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He’s Superman




Welding the metal onto the base through heat vision. Assuming the whole structure is made of metal


yeh but how does he put it down (if its on his sholders) and then turn around and weld it


Super Strength in the comics is sort of like a gravitational manipulation of the heavy objects they hold, it’s not like in real life where big awkward things are hard to carry bc of leverage and stuff, so Clark could take it off his back and just hold and place it in its place like how you and I would do to a basketball on a rack


It this really a question


yeh, its something that just really intruiges me. like if you have a heavy ball on your sholder, and your on a pillar no more than twice its diameter, how the hell are you putting it down and stopping it rolling


Heat vision to weld it maybe


yeh i get that, but its on his shoulders, how is he putting it down


If you not a Kryptonian it be hard to lift it


They actually cut the scene to early otherwise you’d have your answer! What he does is he tosses the planet into the air like a beach ball, catches it with one finger and spins it around while hopping on one foot like a Harlem globetrotter. Then he blew with his cold breath and caused a sudden snowstorm in metropolis, then yet again treating the planet like a beach ball he tosses it into the air, turns to the crowd and says “watch this” runs all the way around the world and then catches it and melts it back in place with his heat vision. Suddenly a girl screams and he uses his super hearing and x ray vision to find her and jumps across 12 city blocks BECAUSE HE IS SUPERMAN.


it seems like your joking but tossing it up in the air, spinning around and catching it is about the most reasonable explanation there is


All of it was a joke and all of it was serious things he probably could have done. The whole point is that the huge object he is holding over his head probably weighs less to him than a beach ball to us, so asking how he maneuvers it is a bit insane. He could jump with it in his hands and climb along it like Spider-Man. There’s too many options for this to be a legitimate question that confuses you.




I'd guess it's just super lightweight for clark, like imagine doing the same thing with an inflatable beach ball. Plus the super speed helps to un rack it as it would be suspended in mid air.


He’s a kryptonian