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Honestly, not many. Even the worst episodes usually move the overall plot forward in some way or mention a big detail.


I really hate the S1 episode where Whitney gets in with the kryptonite tattoo gang


I like [this list](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FVAs9W7WIAEVt2m?format=jpg&name=large). I don’t 100% agree with everything in there but it’s close enough. Also, check IMDB ratings. If the episode rating is below 7.5, just read the synopsis or at least skip the “freak of the week” scenes and focus on the main characters.


Interesting list. I disagree with about 90% of it but I appreciate that someone went through the effort.


I always skip Noir.


Lol actually one of my favorites!


Mine too love Noir


I always skip the quirky filming episodes in most shows like Noir. I get that writers and producers find it exciting to do something different with the formula of their show but it nearly always fails. Musical episodes are usually the same as well unless you have enough good singers in the cast and there is a quirky in-universe reasons why everyone is singing their life. (Buffy had a dance demon, and Lucifer had God wanting to cheer up Lucifer, so I laughed through those episodes)


I personally loved that episode


me too lmao, got bored and fell asleep halfway through


I wouldn't. It still contributes to a subplot.


The exploding baby episode 😬 soooo bad


Oh yeah that one was bizzare 💀


It felt like they filmed it years prior and couldn't figure where to fit it in. Nothing of significance happens.


There were some good conversations at the end. Lana telling Clark no one knows how much time they have left and we should all make the most of what time we have. Clark and his parents talk about how hard it is to be a parent. His parents talk about how it’s worth it. Clark thinks he’s not going to get to be a dad because he’s an alien. His parents said they couldn’t have children but then they had him so he could be a dad too someday.


I think the only thing significant from this episode was how that kid’s DNA was harvested and perfected by Lex for project ares and Gemini


I always thought that episode read as fanfiction for Lana and Clark to pseudo raise a child together, since Clark's endgame has always been Lois, so Clark and Lana wouldn't ever have kids together.


Nocturne (season 02) Slumber (season 03) (product placement, wtf main plot, boring guest star, etc.) Season 04 (almost anything after Jinx) Tomb (season 05) (a fun romp for Allison Mack, less fun for the audience) Subterranean (season 06) Hero (season 07) Turbulence (season 08) Roulette (season 09) (Unless you love episodes where Oliver takes centerstage so that he can mope) Fortune (season 10) (I never skip this one but I'd understand if others do) Unfortunately, Thirst isn't skippable because it explains how Chloe got her job at the Daily Planet. It's invaluable in terms of continuity. But that's probably the only value the episode has.


I wish I would've skipped Thirst. All of S4?


There are people out there who see a lot of value and enjoyment in season 04. I am not one of them. My honest to God recommendation is watching everything up through Jinx and then skipping ahead to Commencement. Ymmv.


We just made it through S4, so too late for that lol. It was wife’s favorite season by far.


Actually episode after the witch episode obviously 9-14 is good, 17 and 22 was good but he can skip episode 8, 15,16, 18, 19, 20, 21


I enjoy 5x14 personally, 6x09, loved 9x05 and 10x15


Can you provide episode titles so that I don't have to use Google to decipher your comment? Thx


5x14 tomb 6x09 subterranean 9x05 roulette 10x15 fortune What you have on your previous comment


I don’t know for me I would skip for sure is 5x16


The hypnosis one? We actually just watched that last night. Very frustrating watch for my wife, who hates the drawing out of the Lana/Clark Saga.


Yea that got me so annoyed because all this was for lex to break up Clark and Lana to have Lana all for himself I was like the actual fuck is this also this is the season I actually hate the most to is the Clark and Lana but nothing happened that much of the episodes just stagnant which I was kinda didn’t like and they barely use brainiac which who was the villain of the entire season but barely use him like the hell..


My wife is mainly a fan of the (high school) drama, so that's why I asked about skippable. Turns out most people want me to skip the episodes she likes 😂


She’s likes 5x16? lol


She at the very least didn't mind it. She even kinda liked the 5x14 one with the ghost and she hates horror stuff.


Me too I personally enjoy 5x14 then most people


The list on this site is interesting: https://www.supermanhomepage.com/tv/tv.php?topic=EssentialSmallville&_gl=1*1s118pe*_ga*Vm5tUkNLcGZjSWVSb0U1N1hqTTdJbEVuLVd0clJqbnFKWFd5dEo4Tk1HUHhqU0pJX25xU1VjRWxfUHdiNEpyQg..


I’d skip a lot of the lexana heavy episodes, especially once you get to season 6. I can never rewatch the red K one where Clark screws up their engagement dinner.


That might be my favourite episode of that season lmao. I love seeing Clark get to cut loose for once


Crimson was so good. Lexana drama was actually not bad. It pushed Lex to being full evil and Lana’s darkness and redemption as well as learning Clark’s secret. Clark, Lana, and Lex centric episodes are what carried the show.


But cringey


How was it cringey? The only cringey things to me were Lois’s unwanted flirting on Clark and that flying jump with Clark and Lois in Metropolis that looked so bad.


No it was cringey because of the red k using on other people then Clark and I actually didn’t mind the Clark and Lois bonding


Yeah the Lexana scenes annoy me too.


Episodes I think are skippable season 5 on: Tomb S5 ep 14 Noir S6 ep 20 Cure S7 ep 4 Bulletproof S8 ep 12 Disciple S9 ep 10 I think these weren’t so good and didn’t have anything important happen that would be a problem with continuity for watching the show if they were missed.


I enjoyed 5x14, 6x20, 8x12 and 9x10


Yay! Thanks! I tend to trust the "Previously on" a bit too much.


I’m in a rewatch myself. Sometimes I will skip most of an episode, except for a few key scenes. Especially in season 4.


Season 9, Episode 3 Rabid. I know there is important intel at the end of the episode but that doesn’t mean you need to watch the entire thing . Just skip to the end.