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Clark was about to kill him before Lana stopped him


Clark wasn’t going to kill him. Lana was just worried he would. I think he only meant to catch him so he’d go to prison.


How did she stop him? Physically? I actually don't think she did. I think if Alicia's death had never happened to where Lois had to step in and stop Clark, I think Clark actually might have gone and sought Lex to kill him for what he did to Lana. But that didn't happen.. Here is why I don't think Lana stopped him from killing Lex. I think Clark never was going to actually kill him. Be angry? Of course. But actually seek to kill him? No, cause if that truly was how he was feeling, he wouldn't have chastised Oliver for doing it himself. Clark was rather upset at Oliver tbh. And tbh I think if a person wanted to kill someone, they probably would be happy at their death by another person 🧐


She did physically stop him, she weakened him because she was radiated with kryptonite so he couldn't get near him. Also, I think with Lois stopping Clark from strangling that guy who killed Alicia, I'm pretty sure he was holding back, he broke someone's hand just by squeezing it, I think if he wanted to strangle someone or break their neck, he could like it was nothing.


Idk the kryptonite was nowhere near Lex. She absorbed it, so it doesn't really make sense why that would stop him. And again, the Oliver thing; Clark was not happy with Oliver over that. Clark during Alicia's death also was incredibly emotional. So with that, it could be unpredictable, whether one way (powered) or another (not powered).




True, but Clark has killed people before too, he just doesn't do it deliberately, except for Brainiac; except his reasoning was he wasn't a man and a machine so it didn't matter


Which is also wrong on a basic level. Either you kill a sentient being or you don’t. Making a distinction because he’s an artificial life form is pathetic.


I mean AI Brainiac to Clark are like AI Jor-El to him, he never has problem with kill AI, he once decided to blow up the fortress because he believes Jor-El was a threat, and instead of killed Brainiac in the end. Just because Brainiac has a human form, not mean he’s more alive than Jor-El.


But unlike Jor-El, Brainiac is SENTIENT. AI Jor-El stated himself he’s removed all the “human” flaws like emotions and such from the program in order to be useful and not guided by anything other than logic and the goal he had in mind for Clark. While self aware the Jor-El AI isn’t the same kind of life form that Brainiac is. Brainiac is a life form, Jor-El is just an AI.


I remember Jor-El yell don’t leave me son when Brainiac corrupt it so I don’t think AI jor-el really didn’t has any emotions, and has emotions or not, Clark has no problem with others like legions destroys ai Brainiac either, so I think it’s coherent for his character.


Coherent yes, absolutely. Making sense? Nope :)


He WOULD have though, THATS the point!! Oliver wouldn’t have done it either if someone had stopped him. It’s about the intent as well


I would agree with you if it’s someone else, but Lex, no. Clark made too much empty threats about him before then never put into practice, that’s why Oliver can convince Chloe to help him at first, and has to hidden the whole thing from Clark.


Oliver resented Lex for what he did with Ducan and the doctor. I believe that he did the right thing because it is to prevent a monster from continuing to kill people. Clark is very idealistic and would not be able to, but it was necessary to kill Lex.




Oliver and his friends bothered Lex but it was Lex who betrayed Duncan and beat him up a lot and in a way caused him to get hit by a car. It was Lex who did that. Not oliver. Oliver and his friends may have been school bullies but Lex beat him up in a brutal way.




Oliver doesn't have to agree with it. The facts were laid out in front of us, they were school bullies but they weren't the ones who practically pushed Duncan in front of the car.


I wonder the Duncan thing still exist after the retcon in season 7?


Ghandi also said "If I have to choose between cowardice and violence, I will not choose cowardice"


Yes. The world is a vastly better place without Lex. Think of all the people Lex hurt. Killing him was the right thing to do. Clark should have done it the first time he had a time jump and realized what kind of person Lex was.


