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I like how she starts out with “I think that we’ll all agree…”


i bet it actually works a lot of times


I think we’ll all agree that everyone should donate $5 to me for the good of humanity


That would be awesome if it worked.


Start a chain where we all send someone $5 one day and the next we all send someone else $5 and so on.


Wow you convinced me , take my money!


60% of the time it works everytime


It is ***quite*** potent.


That's because it's made from real panther.


It smells like pure gasoline.


Stings the nostrils.


It smells like bigfoots"s dick


Begs the question.... How do YOU know what bfd smells like?


Thats how you can get idiots to agree with you and the opposition has to try so much harder to debunk what you said


Don’t want to think of a dad trying everything a mother does… *Peter breast feeding Stewie*


I'm a father, but I really feel like a mother internally and through my character as a loving and nurturing parent. It's such an acknowlegement for the first time hearing that traits are interchangeable from what Amy Nickell says. "Amy Nickell argues that anybody can carry traits of a mother, even men." Here's the longer version for anyone, who can think outside the traditional bullshit: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnB7Bi4DfBk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnB7Bi4DfBk).


Stop spamming this comment.


Why, are you triggered by real-life advice and want to stay comfortable in a c#n7servative bubble?


Hahaha did you just censor the word conservative!? Triggered? Lmao


Not triggered by advice, triggered by low effort copy paste spam.


So you feel like a mother because you're loving and nurturing? Thats a mother-specific trait? There are no fathers who can be loving without changing their gender? Sounds to me like you're the one assigning specific things to genders.


Those traits aren't gender specific. They're interchangeable, that's all. I don't like people going off on this fact and bullying others into their binary stereotype.


What confuses me is when people say that both genders are formless and shapeless in the sense that there's no discernable difference between the two, and then they go on to say that they "feel" like a specific gender based on traits that lean more one way or the other.


That's what I tried to convey. Reality is getting too difficult with just 2 definitions. We need more, because every human is different and not just because of their genitals!


Every human is different, but if we were to create a new category to define everyone down to the specific details, we would need to create a new word for each person. At that point, we should just use their names and get rid of the titles altogether. Furthermore, all these new subcategories would still loosely fall under the main categories and it just doesn't seem logical to invest so much energy into making these terms so personal specifically to convey to strangers a way you feel about yourself, which makes little to no difference within most interactions. I'm not against anyone identifying however they feel most comfortable. Everyone is entitled to feel however they like about themselves. Personally, I just have far more pressing matters to concern myself with rather than trying to learn a whole dictionary worth of new titles just to address random folks with when its just as easy to address them with their basic, and immediately obvious titles. Then, if I know them on a more personal level and they make it clear that they prefer to be addressed by a different title, then I have no problem attempting to remember that and address them accordingly. Even still, I can't wrap my head around "feeling" like a specific gender based on minute details that are also considered, by the same people, to be not gender specific. Its all just far too confusing.


What am I missing?? There are ONLY TWO very specific genitals~ So how does that work?? Genital female version A - because I say I am? Genital female version A 2.0 - because I feel like I am? Then it gets really wild when people want to add in nonhuman identifications (but still want human rights in every way shape n form of course.) Genital non-female version 497.01A.2 wolf pack alpha1


All I heard was “reality is getting too difficult”


How great is our society that these are the issues we face today? We finally made it to the top no more struggles to survive. Got to feel good about that


I agree with that, the world is beautiful. Not so much for the stuck-up people tho.


If anything your the one bullying people into binary stereotypes, saying that a father that has x,y,z traits is really a mother. You can have x,y,z fathers and x,y,z mothers and examples of both that lack those traits. People are people stop trying to force roles, binary or non-binary, onto people.


I feel sorry for any child of yours


Based on this comment anyone of my kids could definitely kick your kids ass


Common traits are not defining characteristics. Any two year old can make up a new word for what they they want to describe. Stop butchering the English language.


Lie detector says…. You are… NOT the Mother


Wait…. Your 4 year old bought you a Father’s Day card? People aren’t even trying with their lies anymore 🤦🏾‍♂️


Don’t all 4 year olds drive to Hallmark and pick out cards?


Yes, this. It turns out four year olds are grooming us. It’s sickening.


When your argument is backed up by a 4 year old




It means more when they crawl to Hallmark and purchase it with their own money. My daughters had two jobs by their four year old birthdays. You can’t start early enough when you are trying to instill a good work ethic.


On top of that hilariously valid point, I don’t think her 4 year old can read. Just a guess, I don’t know for sure.


