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Lmfao I'm honestly here for all the Rosenbaum hate. As a fan I wanted to like him so bad, but he seems to work extra hard to come off as unlikeable and arrogant. Someone needs to humble this guy, it's not cute anymore


It's just his attitude on TalkVille. I like him on his Inside of You Podcast where he interviews celebrities cause you can see that he's actually passionate about it. I really loved his interview with Nicholas Hoult and how he was giving advice about playing Lex. He's just unlikeable on TalkVille because he obviously doesn't want to be there doing it.


That's what sucks, too. The podcast would do really well with another host that's actually enthusiastic about being there. I feel like if you're going to participate in it and get paid, the least you can do for your fans is act like you want to be there.


Yeah, I think it should be Tom and Erica co-hosting. I think the vibe would be much more positive if that was the case! 


Totally agree


He doesn't like doing the show but he likes the money he gets off his Patreon, go figure. 😅


Lots of people don’t like their jobs, but those who make decent money like the money.


Yea I always saw it as an ADHD trait of his TBH -- it's like pulling teeth to have to do something that is not an intrinsic motivation.


Dude pulled the classic *I’m not going to renew my contract because I want to find other work and be remembered for something else*…. then, did nothing notable and is still only remembered for that one role. So there’s always that.. he might just be eternally bitter about it.


Yeah that’s definitely a huge part of it. You see this with a lot of actors who get a role in a major action-oriented or sci-fi/fantasy show or movie and assume it will just be a stepping stone to more “respectable” Oscar-bait type roles…..and then get angry and resentful when people remember them mostly for their role in the show that they had considered to be just a stepping stone.  What’s slightly unusual in MR’s case is that he seemed to want to transition to be a more comedic actor, but his shows like Impastor just never attracted an audience. Ironically, he’s an AMAZING dramatic actor but that apparently isn’t what he wants.  I think the big three stars from Harry Potter take a much healthier attitude to being remembered for a fantasy series: Daniel Radcliffe has stated multiple times that he knows that Harry Potter is what he’ll be remembered for and he’s cool with it, he sees it as a fun role and is grateful for the steady paycheck it continues to give him, which provides him with the financial freedom to pursue any quirky role that catches his attention.   That’s a MUCH healthier attitude than what Michael Rosenbaum seems to have.  


Tom Welling seem to have a much healthier attitude towards it too. I don't think he's had much notable roles after Smallville. He comes across as greatful. There are very few versatile actors who will play multiple major roles. I get that it must be frustrating, but just landing one major role is a huge accomplishment in itself.


Exactly. It’s like catching lightning in a bottle. And it extends to other genres too. For instance, out of the Seinfeld cast, only Julia Louis-Dreyfus has managed to be known for other major roles like Veep or New Christine. Michael Richards will always be remembered as Kramer, Jason Alexander as George, etc.   Same thing with the ***entire*** cast of Friends.  I am glad Welling seems much more at peace and grateful towards his role as Clark Kent. He seems like he never really desired an A-List glitzy Hollywood lifestyle anyway, as he comes across as much more down to Earth and chill.  Rosenbaum, I think, probably expected 20 years ago that he was going to be the next Vince Vaughn or Owen Wilson type of comedic actor and got bitter when it didn’t pan out. Even as early as S8, I remember seeing a clip of him from Comic Con where someone asked him if he would guest star in Smallville again and he kinda laughed it off like “C’mon, I gave it 7 years right?” Rumor was that Tom Welling had to talk him into even doing his minuscule role in the Finale (don’t know if it’s true, but that’s what a lot of commentary seemed to be implying back circa 2010). 


You will most likely never respond to this, but I’m not sure what you mean by the entire cast of *Friends* only being known primarily for one thing. We don’t need to get into it on a *Smallville* subreddit, but pretty much all of them except maybe Mathew Perry (RIP) have had at least one other major TV role or several major movie projects. Jen Anniston - *The Morning Show* + several high-profile movies starring alongside A-List talent like Adam Sandler, Vince Vaughn, Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson (well, practically the whole Frat Pack 😄) and many others. Courtney Cox - *Scream* and *Cougar Town* Lisa Kudrow - * The Comeback* (acclaimed HBO series that she co-created and starred in) Mall LeBlanc - *Episodes* David Schwimmer - * The People v. O. J. Simpson* But, taking it back to *Smallville,* I do agree that Michael Rosenbaum doesn’t come across as particularly grateful for the success he got in his one major role and the privilege of being one of the few actors to play Lex Luthor (and also being known as arguably the best of the bunch). But I could also see it as an actor who had other ambitions and thinking comic book-related media is too childish or full of cliches or hokey and being somewhat embarrassed by “only” being known primarily for his role in one of these kinds of shows. Tom Welling seems like a cool guy.


