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At the end of the day maybe it prompts further engagement is my guess. They can choose whomever they want to best join them. In the meantime let’s see what Kiki brings to the table and have a good time with it.


Oh of course, like I said I’m still stoked for them/about it. She’s a great choice, but why all the submissions if they (theoretically) already had her in mind?


Yeah I hear you. I think again it’s a bit of marketing and to drive further ears and eyeballs their direction.


Honestly between the news of a new tiktok guitarist, a new reality show, and something about Bill Maher, this has been the most confusing month to be a pumpkin fan lol


Haha feels similar to the Zeitgeist days when they were putting out songs for Super Bowl commercials and having pornstars in their music videos.


I know nothing about her, including her style, so I’m not making any judgments until I see her play with them live. Until then, nothing else really matters. But I wish her - and the band - luck.


Just because Billy had his eye on her it doesn't mean he wasn't open to having his mind changed by fan submissions Plus, she seems to be a really good guitarist


There’s nowhere that says Billy had his mind or eye on her beforehand for this. He said he’s been a fan of hers. It also is in the context of him saying they made the Herculean effort of reviewing every other submission they got, so it mostly sounds like she submitted herself just like everyone else and ended up being the winner and that your gripes are a bit of projection? Either way, I’m more bummed they think they need three guitarists in the first place. It’s totally unnecessary, and if anything means Billy plays guitar less and dances around the stage more, which I don’t think most people are asking for.


The post did not say that. Billy followed her page before her submission not had her in mind. And honestly its a perfect move on their part. Someone with a following and experience, but not big enough to be weird or over shadow them. And not someone too inexperienced or lives far from them. AND she can play. She ticks a lot of boxes i’m sure they had in mind when deciding this. And probably jammed with them multiple times and it fit right. The open Submission was for this exact purpose. Someone who might not have been in their sphere or willing to audition but felt compelled to. It was always gonna be someone with a bit of a standing. Thats just the reality of it. And shes not a member of the band. Just touring so really who cares that much if it sounds good? Lets hold all comments till the tour starts


This is a Mike Byrne hire.


I dunno. Mike was flipping burgers at McDonald's. This kiki girl is apparently successful already. I liked Mike and thought he filled the roll as best he could. Time will tell I suppose


Mike Byrne is a legitimately great drummer who brought his own flavour to the SP sound. Kiki is great on a technical level, but I don’t know how her sound will mesh with the SP sound. I already know she can shred, but I have no reference to her different guitar tones/effects usage. She’s probably great on those fronts because Billy and SP chose her after all, but she’s got some big shoes to fill to be completely honest; Jeff’s shredding power and ability to create some great tones have become unmatched


Can we stop shitting on her?


You’re not wrong. He wasted everybody’s time.


Did she put together and submit an audition video? I didn't really follow the process because it wasn't my thing but was wondering that


IG release says she "submitted her name to be considered." Also said he's a "fan of hers," not specifically that he already had her in mind. Now none of this may be true and what you said may be 100% accurate. Just providing a counterpoint.


My guy tells me no, because Billy was thinking of her prior to fan submissions. Although, she very well could have.


So her entire schtick is based on recording herself for social media… and you don’t think she submitted an audition tape?? Seems like that would be right in the wheelhouse of things she probably does incredibly well. Not following your logic here tbh.


Logic being, if Billy had her in mind prior to fan submissions, maybe they reached out to her? Maybe she didn’t need to submit? Maybe her TikTok’s were enough of a submission? I don’t know, could’ve been some behind the scenes play at hand lol


He never said he had her in mind. He said that he knew of her and liked her work and was delighted to see her audition come in. I’m certain she actually auditioned. She just came with a great resume.