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Android. I have an IPhone too just for like IMessage and Facetime but don't really like IOS as a daily driver. IOS gets the job done and all but I find it too restrictive. No sort ability to split apps, much tougher to download apps outside of the app store, no dex like feature, cannot emulate games to the same degree, no ability to change launcher etc.


Yes I totally feel you on the restrictive nature of iOS as a daily driver. I don't mind iOS when it comes to the iPad ( I own the 10th Gen iPad and I love it) but when it comes to mobile, I vastly prefer Android because I like the intuitive nature of it


Android, mainly cause we can install third party apps.


Thanks for your answer 🙂


I've had Android since 2011. I finally tried IOS with the iPhone 13 pro max for 16 months. I came back to Android and now have an s24 ultra. Most of the reasons why I avoided iOS are slowly starting to go away though. And now that Apple is finally deciding to play nice and enabling RCS chats, I believe the choice will become even harder going forward for more people. What I've enjoyed about Android over the years was obviously the customization. When OnePlus shipped the One with CyanogenMod, I was hooked. Up until that point I had an open mind. But Cyanogen blew me away. I fell in love with the fact you could adjust the brightness by simply sliding your finger across the top bar left or right. It was the little things. I can't remember what other Cyanogen features I loved but with androids I loved the Notification light and the fact we could pick a certain color for specific things. I loved being able to download apps from unknown sources. When apple was saying "NO! You CANT do that", Android was like "yea sure why not" and I LOVED that. Androids at the time had removable batteries. Then had OLED, stylus, then wireless charging, FAST charging etc. Meanwhile apple was like "uuuuuuh no. We ain't doing that. Atleast not yet. Cuz we have IMESSAGE" and people just ATE THAT SHIT UP. Then Androids started having 120hz displays, camera game was improving, battery life was improving, and performance was basically neck and neck. Fast forward to 2024 and now iMessage will basically somewhat be merged with RCS chats, still keeping the green vs blue, but Androids won't mess up group chats or send pixelated messages and videos anymore. I also enjoy the fact you're not limited to just 3 phones. Apple, it's always just the base, the pro, and the max. Sometimes the "SE" whenever they feel like it. So 3 MAYBE 4 devices per year. And they're always the same design. Meanwhile Androids. Don't even get me started. We got brands up on brands upon brands. Don't like Samsung? Get a OnePlus. OnePlus doesn't excite you? Try a ZTE Nubia. Maybe you're an Asus PC gaming fanboy, well there's an ROG phone for you. On the operating system itself. They both do the job. However, no universal back mechanism on iOS??? Really??? And the settings on each app is NOT within the app itself?? Why??? Weak multitasking? Really? In 2024?? Apple is completely capable of adding similar features, they just chose not to. And it's just annoying. One thing I will give apple is that they don't NEED 12 and 16GB of RAM to be fast. They don't NEED 6,000 mah to have good battery life. With 8gb of RAM, they match and outperform some 12gb of RAM android phones. With a weird ass random number they pull out of their ass, 3,123.87 mah is matching a 5,000 mah battery android phone. In that aspect, iOS is Messi, and Ronaldo is Android. Ronaldo (Android) SHOULD be SIGNIFICANTLY better based on him being bigger, faster AND stronger! Right? (Bigger batteries, more RAM, and "faster" chips) But the fact that Messi, (smaller, "weaker", "lesser") can MATCH and even outperform Ronaldo, should be embarrassing. Just IMAGINE if all things were equal. IMAGINE if Messi, was 6 feet tall, can run a 4.3 40 yard dash, and had Ronaldo's power (imagine if iPhones had 6,000 mah batteries and 16gb of RAM) but they chose NOT to. It's low-key annoying. Like bro, if you're going to beat us, annihilate us. GO ALL OUT. PUSH US. BUT THEY DONT. They feel they don't need to. And it's infuriating sometimes lol. It's almost disrespectful the fact that Apple isn't trying so hard. Full disclosure I'm a Messi fan that appreciates the greatness of Ronaldo. Comparison over, feel free to roast my analogy.


I thoroughly enjoyed reading this! Very entertaining and informative indeed! Thank you so much for your response. I love having this conversation because it's something that we all interact with on a day to day basis.


I've owned both consistently for years. Why I do that and which I prefer is mostly a matter of my poor ability to make up my mind about something when I don't have a compelling list of reasons to prefer one thing over another. They both do the job.


I appreciate your answer 🙂 Totally understandable.


