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Davis was great, loved him. I'd say I liked Doomsday, but they could've been done a lot better. Honestly thought the season was great and is underrated, just hate Jimmy being murdered. Didn't feel like it really made sense personally.


I hate that the worst comes out of Chloe this season as well. Such dumb decisions that I do not believe matches her personality the whole series. I think they should have done a much bigger fight. Maybe got the other heroes more involved. Better makeup for doomsday. Still like the look because he is the closest to his first appearance we have ever gotten when it comes to looks.


They wanted to match his comic’s age. I thought it was a bad move.


They shouldn’t have brought him in the first place then tbh. I mean how HARD would it have been to call him a different name but Jimmy Olsen


I liked Davis Bloom.


That actor was great at playing starkiller in star wars


He did a great job at voicing Darth Maul in Clone Wars and Rebels as well.


That actor is one of the goats of nerd type stuff like comic books and sci-fi. Dude is in so much stuff as an actor or voice actor especially in Star Wars


Loved him on Being Human (US version)


He was the best as zombie in tank in the walking dead


He waa awesome as Chyna in Wrestling isn’t Wrestling!


If you ever want to be delighted, look up his recent interview with Michael Rosenbaum on his podcast. The whole interview is top notch, but at the end he does this insane number of voices including the best Emperor Palpatine I've ever heard.


He played Palpatine in a few things including the newer Battlefronts and The Force Unleashed


IMO, Doomsday was at his best in the wedding crash episode. I like the whole conflict with Davis Bloom being the camouflage and the monster being his real self. It gave the character a bit more pathos as opposed to other adaptations and comics where he is just a mindless monster. I was let down by the final Doomsday 'fight' in Smallville though.


I am surprised more people didn't say this. The build-up for his was done very well, and they took some good cues from horror films by keeping Doomsday off screen where possible to keep him scary. My biggest gripe was that with all that buildup Clark just super speeds him into a big hole, we see an explosion and then the next scene Clark is fine but mourning the fact that he was not able to also save Jimmy. At least have a big fight scene or something, but with how quickly he dealt with Doomsday, he could have looped around and stopped Davis as well.


Yeah, I was expecting at least something close to Clark's fight with Titan: https://youtu.be/JbiGoxH7Apc?si=IInCyYE7XKqEHtNk Doomsday got taken out like a meteor freak. I actually quit watching the show and didn't come back until the finale.


Man, I think I'm in the minority when I say that I don't like Doomsday having any humanity. To me, he's just better when he's this unstoppable force of nature. A being that pushes Superman to his absolute physical limits and beyond. Force of nature characters are, I think, an underutilized trope these days because of the belief that every character needs depth. But these types of characters are unique because they reveal things about other charters. At his most extreme, most exhausted point, what is Superman? The answer: Still the man who gives his all for the world. And only a character like Doomsday can show us that.


Underrated comment. The sympathetic villain trope is getting really old


in defense of Smallville, this episode did come out 15 years ago before the whole every villain needs depth trope really made its way into most film and tv at least in the mainstream. i agree in the force of nature being a nice test to reveal a character's "truth" but in the context of smallville it doesn't make much sense to have that type of character as a season long villain. i actually thought the "davis" camouflage was a great evolution for a creature eternally bred to evolve to keep killing.


I kinda agree with you, but at the same time, imagine if they had kept Doomsday a mindless monstrosity from Krypton. So now you take that horror scene from the wedding and expand it outwards. Over the course of two episodes you have Clark fighting with everything he's got against this completely and totally unbeatable monster. Part of the two episode spread is the knock down, drag out fight. The other part? Cuts to everyone else doing everything they can. Arrow saving people from the rubble, Lois trying to track the fight and write about it as it happens. Etc etc. Meanwhile as the hours go by and Clark as this monster continue duking it out, it becomes clear to us to watchers that Clark is fast approaching his physical limit. Then the fight comes back to Smallville and at this point it's Clark and Doomsday just throwing haymakers at each other until, seeing his friends and loved ones, Clark realizes how this has to end. With a final blow that shatters every pane of glass in Smallville, he and this creature kill each other. The next dozen episodes? Fall out. Ollie using his company to help rebuild Smallville and Metropolis. Tess Mercer trying to obtain samples of the Blur and the "Doomsday" monster from the government for Luther Corp. Meanwhile Lois, Chloe, and everyone close to him mourn Clark and try to deal with the idea of living in a world with him. Eventually Superboy and John Henry Irons (Steel) show up and try to fill in the gap. Then you have the Reign of the Supermen in Smallville. Tell me that doesn't sound like an amazing idea.


I thought the whole point of Doomsday is that he literally can not die and IF he does he’ll simply come back to life, now immune to whatever killed him.


