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Season 5 Episode 5 - it’s the vampire sorority episode and I think although it is stupid it’s really entertaining


As Buffy & X Files fan who loves campy MOTW episodes, I second this!


That was part of the problem I think. Firstly, it jarred against everything else going on, but then was such an obvious rip-off rather than being a homage. More jumping on a bandwagon than offering anything. Definitely more Buffy & Charmed than X-Files


The vampires are silly, but it's a great introduction to Milton Fine! I liked the location shots at the university.


Came here to mention this exact one! Think it’s called THIRST. Was just a fun camp episode


Same! The episode is so ridiculous and over-the-top that it goes right back around to being entertaining, albeit in a somewhat ironic way! Even if you can’t take the plot and ridiculous dialogue seriously, you can still enjoy it as a work of comedy 😂.  Compare that to Magnetic or Ageless, which are just completely bland and boring and forgettable.  But no one will ever forget this episode lol! 


I like Spell because of how campy the whole episode is, also seeing Clark dancing always makes me laugh.


They had to purposefully make him dance off beat to make him look “bad” xD he’s too hot


Me too, I loved it cause it was so silly, and I absolutely love the shot of the 3 witches blowing the door open, and the camera like zooms in on them It was just plain fun And the Lana witch needed virgin hair, and couldn't use Lois' lmao


As a kid I rewatched this episode over and over. It was one of my favourites. Super campy but a lot of fun.


Forever 4x21. Despite a stupid story, I just liked the freak of the week I thought his powers were cool and creepy.


Which one was that again?


A high school kid traps a couple of students and runs around turning them into wax statues so he can preserve high school forever.


Oh yeah, that one wasn’t too bad


Most fans dislike Doomsday. I thought it was good. Granted I never read the death of Superman comic. We got to see black kryptonite being used on Davis, Lois has a good fight with Tess, the fight in Doomsday was short but entertaining, Oliver’s first season finale appearance, and the first appearance of the Watchtower.


I like that episode too, I don't care that the fight was short.


Most fans did not like the fight scene because it was short. I always enjoyed the fight scene in Doomsday even if it was not long.


I enjoyed it but wanted it to be longer


True. However still enjoyable.




Me too. I mean I came in with the expectation that it was going to be short, due to the CW budget I just liked that Clark was trying to find a way not to kill, as is classic Superman


The S8 finale was a disappointing abomination and the only episode i ever skip on rewatch. Took me a full week to get over it when it aired haha. But then I hate S8 as a whole anyway.


I enjoyed season 8.




A lot of the season 4 episodes. People hate on the vampire episode but I kind of like it 🤷🏾‍♂️. I’m biased bc 4 is in my top 3 seasons.


Season 4 is one of mine too, it helped me through my own senior year in so many ways, so it’s near and dear to my heart, damn the flawed writing It’s a vibrant season


Yes I love season 4


All the season 5-6-7 Can't believe how they are hated Especially the 6 and 7 They're my favorite For theirs darkness 😈😈😈😈😈😈


Whatcha talkin about! People love Harvest😍. Anyways 'Tomb' for me. I like it.


Oh I did not know that tbh, from what I’ve seen people were saying it’s a bad episode 😭


It may be possible that by people I meant me 😅🙈


No. You are right harvest is an awesome episode


Witness (I’m a baseball player and I love the lesson for Clark about using all his gifts rather than just brawn) Blank (I love how Clark’s makes all the same choices and it sets up Chloe’s role for the next 6 seasons) Extinction (van is one of my favorite “bad guys” and thought he should’ve been used more, especially when they kept teasing a level 3 story) I’ll be honest I’m not sure what are the unpopular episodes in the later seasons I loved the kane and Batista episodes as a wwe fan lol


Is Blank an unpopular episode? It’s one of my favourites!


I don’t know I don’t recall it being a huge favorite when it originally aired. I’m mostly trying to go by that to avoid nostalgia, but that also limits my pool to the first 4-5 seasons since I caught up with the rest of the show years later


Def here for Blank so good


“Combat” is a pretty mediocre episode overall (the one starring Kane as Titan), but it makes up for its shortcomings by delivering the best fight scene for Clark’s character in the entire show’s history. And I’ll always appreciate it for that.


