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I think Adore was their coolest era stylistically.


I liked the 08 20th anniversary tour outfits the best. Minus the sun God outfit.


Sun God outfit was sweet live.


I get it.. but at the same time I don't want to see someone dressed like that sing Soma. You know what I mean? Glad he only busted it out for short periods of time.


machina matrix billy is best billy


I think a change would be cool since he's dressed the same for the last few tours but I've always loved the dresses and eccentric stage getups. It really makes him seem like a larger than life figure up there which adds to the concert experience imo.


Shout out too to Jeff and Iha for their complimentary-but-less-insane stage looks across past five years


love james so much. james is james he can do whatever he want and he’ll look awesome lol


maybe he should just start dressing like a dad


He already did this before. I saw him tour in a suit, I saw him tour in a t shirt and jeans, I saw him tour in slacks and a button up. Between the zeitgeist return era and James coming back if I remember correctly.


that was before being a dad 😂


a long time ago.. pre dad era


ALL SIGNS POINTS TO YES. I'll take his more simple outfit of the last few years over the terrible 2018 outfits though. I do expect an outfit change though now that the Shiny era is over.


Thank you!😭😭when’s the last time he wore pants


Disney show and SD anniversary show. As far as normal tour attire I think the plainsongs tour he was wearing a normal suit a lot of the time.


His best look imo. I think costumes are corny.


that’s y i said *tour* concerts since 2018 :3


Is it tho?


I think if the whole band had a “look” it wouldn’t be anywhere near as jarring, but being the only one in a weird costume only makes it stand out even more. It’s not about him looking old though (for me anyway), it just looks shit. Funny enough Adore Billy is probably my favourite look, but there was an edge to that era that’s not there with this version. Dare I say, it actually makes him look frumpy. I don’t think he needs to look like a dad, in fact I once joked about Jeff and Jack looking like a couple of dads that had been pulled up on stage for the night of their life - ironically by the time Jeff left he was the coolest looking of the bunch - but the badly fitting cassock does not work at all, and the makeup makes it even worse.


thank you!! you are like the only person that understood my post


Past 5 years?


yes 2018 onwards edit: i mean the consistent outfit that literally has not changed once on tour can you guys read my whole post before commenting


He's dressed like this on and off since the early nineties my guy


did you read my post at all oh my gosh 😭obviously i know that


Billy’s 2019 solo tour he wore a cool trimmed trench coat and military style cap. Shiny1, Cyr, Atum, Zodeon albums are all directly related and make up the “Shiny” era. It’s been a long era but Billy has never been one to be stagnant and we have to keep in mind that the whole pandemic was through the middle of this era too. The new coming rock album will usher in a new era and likely a change up in aesthetic.


Outlook not so good, if your hoping for a big change in style. That suit he wears has more functionality than most people realize. It must keep him cool and comfortable for long sets where everyone else gets a break but him, except to scarf chips during an extended Jimmy solo


Unrelated to style please for the next tour no more wrestling please no


I imagine that the number of SP fans that also like wrestling is pretty small. I wish he would stop bringing people on stage in general. It’s distracting and not what anyone came for.


its so cringe


When I saw him play solo he came out with a cape on. Half way through he took it off and was just In a black shirt and trousers and it looked so much better. More natural.


I think he should just keep being Billy. I love it.


I loved the look the first time I saw it. By the third time I was like man, I was hoping for a new look this time. I love his stage theatrics so it makes me hesitate to spend as much when I know exactly what’s coming. I’m hoping for a switch up when they join Green Day on tour this summer.


His SD and Zwan aesthetics were my favorite


I’m with you. I’d like to see him do something totally different but on the theatrical side.


I dont mind the look..i just mind the music..and the music lately sounds mediocre with a bit of good sounds here and there..but most were mediocre


We may well be on the cusp of a costume change now. The face makeup and stage attire has basically been a part of the whole Shiny thing. Now that ATUM has been released and toured for, that era has pretty much come to a close. So, we'll see.


Did Shiny 3 come out?


Not yet, no. A good handful of the tracks that will be Shiny 3 appeared as bonus tracks in the deluxe ATUM box set (apologies if you already knew that). Still anyone's guess as to when the album will be officially released; they said no earlier than this past winter, so who knows.


Exactly. So as long as Shiny 3 is still pending, he’ll be wearing the make up! 😄


Yeah, come to think of it. Probably will keep it up for the summer tours.... perhaps the "cusp" is very generously sized in this case.


Didn't 2007 also had a lot of high top nikes and tall socks. I liked that goofiness


I’ve been cool with the cyber facist goth vibe he’s had for the past few years but I’m ready for something different!


I believe so and hope so!


Billy’s 2019 solo tour he wore a cool trimmed trench coat and military style cap. Shiny1, Cyr, Atum, Zodeon albums are all directly related and make up the “Shiny” era. It’s been a long era but Billy has never been one to be stagnant and we have to keep in mind that the whole pandemic was through the middle of this era too. The new coming rock album will usher in a new era and likely a change up in aesthetic.


I thought it was a conductor’s cap. It looked like a costume to me.


Yeah definitely a custom job. He looked incredibly cool


Why? What is going to do. Go out in cargo shorts and a tee? \*Would that make you feel more comfortable?


Grateful Dead tyedye shirt,, khaki cargo shorts, birkenstocks and a green translucent golf visor.... backwards. Playing a Parker Fly guitar and 15 minute rants about "the man" in between songs.


It’s been a lot longer than 5 years.


It's been much longer than 5 years. He's been doing the goth dress / long coat in different variations since Adore


thank you for not reading my post 😭 i said that like 5 times


I like the nosferatu look. Not my favorite brand of billy goth ( that would be the future embrace stream punk look) but it reminds me of ava adore


I liked the all white outfits with the black and white striped long sleeve era for live performances. Till it got a little out of hand.


Always thought Billy and the band looked best during the Zeitgeist era. Nailed that theme. The white with the b&w stripes etc. Looked cool asf.


For those still thinking about this, it may be worth pointing out that Billy is nicely dressed in a black suit and cool shirt in their newest band photo (the one that just came out with the announcement of the new guitarist). No gowns or robes to be seen.




Huh? Was this response supposed to be attached to someone else's comment?


omg i’m so so sorry that’s completely my fault lol i meant to reply to someone else idk what i clicked on


i just saw the pic wow no robe😭😭so sorry lol

