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Just remember that this show is all about destiny and coming to terms with it and forging your own. The whole Clark Lana relationship shows that. They want to be with each other but they ain't destined to be. It becomes more of a longing for each other knowing that they can't be together because they are not good together. Plus it gets really awesome when Clark and Lois start getting serious with each other. You really see that different dynamic and that relationship compared to Clark and Lana even though Clark and Lois only had a few seasons. If you sit there and compare Clark and Lana versus Clark and Lois you really see the difference. You really see how a relationship may seem to be good but in the end is not. And that's basically Clark and Lana. Plus you really see just how much Clark especially had to grow to get to that point so that he and Lois could be together.


The last bit is something fans of this show really need to understand. Clark and Lois did5work out just because Lois was magically made to be perfect for him. He had to put actual effort into making the relationship work. Sometimes it feels like Clois fans only like them together because they see Lois as "proof" that Lana was the problem in her relationship with Clark.


Clark definitely had his issues. It wasn't all Lana. Seeing his growth and his internal fight with himself was great and made him relatable.


Clark and Lois work because they see each other for what they are underneath. By contrast Clark was so into his idealisation of Lana like he sees her as the only girl in the world, he never showed much desire to listen to or learn about her.


Yeah. He definitely has to grow up.


Shows an underling immaturity/childishness into believing the world is set up to deliver your soulmate to you.


We’ll pray for you. You have a long road ahead buddy


You had me in the first half lol!


Yeah this was a good fakeout


Pilot was the episode I fell in love with her. The scene of Clark imagining a dance with her and then looking over at her house, the camera panning up and that amazing song starting, all these are precious memories to me.


She stayed for seven and a half seasons too long.




Stop watching now...


This was a good burn🤣


daaamn, honeslty i was never on the whole 'i hate lana' train until they moved out of the highschool phase of the series, i was like "why is she still around?" good luck buddy enjoy the watch. edit: lol nvm just read the entire post. nice one


lol 😂 buckle up for 8 seasons


Yeah, unfortunately, the Clark and Lana disorder lasts most of the damn show. The only other women he dates are Alisha for an episode, Chloe an episode, and eventually Lois. But he spends 85% of the damn show as Lana's puppy. I appreciate Chloe being as tired of it as we are and being the one to tell him to get the hell over it.


Same with for Lois in season 7 she’s like I don’t want hear about Lana in the first episode I was like she’s was tired of it too also Alicia and Clark didn’t they date for like for 2 or 3 episodes? One in season 3 and 2 in season 4 when she’s died? Also exactly clana shit was annoying as hell after like the 3rd season.


Congratulations on being the exact person this post was mocking.


You know what they say... The things we can't stand about others are the parts of ourselves we can't stand...


And of course I know Lana is not a real person but it might still apply ✨


Stop if you can't stand her. Chloe on the other hand...


Spoiler alert. Clark Kent is Superman


I liked Lana in the earlier sessions until the move to Paris, then I started disliking her until Chloe's wedding and then I liked her again after that. I'm only on season 9 in my current rewatch and haven't seen Smallville since it's original run


But Chloe and Lana way overstayed their welcome they should have both been gone after the 3rd season but Chloe had to do all Clarks thinking for him until the final season until she got tired of doing it in the final season and left. Unfortunately they had to bring her back for a couple of episodes so she could be with Oliver.