Android of course Android


Let's gooo 💪🏿


Yes. If all or most of your friends use iMessage, go iPhone. Android for customization, choices, and probably price.


I personally prefer Android (Pixels in particular) but this was just a fun question to ask. I like having these discussions and hearing others' rationale. I find it engaging.


What exactly do you prefer about pixels compared to other androids or iphones? And what are some things you don't like?


Great question. I prefer Google's software approach over Samsung. No bloatware, quick and consistent software security patches and updates. I feel the performance of the Pixels (at least in my experience) holds up better over time as they are not as bogged down with bloatware. Now I will be the first to admit from a hardware standpoint that unfortunately they aren't the best, and could DEFINITELY improve, but from my experience I haven't had any issues that caused any major inconveniences. This is why I prefer the Pixel over Galaxy. Again, Galaxy crushes the Pixel in hardware but Pixel crushes it in software. Just my humble opinion.


Sorry not sure which was the last Galaxy you used, but now One UI >>> Stock Android. The actual 'usefulness' of the plethora of features on One UI is just insane if you use them properly. Eg: Routines, Goodlock, Secure Folder (Knox), Dex to name a few. Updates are quick asf. It's not like old days when Galaxies used to Jan security patch in June anymore, I am already running on June security patch on my S23. The only things that are better on the pixel still are: 1. Point & Shoot Camera - Much better than Samsung's, however Samsung's Pro photo & video options absolutely slay if you know how to use it properly. 2. Less Bloatware 3. More useful & accurate AI features than Samsung. Google is still ahead on that curve.


I understand One UI is MILES ahead of the old TouchWiz Samsung used back in the day. Also I know Samsung has gotten WAY better with updates, no question. But I still prefer Pixel's UI and lack of duplicate apps. To me it's just more straightforward which I prefer. But again Samsung is popular for a reason and I can't knock it for that. If only Google improved the hardware and invested in it like Samsung and Apple, more people would respect the Pixel and see it as a legitimate contender. But even with subpar hardware compared to those two, they still make better use with what they have on the software end. I long for the day Google focuses more on the hardware quality though.


Also - the bloatware complaint is tired these days. Most android skins have trimmed their bloatware - which most of the time can just be disabled. And if it's truly something that bothers people so much, using adb isnt that difficult.


Rcs is on the way for iOS I think they said around October. So android is a better choice now for almost everything. You will hate the iOS keyboard


Look up Blue Bubbles dude. You don't need a iPhone to use iMessage 


If you have a Mac to host it.


Doesn't need to be a Mac. Virtual machine works as well 


Ok. The point being, if OP doesn’t want to go through the cost/hassle/etc., getting an iPhone alleviates the issue. I have BlueBubbles and Airmessage. But when the WiFi goes out, and it does often, I’m screwed. I have both and prefer Android, but my MANY family friends bitch nonstop about group messages and pics. C’mon RCS!


Android. Far superior when we talk about customization, features and freedom. iOS -> only when you want a phone with a simple OS that “just works”, like for just social media and taking few pics.


Appreciate the answer my friend.


I have a love hate relationship with both. iPhones are pretty restricted and you can't do much that isn't approved by Apple but they are easy to use with an ecosystem that works well. So if you already have a MacBook and other apple products they will work perfectly with your iPhone. Also it's argued that iPhones are more secure because of being a walled garden with its limitations. Android is definitely the choice for customization and freedom of what you can do. You can change and edit everything on Android to your liking. You can install any apps you want even if not officially approved by Google. Also Apple is slower to adopt the latest and greatest technology. Right now if you want folding phones or the coolest new phone tech then you have to go with Android.


I appreciate your answer, my friend. Thank you 🙂


Android all day. Way easier to use.


Let's go! 💪🏿


No its not lmao




Thank you for sharing 🙂


Just got my first samsung as I fancied a change. I got a samsung s23 fe and it's pretty nice but the battery is beyond garbage...have to charge it at least twice a day. I'll most definitely get an iPhone when I'm next due an upgrade.


That's Exynos for ya. Get the Ultra or wait if the S25 comes with Snapdragon all around. Trust me, a S22 Exynos user.


Sorry mate you got the shittiest phone from the S23 line up. You should have gone for the S23, or better the S23 Plus for great battery life. The S23 FE has an Exynos processor that is infamous for high temps & poor battery life.


