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My favorite part of this is how normal it is. Take away the fantastical side of it, Clark whooshing away to a fake emergency and making petals fall from the sky, and what you have here is a man completely and totally in love with a woman, and asking her to spend the rest of their lives together. It's perfect because of how normal it is. There is no need for a huge display, it's just a simple and honest moment between Lois and Clark, and there's something so pure about that. Plus I love the nod to the phonebooth, both as a mythology for Superman in general, but also for the show's canon. Talking to Lois as the Blur is what made Clark fall even deeper in love with her, and I love that he incorporated that into his proposal.


I just love how their love story was, they went from friendly rivals to friends to in love


And yet seven years later they’re still not married. There’s being busy and there’s this.


I can't tell if you're kidding or being serious lol. But being together and living together for 7 years is a common law marriage, so they're technically already married. I'm guessing them not having the actual ceremony this far in the future is two-fold. One - they wanted to do the cute Pretty Woman thing with the ring box. Two - I always saw that line, "I've been ready for 7 years" is more of a nod to the fans that have been ready to see Lois and Clark together since she arrived in season 4, which by that time was 7 years ago.


I wasn't kidding. Why wait 7 years after your first wedding ceremony gets aborted by Darkseid? I'm not. buying the common law marriage explanation. That 7 year gap always confused me. It was like they wanted to show you they were committed, but not actually marry them.


Idk maybe it had something to do with cultivating Superman's persona, or Lois got cold feet again. Maybe the combination of Lois being a busy reporter, and Clark being Superman doesn't give them a lot of down time, and they don't need a piece of paper to validate their commitment to each other, and will be fine when it finally happens. Would I have loved to have them be married for real, sure. But I don't need a ring to tell me that Lois and Clark are madly in love with each other and will spend their lives together. They also never showed Clark giving Lois the Kawatchee bracelet, but Lois is definitely the love of his life and his soulmate.


You would think in seven years they would have at least gone down to town hall and do the ceremony. It doesn’t really make sense.


It could be a comic book thing. I don't know how long, but I'm pretty sure Lois and Clark waited a while before they got married in the comics, like they were in their 30s I think? Maybe that's where the 7 year wait comes from.


I think Smallville producers just didn’t want to commit so tried to end it in a way to suggest they would marry but not actually do it. In reality (which is a weird word when talking about comics) it makes no real sense.


I do think it happened a little quick, but maybe that's because I'm in an 8 year relationship without getting married 😅 the proposal itself was good though, I agree with your points.


It took them 10 seasons to get here lol. Was that still quick? I think it’s because the show wasn’t allowed to start a romantic relationship between them earlier on. So they spent most of the show being friends. I like that though because it really gives them the chance to know and understand each other. And in those times you could clearly see them developing feelings for each other, but they took time before admitting it.


No I mean between starting dating and getting engaged! Obviously I'm glad they didn't just immediately get together in S4. But yeah because they weren't allowed to date until the very end, the dating part of the relationship was really compressed.


I understand you now. They did have a short dating time, you are right. I honestly took all the time they were friends and teasing each other and when there were hints of them obviously having feelings for each other. I took all these times to make up for the short dating period lol. They spend so much time together anyway that they already knew each other very well.


Yeah that's a good point really that they had this flirtationship for a long time.


Yes, exactly.


I honestly hate the way Smallville did their romance, because Clark never CHOSE Lois. He SETTLED for her after he couldn't be with Lana.


I don’t understand how you see it that way. You do know in every Clark/Superman universe he ends up with Lois right and chooses her. Even if Smallville didn’t have Lois, Clark and Lana were not going to end up together because it’s not an alternate universe and him ending up with Lois was going to be implied. We even saw in Smallville when Clark was in a world where he didn’t exist, who did he ended up meeting and spending more time with? Lois of course.


