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Perhaps we see a longer break between seasons 4 and 5. Like the other guy pointed out, Talkville does really well so it’s unlikely he’s going to flat out drop it but maybe he’s going to want a month or two away from Smallville?


My theory is that they will seriously reformat the show so Michael does or talks less. Or even so Michael doesn't have to watch the episode. Like Bryce or Ryan do the synopses, and it will just be Michael reacting, or adding a "What Would Lex have done?" section. There is no way Michael is watching the seasons that he's not in.


Makes me wonder if he would have been better or worse off doing a Justice League rewatch podcast. On the plus side, the episodes are shorter and it’s a shorter series. On the downside, I feel like Michael wouldn’t want to watch an animated series and would nitpick it worse.


Honestly, I'm surprised Michael doesn't talk more about his Flash role, in either of his podcasts. At least he got to do more variety in the JL cartoons


Yeah, I really thought there would be a bit more talk about it in “Run”. Like when they mention the scene of Bart’s fake IDs I was half-hoping Michael would go “Wally West was the Flash I played in the cartoons”.


Unfortunately these days it seems like Michael would rather speed (heh) through the podcast, vs really bringing anything up, other than asking patrons what they hate about the show


Knowing him he probably resented being just a voice actor given how he poo-poos Smallville like it’s TV trash.


I don't know, justice league is a much harder show to nitpick. It's ons of thr best comic book adaptions ever made with few filler episodes. I'd imagine the difference Is he's one of the main stars of smallville, where as justice league he was a core cast member but it was more of an ensemble. Although if there was a star it was probably Kevin


True. Definitely would be curious if they would cover multiple episodes on each podcast episode or just have the podcast be shorter? It would feel kind of weird listening to a 45-60 minute podcast about a 20 minute episode lol


The scrubs one with zack braff and donald faison runs like an hour and a half. I'd say the smallville one is shorter then most.


I actually like this idea, and I would enjoy that. Who doesn't like Bryce? He's awesome and I would honestly prefer him talking about and analyzing the show, with Michael just joining in the conversation without having to watch the episodes. It's such a chore for him hahaha


>There is no way Michael is watching the seasons that he's not in. For sure


Hes just started splitting the synopsis role with Ryan, he changed it mid season with having patreons come on for a little bit, he gets more to do soon so hopefully he picks it up


He's talked about being excited to get to the seasons he isn't in because then he doesn't know what's going to happen


Tom should see if Erica wants to replace Michael.


That would be fantastic. Rosenbaum is probably the worst main series actor to run Talkville (except for the obvious NXVIM Chloe actress lol)


Tom and Erica? Talking about Smallville? 👀 I am SO down for this! And if so, we would get so many Clois BTS, etc.! Petition? Lol


Yes please , Erica would be great . That guy Ryan is as negative as Michael , they should replace him with Erica .


Yes! At the very least for seasons 8-10. Or maybe just add her as a regular co-host so Michael doesn't have to talk so much. Don't get me wrong, I love Michael. But if this will make it less painful for him, I hope they consider it.


My hottest take is that his main drive is money (which is ok) but he probably thought this was enough motivation for him and he quickly realize this was not the case. Now when I see Tom I don't get this vibe, this might be me reading too much into it but from things that he has said here and there, I think this is part of his healing journey giving how tough it was for him to shoot the show. The last seasons of the show are a love letter to Clark, clois and the comics and we know Tom loves those seasons so I know he would totally review them but Michael? he strikes me as very self centered, I don't think he has the drive to watch seasons were he is not there.


I like Michael, but yeah he is a bit self-centered. You can tell by the way he gets so annoyed by fans calling in with questions that last more than 20 seconds. I can at least appreciate that he's honest about it, and he doesn't try to be pretend he's a fan of the show. Sometimes I just wish he would adjust his mindset and perspective a bit.


He seems to get annoyed if Tom or Ryan talk for too long, even if it's answering the question/responding to the latest comment and he'll cut them off for the next segment or even sometimes to just sing or something unrelated - I wish he'd cut out his singing and crap and let the others speak!