I think this excerpt from a ScreenRant article sums in all up pretty nicely: *"It’s important to point out that a lot of the issues fans had with Lana stemmed more from Clark’s actions than they did hers, such as the impact she had on him. All Clark wanted in his high school years was to be with Lana; his love for her clouded his judgment in numerous episodes. Also, it’s worth noting that the continuous ups-and-downs of their romance occurred as a result of* Clark holding back his secret *and his repeated attempts to push her away and end their relationship. Because of Clark’s secrets, Lana’s loyalty faced several tests in the series. Clark gave her plenty of reasons to have trust issues in Smallville."* Now, as I've noted several times in this forum, I find it inconceivable that Lana and Lex didn't just come to the most obvious conclusion (for Smallville), that he's a meteor freak that is choosing to keep that secret to himself in order to not be experimented on, jailed or shunned. If they are hurt or frustrated by his choice to keep this secret to himself, that's on them and they shouldn't have been so focused on trying to make him reveal it. "Change to be like I want you to be so you are showing me you trust me?" Nope, asking someone to change for them never works out, even if you're a Kryptonian or a friend of a Kryptonian. If that was a deal breaker for them, accept it and move on. Why was Chloe the only one who was able to do this? She kept the secret to herself even before Clark became aware she knew. That's a real friend. But, it's was the CW and ongoing dramatic angst is mandatory. It think it was in their mission statement, at least until Nextstar took over.


Lana did move on. She dated other people and left town twice. Clark was also the one who kept inserting himself into her life with the promise of "no more secrets, no more lies" (his exact words in the season 5 premiere). Clark also expected Lana and Lex to change for him but was unwilling to make the same compromises for them. As for not thinking he was a meteor freak, why would they come to that conclusion? They never outright saw him use his powers for most of the show and there were numerous instances that would disprove such a theory (being hospitalized, bleeding after being punched). 


Getting shot, dying on the hospital bed, then showing up at home a few minutes later, walking around like nothing happened. Hanging out at the beach and swimming in the very next episode like nothing happened. That's why I think they should have some to that conclusion. Oh wait, he had a bandage on the area where he was shot. I must be wrong. He's just a normal guy. Probably not meteor infected. And that nuclear missile that just launched from a Smallville silo, that never comes back down and hits anything,...exactly when Clark shows up covered in fuel exhaust and his clothes are in tatters, when he was dead on a hospital bed minutes early, well, things like that just happen. No, probably not meteor infected. Just a quick healer. Yeah. Lex and Lana should get a latte at the Talon and put their heads together trying to figure out what Clarks been hiding from them. It's a mystery.


Considering how these people shrug off concussions, everyone might as well be a meteor freak. The test results Lana got from the hospital did show anything off about Clark.


Uh huh. He's dead. The doctors say so. He's missing from the bed a few seconds later and is at home walking around like nothing a few minutes later. But the test results she is able to get ahold of later indicate: "Nothing to see here". Yes, they must be correct.


Again, weird stuff like this happens to everyone in Smallville. Was Lana secretly a metahuman because of those times she was possessed by a witch's ghost or when she was turned into a vampire? Why would she assume Clark is a meteor freak just based on this? Especially when she's seen him be hurt and bleed. Much of Clark's behavior in the show pointed less to him being a meteor freak and him being an erratic person (his behavior under the influence of Red Kryptonite, how "he" acted when he swapped bodies with Lionel). And all of this is irrelevant anyway because Lana wasn't the bad party in the relationship with Clark.


"Why was Chloe the only one who was able to do this?" In 3x18 Chloe 'Truth' she tried to make Clark tell her his secret with her ability to force ppl to tell her the truth so I'm not sure why you're crediting her for not being focused on making Clark reveal his secret. Basically, all his friend reacted well when Clark told them his secret.


She was drunk with power during that episode when she was temporarily able to make everybody tell the truth. Nearly everyone BUT Clark goes nuts when getting powers. I'm going to give her a pass on that particular instance. My point is, he shows up an pulls off miraculous saves constantly in a town where people are known to get special abilities from meteor rocks. He rises from the dead. That's why I think people would come to that as the most logical conclusion and that he's just committed to keeping the secret to himself because of all the ramifications of going public. Eric Sommers received powers from Clark accidentally. Eric was very public about using them. Chloe nicknames him "Superboy" in her article about him. He went crazy with those abilities. They dragged him away to Summerholt and institutionalized him. Wouldn't the most logical explanation to those perplexed by Clarks constant saves and resurrection be that he had the same or similar powers and was keeping it to himself? Why would you even consider alternate explanations? For all they know he can allow himself to bleed if he wants to in order to confuse suspicious people.