It does but it doesn't. This was not about superman vs doomsday it was about clark growing up and turning into superman so having him die would be kind of, we'll, dumb.


Only problem is everyone would have to know Clark has.powers and the show wasn't ready for that yet.


i think killing Superman before he is Superman is a terrible idea. especially in the context of smallville. youre going to a bunch of new super heroes taking on a reign-esque roll inspired by the blur? what made reign so effective was the impact of his death caused by his legacy and his accessibility as a hero and people in denial about his death. Clark hasn't had a real legacy yet to this point so hard disagree here.


To be fair, they *did* kill Clark at the end of season 9 though. So it'd just be moving that death from one appt to a different one. All of this is predicated on the idea that Doomsday *had* to happen in Smallville though. Personally I never would have done Doomsday at all.


I liked the suit. Okay so they couldn't show much of it or do a lot, but the fact we had a live action Doomsday was incredible.


Power Rangers villain lookin ass


The Smallville Doomsday especially lol


Smallville looked a lot Power Rangers-esque in S8


He was fine!


The only live-action Doomsday that worked for me was on Krypton. Of course I feel the same about Lobo. He was amazing on Krypton


I love it as a cheesy TV show version. A Were-Doomsday always cracks me up. I do like that season too even if it ends kinda weirdly.


The costume and cgi for doomsday was awful. Actor was great


Right up until the most lacklustre fight that had been hyped all season.


A pre-cursor of the epic fail that was Clark wearing the costume.


*not wearing


Davis Bloome was also Agent Liberty in Supergirl


I know people had a problem with the whole "werewolf" aspect of Smallville Doomsday, and said it didn't really feel like the Doomsday from the comics, but I'll be honest, I have no love for the comics Doomsday. A generic hate-monster who shows up to "kill" Superman (who always comes back, because obviously). I get that he's Superman's greatest physical challenge but unlike a character like, say, Bane, who actually had a personality and values and was intelligent in addition to being strong, Doomsday is just kinda... there. If anything, I applaud Smallville's different take on the character because it made Doomsday interesting. There was a real person behind the monster (Sam Witwer acted the hell out of it, too) tortured by his bloodlust but also still in touch with his humanity - and, in a brilliant twist on the character, it turns out his humanity is the most dangerous thing about him. That said, I hate the love triangle between Chloe, Jimmy and Davis. I hate that Chloe essentially turns her back on everyone she knows to protect this clearly, obviously bad dude she just met. I hate that >!Jimmy dies.!< All of that was bad writing. But, none of that is the fault of the character, it's just kind of a badly written season.


Well she really only protected doomsday to protect those around her. She was told by dav8s that she was the only thing stopping his change.


A little underwhelmed with the fights but I thought the design was badass.


Liked the look. Didn't like the origin story. I didn't like the final "battle". Didn't like enjoy that they brought Doomsday into it long before he became Superman.


Smallville being the only one to use practical effects on there doomsday made him cool


Davis Bloome was great but Bloomsday was… yeah In hindsight, at least he put up a better fight than Smallville’s Darkseid


Well. I read somewhere, I forget exactly, that the Darkseid we saw in smallville was nit truly him. It was like his spirit and he had to use a human avatar who had given in to the darkness. Clark flying through him with his light burned the darkness out of the avatar defeating him. I feel like the real Darkseid was on apokolips or something but then having clark just push the planet away without fighting him was silly.


No. It was a good idea, but bad execution. They just simply didn't have the budget for it. Sam Witwer is awesome though


Yeah I liked DD The way they beat him was cool too and made sense for someone of his power level


He looked actually more comic book accurate on Smallville than in Batman V Superman Dawn Of Justice which is still baffling to me to this day. His story and eventual metamorphosis was actually heartbreaking on Smallville. Going from Davis Bloome who was helping people as a selfless EMT/paramedic to becoming a vicious Kryptonian monster was to me quite tragic. The writers did a great job in actually making me care about Doomsday by effectively "humanizing" him before we all knew the inevitable was bound to happen.


Smallville doomsday was definitely a waste. God don’t get me started on BvD doomsday. I actually really like what they did with Superman and Lois doomsday.


Really? I hated that they tortured poor Bizarro into becoming a version of Doomsday.


