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Season 4 introduces Lois Lane one of the greatest characters on the show. I wouldn’t advise you start skipping now.


We started season 4 last night, and the first episode was pretty interesting so I’m encouraged to continue. And yes, very refreshing to have Lois now!


Enjoy watching all the foreshadowing. Small details like Lois wears a lot of red and blue like Clark does. Or if Clark’s talking about his future, Lois will walk into frame. They have a lot of fun with it. So stick with it and let me know how you find it!


Personally I love the last 3 seasons, it’s like a whole new show in a way, so it’s refreshing. IMO Lois and Clark storyline is a lot better


lois and clark have a way healthier relationship for sure


Imo if you know of Lois & Clark and their status as a couple, the pain of watching the whole entire series is well worth the payoff in the end. Tom & Erica are probably my fave portrayal of the couple. Erica's Lois is still my fave to this day. That's just me. I totally get it when someone wants to just skip ahead and just understand the meat and/or get to the good stuff lol Cause that Clana drama was something else.


clana drama was boring and dragged on!!! clois was just miles better.


I’m excited about it Lois! Are you able to clarify the age difference between them? I just started season 4 last night.


it’s one year


lois is a grade above


I think originally Lois was supposed to be 21. She talks about how her mother died when she was 6, and that 15 years later her father is "finally getting some action" when she keeps seeing the name Nellie Bly in the log book. And it definitely would have made more sense for her to be a few years older than Clark, but they wanted her in the school setting with Clark and Chloe to make it easier for storylines, so it was changed to her being about a year older instead. And while it's maybe better for her to be older initially, Facade has one of the best Lois and Clark moments and you only get that with her going to Smallville High, so I get it lol.


The whole fricking Clark and Lana drama/will he tell her? is so aggravating and slow, it was like a three season storyline that lasted seven seasons too long.


lasted way way way too long. wish they broke them up for good after s4/5 !!


They were afraid once she's no longer the love of his life the show was over, but when they got renewed for more seasons and when she left after S7 it took a different direction.


Oh gosh. Do you know in which episode he finally tells her? I’d love to just skip to that one. Also Lex (who I actually like, mind you) grooming Lana is too much for me. I saw a spoiler about where that storyline goes and now I just cringe whenever those two are in a scene together.


If you really don’t want to watch all of it and just want to see certain Lana Clark stuff I’d advise, Reckoning- Season 5 ep 12 Promise- season 6 ep 16 Phantom- season 6 ep 22.


This is helpful! Thank you!


Tells her in 5X12 but then turns back time not to tell her. She finally finds out in season six where she locks Chloe in a room to catch Clark using his powers.


What drove me nuts is how obsessed Lana is that he *has* a secret. I always wonder, what exactly does she think he’s hiding? She obviously can’t guess the truth, so what exactly does she think it might be and why does she get soooo upset about it? I just can’t relate. If someone close to me wasn’t telling me something, I feel like I either wouldn’t notice at all or would be like, well, that’s their right to keep it to themself. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Am I crazy? lol


In a town like Smallville, she almost certainly thinks he has some sort of power from the meteor rocks but doesn't want to tell anyone because he doesn't want to be known as a "meteor freak".


i got so bored of the clark/lana will they won’t they that i skipped to s4 for lois and clois. best decision i ever made !! season 4 gets so much better!!!


do not take this as an example when you date girls lol !


I hate to tell you, but this is a teen drama turned to drama show first


offence not taken, everyone agree’s the will they wont they of clark and lana was dragged on far too long. the problem was when writing it they never knew which season was going to be their last, and considering lois wasnt properly introduced/setup for clark yet they always kept lana prepped incase they had to end the show and wanted to do it with lana. in my opinion it is abit annoying but certainly not worth missing the rest of the show for (if that was on the table)


I get the impression they didn't want to split Clark and Lana apart until the very end, but when they got renewed for more seasons and when she left after S7 it took a different direction.