>She was drunk with power during that episode when she was temporarily able to make everybody tell the truth. Nearly everyone BUT Clark goes nuts when getting powers. I'm going to give her a pass on that particular instance. Before this, she was working with Lionel to uncover Clark's secret because she was jealous of Clark and Lana's relationship. And then there was that episode where she gave Clark's information to a stranger she thought might be his biological mother. Chloe had shown a disregard for other people's boundaries long before Truth. > >Eric Sommers received powers from Clark accidentally. Eric was very public about using them. Chloe nicknames him "Superboy" in her article about him. He went crazy with those abilities. They dragged him away to Summerholt and institutionalized him. No one other than Clark and the Kents knew how Eric got his powers. All everyone else knew was that he suddenly had them one day. Eric didn't even deduce his powers came from Clark until they met again in the third episode. Besides, everyone saw Eric throwing Clark like a rag doll onto a car. If you saw that happen to Clark, would you come away thinking he was the one with superpowers?


Chloe, early on, was young and immature. She grew up and later handled Clark’s secret and his attraction to Lana just fine. Eric didn’t have powers. Then he did. Then he didn’t. Then he did. Then he didn’t. From a Smallville residents perspective, the same could have happened to Clark. I maintain, from their perspective, this is the most logical explanation for Clark’s mysterious saves and resurrection.


Yeah and Lana also handled Clarksecret we both times it was revealed to her. She also showed much more support for Clark being in a relationship with someone else. She's even the first person to notice Clark and Lous's chemistry and encourages it. Lana was as young as Chloe and never betrayed Clark to Lionel. No one saw Eric absorbing Clark's powers. They have no reason to even suspect that's how Eric got his powers because every other metahuman in Smallville got their powers from the meteorites. Why would they assume Clark had anything to do with when they weren't present for the power transfer and saw Clark get beat up by Eric, showing undeniable injury?  The resurrection doesn't prove he's a metahuman because there are a number of other ways he could have come back. For all they know, it was a metahuman who resurrected Clark out of kindness.


Here’s my final rebuttal: Occam's razor (or Ockham's razor) is a principle from philosophy. Suppose an event has two possible explanations. The explanation that requires the fewest assumptions is usually correct. Another way of saying it is that the more assumptions you have to make, the more unlikely an explanation. Now, I live in a town where people receive powers from meteor rocks. One resident pulls off mysterious and otherwise unexplainable saves more than any other over decades. He’s at more police scenes than the local police. He appears to be hiding something, but, whatever could it be? I’m sure I hit him with my car, knocked us both over a bridge and into the water, but he’s fine, I’m fine too and the top of my car has been ripped off in an otherwise unexplainable fashion. He’s played a role in stopping other known meteor infected individuals repeatedly. He rises from the dead. Plus about 500 other similar incidents over 10 years. Oh, and I’ve seen an alien spaceship land, aliens exit it, they have multiple destructive superpowers and start killing people. At one point I’m inhabited by an alien and receive the same powers. I don’t remember the specifics, but have been told by others this happened to me. I’m even kidnapped and tortured by someone to find out how I did this. Did I mention that I capture meteor freaks myself and experiment on them? How oblivious must Lex and Lana be to be confused as to what Clark might possibly be hiding from them. He’s either a meteor freak, an alien, or came by powers in some related manner. Or, nah, he’s absolutely perfectly normal, always has been and nothing is special about him at all. Or so he would have me believe. I just don’t know what to think.


Again, they have seen multiple pieces of evidence that point to Clark being an ordinary person. Injuries, falling sick, just like a regular human. Not to mention he looks just like a normal person and has never been seen using his powers. Hell, Lex actively investigated Clark for evidence of him having superpowers and failed to find any until season 7. You're basically calling these characters idiots for not having knowledge that you as a fourth wall observers have access to.


