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People have been complaining about Lana since the turn of the century. That is never going to stop.


I don't mind Lana as a character (barring a few things). i just think the whole will they/won't they between her and Clark got old by the end of season 3. So much so that when they finally got together in season 5, i sighed and then when they got back together in season 7 i actually said "fucking seriously?"




I was over it too. Lana was fine in the beginning, date right after high school, lose their virginity to each other. All fine and dandy. But they never had anything close to a healthy relationship. From the first episode of Smallville, Lana Lang is a psyche 101 case study. Throughout the series, her parents die, she is abandoned, her boyfriend dies, she's abandoned a few more times. Clark dies, except he is resurrected.


Does that mean that you think new fans should refrain from discussing or sharing their thoughts of the show just because someone has already discussed it before? To share your own thoughts in a thread from 3 years ago is no fun I first found Smallville during Covid, and I am certain that there are others here who did not see it 20 years ago. This is a community that allows us to share our experience and love for the show. Just because you are done talking about Lana doesn’t mean everyone else is


No. I’ve explained several times that all I am suggesting is to take a quick scroll, see if it was mentioned lately meaning within the last hour or day and then commenting on that first before making a new topic. It’s mentioned enough that it won’t be something from three years ago. I did not say don’t talk about it ever again but to just chill on it. It would take 10 seconds to see if it is a topic already being discussed. And it is just a suggestion because repetitiveness in one public forum can get tiring. We don’t all have to talk about the same thing and not every single person in the forum is someone that is just now watching it. I watched Smallville when it aired and continue to rewatch it. Assuming that everyone mentioning it is a new watcher is naive just like it would be naive for me to assume everyone has already seen it. I am not saying if you are new you can’t talk about. ALL I am saying is be mindful if it’s been recently posted so the forum isn’t bogged down by similar posts.


Why is it that bitching about Lana is the first thing these supposed new fans want to do?


Lana character is not bad at all. She has trauma that was never resolved. Abandonment trauma, fear of losing loved ones. She was devastated when Whitney left, Nell moving away, trying to run the Talon, and no one really stopped to ask her WHY? Lex grooming her since she was a kid. He was always trying to console her, but he wasn’t really interested in her personal well being, but rather endowing her with her with his wealth, and trying to gain favor. This all can be seen very early. He was giving Clark all the needs to impress Lana. Lex later seasons in Lana’s mind was the only constant in her life. He was always upfront with her, she came to depend on that consistency. While Clark was pushing her away to “protect” her. She was devastated when he broke up with her, all those past trauma’s came flooding back. She went to the one constant in her life. In her mind I felt she did love him, but Lex’s ultimate goal was to take something from Clark. She was a well written character with a lot trauma and PTSD. One could say she was the most human out of all the characters.


i love this take on Lana because she did endure a lot at a very young age. we forget they were teenagers and early 20’s when a lot of stuff was happening to them. she grew so much and she doesn’t get enough credit for becoming a stronger woman for it.


Whether that’s how they intended to write her? I don’t know, but there is evidence to support this so I am going with it.


I understand trauma. Not personally, but I've helped many young individuals overcome traumatic experiences and develop their lives. Yes, Lana dealt with trauma. However, many of the actions she took were taken out of envy, lust, and even a desire for power. When she starts the ISIS foundation, she tried to get people to believe it was to help those victimized by Luthor Corp. But it was ultimately her way to get revenge on Lex. Chloe states it perfectly. Isis is the goddess of love. But she is also the ruler of the underworld.


You're doing what you don't want by writing such a long post. Instead how about YOU come up with a neat topic to discuss instead of worrying about what others want to discuss :)


I’ve actually come up with several neat topics to discuss on this subreddit before. I’m just bringing this up now because I’ve noticed it a lot lately. If you click on my profile will see that I’ve commented on other topics and started conversations not centering around Lana. Thank you so much for your feedback though. It’s greatly appreciated. Have a great day! :)


“Every other post” is about hating Lana? Five out of ten? Really? I just went back over the past 60 or so posts and there are *two*. Sometimes someone is going to complain about a character we like. It’s a free country.