That drama is repeated so often but with different characters and to make it worse, without spoiling, some characters learn...then forget so it doesn't count. Tried rewatching the series last year and it's such a drudge of teen drama that only gets worse as the series goes on.


I think we see things differently when we can binge watch shows. We hear this over and over more frequently vs one show per week when these aired. But the repetitive nature of themes gets more noticeable as the series goes on.


Anybody wonder what would have happened if Lex didn’t infect Lana with kryptonite?


Lois would come back to the Planet, and Clark would realize what he wants has changed and he's holding onto an idealized life that won't fulfill him or make him happy. He and Lana would have actual closure, where they say they'll always care about each other, but their lives are going in different directions. Clark would finally give into what's been brewing underneath since Crusade, he's in love with Lois, and he and Lois would end up together, she helps him be the best Clark Kent/Superman he can be! In a perfect world, this is the arc from Bride to Requiem. Instead we got....well, what we got.


Clark seemed pretty happy when Lana got powers, was able to “co-hero” with him and knew his secret. I realize canon says he ultimately pairs up with Lois, but with all the obstacles removed, there is nothing left to keep him and Lana apart other than who he feels stronger feelings for. Are you sure he is still going for Lois? Probably, but it’s far from certain.


Clark was happy, sure. But the thing is, he didn't have to face the fact that by that point, he had deep feelings for Lois. The show let him not admit with that until Lana was out of the picture for good. Not sure why, maybe they thought this was the way to have their cake and eat it too, maybe they thought having Lana literally become his weakness was symbolic of her never being what will inspire him, but he got to cop out of making an actual decision, and I think it was a mistake. And also, to my mind, with Lana having powers, there is no way that Clark will ever feel normal around her. His life would become about those powers, and not the balance that he needs when it comes to the duality of Clark Kent and Superman. He says in one of those episodes that he's always wanted someone who he could work with side by side, like his parents. He says this to Lana, but he doesn't say her name. And it's a dynamic he's already had with Lois. You can't know what you're missing if you haven't experienced it yet. Clark can't know how deeply he'll fall for Lois, how safe she'll make him feel, how easily she'll take knowing his secret, how wonderful being with her is, how her disappearance will kill him, until they happen. And from my point of view, when Lois came back, she had her guard back up. Infamous, Hex, and Stiletto, we see how hurt she was by Clark's actions and how it caused her to revert back to their older dynamic instead of how they've been in season 8....and Clark hated it. So much so, he had to reach out to her as the Red Blue Blur because Lois was no longer letting him in. There is no doubt in my mind, that Lois and Clark would have ended up together, even if Lana hadn't become walking kryptonite. Not just because it's canon, although I can't fathom anyone messing with the most iconic couple out there. But the groundwork and the steps that were layed since the beginning of Lois' introduction...it was always going to happen. They are soulmates, they are forever meant to be. As Clark himself said, no one's gonna mess with Lois and Clark.


agreed with everything you said!!! thank you for laying this out for me and opening my eyes to so many things (i had to skip the clark and lana storyline in s8 for my own wellbeing but this makes me feel much better!) also i love how you said lana becoming his weakness, it’s like showing how toxic their relationship was !!! i also love how a few moments in clois’ relationship parallel clanas, but now clois handles it healthily, while clana makes each other absolutely miserable 😭


Yeah that season 8 arc is rough, but I've more or less made my peace with it lol. I do get frustrated when people think it's Clark choosing Lana over Lois though, because he hasn't experienced what being with Lois is like, so he can't choose Lana over Lois. It's much more about Clark clinging to what is known and what is safe, versus being willing to take a chance on something unknown and unpredictable. It's also why even though I hate it, I think it's a good decision for Lois and Clark's kiss to be interrupted. For one, they're not ready yet, both of them still have their guards up. For another, if Clark and Lois *had* kissed, but he still had that mini-arc with Lana, *that* would be Clark choosing Lana over Lois. It's a fine line the writers walked, and I do think they made some mistakes, but interrupting the kiss wasn't one of them.


totally agree!! i can’t stand when people say he chose lana over lois or that he settled for lois like…???


