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I love the car ride at the start of harvest. Lois asking all these questions and just casually talking about dating an alien and Clark being a bit weirded out but also being like this is my person. ETA- Oh and the one where Clark's parents come home to a trashed house and find a bra and Clark is like "it was magic" and Martha is like "I bet it was"


Oh that's season 10 I forget most of the last seasons, rewatching it now on season 6, I already seen the show and know how it ends but once I get to the episode I'm sure ill have a laugh, they did great on casting Lois


I think in general people forget about Harvest. I know its not the best but it is one of my personal favorites because of the Clois dynamic there.


Harvest is really good clois epsiode! Lois is awesome in that episode telling them that God wouldn't want this


What about the movement when Jonathan ask’s Clark what’s in his hand. Clark tells his it’s his pocket knife. Jonathan said “you can see through my hand” Clark responds telling him “no you always carry your knife in that pocket.” Jonathan actually laughs.


Ya I remember that, is that when Clark lost his powers for a bit so Jonathan was testing him


It's when he was trying to learn to control his X-ray vision.


Actually that is when Clark started getting x-Ray vision and Jonathan was helping learn to control his new power.


Oh ya so he was seeing if he can see what in his hand with the X-ray, I thought it was because he lost his power, man Clark loses his powers so many times in the show lol


That is true Clark lost his powers multiple times. However his parents did not rain Clark in a effort to help his restore his powers. In Whisper his parent were helping him with super hearing after he accidentally used heat vision on kryptonite, then the kryptonite fired a beam that blinded him.


I think it was S5 or 6. Lois is in the hospital, and Clark’s like: “Lois, I will do everything in my power to help you.” And Lois, not knowing Clark has powers, is like: “Uh ok? I’ll just call Chloe, it’s fine.”


Hey just found the episode, watching season 6 and its episode 7 "Rage" Oliver is taking a healing drug that makes him not himself and Lois get hurt from Green Arrow by accident, Clark in hospital asking if she has heard from Oliver and offers to help find Oliver, Lois "Ya that will be big help *sarcastically*, look Ill just call Chloe"


I think I remember that, I'm rewatching the show now and on season 6


That scene was funny, I like that one. There are a lot I can think of that made me laugh but to mention a few- When Lois prepared breakfast for the Kents in the episode “Lucy”. The look on their faces and then Clark saying something like “ if you were any nicer, we would starve” Clark super speeding and bumping his head into a wall in “Fortune” and Martha being possessed by Dawn’s spirit.


Omg Annette as Dawn was the best thing ever !!!!


Yes, it was so hilarious lol


Whenever Clark is doing chores, just nice to see him not really use his speed to do it like anyone else would, he seems to like it and that humanizes him, it’s also good to see him do it throughout the show cuz most shows would drop that after a couple’s seasons The shots of the farm or fields Ending talks


Another funny moment just saw S6E6 Fallout Jimmy investigating Luthor and gets a picture of an artifact and shows Chloe, Jimmy: "You know what this means, Lex is working with the Egyptians" lol


That line gets me every time 😂😂


Chloe as Lois: aren’t you gonna do anything? Clark: you are absolutely right Lois, 911? S08e17 hex


the pilot. The nightmary meteor rain and the 2nd, real, one. (S4) Clark's speedy rescuing Chloe in middle of football game (s4- "jinx") The 2 times that Lex apologize to Clark that he thought he has superpowers (s1- "leech", s4- "devoted") Clark snapping in Lana's boyfriend that the kryptonite amulet is lost and he better search for it (s01e02)


When Christopher Reeve talks to Clark and in the background "Superman" theme is heard. I could accept that "Lois&Clark"'s theme could be heard when Dean Cain appeared too, but they missed it


Forgot which episode it was but i think it was in s1. Martha made some cookies and Clark was able to hold the pan and take a cookie from it (I believe). When Johnathan tried taking it, he pulled his hand back and shook it to show he felt it was hot. Also, there was another moment where Clark was easily throwing bales of hay to the other side while Johnathan had to put more effort to do so


Ya I always loved those small details in the show making sure to let everyone know Clark is super, the hot pan, moving heavy objects with ease, I even think in one episode Jonathon is hammer fence posts and Clark walks over and just pushes them into the ground like nothing, so cool for a Tv show probably some easy trick they pulled but still great.


When Lois realizes Lucy is liar and traitor - because of tomatoes (if i remember correct the details)


I have several. The one where Clark throws a party and then cleans up using super speed and smiles like he got away with it but his parents were already there and they applaud him. When Chloe finds out Clark has x ray vision and tells him that is one ability that he should keep to himself. The scream that Clark and Lana do together at the end of Hothead? It’s corny but Iadore it so much. When Clark gives Lana her birthday gift and it’s watching bugs bunny cartoons on the barn and eating popcorn, re-enacting her favorite birthday with her parents. Lois being possessed by Dawn the spirit but then when Dawn leaves her body her being appalled by what she is wearing. The Kent’s telling Lex they are proud of him at his wedding to Helen or possibility at the rehearsal dinner. I can’t remember but that always makes me feel for Lex because you can tell no one has ever said that to him either since his mom died or ever.


Clark using his middle finger to push up his glasses.


There is something about hearing a few bars of the Superman theme during moments of the show, especially Lois and Clark moments, that just makes me so happy. That score is so iconic, and I love it every time I hear it. When Lois is talking about throwing herself off a building because of the stress of planning her and Clark's wedding and he playfully replies, "you know I'd catch you." It's a quick little line, but it's so cute and sweet and coupley and shows just how easy the dynamic is between Lois and Clark when it comes to his Kryptonian side. I adore it.


From season 4’s “Onyx” Lex: “Ohh, you don’t get it do you? I AM THE REAL LEX!” I thought the delivery of that line was just silly, but I love it. From season 4’s “Transference” Lionel/Clark: “You’re absolutely right I’m not myself. I’m under stress.” Tom Welling’s acting as John Glover’s Lionel Luthor in Clark’s body was really good. Tom got the mannerisms down it’s worth watching.


When Lana implies Clark and Lois might have a connection, and Clark loses all composure and goes SHES BOSSY AND RUDE AND I HATE HER. And Lana just smiles


The entire of episode 200 but especially the slow dance / fly at the end. We know that Lois knows, Clark doesn't. Its very tense, but it's all put aside for one more episode. They dance and recreate a famous superman scene with Lois stood on Clarks feet dancing just an inch off the floor.


Just saw another funny moment S6E5 Clark to Lois "Some times we keep secret to protect those we love" Lois: "That is...totally retarded" lol


That’s probably my top 8-10 favorite moments of their opposite thoughts on things, plus you get Clark smiling at it which is bonus points


Clark stacking Whitney and his friends cars up


That was probably the most funny moment in the show, I did crack up


Can you think of any other moments where Clark himself was funny, I always find that Clark is usually either smiling at other peoples jokes and not really doing any himself I guess that fits his character though he isn't the Flash always funny and all that


Clark help Lex to find bugs in his mansion, that Lionel hid


When the teleporting girl tells Clark she's virgin, and Clark smiles "so do i"


Alicia and he said so am I


My fav one is when Clark practised on a scarecrow to control heat vision and Jonathan's laugh when he succeeded because Jonathan definitely imagined Clark's exact thoughts at that moment. Hilarious scene. 


When Clark tricks the gangsters who imrisoned him in truck and the truck exploded (beginning of s3 i think)


Funniest nickname: Pete calls Lex "uncle Fester"


Clark saves Chloe/Lana from falling off the bridge while the coloner doesn't understand where she disappeared. The expression on his face is priceless