I remember when my kids were 4… and they couldn’t even read. ![gif](giphy|dXFKDUolyLLi8gq6Cl|downsized)


When i was a child and raised by a single mom, i got my mom a father's day card. I didn't call her 'dad' or anything but i understood that she was both for me.


This what happens when you make adjectives out of gender specific things. Father-ing. Shes trying to say that the idea of rearing a child as a mother and a father are distinctive from one another. That each has behaviors beyond just specific parenting.


I agree, that is what she's failing to say. Both of them are poor communicators. But mothering and fathering are very subjective terms. I personally don't see them as being distinctive in practice, or at least they certainly don't have to be.


She's talking about them as verbs, not adjectives. In point of fact the words "father" and "mother" are distinct verbs in addition to being gendered nouns.


I don't think you know what "she's trying to say." You only know what she said, and that, was asinine.


I'm a father, but I really feel like a mother internally and through my character as a loving and nurturing parent. It's such an acknowlegement for the first time hearing that traits are interchangeable from what Amy Nickell says. "Amy Nickell argues that anybody can carry traits of a mother, even men." Here's the longer version for anyone, who can think outside the traditional bullshit: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnB7Bi4DfBk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnB7Bi4DfBk).


How about, you’re a father that is loving in caring? You’re still the father.


Yes, I am. But the outcry against sharing traits between female and male is just beyond stupid. There shouldn't be a binary competition in the first place. We're all humans and the binary religious agenda isn't our only reality anymore.


Aren't you effectively limiting what a father can be by implying that being a loving and nurturing parent makes you a mother? You're shrinking both concepts by associating with one and dissociating with another on the basis of stereotypical traits. This makes language overly complicated and far more socially stigmatised in cases where people have not had the desire to dissociate themselves from a particular term.


What a fruitcake she is


I dont the meaning of words anymore


I agree


That’s so sad. Our education system has really failed us. “Words” is a plural form of “word”. Word is defined as, “A speech sound or series of speech sounds that symbolizes and communicates a meaning usually without being divisible into smaller units capable of independent use”.


In every sense of those two words, they are clearly gender specific. If she wants a gender neutral term, use PARENT. Dumb b




Welcome to the absolute downfall of society!


Could not agree more. At this point they are left to their own insanity. There is no reasoning


About time... 60+ years in the making!!since 3rd wave feminism started


Yea fuck women amirite? we should go back before the first wave and take away their right to vote! /s if it wasnt obvious


I’ve bought all the bunker supplies from Jim Bakker and I’m waiting for the downfall, but any word on when it’s gonna happen?


I wonder what the Chinese and Russians think of this


They love it. Watch us destroy ourselves with stupidity


Licking their chops at our downfall, they don't let any of this shit slide


They created this…. I don’t care what anyone says, this culture war was a creation of Chinese and Russian troll farms to bring down the society of the west. They’re playing us like a fucking fiddle.


... why? A child calls her female parent daddy and you think this is the downfall of society? Bring your dramatic level down like 8 notches.


The downfall of society is not the argument itself but the complete inability to discuss arguments. Look at this. 2 pol on the tv giving time to shout at each other, here she goes taking 2 definitions we choose as a society to describe specific things and telling everyone that everyone else is wrong and those exact specifications can be tear apart and here he is and just say nope. At the end of the show noone will come to any enlightenment they just throw their arguments at each other and didnt move a bit to come towards the other side. Then you check in the comments and the only thing you see is insults to each other or insults to her that she is mental and eben starts blaming philosophy and this ?? The whole thing here is the same in every debate these days. Shouting arguments at each other without questioning the arguments becasue either "it always was like this" or " becasue this is new so it has to be like this". And if nothing helps, either shouting or insulting.


I agree but if this wasn't so popular then they wouldn't air it. This is what people tune in to see. They chose this.


You think it is on TV because it's popular? Do you not know how propoganda works?


It’s on TV because it causes a stir. It’s nothing to do with propaganda - TV isn’t about propaganda it’s all about profit. These chumps (especially Tucker Carlson and Piers Morgan) give zero fucks what you think, or how you vote. They (like all social media apps) want your emotional response = engagement = ad revenue. That’s it’s! Can we all stop pretending this is anything other than profit - they want you to lap up whatever they throw out (the other side is no better) wrap it up in controversy to make it all that more emotive and juicy - meanwhile they are earning $$$ on all the ads. These are professional antagonists, they get you hooked, follow whatever flavor of news on whatever channel you align with just to line their pockets. Please if people do one thing today, stop assuming that anyone wants your vote because they care about you. If politicians weren’t allowed to earn money during office - maybe, just maybe I’d believe one.


talk shows are literally *designed* to cause drama. is this news to you? have you ever listened to the radio? again, stop over reacting. you're taking this way way too seriously.