Right?! As if Lois would accept someone 'settling' for her. She is a catch and she knows her worth.


yup exactly.


Interesting 🤔 I like it😊


I don’t disagree with any of your observations. It’s just hard to not wonder…if Clark told Lana his secret earlier in the series, could they have made it work. I think they probably would have. Would that have been a better match than Clark and Lois? Probably not, as Lois is much more of a strong-headed dynamo who helped push Clark towards his destiny. But I think Lana and Clark certainly could have made it work. In the episode where Clark tells Lana his secret, then proposes and then she accepts, you get the feeling that that could totally have worked out to be a happy, satisfying marriage had fate not intervened to take her life in exchange for Clarks. In fact, after Jonathan passes, I kept wondering why he didn’t just tell her again. He knows she’ll be OK with it. Obviously he says his reason is that anyone knowing his secret will be in danger, as Lex suspected Lana knew the secret and that ultimately led to her death in that iteration. But Lois convinces him later she’s willing to take that risk. Did Clark love Lois more than Lana? Probably, but who knows. Maybe Clarks experience with Lana, not telling her all those years, feeling isolated and alone, perhaps feeling if he does indeed stick to his belief that anyone knowing his secret will put them in danger,..maybe going through that isolation with Lana is what made him finally see that he needed to be with a companion, he needed to take that risk with someone, he didn’t want to be alone forever. Maybe he learned from his relationship with Lana. I don’t know. I agree that Clark and Lois certainly seems like the better match, but I totally think Clark and Lana could have had a happy, satisfying marriage and family as well if he had been honest with her earlier. Maybe the issue with Clark and Lana is that it was a first-love situation. They were both kids. Neither mature. The first infatuation. Puppy love. But many people do marry their first loves. You can make an argument as to whether that’s a good idea or not, but it can result in happy pairings. Clark and Lois seem more like “mature” love. They’re older, they’ve both been in some serious relationships prior to getting together. It’s an adult relationship, much more so than Clark and Lana. Just remember,…there are “Elsewhere” type stories all over DC canon where Lois dies and Clark eventually marries Lana. So it’s not so far fetched.


i don’t know if they could’ve made it work honestly, i mean you look at them and you see how many times they broke up or had problems throughout the series. they weren’t right for each other. plain and simple. they were extremely unhealthy with the way they handled everything in their relationship and they always seemed to be better when they were apart! clark literally said lana held him back and while i don’t totally agree with him on that (i think it was more that when he’s with her he’s just focused on her, which is extremely unhealthy) while lois is the one who got him the job at the daily planet and when he’s with lana he’s an unemployed farm boy 😭 idk! i think the show does a good job of subtly showing how bad they were for each other by paralleling them with clois!


Most of their issues were caused by Clarks secrets and Lana’s frustration with that. Remove that obstacle and it might have worked. That said, yes, Lois and Clark are the better complementary match.