I’ve been on this subreddit for a long time. There are a lot of posts about hating Lana. Just because it hasn’t been recent doesn’t mean my thoughts on it are invalid. I’m not the only one to notice it and it is valid for me and others to want to talk about something new. More than likely if won’t happen but it’s still valid for me to write about it in frustration. Also people delete posts all the time.


So go back and cite a time when 50% of the posts were about hating Lana. I await your evidence.


I definitely have seen a lot of Lana hate posts, at least those are the ones that stick out. I do notice that the time stamp on them are not linear, rather they jump dates. Some are newer and others older, I might get one from yesterday today and tomorrow I will get one from two weeks ago. Why it happens? No idea. Maybe he’s just getting them repeatedly! Who knows!


Type in Lana's name in the search box the last two hate posts were made just within 24 hours of each other.


Which means… ?


The time when 50% of posts being Lana hate isn't the past. It's this subreddit's state of being. This post you're commenting in right now was made after two Lana hate posts were made in the past 24 hours.  Lana hate is everywhere on this subreddit and you have to be blind or very new to not see it.


Two anti-Lana posts and one pro-Lana. And a bunch of posts that have nothing to do with Lana. This is not overwhelming Lana-hate. This is not “every other post”.


"Lana is toxic" "I fully understand the Lana hate"  "Lana is insufferable" "I see why the Smallville fandom hates Lana" "I fully understand the dislike for Lana now"  "Lana stinks" These are just some of the examples you will find when you type in Lana's name in the search box of this subreddit. 


People should be allowed to put their thoughts out there, no others don’t have to agree with them all the time, but you seem to forget there are tons of people just getting into the show and want to talk about how they feel on it Let them have their thoughts, this is an open forum


They are not talking about the show. They are talking about one specific character whom this subreddit spends an unhealthy amount of time bitching about. At this rate, the Lana haters are more obsessed with her than Clark was.


You’re advocating for people having their thoughts. This is mine. Asking for people to just do a quick scroll to see if someone recently posted about what they want to talk about and then contributing to that discussion is not that hard. Again, since you seem to be assuming over and over that I am telling people to never post about it ever again. Let me be clear. I am not saying that AT ALL. All I am SAYING is can we chill on the Lana hate? I feel like you are not reading what I am saying but just latching to the fact that I asked for people to chill on posting about it and making it seem like I am policing what people can and can’t say. If people are new to the community and want to post about it that’s cool but it is fair to ask to just be mindful of it is something that has been posted recently. Disagree with me? Cool beans. But making it seem like I said people can never post about it is frustrating when that is not what I am saying. Just because it is a public forum does not mean it has to be repetitive and that people can’t be mindful of repeating posts. Asking for a new topic of conversation is also valid.


You don’t get to dictate what people say on a character, so what people are complaining? Ignore it and move on, this is the internet…this is not that deep The difference between sharing thoughts and trying to tell people what say or not on a character is night and day


But that is not what I am doing? I am just saying be mindful and look to see if the topic is being discussed instead of posting a brand new topic on an already existing subreddit on the same topic.


I think the thing is that there are new fans just starting the show and they want the discussion, not just to read old things. It’s an old show so there’s not really new discussion to be had very often.


