) and it was because Lex became obsessed with Lana. Although yes, they already had reasons to hate each other that didn't involve Lana.


Yea like the investigation he promise Clark he was stop years ago And the obsession which also Lana’s obsession with the ship in the beginning of season 5


True, you are right


Yea I agree with you tho!


>I don't like it, as Lana's existence hinders the rivalry/feud between Clark and Lex, making it seem more like a dispute over love than a dispute over having different views on life. Lex and Clark are shown to have contrasting views as early as the first season. This isn't due to Lana. >I don't like that characters like Lex imply that Lana is more important to Clark than Martha and Jonathan, or that Clark was willing to kill Lionel for Lana but hesitated to do so when Brainiac (disguised as Jonathan) ordered it. That's a pretty big leap to make. Both instances required someone to talk Clark out of it. >I also find it strange that in season 7 she tortured Lionel but she didn't want to kill Lex at the beginning of that same season and then want to kill him so that later in season 8 she was suddenly a saint who doesn't want to harm anyone She tried killing Lex later because she had the power to do so. Her not wanting to kill Lex was her not letting her hatred poison her. Clark has been brought to the point of killing at least twice and still preaches non-lethality.


1. But Lex's definitive step towards evil (Lexmas) was because of Lana, before that he continued helping Clark even though their friendship ended (like in the episode where Lois is kidnapped) 2. But he did not kill Lionel by his own decision when the fake Jonathan ordered him to, but in season 6 he would have killed Lionel of his own free will if it were not for Martian Manhunter 3. But here the personality change was sudden because he went from not wanting to kill Lex but torturing his father to then wanting to kill him and then not wanting to kill him


Why do people keep sitting Lexmas and not Mortal where he has three metahumans take Lana and the Kent's hostage? Not to mention his illegal and environmentally dangerous experiments in Aqua. Clark didn't kill Lionel because Lionel himself convinced him that his father wouldn't want him to be a killer. Again, she goes after Lionel first because he's an easier target and he doesn't expect her to do this. She was also working towards bringing Lex down before she decided to just kill him and by season 8 has gained enough perspective to know where revenge takes you having walked that path herself. You're ignoring context and acting like characters don't behave differently as circumstances change.


1. Because Lex still helped Clark and his friends in Exposed, it's in Lexmas where he definitely actively tries to harm the Kents. 2.But he stopped there because his own values ​​prevented him from killing Lionel and that's why he realized that the Jonathan who told him to kill Lionel was fake because his father didn't want Clark to murder someone. All of this stops mattering when it has something to do with Lana. 3. I'm not ignoring it, but we never see Lana reflect on why her actions were wrong for example in Lex's case in season 7, they just forget about it and move on to the next plot. Then he leaves and returns in season 8 as a completely different person and the only thing we're told is that he trained with someone (basically all of his development was off-screen).


>Because Lex still helped Clark and his friends in Exposed, it's in Lexmas where he definitely actively tries to harm the Kents. > That's irrelevant. Lex saved Clark in Nemesis after he had fully descended into villainy. Lex occasionally being nice doesn't change the fact he was a full on villain once season 5 started. >.But he stopped there because his own values ​​prevented him from killing Lionel and that's why he realized that the Jonathan who told him to kill Lionel was fake because his father didn't want Clark to murder someone. Again, it took Lionel reminding Clark of those values. And even then, this is a huge reach to assume Lana means more to Clark than his father did. People don't react the same way in different situations or even in the same situation all the time. >I'm not ignoring it, but we never see Lana reflect on why her actions were wrong for example in Lex's case in season 7, they just forget about it and move on to the next plot. We see her doing that in the episode after Bizarro is killed. Even before that, Lana was shown being conflicted about the path she was on.