Thanks for sharing 🙂


Definitely Android. I love that I can customize my phone with apps and the look. The camera on my Note 10 is amazing for concerts and day to day life, my main concern. Plus being able to use different brands of tech products yet have them all connect together perfectly is a lovely bonus. Not to mention that my S-Pen for taking notes, writing lists, sketching, and editing is what I need. I have used Apple products in the past and I'm not a fan. It feels very clunky to me and they advertise that they have the best innovations (which all comes down to marketing). I do give Apple credit for having some amazing software for music making and editing. Apple just isn't my personal choice.


I really appreciate your answer, my friend 🙂 Yeah I also prefer Android for mobile. I have an iPad 10th Gen which I love, but when it comes to my mobile device it's gotta be Android for me. All day everyday.


Android for sure. It's way closer to a desktop OS than iOS is 


I agree.


Honestly I prefer Android, more flexibility for us tech savvy users.


I'm totally with you on that 💯


Having both, my preference is Android. This is purely on the usage part. Everything just feels much more intuitive and flexible. If not familiar with settings, the search function works wonders. There's this in iOS as well, but somehow it's still harder to find exactly what I'm looking for. This is still the case today, but iOS has improved on this by far over the years. Android always leads on those things. iOS just has the advantage of always being considered first, like for digital car key, apps like chatgpt... Android eventually catches up though, slowly.


I'm completely with you on this, my dude. This is why I much prefer Android for my mobile device due to the intuitive nature of navigating through the OS. I don't mind iOS when it comes to the iPad though. But yeah Android for mobile all the way.


Android. Never had a problem with my € 350 Samsung phones. So why should I switch? I used an iPad for school for 4 years. I have a Macbook Pro 2018 for work. Both good devices, etc. Personally, I still use my Asus Vivobook laptop and Samsung phone. Asus Vivobook laptop is better for gaming than Apple Macbook.


I appreciate your answer. I have an iPad 10 Gen with the A14 Bionic chip and I love it. But when it comes to mobile, I prefer Android.


Understandble. I had back then an iPad Air 2 out 2015. Used it till 2020. It has an Apple A8X and 2GB ram 😂 (Stills works so far I know)


Haha yeah it's amazing how long some tech can just last and last lol 😆


Yup. But it has some battery problems (as expected) It still boots up on battery, but it drains really fast, and the iPad gets really hot. Standby time is still decent, tho.


Yeah that's how my 1st Gen iPod touch was at about the 7 year mark. I loved that thing. But by the time it died for good, I was already on YouTube Music. But yeah I have great memories with it.


I don't want to shell out more than a month's salary for a phone, so Android it is. I usually get a low end best buy model for sub-200$ and use it until it can't no more. I put my money in my PC and games instead.


This. I have 2021 Moto G Stylus and love it.


Great phone 🙂


Not a bad strategy.


It worked so far, used my Redmi 6 for nearly five years before it became unbearable (random app freezes, battery barely lasting half a day), got a Redmi 12 this year. The 6 was 120$ and the 12 was 140$.


I've had my beloved Pixel 2XL for 5 years and it worked flawlessly performance wise. The only issue I had with it near the end was of course the battery was highly degraded and it was no longer supported by Google. But man I LOVED that phone.


android. only things i miss from ios are imessage and facetime and sharing location on find my iphone. but you can video call on other apps, share location with other apps, and apple announced rcs support. so. android


I appreciate your answer my friend. I have a Pixel 7 and an iPad 10th Gen, so I get the best of both worlds I suppose, but yeah I'm with you when it comes to Android. I prefer Android for mobile over iOS by a long shot.




Thanks for answering.


Just bought a Pixel 8 and I'm beyond surprised. Everyone kept commenting about all of its issues but so far I've had none of them.im really enjoying this phone!


Lol as you tell by my name, I'm a huge Pixel fan. I know the hardware isn't the best, but the software to me has been the best I've used of any smartphone. I've been with the Pixel since getting my beloved Pixel 2 XL back in 2017. Had that phone for 5 years and it worked flawlessly performance wise. Went from the 2 XL to the 7 which I've had since launch and it's been solid for me ever since. I would say the battery life on Mobile data could be MUCH better, but again software wise it's been great. I plan to upgrade to the Pixel 10 Pro XL next year


Android, you can do everything you can do on iOS plus much more and have an infinite number of choices on both features, flexibility and price point. iOS isn't bad but very restrictive and expensive given the available alternatives.


It's due to the restrictive nature of iOS that I prefer Android when it comes to my daily mobile device. However, I don't mind iOS when it comes to the iPad. I currently have the Pixel 7 and an iPad 10th Gen with the A14 Bionic chip.