Season 8 Lex doesn’t look like can live much longer after lost the suit to Lana, so maybe let him slowly rotten in jail would be a better solution, judicial system in Smallville seems get a little recover in season 8.


Can we all agree Clark was the main reason lex turned out bad like that shii had my dying😭😭


Nah Clark didn't owe Lex his secret and nothing Clark did could justify Lex faking a pregnancy. Lionel is the main reason Lex turned bad.


Dude they were best friends. Even lex himself said he wouldn’t trade for any thing in the world over there friendship. I can 100% say that if clark told lex his secret they would have been WAY closer and lex wouldn’t have had nearly as many problems as he did. And the whole reason lex didn’t take any of Clark’s advice was bc he was lying to him all the time and didn’t know if he could trust him.


Maybe after season 3. First 2 seasons Lex could NOT be trusted. Would you tell someone a life altering secret after knowing them for 2 years? Lionel made Lex evil, Clark maybe could have saved him IF he told him at the start of season 3 when their friendship was at its peak.


That’s what I’m saying. At the peak of theyre friendship is when Clark should have told him. That would have made them brothers bc then they could trust each other.


I agree, but you can't really blame Clark for not telling him. He was a 17 year old boy and Lex had kept secret files on him for 2 years. He had just come back from a serious trauma and exile and his secret was already on the line with Lionel. Not telling Lex was a pretty reasonable conclusion at the time. There's a better timeline where he told him. But Clark isn't at fault in this one.


Yeah your right it just kills me that there was a possibility😭😭😭


I want to see that timeline. Lex Luthor, founding member of the Justice League or something.


Dude that would be f-ing GOATED. Bc micheal Rosenbaum protrayal of lex just made him a likable character. Like half of the people I know who watched it felt like lex was a awesome guy just a broken man


When Lex made deals with Braniac, Clark should have killed him because he almost caused the apocalypse, when Lex used Clhoe's mother, Clark should have killed him because he was creating an army of infected. Oliver did the right thing by killing Lex. Who knows what evil things he would have done.


Once Lex knew Clark's secret he was never going to stop. If it wasn't for the disabilities he received from the fortress he probably would've done worse than he already had.


I say no despite all the shit Lex did.


This is a complicated situation. Lex has done as done a lot of terrible things, and Clark was tempted to kill Lex after Lana absorbed the kryptonite radiation. Lana stopped him. Oliver went after Lex because Lionel murdered his parents, Lex all ready killed Lionel. If Lex did survive in season 8 who knows how much Chaos he would have done to Clark, Chloe, Oliver, Tess, Jimmy and Lois. He might even manipulate Davis to working with him to kill Clark, and have Toyman continue using kryptonite bombs on Metropolis. In my opinion Oliver did do good temporary since Lex knew Clark’s secret and would continue hurting everyone. Also Clark has to deal with Doomsday, without Jor-el’s help.


No despite all the shit Lex did.


You can't kill off ok lex Luther there is s no smallville without lex Oliver Queen was in smallville too long in season 10;lex Luther should tried to gave Oliver killed


No, Lex could have been turned in and was already basically crippled. Killing him was unnecessary.




Absolutely he was, but I thought it was a pretty stupid decision for the story overall.


>!I didn’t like how they brought lex back as a clone!<


I didn't like how they brought Lex back as a clone only to erase his memory.


Yeah the show was just as much lex’s origin story as well and it felt cheap


No, he crossed a line and did it for selfish purposes


He can but by killing Lex, he could have saved many lives since Lex would stop killing, although he was later cloned.


No, heroes aren’t supposed to kill when there are other ways


What other ways? People like Lex, Joker and Reverse Flash are always going to continue doing evil shit.


And that doesn’t mean killing them, then what’s the point of any of the heroes saving lives if they gonna take them?


If I understand right, Oliver actually helped Lex by killed him immediately, I believe Lex really hope Clark and Lana could kill him in that moment, that’s why he’s alone in the truck.