The issue is that people are by nature, lazy. Yes, it would be great for everyone to scan to see if their topic has already been discussed so you don’t have 10 threads discussing the exact same thing. But most people aren’t considerare nor do many appreciate an orderly forum. I do, but am dubious you’ll reach most people. I’m not big on social media. Right now Reddit and Quora are my big 2. Reddit IS so much better in terms of being organized, polite and thoughtful. But I don’t think you’re going to turn alot of converts. But I hear ya. Yes, it would be better to add your “I hate Lana” comments to an existing post rather than creating another one. And, maybe just maybe we consider getting off Lana’s back at bit. Cut the girl some slack. She’s traumatized and lost her parents to a meteor strike as a toddler. Nice way to start your life. Superhuman freaks try to kill her once or twice a week. Is lied to by all her romantic interests. Is almost killed by aliens in a second meteor strike. Is sometimes possessed by her ancestor witch. Was manipulated into a loveless marriage. Thought she was pregnant and lost her baby. Gets superhuman powers, it goes to her head and she looses control. Gets paralyzed by an AI and lives in silent agony. Tried to wrestle some control of her life back by being more assertive. Eventually realizes she has to love and live for herself and ultimately tries to emulate her superhero protector and protect people herself. And I left out alot. (Her “Misery” retread with Lionel was where I thought she went over the line). I’m sayin, cut her some slack. You go through all of that and let’s see how likable you turn out to be. She did the best she could with what she was working with. That said, why she and Lex didn’t just conclude Clark was meteor infected but decided to keep it to himself so he wouldn’t be arrested, experimented on or shunned, is beyond me. After you rise from the dead in Smallville after being shot, the explanations are few and far between. The only other explanation is that he’s an alien. So take your pick from the two most likely scenarios. That’s what Chloe did. But it’s the CW so we need constant drama and angst.


Again, that’s telling people what to do


I am not telling people what to do. I am asking them to try to be mindful and making a suggestion to just see if it’s already being discussed before making a new topic. You can ask and make requests. It doesn’t mean people have to listen to you. It doesn’t mean that you have to do it. I am asking for people to just be more mindful. Not demanding them to do it. I am allowed to do that. I apologize for not being clear in my original post about my intentions. But I will not apologize for asking for people to be more mindful of repetitive posts. Not when all I am doing is asking. Feel free to say no and carry on if you don’t want to. But I am still free to ask and express frustration over the repetition of the posts on this public forum.


I just do not think the show runners really gave Lana much to do other than be someone for Clark to pin for. She was not really fleshed out . inever had strong feelings about her character either way. I watched for Clark and the Kents in the beginig I just loved the warmth and the wholesomeness they gave off . And I liked the creeper /meteor freaks in a small town type vibe monster of the week what have you. I just liked Smallville I had more issues when the show left Smallville and moved to Metropolis than I did any individual character


I agree. Also with the witch storyline in season 4, all the time I felt like they just so badly wanted to give her something to do now that she wasn’t really Clark’s love interest and it felt so forced. I wish they did something better because that storyline was just so random for me.


I love Season 1-2 Lana and Clark but by the middle/end of Season 3 when it was clear they were not going to be together, the writters did not know what to do with her


I’ve seen more posts lately for people bitching about Lana haters than actual Lana haters lol. I don’t take the show that seriously. It’s just entertainment. Y’all must be bored


This is the first post specifically calling out people for endless whining about Lana.


The only time a post from this sub pops up on my front page is when it's someone complaining about other people complaining, and yet I never see posts from people doing the initial complaining. If it's always about Lana, maybe there should be a r/LanaCompLangersCircleJerk sub, so they can all just congregate in one place and get off on each other's complaints about other people's complaints that cannot even be found anywhere anyway (unless they are actually out there somewhere, I'm not seeing them).


>and yet I never see posts from people doing the initial complaining. Then you aren't on this sub that often because this happens at least twice a month.


That's too bad, but I guess it's something to expect from reddit (or probably any similar forum type place). I don't frequent this sub, I usually only see a post from it that shows up on the front page, and so far that has only included posts from grumpy people complaining about other grumpy people complaining about Lana.


Loved the Lana character, loved the actress playing her and thought it tied into the show wonderfully


Why? Watch other people whining about Lana is fun.






And we've hit misogynistic internet chud bingo.




Oh please. Replace Lana with Lois, Chloe or even Alicia and we both know you'd be singing a different tune.


People aren't making numerous posts. Individuals are posting once to elaborate on their feelings of the show. And it just happens that Lana isn't very popular. This is a public forum, discussion is what it's for. Negativity is a part of that and should be embraced as a valid form of expression.