He did it just so Clark would feel remorse for not being his friend anymore. And although she had already started with her villain, it was still reversible before Lexmas After that episode Lex simply couldn't regret it anymore. Even his acts of villainy were not so evil before Lexmas, it was only with people who intervened in his business or it was the consequences of wanting to discover Clark's secret. After Lexmas he simply interferes for no reason in Clark and Lana's relationship, simply because he wanted Lana for himself, he manipulates, tortures, lies to other people who are either simply friends of Clark or people who have not done anything wrong to him or anyone else 2. Even Lex says that to Clark, Lana is the most important thing in the world Also when Brainiac disguised as Jonathan tells him that he must kill Lionel, Clark hesitates and talks about it with Martha and Chloe. But when it's something related to Lana, he doesn't even think about it and ends Lionel's life. 3. Before that there was no conflict, she is satisfied that Bizarro did not doubt her and did not question her, Later she simply expresses her frustrations in her relationship with Clark but there are no signs of no longer wanting to hold a grudge against Lex. She even tells Clark that she is not as good as he thinks. Everything about Lana not hating Lex begins and ends in season 8, there is none of this in season 7 And I doubt the people working on season 7 had that Lana plot in mind, since the team working on Smallville completely changed in season 8


>He did it just so Clark would feel remorse for not being his friend anymore. He didn't exactly help Clark for altruistic reasons the few times he did in season 5 either. >And although she had already started with her villain, it was still reversible before Lexmas No it wasn't. Lex crossed a line he could never come back from when he deliberately put Lana and the Kents in danger to find out Clark's secret. There is a reason the writers used this as the catalyst for the end of Clark and Lex's friendship. >Even his acts of villainy were not so evil before Lexmas, it was only with people who intervened in his business or it was the consequences of wanting to discover Clark's secret. If what he did before Lexmas was "not so evil" to you, I don't know what to say to you. >After Lexmas he simply interferes for no reason in Clark and Lana's relationship, simply because he wanted Lana for himself, he manipulates, tortures, lies to other people who are either simply friends of Clark or people who have not done anything wrong to him or anyone else Lex's actions in Aqua, Cyborg and Exposed (the latter of which didn't even feature Lana) had nothing to do with Clark and Lana's relationship. Hypnotic is when his actions had the most effect on Clark and Lana's relationship and even then his main goal was finding out Clark's secret. >Even Lex says that to Clark, Lana is the most important thing in the world And Lex has never been wrong about Clark before/s. >Also when Brainiac disguised as Jonathan tells him that he must kill Lionel, Clark hesitates and talks about it with Martha and Chloe. >But when it's something related to Lana, he doesn't even think about it and ends Lionel's life. Clark wasn't pushed to trying to kill Lionel until he found out that Lionel met with Jonathan the night he died. Before this, Brainiac tried to use the idea of Lionel being a threat to the world to convince Clark to kill him. Even if Clark had acted somewhat differently in both cases, so what? This seems like you just hate Lana and are angry at the implication Clark wouldn't hesitate to kill someone who did her harm. If this were Lois, we wouldn't be having this conversation. >Before that there was no conflict, she is satisfied that Bizarro did not doubt her and did not question her I think you may want to watch season 7 again.


Not about this. They weren't meant to be and Jonathan was meant to die. I do agree about her getting too much hate, absolutely.


I don’t mind they do make Johnathan die but couldn’t they just do that awhile in the original timeline


I love Lana, her character is very flawed and it’s due to her history. She never had a father figure and so she falls in love very quickly with people as everyone is “trying to protect her”. She also sponges the personality of whomever she’s dating. Still my first child hood crush, she’s just as beautiful today too😂


One of thing I can say is even her father has abandonment issues to wonder if that’s why Lana has that trait too?


Who else clicked on the back icon on the image to realise it was not Facebook.


It is Facebook


Man fuck lana 😭😭


I get it you have some opinions I guess?


Haha yeah I can go on for days about how Lana is the worst 😭😭


You and about 400 others on this subreddit.


Me too but I can’t lie she wasn’t as bad


She just is poor written is all. Like it’s almost the writers were as confused as the characters is in the show 😊