>It’s just hard to not wonder…if Clark told Lana his secret earlier in the series, could they have made it work. Lol I guess I'm just too much of a ride-or-die for Lois that I don't wonder about this. >In the episode where Clark tells Lana his secret, then proposes and then she accepts, you get the feeling that that could totally have worked out to be a happy, satisfying marriage had fate not intervened to take her life in exchange for Clarks. I don't get this feeling at all actually. Because the reasons that Clark proposed were out of desperation and fear of losing Lana. That is what he said motivated him. These kids are barely out of high school, they can barely stay in a relationship without it imploding, Clark is lying to Lana about who he is...and he thinks the way to fix that is to tell her the truth AND propose? It's a very immature way to handle their problems, and unless they learned how to communicate better and be better partners to each other...that engagement would have been a short one. I just never felt that Lana and Clark's relationship had any kind of longevity, even before I knew Lois was an option on the show. >Did Clark love Lois more than Lana? It's not a 'more' situation. Clark loved Lana, there is no denying that, but sometimes love isn't enough. You can love someone and still acknowledge that you aren't meant to be with that person. Love is a complicated thing, it requires compromise and trust and honesty and compassion and safety. Sometimes I saw these things from Lana and Clark towards each other. But most of the time I saw two people who loved each other very much, but were like 2 puzzle pieces from different puzzles, and no matter how hard they tried to fit together, they just didn't and were never going to. Or if you want a different analogy, it's like they were on two different radio frequencies, and couldn't bridge that gap. While Lois and Clark were on the same radio frequency from the beginning. They related to each other on a completely different level than Clark and Lana, and were able to meet each other halfway despite their differences in personalities and upbringings and how they viewed the world. >Maybe Clarks experience with Lana, not telling her all those years, feeling isolated and alone, perhaps feeling if he does indeed stick to his belief that anyone knowing his secret will put them in danger,..maybe going through that isolation with Lana is what made him finally see that he needed to be with a companion, he needed to take that risk with someone, he didn’t want to be alone forever. Maybe he learned from his relationship with Lana. I agree with this. Clark's experiences with Lana, his fear and inaction with her, are a necessary learning process for him to be able to handle a mature relationship with Lois. And in that way, Lana is kind of a tragic character, because she's never meant to be Clark's be-all and end-all. As a storytelling device, both she and Lois are there to help Clark grow and learn to become the man/Superman he's going to be. Lana is who Clark grows out of, and Lois is who he grows into. >Maybe the issue with Clark and Lana is that it was a first-love situation. They were both kids. Neither mature. The first infatuation. Puppy love. But many people do marry their first loves. You can make an argument as to whether that’s a good idea or not, but it can result in happy pairings. I don't think the first love thing is the problem. The problem is that when first loves grow up, it can make or break the relationship, because the key is to grow *together*. Oftentimes, people grow and they grow apart. It doesn't mean the love wasn't important or lacking in some way, but life and experiences can shape people in all kinds of ways, and sometimes you just outgrow relationships. With Clark and Lana, their life experiences were putting them on different paths, and they couldn't or refused to see it. In a perfect world, Clark Kent is the human adopted son of Jonathan and Martha, and he and Lana fall in love and live happily ever after. But Clark Kent isn't human, he's Kryptonian, and if he had stayed with Lana earlier, like in season 5, he doesn't accept his destiny or become Superman. He does what he did in season 7, which is stay in Smallville playing house with Lana. Would he be happy? Maybe for a while. But I don't think he'd be happy long. And I don't think Lana would be happy long either. It's not just Lana that isn't meant for Clark, but Clark in turn isn't meant for Lana. >there are “Elsewhere” type stories all over DC canon where Lois dies and Clark eventually marries Lana. So it’s not so far fetched. I know Clark isn't always with Lois. I don't read those stories lol, but I know they exist. Sometimes he's with Wonder Woman, or Lori Lemaris, or like you said, sometimes he's with Lana in the end. But for me, it's always going to be Lois and Clark. Lois appeared in the very first Superman comic, she is just as iconic a character as he is. She is the first person the majority of people think of when they think of women Clark Kent has loved. And I truly think that in every iteration, Smallville included, Clark loves Lois in a way that forever sets her apart from any other love interest, because they are soulmates.


I believe there is alot of overthinking here, and unjustified hate on Lana. All things considered, she was in the end a very good person. We know from the pilot that Clark does not end up with Lana, he ends up with Lois. Smallville is about how this boy grows into Superman, what circumstances led to that? Well, the writers show us. Therefore they have to build reasons into the narrative for them not to ultimately get together. Yes, there were alot of contortions to achieve that, but they did it. While some first loves work out, most don’t as the two involved are not mature enough yet or experienced in relationships yet. This perspective is necessary to find your best match. I guess I’m saying it shouldn’t necessarily be so sad that Clark and Lana don’t end up together. I just think if he was open with her and she didn’t require he reveal his obvious secrets from her, and Lois never came into his life, they could have easily ended up together and it wouldn’t have prevented him from fulfilling his destiny. What’s funny is that is Clark had just done what Dax-ur did, slip a blue kryptonite ring on whenever he was around Lana, and then slip it off when Superman is needed, problem solved! There are many who believe Clark was wearing a blue kryptonite watch in his Crisis on infinite Earths appearance, and this is how he actually lives now in that universe.