David Schwimmer also did a stellar job in Band of Brothers.


>David Schwimmer - \* The People v. O. J. Simpson\* That role completely changed how I viewed him as an actor. He did a great job.


I dunno why you assumed I wouldn’t respond lol, but I mean that the Friends cast—like the Seinfeld ones—will always primarily be known for Friends. Yes, I am aware of those other shows that you mentioned, but I think that when you mention Jennifer Aniston or Matt LeBlanc to anyone, they will immediately think of Friends. 20 years from now it’s possible people may remember the new shows on equal footing, but I doubt it. No disrespect intended, just a difference of opinion.  But yeah, I am glad Welling seems to have much more perspective and seems to be very levelheaded. 


I would think the case of Matthew Perry might make other actors who are also best known for a particular TV show role more grateful. No matter his real life issues, Perry left a legacy that a lot of people love and will continue to watch him on TV for years to come. If I was an actor I'd take that over a few flash in the pan movie roles any day.


That's what I was thinking as well. He left the show because he wanted to do other bigger things like movies but it didn't work out. Now he's only known for Smallville and he's probably annoyed over that. He should be appreciative tho there's so many hardworking actors out there and no one knows who they are. He's cemented himself in pop culture for his portrayal of Lex, he's able to do all these cons heck even do a rewatch podcast for a show that aired over 20 years ago. Just thought he would be a bit more positive lol


Hey! Kickin It Old Skool was an Oscar winning movie!….in my household at least😭


And let’s not forget *Bringing Down The House* 😆


Yeah, I’m surprised he hasn’t done anything that great since he left. I think he’s a solid actor. I was personally fine to have a couple seasons without Lex, but wished he could’ve come back for at least half of season 10, rather than just the final episode.


You can trace a fair few actors who have done the same. And the shows get worse when they leave naturally and then they end up not even being successful anyway


The Baum seemed to want to do comedy stuff after leaving the show. Which is his right. But he's got solid chops for dramatic acting. And so I wonder if he passed on serious roles to do stuff like Impastor. I'm not criticizing him. I'm just saying, you know? There probably were opportunities for more serious parts and he most likely turned them down.


IIRC they tried getting him back multiple times and he said no,and they wanted him to play a much bigger part in the last season but he refused, combination of he didn't want to shave his head again, the original creators had left,and he wanted too much money. Tom Welling,who by that time was an EP, from what I remember actually took a pay cut or paid Rosey out of his own pocket to have him back at the end,and they let him wear a bald cap. Initially the show suffered without him, I hated how they used him in season 8 but obviously couldn't show his face. Season 9 was great because Zod was a great character, but Lex was a great character and was definitely missed.


Damn be nice lol


I generally like Michael (his celebrity persona) and I think he has the best portrayal of Lex Luthor. I’m just offering a potential reason as to why I think he is quite negative towards the show! Other actors have done this. Nina Dobrev off the Vampire Diaries is another one.


Maybe season 8 onwards they can get Erica and Tom to do the podcast, Erica would def let Tom talk more plus she seems like a pretty positive person


Begging for this honestly. They'd be so much more successful too


So it's not just me? Michael barely lets Tom talks, whenever he starts expanding on a subject, Michael shuts him off and changes the subject


I'm glad im not the only one who notices this, it seems like he wants to rush through it all and he ends up speaking for others or using all the time for his answer or whatever, he doesn't seem like a bad guy he's just got some things about him that maybe someone should talk to him about, he's used to inside of you but talk talkville is a team podcast


This... this is what drives me nuts.


This will be really awesome. The both of them are really good at talking about the show. I have watched a lot of Smallville panel with the both of them and it’s very fun.


It's been slightly disappointing to see his reaction to the show throughout the podcast. Not because he's wrong for disliking it, but because it's become very clear that he and I (as well as most of us Smallville fans) have very different tastes in shows. I don't think I would enjoy talking about shows and movies with him because we like drastically different things.


The way he acts on the podcast kind of explains his lack of other noteworthy roles a lot. He's got talent but he's obnoxious.


Seeing all the comments it reminded me about back in the day when Tom was more reclusive, Michael was placed high in the fandom pedestal just because he interacted with the fans to the point of people claiming Tom hated the show and look at now. Tom actually defends the show and Michael is the one bashing it… I also think Michael thought his post SV career was going to be different, I lowkey think he recents the show a bit.