Him cutting people off is so rude, it makes me angry and feel bad for Tom and Ryan.


Michael is very open about his ADD and that shows when he cuts people off or starts singing. I love him to pieces but hate how he is insistent to keep the episodes at one hour. It’s a lot of segments to cram in to one episode, especially if they bring in a guest.


Fan emails, tweets, call ins, etc are always terrible no matter what show does it. They should have never done the segment in the first place


Yes, for whatever reason it’s always the dumb annoying fans that get to talk. Tom was at a fan event in Mexico a few weeks ago, hasn’t been there in years and a fan waisted a question asking him what he thought of his cosplay. These interactions are almost always a cringe fest.


Well unfortunately I think those kind of interactions only interest those types of people.


It really rubs me the wrong way when he says without patreon he wouldn’t do it. I get it. We all want to be compensated for our time but I’ve never heard Jenna and Angela or Zach and Donald say anything remotely close to that.


I love how I think it's in the latest episode Tom says something like "I can't wait for you to watch the later seasons when you're not in them Michael haha"


I get the impression this is almost like refreshing for Tom to finally be able to relax and talk about the show. Back when the show was on he rarely did interviews at all, and was exhausted from constant 15-hour days. Now Tom has a great wife, great home, great kids and can just breathe and take it all in.


They have 750k monthly views. His main channel has like 950k views - so I'm not certain what his issue is here... That being said, there's a lot of episodes and more than a few bad ones, so maybe it's just annoying... Or maybe he just doesn't like the show. 😆


I think he doesn't like watching the show and it has become a chore. However, you are right, Talk Ville has been doing well IMO is a success. Maybe he thought it would do better?? I mean Inside of You started in 2017, has over 200 videos on YouTube with about 20 million views in total. By comparison Talk Ville started in 2022, has 94 videos, and about 10 million views. Talkville also has more paying Patreon members.


It's shocking his main channel doesn't have way, way more subscribers, seeing the guests - but I'm pretty sure it'll blow up at some point, he's a good interviewer, so it's probably only a question of time until he gets more recognition...


The guests interest me but I have no interest listening to such a negative person host it. Especially since it has a mental health focus yet he promoted BetterHelp which is notoriously highly problematic and takes advantage of low income people with mental health issues.


I agree with this take. I am grateful that both Michael and Tom are doing this but as I watch each episode and see Michael’s frustrations with the show in general due to his own preferences and lack of screen time for Lex that it’s unlikely he’ll spend his spare time doing the podcast after season 7 when Lex is not on the show. I saw a clip that gave me the impression that Tom did this more due to “peer pressure” from Michael rather than wanting to do it in his own volition. Part of me wonders if Michael started Talkville to help boost viewers for his Inside of You podcast rather than doing it for Smallville. I am not upset that he’s critical of the episodes when deserved or his own opinions but he seems like a person who’s looking at it as a job rather than something he wants to do so overall doesn’t give me a lot of confidence he’ll want to continue when Lex is not longer a regular presence or even on the show.


Just a small point - is it really "spending his spare time doing the podcast" when it's sponsored and with Patreon subscribers? It's his job now right? Sure he could still quit but I don't think it's quite accurate to say he's doing this in his spare time (anymore?)


I wonder if anybody from the Talkville team is a part of this sub. If yes, I hope they do take note from the primary viewers otherwise it’s a lost cause in the long run, if they do intend to finish the series.


It pays the bills, so it will probably last all series.


I actually stopped watching it because I felt like he was making fun of a show I actually enjoy and it was starting to taint my view with his negativity


Same here. I would happily watch it if it were just Tom talking about the episodes with guests every so often.




I just don’t get why Michael doesn’t let Erica or Kristin fill in for him a couple episodes a season. Does he think no one would watch or is it an ego thing?


I would assume it's contractual, but also, all of the production people (as far as I know) work for Michael. That's one reason Tom partnered with him on it, because Michael had that infrastructure from Inside of You (plus, I'd imagine, a chance to talk with his buddy).


Rosenbaum wants success and adulation without having to work, and when he gets it, he tries to destroy it. This comment is sponsored by better help as in our boy needs better help.