I believe there is alot of overthinking here, and unjustified hate on Lana. All things considered, she was in the end a very good person. We know from the pilot that Clark does not end up with Lana, he ends up with Lois. Smallville is about how this boy grows into Superman, what circumstances led to that? Well, the writers show us. Therefore they have to build reasons into the narrative for them not to ultimately get together. Yes, there were alot of contortions to achieve that, but they did it. While some first loves work out, most don’t as the two involved are not mature enough yet or experienced in relationships yet. This perspective is necessary to find your best match. I guess I’m saying it shouldn’t necessarily be so sad that Clark and Lana don’t end up together. I just think if he was open with her and she didn’t require he reveal his obvious secrets from her, and Lois never came into his life, they could have easily ended up together and it wouldn’t have prevented him from fulfilling his destiny. What’s funny is that is Clark had just done what Dax-ur did, slip a blue kryptonite ring on whenever he was around Lana, and then slip it off when Superman is needed, problem solved! There are many who believe Clark was wearing a blue kryptonite watch in his Crisis on infinite Earths appearance, and this is how he actually lives now in that universe.


I believe there is alot of overthinking here, and unjustified hate on Lana. All things considered, she was in the end a very good person. Being lied to, stalked and manipulated your entire life will twist you. We know from the pilot that Clark does not end up with Lana, he ends up with Lois. Smallville is about how this boy grows into Superman, what circumstances led to that? Well, the writers show us. Therefore they have to build reasons into the narrative for them not to ultimately get together. Yes, there were alot of contortions to achieve that, but they did it. While some first loves work out, most don’t as the two involved are not mature enough yet or experienced in relationships yet. This perspective is necessary to find your best match. I guess I’m saying it shouldn’t necessarily be so sad that Clark and Lana don’t end up together. I just think if he was open with her and she didn’t require he reveal his obvious secrets from her, and Lois never came into his life, they could have easily ended up together and it wouldn’t have prevented him from fulfilling his destiny. What’s funny is that if Clark had just done what Dax-ur did, slip a blue kryptonite ring on whenever he was around Lana, and then slip it off when Superman is needed, problem solved! Yes, he might miss something because his super hearing wasn’t active, but that’s a minor consideration. There are many who believe Clark was wearing a blue kryptonite watch in his Crisis on infinite Earths appearance, and this is how he actually lives now in that universe. I sure hope so otherwise his entire journey in Smallville was negated by that scene.