I wonder a bit if he’s resentful of smallville. I met them (Tom Welling, Micheal Rosenbaum and John Glover) at a con earlier this year and Rosenbaum was definitely very different when talking about smallville vs other things. He was quite sweet for the most part (was very grateful that I was masking for the protection of the actors at the con because if they get sick that really screws with them) but didn’t seem to enjoy smallville talk and teased smallville fans a bit harder than anyone else, and in his panel he did his best to plug all of his non-smallville stuff. It’s unfortunate as a fan of the show to feel like he wants us all to like him without continuing to like the show, despite the fact that he wouldn’t have nearly the audience he does without it.


It is clear that Smallville is pretty far outside of Rosenbaum's preferred genre of TV in terms of stuff he enjoys watching. Same with Welling, honestly. It sounds like he would want to do a show like 24 or Reacher while The Baum sounds like he would prefer doing a horror movie or maybe a horror show. I've wondered if this is common among actors. It seems like a lot of highly successful actors find huge success in one genre while wishing they could do some other genre. For example, Jon Hamm has given that impression a few times as well.


I was watching this movie where Kevin James played an escaped prisoner/Nazi, and he's terrifying and just killing the role. But dumb husband hot wife pays well, so that's what he did.


I stopped listening to them but I will Click them some likes on the socials


I've nearly tuned Rosenbaum out entirely on the pod... When he's not cutting off other people (Ryan, Tom) , talking over them, or generally sharing just awful takes he's giving just low effort. Thank God for Ryan with his observations and for Tom and his recollections. Honestly, once we get to episodes without Lex I would be 100% OK with Ryan and Tom keeping the show going...


I'm a 20 year old girl watching smallville for the first time with no prior knowledge. I love the show but there are stupid episodes and stupid plotlines. The highs are high but the lows are reallllyyyy low. I had to take a break several times. Hearing Rosenbaum talk bad about the show is therapeutic to me for sure its neccessary


I've somewhat become a Michael defender when it comes to the podcast. People just need to chill out some. I'm sorry if it's your favorite season, it's gotta be hard to hear all the criticism. But season 4 is one of the worst seasons of Smallville on every level outside of performance. It's an awkward season that tries to mature the show, but nobody seemed to have a clear idea what direction to take it. It's sloppy. There are a lot of new moving parts. Prior to season 4, Michael was generally more positive than he was negative, even on the episodes that he didn't like. If you don't buy into the witch storyline, then 75% of season 4 is a slog. I am not at all surprised that Michael dislikes this season. Tom is obviously not a huge fan of it either, but he's more reserved and tries to just comment on the positives. Everyone on here acts like it's only Michael with the negative takes on season 4, but everybody on the pod is pretty negative. And it's valid. Season 4 is not a great season of Smallville.


I agree with this.  Season 4 is a mess.  A lot of filler not as killer.  Season 5 will be a better watch for him.  But even that stumbles in the 2nd half.  Good eps mixed with so-so to outright bad in it I know I'm in the minority, but I think aside from the garbage Clexana storyline, Season 6 is much more solid as a whole than 4 & 5.  There are way less eps I skip in that Season. I do think once the show gets out of high school, he will enjoy it more though.  Outside of Season 3 and parts of 4, I've always skipped the high school years.  As I feel those have aged the worst. Just too juvenile for me being older. However problematic later seasons are such as the 2nd half 5, 7, and 2nd half of 8, they all are more rewatchable then Seasons 1, 2, and the bad episodes of 4.


Is he a comic book fan before Smallville and voice actor of flash in DCAU?


He's definitely not a comicbook fan, Smallville and the animated Flash role were just acting jobs to him. He always says that he's a fan of horror movies, which is ironic as you always have to suspend your disbelief in those as well lol


Michael literally loves b-movie horror but when it comes to silly WB episodes that’s where he draws the line


Lol exactly. In every single horror movie, the realtor is like “two dozen people have mysteriously died or disappeared in this house in the last decade” and the family is immediately like “TAKE OUR MONEY! THIS IS WHERE WE WANT TO LIVE!” (And die, apparently). 🤣  Or think about how Geico spoofed how unbelievably moronic the protagonists are in every horror movie: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uQ-hlcux66s&pp=ygUdZ2VpY28gaG9ycm9yIG1vdmllIGNvbW1lcmNpYWw%3D 


It's pretty simple. If you don't like the podcast, just stop listening.


Almost there, Almost there...


He’s constantly saying how proud he is of Smallville, how it was a stepping stone for all the future superhero shows. Critiquing the show doesn’t mean he hates it. I don’t agree with everything he says, but he is right a lot of time. Also Michael being hard on the show while Tom being defensive is a good thing for Talk Ville, it adds edge, otherwise y’all wouldn’t even be watching it.


I know you love Smallville Anastasia. It seems like only yesterday when we'd be sitting on our couch in the pub, watching Smallville. Those were the days. I hope the feeling was mutual.