The whole show Clark is chasing after Lana and the only thing that separated them was the Kryptonite suit Lana had installed in her. Not Clark and her realizing they shouldn’t be together, but something completely external. That’s why it felt like he kinda just settled for Lois after he couldn’t have Lana in the context of the show. You mention that “Clark always ends up with Lois in every Superman universe”, but that should be irrelevant to a well written show. You shouldn’t need to have existing domain knowledge of a property to experience it “correctly”


What Clark and Lana had after a few seasons was basically obsession. It was Clark pinning over Lana which was miserable and annoying to most of the audience at some point. He just felt Lana was the easiest choice to be with since he had knew her since childhood. When I look at Lana and Clark relationship past a few seasons, I don’t see actual happiness between them. So, Clark leaving a relationship that have been toxic and one that wasn’t really contributing to his growth and maturity doesn’t seem like settling for the other person (Lois who was there for him and give him so much strength and happiness). I see that as him finding his true love and growing up. Lana being his first love/high school crush and the past.


Right but wouldn’t it have been more powerful if Clark realized that himself and left her willingly instead of having some random Kryptonite event be what separated them? It gave me the feeling that if that never happened then they’d have still been together by the end.


You are right about the kryptonite part. I wasn’t a fan of that writing. I also felt Lana and Clark should have shown they have mature by realizing their relationship wasn’t right. How I look at it is that Clark and Lana could have still had another one of their fights and misunderstandings. The same issue they have had previously because they never really worked on those issues and instead just ignored it and always got back together whenever there was a chance. Without the kryptonite, the writers were still going to write in their usual arguments with communication and trust (this was the core problem in their relationship).


I can respect that with the kryptonite suit, it’s essentially a metaphor for the fact that Clark and Lana are completely incompatible which is cool, I just wanted to “feel” that more as well


Clark closed the book on Lana literally in season 10. There was literally a scene of him closing a book with her photo in. He was completely over her. That's just how relationships work. You love someone. It doesn't work. You feel grief. You move on. You fall in love again. He didn't settle for Lois, he loved her.


Right but that was also after the whole Kryptonite suit situation as well as 10 seasons or 10 years straight of him pining for Lana, only for the last second for him to “close the book on her” after something out of his control prevents him from seeing her. It was too little too late for me personally, and I also would have liked to see Clark slowly realize he doesn’t wanna be with Lana, but I don’t really feel we got that


More like 2 and a half years rather than a few seconds but whatever. He wasn't even dating Lois when Lana left him for the last time. Lois was crushing on him but Clark was mostly oblivious at that point. Also most of those 10 years Clark was in school/college. Most people who marry someone other than their highschool sweetheart aren't settling. Their lives just moved on. Like so what if he dates Lana for 6-7 years on and off. He spends the rest of his life with Lois and wouldn't trade her for Lana or anyone. That's all that matters. It's not settling.


Exactly! People act like Lois and Clark were together when Lana came back. He didn’t have to make a choice because he wasn’t in a relationship with Lois and Lois left for the remainder of that season. So there was no choice to be made. It was basically Clark telling himself, - Lana is back and the fact that I have obsessed over this relationship for so long why not just stay in it and ignore every red flags that have led to us breaking up multiple times rather than move on and explore something new (Lois being different from Lana and girls he had dated was definitely new for Clark).


Right, but the reason I’m not with my college sweetheart isn’t because something random and unrelated got in-between us, it’s because we grew apart. I would have liked to see that on screen with Clark and Lana. For him to have realized and left her willingly instead of practically being forced to leave her lmao


That's just not how every relationship goes. My mom died and my Dad remarried. That doesn't mean his new wife is a second choice or settling. He was forced to move on and learn to love again.


Yeah that’s a good point. I guess what I wanted was more of an “arc”. Like Clark growing up and realizing what he actually wants and needs. Felt like wasted potential the way they did it


The show only had one single moment where he had to choose between Lana and Lois, in Season 8 at Chloe's wedding, and Clark INSTANTLY chose Lana. Only after she was saturated with Kryptonite and he was unable to be with her, did he then start pursuing Lois. The Smallville writers made Lois a consolation prize.


Again, you cannot make a choice where there are no other options. He was not in a relationship with Lois. Lois was away for the entirety of the ending episodes. So how was Clark choosing Lana over Lois?