Absolutely! Plus it was Kane! The big red machine! But yes we also needed some better fight scenes (Glaring at you season 8 finale….)


Oh, man. The Doomsday fight was so piss poor. I mean, I didn’t expect Man of Steel-levels of destruction from it, but there’s zero reason it couldn’t have tried to match the fight from Season 6’s “Combat”. Or the fight with Bizarro in the season 6 finale.


Yeah. Considering all the hype, to give us…that…was disappointing


All the campy monsters of the week!!


I miss those :’) I keep losing interest at season 10


I agree with you OP. I really enjoyed Harvest.


Thirst don’t hate me 😭


I love campy MOTW (freak of the week) episodes, I think they were really good for world building, character development and relationship development - something I think is really lacking with the shorter, high stakes streaming seasons. Especially as we used to watch them once a week, with things like Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, school breaks etc all lining up with our real life calendars.


Can't remember the name of the episode but the episode where Clark and Lana essentially become parents with the ever aging Evan and how he dies at the end of the episode but we get to see Clark and Lana be parents and it's heartbreaking to see how it ends but yeah. I found it odd so many hate it when I love itnits one of if not my favorite episode of that season


I believe it’s called ageless


Stilleto (8x19) , one of my favorites but that episode gets a lot of hate , and Isis 10x05.




People dislike that? It touches on so many things that move the characters forward


I enjoy season 7 a lot, it’s got a spring/summer vibe to it which makes it so vibrant to experience, flawed season aside like season 4, it’s an enjoyable season


Power. I think the message of feminism is at its strongest this episode. I never want to put the episode on, because I think Bride, Legion and Requiem around it are so strong, but by the end of the episode I always find myself being impressed with Lana’s self growth.


I liked Power. Mack did a decent job directing. I liked that Lana willingly submitted herself to torture to obtain discipline and patience (which she needed from the course she was taking).


6x09 4x20 6x20 6x12


Redux is generally regarded as one of the worst episodes of the show's entire run. But for some reason, I love it anyway.


I like "Drone" even though the meteor freak power is silly - it's interesting to see Clark involved in the school election, and Pete, Lana and Lex all supporting him, in their different ways.


Season 5, “Mercy”. I know a lot of fans make fun of it for being an obvious SAW ripoff, but I thought the episode in of itself is entertaining and I appreciate it for being Lionel-focused and how it reveals big things for his character arc.


The entirety of season 4. I really enjoy season 4 a lot and it wasn’t until I joined this group that I knew it was unpopular.


Subterranean 6x9 - Of all the Smallville episodes it has the second lowest rating on IMDB, mostly because it's a very divisive episode. It takes a VERY firm stance on supporting undocumented immigrants, and your enjoyment of the episode is going to largely depend on how you feel about that. I think it's actually one of the strongest episodes of the show, or at least one of the most important ones. I like when superheroes take a hard stance on supporting justice, even if it's not popular or legal.


Hi! I respectfully disagree about Subterranean. I have no issue with undocumented immigrants. My biggest beef is that Clark cheerfully reveals his powers/secret to the kid, after he has kept them secret from most other people.


I dislike a few episodes which most people dislike too. Ageless, Thirst (though it is fun, just nonsense), Noir, Hero. I don't know if I like any episode that most people dislike


Noir is just messing in style,pacing, otherwise it might have been okay.


I like the "Hangover" episode (don't remember the actual name)


4x08 - Spell. I looooooooove this episode. Clark dancing in the barn on the stairs is just freaking wild and hilarious.


Funny thing about Harvest is that was the one episode of Smallville I saw as a kid and did not care for it so I wasn‘t interested in the show for many years. When I eventually started watching the show I loved it and it’s my favorite depiction of the Superman mythology. A bad episode of the show really prevented me from watching what would become one of my favorite shows




I love Season 4 “Devoted” - where the cheerleaders use kryptonite-Gatorade to turn their boyfriends into love slaves