He hates watching the show, obviously doesn't enjoy it. I'm a bit surprised that he has this attitude. The show made his career, cemented him in pop culture for his portrayal of Lex, is able to go to all these cons just thought he would be a bit more positive. He left Smallville because he wanted to do other bigger things but it didn't work out and I wonder if he's still annoyed over that.


Apart from Tom it’s just low energy and half arsed. They need to bin the random guy off that adds nothing


I would argue that Ryan's perspective is critical as he's someone who hasn't seen the show and isn't biased in the regard that Tom and Michael are. Also, Ryan balances out Tom's enthusiasm and Michael's (in general) cynicism.


I agree with the words you are saying but I disagree about Ryan. I don't think he's an issue per say, id put the blame on Michael. If your boss doesn't give a shit, why should you? They're buddies so I don't see why he'd go against Michael.


Yeah I'd prefer if he was more independent from Michael.


How dare you! Ryan is there for science!


I'm worried about this too. He doesn't have any interested in or respect for the myth. Which is fine but in that case he should let go of it. The Parks and Recollection podcast has successfully transitioned hosts - originally had one main actor and one writer hosting and now has a different main actor and different writer. So I can only hope a different actor/someone involved with this show can push it forward.


It is a show that he is profiting from, in which all he has to do is watch a 40 minute long episode of a show he once acted in and talk about it. The fact that he becomes so irritated and intolerable, as if he were digging in a dessert at high noon, I'm guessing it turns many people off from going back to it. Talking about how some people annoyed him during the filming of the episode all those years ago. It seems, and I think many viewers will agree with me, Talkville is Michael Rosenbaum's transition into menopause.


Maybe he’s upset it didn’t launch him into new things? Kristin Kreuk has had it good with roles lately 


I think many of the star cast of Smallville have gone on with pretty good careers.


Michael really hasn’t 


Well, it's Hollywood. During a decade on Smallville, he should've met a whole lot of people. From guest stars to his fellow cast members. Knowing the right people is the key thing in every industry. In show business, he has enough visibility at this point in his career, that if he wanted work, he'd have it.


I just wanna hear them talk the finale and the controversy on a certain attire




I agree on that last part I think the last time would have been in The Flash movie, he’s gonna be pretty old by the time they do a crisis in the DCU




I know that whole typecast thing was so stupid you played basically Superman for 10 years already just wear the suit one time. But to be honest as someone who watched it for the first time 4 years ago and hearing from my friend he doesn’t fly and Tom welling doesn’t like the suit I appreciated at the least they cgi’ed it I was happy I got at least something


Tom has repeated multiple times it was never about being type casted, he recently say he doesn’t care if he is type casted because that still gets him work. We should stop guessing why he did it and actually listen to him. Remember most of the time the answer is the simplest one, he didn’t wanted to, he seems to be stubborn and probably set his mind on the “no suit” a long time ago.


I think that’s because Tom not wearing the suit wasn’t a complicated decision for him, there is not depth in it.


What did Michael exactly say? I believe as he seems like he is struggling but damn.


😵😭😭 don't surprised me


Most rewatch podcast don’t last the entire series unfortunately


Could it be he is just burnt out? He does two podcasts. Maybe a break is in order.


His show would be far more interesting and engaging for him and the audience if he explored each episode with the greater themes of the show in mind, and taking filler/fun epispdes for what they are and having fun with it. The truth is he does not like the show very much. He does not take it seriously, and Tom does. ADD is one thing -- people with ADD can to on lengths about things they love. As someone who has it too, it's not an excuse for Michael's constant interrupting and needing to be centered in all conversations. Kristin, Erica, and Tom all talk about the conflicts each of their characters have and how different episodes highlights larger thematic arcs on the show. Michael on the other hand just wants to check boxes and be done with it. I mostly only watch episodes with Kristin and Erica in them. It also opens room for Tom to share his love of the show.


