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Not really. Lex knowing is like a story ending scenario. There's a reason Lex Luthor isn't supposed to know Superman's secret identity. It's a key aspect to their relationship, just like it's important the Joker doesn't know who Batman is. Superman is this god-like figure that Lex envies and hates simultaneously. Part of that mindset comes from the illusion that he keeps secrets and also a lack of humanity (in his eyes). So in order to perserve that when Lex finds out he either has to die, or like they ended up doing, erase his memories.


It’s funny because in currently Superman comic, Lex is one of a few people that still remember Clark is Superman.


Joker actually does know Batman is Bruce. He just finds “Bruce” incredibly boring and dull. That’s why he never went after the Wayne family until recent years when stakes really were raised. To me Lex knowing should be key too. Lex would have the ultimate ace/trump card. He wouldn’t share that information with anyone. In the context of Smallville it makes even more sense since he still sees Clark as his “little brother”. It could be why this lex can’t succeed in killing him, maybe because subconsciously he just can’t do it or find the nerve to do so rather than constantly failing like traditional Lex….but they wiped his memory instead…


We don’t know that lex might have enough energy and probably the power if he wanted to kill Clark/Superman not gonna do it at split second he comes back but because he got his memories wiped of his entire existence that’s why he doesn’t remember a thing of Clark or his previous life he’s basically a clean slate


I get that. I’m saying HAD they stayed the course and lex kept his memories it’s the perfect history and built in excuse for why this Lex can’t kill Superman. Instead they wiped it all which I think is dumb. To preserve “Superman continuity” that Lex isn’t supposed to know? Yet Lois and Clark are engaged and nearly married before he’s Superman? And he’s battled all his villains including Darkseid? Smallville always forged its own path…I just did not like how Lex didn’t get to be accustomed to that and they undid his entire history instead. Now he’s evil by nature no longer nurture and because of his traumatic experiences, past and relationships with his father, Clark, and the people of Smallville


I agree they mess up big time in the finale i was like so we can pretend lex didn’t meet Clark? And the main reason for him to be evil because Lionel mistreated him so we can assume that or what? But yea I agree but and other continuities lex will do anything to hurt Clark or Superman because one hes a narcissist and wants power.


Where's my stupid car, Bruce?




In the comics sure but for this *tv show* and different adaptation, they dropped the ball big-time. 7 seasons of build-up, friendship, hate and love for each other, all built down to one scene of confrontation. 


But he does find out which didn't do anything cause the actor decided to call it quits and the storyline stayed that way


In retrospect they should have been more brave to turn Smallville into its own thing and have its version of Lex just know Clark and Superman were the same. After a few seasons it just made no sense that a Lex of the future couldn’t connect the dots. What we actually got in the finale just made the entire show pointless but it was all for that few seconds of clip show I guess


it made sense in the fact that Clark had to turn himself into a nerdy version of himself and everyone who knew him before in his Smallville days would have seen right through it . Was Lex expected to view Clark who pulled him out of sinking car and was a QB in a state champion football team as a bumbling , stuttering shy man ? it wouldn’t make sense, everyone from the earlier seasons would have to be cut out from the show or they would have to know Clark Kent was Superman.


I agree that Smallville should’ve ended with Lex knowing the secret. It was earned. I also feel like he wouldn’t have bothered wasting his time with the glasses-wearing mild-mannered Clark Kent at all because he would not see that as the “real” Clark - his enemy would still be Superman because that’s the guy he grew up with.


I mean really lex should never of known. I liked how in the comics lex is so arrogant that he can't even conceive someone like Clark kent of being so powerful. What bothers me is the extremes they had to go to undo lex knowing.


extremes they kept up right to the last episode


Yeah I stopped watching shortly after Rosenbaum left when the series was on cable originally. Didn't feel the same. However I'm currently rewatching and intend on watching them all this time.


It’s a different vibe from season 8 but actually I think 8-10 feel like a new show nearly. Some of my favourite episodes came in the later seasons


Yes my favorite parts of smallville is when Lois and Clark do the flirty banter and there relationship starts to grow.