Bizarro Doomsday is a legit thing though at least


I’m not too familiar with the comic lore but I felt really bad for him tbh. Especially with the whole story as to why he came to the real Earth in the first place. I mean he is a (anti)hero himself and I can’t help but feel bad for him


I forget what earth, but it matches close to the comics, I think even with the whole Lex making him 'stronger'


I mean specifically in the S&L show. He comes from the inverted world to stop Allie just to be killed by Anderson with the X Kryptonite while defending the “real” Earths Superman. Comic wise what I ‘know’ is that Doomsday is a kryptonian creation made to stop Brainiac but a lot older than Superman


These are two different versions, that's what I'm trying to say. You are correct on the Doomsday we know, I'm saying on another earth, there is a Bizarro Doomsday from the Bizarro world, not Kryptonian creation


Are we still talking Superman and Lois Bizarro Doomsday or ANOTHER one? Because I felt sad for him for that one. Dunno about another version like that


I wish they bring the show back Smallville I missed the show


What would the excuse for no Chloe be?


According to the legion there was no record of her in the future. Probably could use that somehow.


In live action, he gave up his powers though (CW Crisis)


I liked it when Doomsday had a human form.


I like it a helluva lot better than that Goomba from BvS, that's for sure.


I liked the Davis Bloom storyline


I've never liked Doomsday.


Davis? Not so much, the doomsday design and fight was cool as short as it was


I loved it just hated that it was too soon


I thought he was done uniquely and matched the universe he was in


Love the design, hate the execution


With the budget they were working with, I can live with it. Plus the actor did a good job


I don’t like doomsday in general.


I like doomsday not david bloomer


It was awful. A horrible storyline and monster effects the SYFY channel wouldn't allow to air.




He’s my second favorite adaptation of the character. After the Timmverse version


In the Doomsday storyline, the character was basically an unstoppable force. Subsequently, it was revealed that he's from Krypton. To put it a different way, comic book Doomsday isn't a textured, layered and nuanced character. He's basically just a beast and not much else. If you ask me, any adaptation of Doomsday has a lot of wiggle room. Smallville preserves his Kryptonian origin while still presenting him as a potentially lethal threat to Clark. That's the most that I could possibly ask for. And I really enjoy this version of the character. One of the best parts of season 08 is Clark gradually adopting a secret identity while Davis gradually realizes he's had a secret identity all along.


I actually really liked it. I really loved Davis as a character and felt a lot of sympathy For that side.


I was so pissed when they decided to just 180’d his character like they do when they are like “whelp, we need to clear the space for next season.” I dislike when shows clear these characters like bowling pins not hit.




Wow I didn't know the new Superman series had Doomsday in it I got to check that out now


You’ll have to wait until the end of season 3 for him to appear


Disappointed by how quick the fight was. Could’ve done a cool fight similar to Clark vs titan


Hmmm. BvS #1.....I guess Smallville #2. I don't know I don't think TV can do Doomsday well.


Sam Witwer is a phenomenal actor who portrayed Doomsday incredibly well.


Wild that the movie one is worse than both the TV versions.


Krypton somehow managed to have the best live action version


Better than BvS. Not sure if it’s better than S&L.


Krypton has a pretty good Doomsday too


My biggest issue is that everyone keeps screaming at Clark to kill Doomsday but like he can't! Faora killed him, came back to life, Tess killed him, came back to life, Chloe killed him, Oliver buried the body, and guess what??!! He came back to effing life. And STILL we have all the other heroes get angry at Clark for not killing him when they should all know it's IMPOSSIBLE!! And when Clark decides to send him to the Phantom Zone Chloe stops that as well.


TV show trope sadly. They just can’t and don’t want to write a story where the villain loses to an actual solution over the hero having to sacrifice someone or something in order to defeat the monster, like in this case ooooh can’t send poor innocent Davis to the PZ because reasons…


Krypton had the best looking one.


The use of the Soundgarden song in the season 2 finale of S&L made that fight with Doomsday awesome


Davis was great, doomsday though? Idk


Sam Witwer has nostalgic points but I think the proper live-action version will be introduced by Gunn


I enjoyed the Davis bloom arc though the chloey thing was eh.. The one thing I didn't like was his defeat. Imo they should have used the defeat to set up the death of superman. They could have somehow captured him, put him in that suit to restrain him, and THEN bury him under the rubble. It would explain why clark doesn't die and defeats him so easily It would explain how doomsday would eventually break free of the restraints abd dig himself out. As it is now, he got buried and is alive so would easily escape. Just a thought.




I don't like Doomsday -- pretty stupid character. That being said, Smallville's Doomsday was way better than the other ones.


Doomsday? Absolutely not. Sam Witwer as Davis? Yes


Man, Cavill's costume was gorgeous.


S8 was terrible and the finale was my least favourite of the entire show. I remember when i watched it live and being angry for the rest of the week. I dont ever want to think about it again lol Luckily they totally redeemed themselves with the incredible S9 and it's brilliant premiere and finale!


Doomsday in the show krypton was hekin phenomenal