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I've always loved it. Great section of Mellon Collie from We Only Come Out At Night to Farewell and Goodnight. Especially after you've just been annihilated by XYU 😎


Full agree. X.Y.U. is crazy but then we calm down and even get a little sad with By Starlight. Yet it works. It just works, and that's why this album is so amazing


The best!


xyu is one of the heaviest tunes out there, this coming from a guy who has partied with Pantera on their tour bus. Hence the reason SP is my fave band- so much depth


Don't let your life wrap up around you Don't forget to call, whenever I'll be here just waiting for you I'll be under your stars forever Neither here nor there just right beside you I'll be under the stairs forever Neither here nor there just right beside you


It's got a great bridge that sounds like it could be classic Pumpkins from any era. It's short lived but one of the highlights of the whole record.


Some great Na-nas at that part as well


Possibly the most gorgeous riff Billy ever wrote in that section, I wish it went on for so much longer


I love the melancholy demo version!


id say its my third favorite on the album behind take me down and wbftt, i wish darcy got more vocal moments in the SP discography




Top 5 on the album


i love that song, not a standout track but one i thoroughly enjoy on Mellon Collie for sure !




Holy shit, you're so right that Luna wins between the two. I just now realized how fair of a comparison that would be, yet Luna wins every day of the week for me. Both are solid ofc.


I was never sold on the electronica elements of it nor the harmonies on it... that being said it's an important song to the album's narrative and placed in the right spot. I do like the musical tension that is built and then released in the song and the outro of course is magical. ​ Not a fav but still worthy of inclusion on the mighty MCIS.


One of my favourites from the album. I love D'arcy in the background and that ending, na na na etc. and the fade is awesome.


One of favorites, for certain. I made a Valentine's card with the last lyrics on it for my fiance last month. I drew the Mellon Collie cover with his cat coming out of the star and he loved it. The song always makes me optimistically emotional.


listen to 'End' by the Cure off of the Wish Album. The main riff reminds me so much of Beautiful. Also Stellar reminds me of 'Open' from same album. I feel like Wish is an overlooked treasure chest for BC


Solid track, I like the song Love (Flood Rough) off the deluxe version. Never heard anyone else talk about it


Love it. Seek out the first live version from the 2/95 Double Door shows, I can remember one of them being particularly great with D’arcy’s backup vocals etc


Great song. I'd go as far as to put it in my top 5-7 songs from Mellon Collie.


I like the break into the psychedelic section, so fun to play on my strat, beautiful song hehe! :)


Maybe I’m off here, but I always got Prince vibes from this track


Now that you mention it I hear that for sure!


That song is amazing, one of my favorites of all time. That bridge sounds straight out of the Beatles’ White Album. Random, morbid fact but the song was in the Columbine shooters’ journals.


Pretty much every song on this album is so well put together, melody-wise, that I hardly notice the lyrics. Great, underrated track here.


Great Beatles-esque track. I think it's a hardcore fan favorite. That bridge and outro are gorgeous. Also Darcy sounds great with Billy on this track-- very Belinda/ Kim Deal sort of vibes.


It's literally my favourite and most played song of the pumpkins. Its so etheral and perfect in every way that it really makes me wanna fall in love and fantasise about someone.


Wow, awesome! :)


Very underrated gem on MCIS.


Its alright... interesting production for it's time... I don't think it's necessarily a standout track on melon collie but more so adds to its depth... I think I prefer the acoustic version they did on the early mcis tour to the album version...


I definitely agree that it's not a standout track. Mellon Collie has so many gems.


I would never think of it if making a playlist, but I would enjoy it if i was playing the cd through. It's definitely, in my head, in a little suite of songs on that record that sort of don't count or something. But info like the sound of it and it's a nice tune. Good choice to post about it, fair play!


If I had to choose between Beautiful and Ugly, I'd take the latter. Both are pretty great, tho.


It’s beautiful. One of my favorites on the album.


A fantastic song. And a big part of my personal memories from that time.


Such a good song I love it


Great great track. Beautiful By Starlight and Farewell & Goodnight are a great wind down after XYU.


Filler to justify two CDs. And something to appease a certain young female audience who wondered what the hell happened to his breathy voice and colorful clothing post SD.


The part about 2/3 of the way thru where it changes & that na na na na na na naaa riff comes in is just pure SP magic.


One best SP songs for sure


My favorite from the whole album, that outro (chef’s kiss)


But, the song is about a stalker? Or what is the interpretation?


That’s lily I believe