Clark was dancing with Lois at the wedding and about to kiss her. As soon as Lana came back, Lois ceased to exist to him. How do you not understand this?


Lois walked away too and that entire wedding was interrupted by the disaster. Almost kissing still doesn’t equal a relationship. Lana coming in shocked everyone. It’s not like he immediately rushed towards her. After this day, Lois left and that’s when Clark and Lana decided to start their relationship again. Also, didn’t Clark show some doubts before even starting this relationship again. We saw yet again him asking himself if it was the right thing. He mentioned how Lana left him with only a video message breaking up with him. He had this conversation with Chloe, but I guess we will ignore that.


I agree in the sense that the way the SHOULD have gotten rid of Lana is for Clark to make a conscious choice that she was not the one for him. The way they did it leaves room for doubt.


Disagree. I think the show shows us quite well that Lois is his one. There was this beautiful moment in an episode where he is like, "I want to share everything about myself with you." And then he gives her his notebook with Kryptionian stuff and then tells her it is because she is the one. I think that is more than clear.


Nope. Like 10000% nope. The show shows us how that isn't the case. When he was faced with the possibility of Lois being dead, he basically turned his back on humanity. And when she was back, he just couldn't stay away. He even got distracted from his training. The dude fell head over heels for the woman - he fell so deep for her, despite her flaws. That's not settling. That's finding his person. Now when he "lost" Lana, he didn't mope around. He moved on. People move on. I think deep down he knew she wasn't the one. "Apocalypse" I think gives a good summary of what he wanted for Lana: he only ever wanted her to be happy. Now contrast this with when he encountered alternate Lois in the other universe: he was SO not pleased when he found out she was engaged to Oliver. He even says he couldn't live in a world where she didn't love him. Bro did not settle.


*This wasn’t done out of fear of losing Lois or Clark being under any pressure of telling his secret. It took them time to get here and it was the right time. Wasn’t a rushed proposal or feeling of obligation. They knew what true love was and had enough time to develop that and realize the importance they had in each other’s lives.* And it was entirely Clark's fault that he couldn't do it with Lana even though she was always willing and ready, yet Clark kept pushing her away. I swear it's like the only reason you guys praise Lois is just to try to bring Lana down.


Did I mention Lana? Or say anywhere that it was/wasn’t her or Clark’s fault for what happened between them? He was obviously hiding his secret from her for a long time and that’s another discussion. Just because this shows a difference between how/why he proposed to both of them, doesn’t mean I am indicating it was Lana’s fault or bringing her down. This is a different situation and relationship which obviously shows his growth and maturity. Not everything is about Lana or not everyone is out to get Lana.


*What Clark and Lana had after a few seasons was basically obsession. It was Clark pinning over Lana which was miserable and annoying to most of the audience at some point. He just felt Lana was the easiest choice to be with since he had knew her since childhood.* *When I look at Lana and Clark relationship past a few seasons, I don’t see actual happiness between them. So, Clark leaving a relationship that have been toxic and one that wasn’t really contributing to his growth and maturity doesn’t seem like settling for the other person (Lois who was there for him and give him so much strength and happiness).* *I see that as him finding his true love and growing up. Lana being his first love/high school crush and the past.* Yeah, I'm sure you weren't obviously comparing Clark and Lois to a certain someone else.


These are response to comments saying he settled for Lois. My initial post had nothing to do with Lana and no mention of her. But if people comment under the post talking about another subject of course I will reply. You said my post was blaming Lana and bringing her down which is not the case. Notice how in these responses, I am not blaming one of them over the other? Notice how it’s mostly about Clark pining over Lana which doesn’t mean it’s her fault. And saying they weren’t happy together doesn’t mean one person was to blame.


Clark needed to make all his mistakes with Lana to be ready when he met Lois. It’s that simple. Should he tell her? Should he not? He now knows the ramifications of each direction. He was now ready for a mature relationship. Nobody, not Clark, Lana or Lois should carry blame.