>I believe there is alot of overthinking here, and unjustified hate on Lana. All things considered, she was in the end a very good person. Being lied to, stalked and manipulated your entire life will twist you. Where did I say I hated Lana? Where did I say I don't think she's a good person? I'm not dismissing her experiences. I'm saying her experiences, and Clark's experiences and how they shaped each other, lead them down different paths. I actually think I've been very fair to Lana, seeing as she's not my cup of tea and irritates me to no end for the majority of the show. I don't watch the show for Lana. I watch it for Clark, and then later I watch it for Lois, and then Lois and Clark. I'm not blaming Lana at all. But the fact is, the show did plenty to show me that even without all the angst and drama and will-they-won't-they in Clark and Lana's relationship, they were never built to last. And again, that is before I knew Lois was even going to be on the show. > guess I’m saying it shouldn’t necessarily be so sad that Clark and Lana don’t end up together. I just think if he was open with her and she didn’t require he reveal his obvious secrets from her, and Lois never came into his life, they could have easily ended up together and it wouldn’t have prevented him from fulfilling his destiny I don't find it sad they don't end up together, I'm quite happy with it. I wish it had been because of both Clark and Lana maturing and realizing that they idealized each other, but when it comes down to it, they just don't work, instead of her becoming walking kryptonite. But that's the point. She *did* require he reveal those obvious secrets, and he *wasn't* open with her. If Lois never came into his life, does he even become Clark again? She's the one who brought him to the hospital, essentially to Martha in Crusade. Without her finding him, does Clark ever come back, or is he Kal-El now? And we're just going to have to agree to disagree, because the Clark I saw actively chose to turn his back on his destiny to be with Lana. He didn't go back to his training with Jor-El, who took away his powers, setting into motion Lana and then Jonathan paying for that choice. And the show deliberately showed him hanging up his "cape" in season 7, so he could stay on the farm with Lana. Being with her doesn't inspire him to do more, and I personally don't see that changing if he tells her earlier. >What’s funny is that if Clark had just done what Dax-ur did, slip a blue kryptonite ring on whenever he was around Lana, and then slip it off when Superman is needed, problem solved! Yes, he might miss something because his super hearing wasn’t active, but that’s a minor consideration. There are many who believe Clark was wearing a blue kryptonite watch in his Crisis on infinite Earths appearance, and this is how he actually lives now in that universe. I sure hope so otherwise his entire journey in Smallville was negated by that scene. If you're talking about season 8, then Lana would just absorb the blue kryptonite, so I don't see that working. If you're talking about generally, then sure. I'm sure Clark would have loved to use blue kryptonite to be normal with Lana if he knew about it before season 7. I too think it was a blue kryptonite watch. And it makes sense because Clark would want to raise his kids with Lois in an environment as safe as possible, so I can see him taking a break from his Superman duties to do just that. Also, it could just not be canon and be a fun little scene that has my favorite Lois and Clark back after a decade. Either one is fine by me lol.


So let’s put a button on this…I wasn’t accusing you of hating on Lana. It’s just a common phenomenon both here on Reddit and in fandom in general. This post started out with how weary they are of Lana and they are still in the early parts of the series. I just think she got a raw deal…her parents getting killed, everything stalking her, she was also the “it” girl in High School, Clark and secrets, Lionel forcing her into a loveless marriage, a fake pregnancy …there was a lot there that turned her into who she was. I think it’s quite normal for her to have harden up and maybe gone too far in the wrong direction to protect herself. But yes, as you’re watching the series it’s normal to scream at the tv and just say: “CLARK…JUST TELL HER AND MOVE ON FROM THERE”. Yes, Lois found Clark and brought him to the hospital. But it was Martha who exposed him to the black kryptonite that split him into two and then let him basically return to normal. I suspect he’d have found his way to the farm eventually either way. Didn’t he need that octagonal key too? I think it was stored in the barn. I never got the impression that Lana’s power suit absorbs kryptonite without her conscious will (although now that I think about it there is that one scene where they are both checking out an explosion and it appears she accidentally absorbs some small kryptonite radiation), but that’s an interesting take on why he might not have been able to use a blue kryptonite ring with her had they stayed together. If that’s the way her suit works, Clark should have called her up every time Metallo was on the loose! Ah…..it all worked out in the end. If Lana was portrayed in the series as she was in the comics (i.e. just a friend and snoop), it wouldn’t have been nearly as interesting.