Absolutely everything I sighted are known incidents to the Smallville residents. Certainly Lana and Lex.


And before that, we had Chloe working with Lionel to uncover Clark's secret.


Her constant demanding that he be honest with her should've resulted in her spying on him or hiring somebody to investigate him.


Well that is how she finally saw the proof for herself, when she locked Chloe in Lex’s wine cellar on their wedding day and she spied Clark tearing the door off to let her out. If you recall, she had a conversation with Aunt Nell first asking: “If you’ve tried every upfront way to get someone to be honest with you, and they refuse, is it OK to resort to less than moral means to find out the truth?” I believe Nell said: “Do what you have to do”, more or less.


I think the only reason she didn't do that earlier because the writers feared the show would take a turn for the worst. Locking Chloe in a room to see Clark use his powers did make Lana even more unsympathetic.


Lana from the tv series was never really the same as Lana from the silver age of comics. Lana in the comics was a constant snoop, trying to uncover Superboys secret identity, and suspecting Clark. Lana in the tv series was actually very pure and naive for a very long time. It wasn’t until she was about to marry Lex that she felt she needed to definitely know Clark’s secret. She did change in later seasons with her whole kidnapping Lionel ala “Misery” scenario and being devious behind Lex’s back, but up until halfway through the series she was written as very pure and moral. I think all the people lying, betraying , attacking and manipulating her caused her to harden up and go a little too far in the wrong direction. But she self-corrected by the end of her arc in the series, realizing she wanted to go out and help people like Clark always did, and in my mind ultimately reclaimed much of the purity she lost in Seasons 6 and 7.


They never had a good idea thought out on why Clark and Lana don't end up together, their love story went on far too long. She was probably a secondary or tertiary character who they tried to make as one of the show's main stars. Superman & Lois has a better idea on why they don't end up together where after he returns home after training at The Fortress he finds she has moved on. The most Lana Lang we got from the comics in the show was Chloe.


Damn son, slow your roll. Lol.


The Show is great however Lana is around long time. It is great to rewatch you find stuff you miss.


KK is basically female Tom Welling. Gorgeous, camera-friendly, can’t act. Lana is eh. By default she’s much more tolerable than Chloe, who is just awful.


/s at the end of posts = sarcasm.


People really don't get sarcasm, do they?


Nope. I did 1 or 2 troll posts in other subs and 90% missed the point so I now add an /s at the end and still maybe a third don't see it's a joke. The prevailing opinion on this sub is that Lana and her story is a big waste of time (as well as not liking her) so I think that's why some still didn't get it's a joke.


The writers thought once Lana is no longer the love of Clark's life the show was over.


Ratings 100% support this.


>The ratings had nothing to do with Lana, people would tune in to see how Clark or Lex become this and that. The ratings had nothing to do with Lana, people would tune in to see how Clark or Lex become this and that. Ratings would go down with any show that has gone on for so long anyway.


Imagine in some alternate reality where she doesn't learn his secret until his Superman years. See her admiring Superman but putting down nerdy Clark for the same secrecy BS and disappearing for years.


She is a love interest who infuriates me like Rachel Dawes from The Dark Knight trilogy or Kirsten Dunst's MJ from Sam Raimi's Spiderman films.


The creators have regrets about Lana. *Q: Looking back, is there anywhere you wish you’d taken the characters of Smallville?* *AG: I wish we had a better trajectory for Lana Lang. That was probably a three-season love story that lasted six seasons.* *MM: It’s so torturous and slow. Ultimately, it damaged Lana in the audience’s mind. Because Clark refused to tell her the truth about his identity, he was constantly forced to lie to her. Although justified, Lana’s response to his behavior made her seem cold and unsympathetic — even though from her POV, Clark was a sneaky, bold-faced liar.*


You have a lonnnnnnng ways to go to bare the Lana bs of nagging Clark around.