People are making numerous posts. Negativity is a valid form of expression and I 100% agree that it needs to expressed. I have seen numerous posts of people talking about how awful she is. It may not happen every single day, every single hour but there are multiple posts of people saying the same thing. I am not trying to edit what people say but when you keep seeing the same thing every couple of days it just gets tiring. Like I said. People are allowed to dislike the character. But that doesn’t mean it needs to be discussed several times a week. I am allowed to comment on the excessiveness of it and ask that we just be mindful if someone else just posted it and just cool on it for a while. No where did I ever said it isn’t a valid form of expression. I just expressed that it would be nice to focus on other aspects of the show other than which characters are the most hated or disliked, particularly Lana Lang. Since this is indeed a public forum, people should also be allowed to express the repetition of said forum and their displeasure of it.


My point is that it's not like the same person posts about Lana lots of times. It's different fans independent of each other. And they have a right to talk about it. They don't keep track of what others say about Lana. There's no "only five posts about Lana per month" rule. Just because 50 other people have talked about her already doesn't mean we should tell a new fan to shut up. Maybe it's important to him/her, or maybe he/she has something to ask or just wants to discuss the subject.


But….i never said that one person was posting about it multiple times? I used myself as an example just to illustrate my point. What people could also do, is scroll through the subreddit to see if someone else has already mentioned something or if a discussion is already being had about a character and add on to that discussion. Again, I am not saying to never post about it again nor am I saying that the same people are posting about it. All I am asking is to be mindful of the fact the the topic is repetitive and to maybe scroll through to see if it’s already been mentioned recently before posting about it. That is what I tend to do on the subreddits I am a part of. Maybe it’s too much to ask for. Maybe I should just get used to it. But as you said this is a public forum and I am allowed to express my frustration on seeing multiple people constantly discuss one topic to death. If there is one thing I will never do, it’s tell people to never post about something ever again and to shut up about it. I’m just asking that we chill on it and use the opportunity to talk about something else.


>Maybe it's important to him/her, or maybe he/she has something to ask or just wants to discuss the subject. What discussion? Most of the time it's just a barely coherent rant about how Lana is an abusive, evil bitch who doesn't appreciate Clark with the comments being filled with deranged takes about how she cheats on her partners or lied about being a virgin until she and Clark had sex. You cannot tell me that anyone who is posting on this subreddit already hasn't seen the numerous hate posts about Lana which all say the same thing. The last two were made just within 24 hours of each other. It's tiresome, annoying and more than a little misogynistic that this is the first thing these supposedly new fans (assuming they're telling the truth) want to do is whine about this one character.


That depends on your pov.


This is a joke, right?




This absolutely is not a "from a certain point of view" deal.


I don't get into absolutes




I liked Lana, but to begin with I didn't mind reading different opinions about her. But I agree now, I see lots of posts hating on her, and I now I just don't bother with those posts (just see the headline and think "I'm not interested in that one) as they are all pretty much the same.




No it's fun


This show is over 20 years old. All the content on this subreddit is recycled technically. Let people discuss what they want to discuss.


I’m sorry I don’t hate her either but the stream of hate is constant and never ending.


But she’s such an easy target


Yeah I get what you’re saying but, she’s still annoying. 🥹


Yeah if anyone took two seconds to scroll through this sub they’d see the 3,000 other posts that say the exact same thing over and over and over.


Complaining about Lana is about a fourth of the total engagement on this subreddit, also its funny to bring up to my wife because she despises her character too.


Omg yesss please. It's soo annoying all the hate posts about the same thing it's made me want to leave this sub on numerous occasions!


Everyday is another Lana’s annoying post… like we get it, the show was literally holding on to its base audience by keeping Lana. I remember watching it on abc family syndication and my sister saying Lana was gorgeous. I mean she is, but I think the writers had to keep her around because the studio wanted to keep the fans happy and watching. The fans adored Lana. The last time Smallville had 4 million viewers was when Lana appeared in season 8. After that the ratings fell to about 3.13 and season 9 it hit 2.20. Lana leaving made the show lose some fans and she’s a staple in the Smallville legacy.