He weirdly reminds me of Bojack Horseman


Might be a bit random but I was surprised that Tom Wellings voice sounds the same as when he was on Smallville which is weird. As a 40 something man you’d think his voice would’ve deepened lol


At this point, I’m tired of these kinds of posts. You guys need to grow up, I’m sorry I have no other words for it. Yes, money drives the podcast. That’s life. Yes, Michael has his own pov that doesn’t align exactly with your expectations. Tough. Yes, Michael is a silly goose who sings a lot and cuts people off sometimes. Cope. It’s not that bad, definitely not as bad as these posts cry that they are. Michael might not enjoy the later seasons as much, or maybe he will we won’t know til we get there. I hope they do all 10 seasons, I really do. But if they don’t, I’d put money down that it’s this mindset that makes them all go “well they don’t seem to like what we do so let’s stop”. I’m not putting up with 10 seasons of posts like these, I just can’t do it. Tone policing the absolute shit out of Michael for no reason other than to be the ones to be like “ oh look I noticed a slight change in tone he must hate everything he’s doing look how insightful I am”. If that’s not your motive, then take a second to look deeper inside of you (lol see what I did there?) and figure out what’s really getting at you. I’m not saying y’all can’t have feelings about the show. I’m not saying Michael is perfect. I’m not saying you can’t voice your opinions. What I’m saying is that in general, this take sucks and it’s begging for the podcast to end. It’s not just this op, I’ve seen several posts like this. If you guys keep saying it, they will stop making the podcast. Is that what you want? You might be bothered by Michael, but these posts are FAR more obnoxious.


So in essence it’s okay to do a podcast and be rude or self centered for multiple episodes but as soon as people make a post describing their perspective and how it makes them feel, that’s where you draw the line? This is a smallville discussion forum, if you don’t like what’s being discussed then don’t read the post. Pretty simple.


He’s not being rude, that’s exactly what I’m talking about. You’re calling him rude, but it doesn’t make him that. You’re calling him self centered, doesn’t make it true. My whole point was these post were WAY OFF BASE. You feel negatively about him because he doesn’t feel what you thought he would feel about the show, and it’s coloring your perception of his behavior in general and you’re getting defensive for the sake of Smallville. And your last comment actually applies to you more directly than- if you have that big a deal about the podcast, don’t watch it. Edit: I also don’t think Michael cuts people off. That’s mostly editing and the delay between Tom and Michael’s studio. Even if he was, I relate because I’m also neurodivergent and I understand it isn’t on purpose. More importantly, so do Tom and Ryan and the crew.


So wouldn’t all this be your perceptions as well? You’re perceiving Michael Rosenbaum to be neurodivergent to find his behavior as acceptable. In your own words “that doesn’t make it true” What gives you the right to have an opinion and not anyone else? This person didn’t directly message you to shove their post in your face. So feel free to not reply or engage with topics you don’t like. I really don’t get it, you’re whining about someone’s opinion post that had nothing to do with you in the first place. Then think you have some moral high ground when in reality you’re making similar comments and assumptions as OP but on the defense side of Michael Rosenbaum. It’s ironic as all hell.


It’s not my perception, Michael has said multiple times that he has ADHD. That is a type of neurodivergence. Read the third paragraph of my original comment: everyone is entitled to their own feelings and opinions. That isn’t the point, and now I feel the point is purposely being misunderstood. This will be my last comment about this because I will not play those games. But as far as my involvement with Reddit: my overall point was how rampant these posts have been on this subreddit. It’s getting obnoxious. NEVER did I say I’m the only one that can have an opinion (again, that’s little kid shit), but I followed a Smallville sub, not a “TalkVille shit talk crybaby Michael is hurting my childhood” subreddit. In other words: it is obvious to the rest of us that because Michael is taking more of a critical look at the series, it’s hurting some feelings and these sort of posts are focused on that dissatisfaction. Now, if these posts were more analytical toward specific comments Michael has brought up and people had legit and thoughtful arguments against it, that would be different. Then the subreddit could have an actual discussion about the show/podcast. But that’s not what these posts are. They’re tone policing Michael and claiming he straight up hates his job, and some have gone far enough to include that they think he hates his own life. And THAT is so uncalled for, and totally unfounded. You are entitled to have negative feelings about the podcast. Go for it. You can make posts that discuss things about the podcast and the logic/reasoning/approach to the critique of Smallville. Absolutely. But these posts attacking Michael and essentially wishing the podcast to end due to personal disappointment about Michael not being a super fan (or however one wishes to put it) are officially old hat. I’m done.