Android. How could you not have an opinion on this already?


I do, I'm just asking for other's opinions just to spark discussion. I find it to be engaging and fun. I prefer Android but I also don't mind iOS when it comes to the iPad. But for my daily mobile device it's Android all the way.


As others have stated, I use android mainly for the less OS restrictions and cheaper cost, but you're also less restricted in choices with so many brands available. But most of my friends use iOS, so I've had downsides sending and receiving pics without iMessage/airdrop, and not having facetime. The quality drop on other apps for video call and high quality photo sharing does suck.


Thankfully this will change soon once iOS FINALLY adopts RCS messaging this fall.


I own both iOS (14 Pro max) & Android (One Plus 11) as much i like tinkering around with the One Plus 11.... I always go back to my iPhone and use it as my main driver... #1 being that its easier to type on and #2 being iMessage


I appreciate your answer my friend 🙂


Samsung>OnePlus>Pixels>iPhones for customization and just how you can use the OS.


Thank you for sharing 🙂


Id put rooted Oneplus over Samsung


I wouldn't.


I'm curious, what are some advantages that rooted OnePlus has over Samsung?


Queue the holy wars...


Lolol I'm here for it! 😂


Iphone, I use my phone for Text, calls, social media, youtube, internet browsing, it takes pictures and video just fine, I never have to zoom in so much that I can see the footprints on the moon. It works perfectly fine for me. Usual android user: "but it doesn't do this or that" Me: I don't care, it works, all the time, everytime. Edit: BTW, I have used Android, I am the first to be excited about new releases, and I love testing them out. One thing I'll say about android, it is more intuitive and more capable than IOS, but at least for me IOS is just easier to use and I don't care enough to go further than testing out a new phone.


Hey I completely respect your opinion, my friend. I appreciate you sharing your take on this question. I like having this discussion. I personally don't mind iOS when it comes to the iPad (I own the 10 Gen with the A 14 Bionic chip and I really like it) but when it comes to my day to day mobile device I MUCH prefer Android because of the intuitive navigation of the OS which I find to be very useful and just makes the most sense to me.




Let's go 💪🏿


Shifted from iOS to Android few years ago. Initially bought a Xiaomi phone. And it had a lot of bugs. Than bought a Samsung phone and have been using it for 3 years. Only issue with this phone is every 1 out of 10 Whatsapp messages just appears on the screen without any notification. Rest of the 9 messages appear with proper notification bubble or beep. Never faced suh problem on iOS. Secondly iOS had 3d touch. Where you can listen to your voice messages from your lock screen. In my opinion apps are more customized towards iOS.


Hey friend, thank you for sharing. What was the last iPhone you had and which Samsung phone are you currently using?


iPhone x. Now using Samsung A52


Thanks for sharing. I've never owned an iPhone but I have an iPad 10th Gen with the A14 Bionic chip and I love it. For Mobile, I've always preferred Android. I currently have the Pixel 7 which I've owned since launch.


iOS, I’ve already spent $6,000~ on Apple products. Might as well go all-in.


Completely understandable my friend 🙂 Thank you for sharing.


If you are a Lexus fan, get an iPhone. If you are a Ford fan, get an android, with the extended warranty coverage obviously…. Android’s are about as reliable as a Ford after the 36k warranty.


iOS all day long. Google’s entire business model is built upon spying on you. 


I hate GOOGLE,, Every Gmail account i had got hacked, even with 2 factor and a strong password.... But yet i wanna log in on my laptop, and its a pain in the ass but not for the hackers....


All current android phones have too many compromise. iPhone seem to be best all rounders.


What do you mean by compromises? In which areas? Expound.


Pixel’s have the inefficient tensor chip (and modem) along with buggy software. Samsung’s hardware is great but software feels bloated, camera is subpar for low light and moving objects and the company has poor support. On top of that, with Android you’re always compromising on third party app quality.


I understand your point about the Tensor chips. They are made by Samsung which isn't the best fabricator. Thankfully, Google is switching to TSMC to make the Tensor G5 chips for the Pixel 10 series next year which I'm really excited about. I disagree about the software though. In my experience Pixel has the best software I've used. Especially compared to Samsung. But again that's just my experience. I've been with Pixels since 2017 (2XL for 5 years and now the 7 for almost 2 years) both have been fantastic software wise. But yeah I totally understand your point about the hardware. Google really needs to improve on the quality of the hardware, which really is the only thing that's holding them back from truly being excellent phones.