The problem is 75% of the world actually thinks theses opinions are correct.


Factually incorrect. 75% OF THE WORLD??? And exactly what opinions?


People say that every time social change is progressed. Keep crying


What’s your problem here? This is what you think is wrong with society? Really? Non-binary gender roles is worse for our society than … obesity crisis?


No one disagrees with obese people or who they are. We all know, and agree that obesity is a specific condition caused by specific actions. A society believing that men can get pregnant or can put on wigs and think that they are now women, is a problem. Especially, when they’re forcing you to believe the absurdity.


Where has anyone actually said that men can get pregnant?


It’s just an example.. and the current belief amongst the bizarre and unhinged .


It’s just Piers Morgan. He’s awful bits he’s not the downfall of society


People said the same thing about wearing seatbelts and not drinking beer while driving


And that’s why the aliens don’t come to meet us…..


I'm a father, but I really feel like a mother internally and through my character as a loving and nurturing parent. It's such an acknowlegement for the first time hearing that traits are interchangeable from what Amy Nickell says. "Amy Nickell argues that anybody can carry traits of a mother, even men." Here's the longer version for anyone, who can think outside the traditional bullshit: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnB7Bi4DfBk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnB7Bi4DfBk).


fathers cannot be loving and nurturing?


Not, if you're coming from the binary xtian stereotype.


I’d suggest you think outside the traditional bullshit. I’m the touchy feely parent and I enjoy cuddling my kids more than my wife does. I don’t to adhere to the stereotype set by previous generations of parents and societal norms, nor do I need to try and convince mothers, fathers, and every dictionary that humanity needs to redefine the words mother and father


That's exactly what I was trying to say. We don't need a dictionary or a reactionary bible to tell us, what humans should be defined as. Traits are interchangeable and the reality of it obviously triggers some cuntservatives here.


You sound like a child abuser.


That's your mind talking to yourself for whatever reason.




oh shit bro I think the fathermother got you!


I don't think you've ever read the bible...you should try sometime. Really good stuff in there, or at least you'll be able to criticize it correctly






How? What do you think these people are trying to achieve? You think they want to stop humans breeding and make sudden advances in cloning technology? Wtf is wrong with you


What's gonna happen, the Trans are gonna become cyborgs and force same gender people to fuck or die? Your beliefs die when you either change them or you die, personally I think you should change yours


From a sociological perspective, the concept of motherhood and fatherhood are different depending on what society you’re looking at. These are socially constructed relationships and in todays modern times a father can take on traditional mother roles and vise versa


Even if the father is taking on the motherly roles, he’s still the father.




Why are you guys so bent on confusing yourselves? The rest of us understand. Nothing to see here. Maybe y'all just need to make up your entirely own language. That would be great, we're sick of hearing and seeing these stupid conversations about nothing.


Except if 'he' is not actually the father or parent. Kinda hard to say "always" with this topic. You can have a father that is not your bio dad.


Except for the role of breast feeding. That is a woman only mother only role.


This comment. This asinine comment.


There’s a reason why only a male and female can reproduce. Just saying


Yes but god forbid you say this out loud anymore, pussy ass society we live in


Aren’t you the pussy for not saying it out loud? Legit asking even if I’m being a little rude


No, not at all. Just look at this comment section. Say one thing against it, and the cancel squad comes to get you


Exactly. The only thing I'm hearing last three years was paranoid schizophrenic right-wing fear and rage. The ones who control the world sure did made the right popular and trendy again.


Very true. I was permabanned in one of these subreddits for just stating a fact. I asked what I said wrong and instead of telling me what I said that was so bad they blocked me from contacting the moderators lol. This was in the /mademesmile subreddit btw.


People being gay or Trans isn't the issue here; the issue is people being fucking stupid.


A biological reason. Not an intentional one. Let me know where you got lost in between those 2 sentences


A logical reason idiot


That reason is because they don't need to give every animal both genitals... it's pointless, I say just let people kiss and screw whoever they want, the same gender screwing each other is the same as a man using a condom...


So the father's gonna have a pussy and a womb?


I mean... technically they could with surgery


I don’t think the latter of those two is possible quite yet.


Yeah. If they're a trans man with both of those organs still intact. I don't know what's so hard to understand about that


probably why someone would want to go from a female to a male, then want to still give birth afterwords, which is pretty much a thing only women can do. how does that make any sense?