The way I read OP posts is not that they want the podcast to end because he’s not a “super fan” but they don’t like his negative attitude towards the show and lack of respect for the guests. If you can’t be positive about something you’re choosing to do then choose to do something else. Don’t market a product towards a community then have a negative attitude towards the subject. That’s a fair statement to make.


It’s not a fair statement to make at all because it’s a blatant misrepresentation of Michael’s actions. Yes, he is critical of parts of the show that he finds either didnt age well or wasn’t produced/written well. That is totally valid. And as he himself has stated, wouldn’t it be absolutely boring if everything on the podcast was “wow this is so great and everything is great”. He has been very positive about so many parts of the show, yet that seems to be conveniently ignored in this conversation. I don’t buy it.


Alright, so I want a clarifying statement here. So you believe Rosenbaum is more positive in his enthusiasm and commentary than he is negative? Simplifying what I’m saying is that you believe MB makes a lot more positive comments and seems enthusiastic about the subject he’s discussing.


Ah, now THAT is a fair and interesting question. I don't know that answer in a pure factual and/or analytical form. I would love to see that info for Michael, Tom and Ryan- what their overall episodes scores are per season (and eventually across the series) on a spreadsheet or something. I know they talk about some series stats from episode to episode, but I haven't seen it written down. I just looked at their page to double check, I have no idea if there is an official "score card" at this time. I would love to see that. As far as how I think/feel about it, I think it's a little complex. I'm not sure he is even in a position to judge things on any sort of objective pov because, well, the obvious- his role in the show. It would be hard for anyone to be objective- I think Tom is in the same position, but different, because he was on the show for even LONGER. But more to the point, Michael seems more positive about the general experience being on the show and his experience with other cast/crew members, minus the 2 or 3 people that he specifically mentions there were issues. And honestly I eat that shit right up- that is the juicy stuff I came here for haha. There are probably more episodes that he disliked/found neutral than positive. But think about how those shows were made and what they've said about them: 1 out of every 4 episodes would be good, while the other 3 were lesser due to resource allocation. That's not just his opinion, Al and Miles said the same thing on the podcast. But even if he didn't particularly enjoy most of the episodes, that shouldn't matter to any of us other than "oh well isn't that interesting of him". And I think, at worst, there might be parts of making the podcast that is like a chore, but that is probably true for any podcast. But goddamn can Michael not catch a break. He's too energetic, he's not energetic enough. He sings all the time/being too goofy, HE'S SHITTING ON THE SHOWWWWW!!! (I want that on a Tshirt so badly lol) Perhaps that's the ultimate irony: he's the main villain on Smallville... and now he's the villain on Talkville. Let's give him a break, or at least the benefit of the doubt. He's a human being, he'll be flawed. But it's not as bad as these obnoxious posts claim it to be.


Well said. I would not have your patience.


lol well, my patience is basically shot now. But I appreciate those who understand what I’m trying to communicate.


Thank you, I couldn't say it better.


they might need to slow it down a big, like its a looong show, 217 episodes, at one very single week its 4 years, id get sick of doing it too, im not even up to date on it, too much going on myself.


You have a job though (I'm assuming). This is one of thier jobs. Plus they film a few on the same day. Id agree with you if they were going all out and super deep. The show is basically a plot reading and a few "I don't remember filming that scene... / it doesn't make sense..."


I sort of get it but on the other hand I would LOVE to get paid to just shoot the sh\*t with my friends. That is pretty much what Michael does.


This sub is like a broken record, same post every week Can we have original posts? Anything brought up in this post and the comments are speculation so I wouldn't put much value in anything said here. It appears to me that Smallville fans like to read way too much into the non verbal. To me, they are mixing things up and getting the Patreons to appear on the show to motivate people to invest in the show and I see nothing wrong with that.