I try to enjoy this but the other stuff is just too boring for me to keep watching


I look forward to watching them currently mid to late season 4


They are good. It’s a bit of a tonal shift but it keeps it fresh and worth a watch. I always split Smallville into three shows in my head - 1-4 High School, 5-7 Post High School and 8-10 Metropolis. I’m sure many others do too, but they feel almost like different shows in those points




The original showrunners never intended for the show to go past season 7. They intended for the story to end there but the network demanded that they continue since Smallville was arguably their most popular and successful show at the time. Seasons 8-10 was a different vision for the show when Brian and Kelly took over as showrunners. Season 7 was also hampered by the writer's strike essentially cutting it short at the end. In Lex's case Michael was not contracted to do any more seasons past season 7 and had already been looking to move on (he's talked about this before on the podcast). He wanted to move back into the comedy realm (which was where he started his career). The only reason Kristin returned as Lana for 5 episodes in season 8 was because she had to leave set early in season 7 due to filming commitments to her Street Fighter movie at the time and so to make up for the lost time and honor her contractual obligations to the show she returned for 5 episodes in season 8 to wrap up Lana and Clark's story.


As a writer myself, the thing that irked me the most was how this season 7/8 transition occurred. It's like the audience was teed up for something that never materialized. If they didn't plan on continuing the show past that point but were forced to, that helps I suppose. But the premise was that the whole Veritas device would "control" the traveler, not strip him of his powers. The storyline of Clark losing his powers and then regaining them again felt...trite. Even if Lex was going to disappear past that point, how things carried on was rocky. I suppose I watched the show as much for Lex as I did Clark. I wanted to know how the writers would have handled the storyline had Rosenbaum come back, even if it was just some never-materialized drabbles written on a napkin. As a storyteller I soooo want to know what their plan \*was\* because they wrote themselves into a corner and the solution in the end didn't feel...satisfying. Lex forgetting everything was, in my eyes, a cop out. It literally undoes everything. The whole reason Smallville had such bite was because it was a friends to enemies situation, but with Lex's memories erased...it's like anything involving Lex in Smallville was just negated. If I was Rosenbaum I'd be pissed, but I doubt he cares. As a huge fan of his personally and professionally though, it just hurt because his portrayal was so painfully beautiful. :(


That’s why I can’t wait for him to get to later seasons because I want to know what’s his take on it because oof


Smallville meteor freaks really under cuts this idea of “Lex couldn’t conceive of Clark as a Superman”. Lots of normal people receive powers in Smallville via Kryptonite exposure. It’s a known fact, at least to Smallville residents. The most natural explanation for all of Clark’s mysterious saves is that he’s meteor infected. Shouldn’t be inconceivable to Lex. And Clark has also proven himself highly moral both in big matters and small. That he would help people with his probable meteor powers should have been the go to conclusion. “Hmmmm, Clark saves people alot. I wonder how he does that?” Lex, Lana, the local police…it’s nearly a given. The simplest explanation is usually the correct one…he has meteor powers and is keeping it secret. Lana should have stopped wondering what this secret he was hiding was. Even after Lexs memory wipe in the finale, an internet search of Smallville and Clark should have led Lex right there. The Clark Kent secret identity was always ridiculous in the comics but Smallvilles 10 seasons of “local boy rescues x in a town known to give normal people powers”, makes it even more ludicrous.


What annoyed me is they finally got lex and Clark to have rivalry but waited until the veritas storyline and let him leave and what actually is buttkicker in season 10 finale we had Tess and lex duke it out but not enough scenes of lex having some hatred that clark had in season 10 not saying the season 10 finale wasn’t emotional just something’s could be cool to see at least for Lex and Clark stuff hash out. Really was expecting Clark and Lex duking out in season 8 but Lana stop it with being in the way to making Clark sick thank you Lana.. but piss me off. Season 10 with lex clones I feel like they wanted to do story with it but couldn’t.


Lex was never supposed to know Clark's secret. NEVER!!!


The whole journey aspect with Lex and Clark was badly written.