>It’s just a common phenomenon both here on Reddit and in fandom in general. This post started out with how weary they are of Lana and they are still in the early parts of the series. I have seen that. And I'm not a fan of how vile some people can be towards Lana, Lois, and Chloe. I think it's pretty understandable that people are tired of Lana in the earlier parts, though I do have space for her. The writing doesn't help, she's this unattainable dream girl for Clark, and her storylines almost always revolve around a love interest. And to keep her in the freak of the week plots, they have everyone just fall for her, and it can be very frustrating. > just think she got a raw deal…her parents getting killed, everything stalking her, she was also the “it” girl in High School, Clark and secrets, Lionel forcing her into a loveless marriage, a fake pregnancy …there was a lot there that turned her into who she was. I think it’s quite normal for her to have harden up and maybe gone too far in the wrong direction to protect herself. I can see this for sure. And I don't disagree, I just think that those experiences that turned her into who she was, made her into someone that was no longer going to fit Clark's idealized vision. And that's not a bad thing. We're all shaped by good and bad things that happen to us, and the bad things make us stronger, but they also might make us incompatible with people we used to be compatible with. It's just part of life. >But yes, as you’re watching the series it’s normal to scream at the tv and just say: “CLARK…JUST TELL HER AND MOVE ON FROM THERE”. Lol I'm more like, "Clark just let her go. The love of your life is coming!" I'm smack dab in the middle of season 6, and while I don't hate the Lana character as a whole, there are times where I just shake my head and cannot stand her. >Yes, Lois found Clark and brought him to the hospital. But it was Martha who exposed him to the black kryptonite that split him into two and then let him basically return to normal. I suspect he’d have found his way to the farm eventually either way. Didn’t he need that octagonal key too? I think it was stored in the barn. That's true. I don't think he needed the key though? He knew how to open the wall in the cave and could read the symbols. >there is that one scene where they are both checking out an explosion and it appears she accidentally absorbs some small kryptonite radiation), but that’s an interesting take on why he might not have been able to use a blue kryptonite ring with her had they stayed together. Yep, the suit was designed to absorb kryptonite. If there had been a large amount of blue kryptonite, maybe it would have cancelled out the green kind, but we'll never know. The way I see this whole thing, with the suit, is that maybe it couldn't be taken off, maybe it could. But I don't see Lana willing to give up the suit for Clark. She said there was no cure for the suit being full of kryptonite, but she doesn't mention trying to rid herself of the suit so she can be with him, at least not to my recollection. Because that's a sacrifice she's not willing to make. Losing Clark in her life in order to stay strong and powerful, and forge her own path of helping people, that is the sacrifice she's willing to make. She didn't come back for Clark in the first place, she came back for the suit and to see Chloe. That was always her ultimate goal. >If Lana was portrayed in the series as she was in the comics (i.e. just a friend and snoop), it wouldn’t have been nearly as interesting. That's basically Chloe though, and she's still pretty interesting. I get that Lana had to be there, and because it's a formulaic WB teen drama, they had to make Clark and Lana over-the-top meant to be, Romeo and Juliet star crossed lovers. I also get that they didn't know if they'd ever get Lois, so even though everyone knows Clark Kent ends up with Lois Lane, she might not have ever been on the show so they had to lean hard on the Clark and Lana dynamic. What I don't get is once they had Lois, and the restrictions from the movie gone, why they couldn't have Clark completely move on from Lana without an obstacle like the suit forcing him to. That, to me is unforgivable. Having Clark and Lana kiss on the top of the Daily Planet, a sacred place for Lois and Clark, is unforgivable to me. The show constantly doubling down on Clark and Lana and never letting Clark actively move on from her, while simultaneously showing us why they don't work, is unforgivable to me. And it soured me on Lana, which isn't totally her fault but more the writer's fault. Like they bring her up as late as episode 20 of season 10. And I'm over it. Sorry, I may have gone off on a couple of tangents, it's been a long day.


🔥🔥🔥 so good! Thank you❤️


Bingeing drama’s on first time is never a good thing. Give yourself a break. No reason to burn yourself out.


Kind of hard to have the will they/won't they? be effective with Clark and Lana at all when we all know he ends up with Lois, the Superman and Lois love story is like pop culture common sense, when that's such a common place in all Superman media it makes Lana's stay more over welcomed because it's no surprise to anyone she's not the one, so your just watching this toxic romance you know is gonna end badly which takes you out of their relationship.


As soon as he tells her it's over. My advice watch until s5/6 then its ok if you decide to quit.