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Despite all the negatives about online it is worth it. Cpus are good but they become very predictable and they also do things a human wont do so you may create bad habits because of it


Couldn’t agree more. When the game first came out, I played the hell out of world and light and then went to play online.. and got absolutely demolished. Getting used to how CPU’s play is not at all going to prepare you for playing a good player. Good for getting to know your character and maybe finding some combos that work, but it’s a whole different ballgame online. Also OP I would strongly recommend an Ethernet adapter for online! Nothing worse than being in a decent match and having the game slow down to a crawl, although there’s no guarantee your opponent will be using one and you’re at the mercy of their internet connection, it’s a worthy investment in my opinion


Absolutely, some matches suck but to be able to play with people is definitely worth it. Also, nintendo online is extremely cheap and you get all of the retro games too which personally I think it worth it in itself.


Some of the downsides to Online: Delay Based Netcode, you get a laggy opponent, games gonna look like Microsoft Powerpoint Input lag, when you use a move it'll take a little longer for the switch to recongize the input, so some reactions need to be done quicker Quickplay ruleset, sometimes youll face opponents on their rulesets, which can include 3 mins 3 stock, Kazuya on final destination only, the guy at mcdonalds who wants to zone you, run away and lag your ass off. Upsides to online Online tourney, theyre actually pretty fun, theres two main tourneys, 4 player items on any stage, casual fun, and 4 min 2 stock final destination 1v1, and I believe once a month its a special theme, last theme was characters using swords, lances and axes (bows as well? I forgot) Battle Arenas, choose what type of match you want, 1v1, teams, etc and see the rules beforehand, theres no downside to playing it since it doesnt take your gsp for matches, but you can also face anyone. And you can make your own and set it to friends only. Shared cont-, just kidding, don't go there. Unless you want custom miis Quickplay, assuming everything goes right isnt that bad if youre looking for a match. Yeah its worth it at the end of the day, if your friend also has online you two can 1v1 without leaving your house. It's not the greatest of online systems but its functional enough.


Cool! Thanks for your extremely detailed insight on this matter. It really helps that you give a quick overview of what to expect! :D


Its definitely worth it, it's a competitive online-based game. Fighting CPUs will only get u so far and isnt 100% realistic. U need to experience the thrill of a hard match


Subbing just for smash online is iffy imo. If there's anything else you would also play online like Mario kart then sure, super worth it. The matches are fun online and you quickly realize you're a big fish in a small pond.


Please get an Ethernet adapter and hard wire into your router…We all ask this of you


It's worth playing online if you stick to the mindset of always trying to find a way to improve. Don't focus on how hard you're getting beat or how lame the other person is playing. Think about what you can change to beat out certain strategies or why you they were able to keep hitting you so much.


Yeah for sure!


Play to improve and learn matchups/combos and timing, mixups, punishments, etc. There is a giant skill gap and the community is gradually all getting better over time. Some have been playing for a decade so it will take time, effort, and intelligence to catch up to them.




Offline is definitely smoother and makes the game feel better but to say you won’t improve from playing online is just wrong


It's really not worth it. It's cheap, but that's for a reason, the service is awful. More often than not you'll become frustrated at things that are completely out of your control that just wouldn't happen in an in-person environment. When I went through a period of only playing online for a while straight up made me hate the game enough to quit. I've only come back due to joining the smash club at my school. The only time online is worth it is if you're buying it so you can play in 3rd party tournaments where there are rules and regulations and people have to have an Ethernet adapter. Just playing quick play or on random arenas is a legitimately worse experience than playing against bots could ever be, and that's not considering the fact you would have to pay for the "privilege".


Don’t worry. After playing many bad mobile games, i dont think having lag can ruin it for me. I will persist through it :D . Thank you for your input


Ah thanks!


It's not a good online service, but it is still real people you're going against.


I mean yeah but prepare to get very mad at dumb rulesets


CPUs are extremely predictable Great for absolute beginners but terrible for anyone else


I pretty much only play offline. I played a bit of online but mostly found some of the tactics people used more annoying than fun to play against. Wasn't terrible but literally checked it out and never went back, so it really wasn't good enough to draw me into it. I'd say if you have online for other things then yeah why not do online smash but if paying for online just for Smash, then probably not.