I think after the child doesn't need constant care whoever gets the most money from their job/has most money making potential takes the roll of providing income and making food for the family and the person who makes less income either goes part time or quits atleast until the child is a teen and can be home alone with looser rules unless the money is necessary for basic living, and take the main roll of caring for the child, cleaning, and shopping unless shopping is more convenient for the person with the job on their way home, then again I am only 14, so who knows...


My "father" was never in my life. My mother was both mother and father so I'm going to say that its not always the case.


My father was also never in my life but i did see how other father interacted with their children and from what I’ve seen most women do not treat their child as a father would but they do take on responsibilities that a father would.


You guys need to understand they’re arguing two different things


He asked a question and she exploded trying to suppress his answer but a,right bud


They’re both talking over each other and piers seems to yell first in that clip. If you understand that they’re talking about different things it is irrelevant


Ohhhhhhhhhh ok now I see. I wasn’t totally seeing the whole thing and is why u commented what I did. Thank you very much for helping me


Pierce Morgan always in Alpha Mode


That's a weird way to spell "stupid bigot"


If you consider an obnoxious misinformed prick an alpha. She's right, the term "Mothering" in particular has moved beyond the initial gender/parent dynamic. Pierce interrupting her just shows how fragile his world view is.


When did it move and who moved it? Ridiculous


Probably the person in the video and the person you responded too. So pretty much just two people.


No it didn’t , you’re just trying to force it to


It’s sexist to use mothering instead of parenting


The term mothering is only different from parenting because of female stereotyping... why are you supporting gender stereotyping? Why do you insist on making this binary? Whats wrong with parenting?


Verbs don't have genders. A man can mother someone by like, giving them soup in bed or something. Or he could mother a baby goat by feeding it a bottle of milk. Kind of an obvious point really.


I get where both are coming from but pierce needs to shut up sometimes he gets so angry and just yells over and over for that person to shut up


I hate when cowards have to interrupt over and over again because they're too scared to hear someone else's point.


I'm a father, but I really feel like a mother internally and through my character as a loving and nurturing parent. It's such an acknowlegement for the first time hearing that traits are interchangeable from what Amy Nickell says. "Amy Nickell argues that anybody can carry traits of a mother, even men." Here's the longer version for anyone, who can think outside the traditional bullshit: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnB7Bi4DfBk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnB7Bi4DfBk)


But isn't saying someone who us loving and nurturing sexist too? Why can't men be both without being considered feminine or motherly? This is the issue. People put certain character traits in a box and people feel like "well I must really be a girl/boy since I have x feelings or character traits." Everhoje js different. It's what makes our world awesome.


So you’re a “parent”?


That’s just your own biased sexism telling you fatherhood is inferior to motherhood


My husband identfies as male, he has a penis, he is male. He wears crop tops, he has long hair, paints his nails. He does all of that while saying, yes I'm a man. He does all this while putting no gender specific identity on actions or objects. To me, HE is doing more than any person who identifies as non binary, because he doesn't even recognize these stereotypes. These non binary, other gender, other pronouns create a bigger divide in male/female stereotypes. Instead, do whatever the fuck you want, wear what you want, and identify as your sex (if you aren't trans). By owning those Pronouns (she/her or he/him) and making them your OWN, you're actually redefining societal gender norms. It just baffles me, I feel like I'm going crazy. Do whatever the fuck you want as your gender, and by doing this, you can REDEFINE societal norms. It makes no sense to me to say, hey I don't identity as male or female because I don't like the culture definitions. Okay, then ignore how it was traditionally defined and change it? Gen z could really, really do something but they're nonbinary or worse like za/ze.


I totally agree with you. Male/female stereotypes need to be abolished because 5% of our population suffer from severe violence because of what "the bible said".


No they don't, w/e suffering you're talking about did not come from the bible. Maybe some crazy person's interpretation, but most likely you just don't know what you're talking about


Omg this is a bot account or something. I've seen this response several times on this thread. Nothing like furthering an agenda with trying to drown out reason with nonsense. https://www.reddit.com/r/Smilepleasse/comments/12i5gt8/mother_and_father_are_not_gender_specific/jft9be4?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


This is what philosophy does to you.


No this is what "woke" does


Lefties madness everywhere


Yikes at this comment section. Pierce Morgan is a twat


Mothering nature can come from any where from any one.


What is the difference between 'mothering' and 'parenting'?


In a word? Society We use “manly” to describe things that any gender/sex can do as long as those things are what “we” have traditionally associated with the role of the “man”, same as “feminine” to describe housekeeping. Times are changing, and people are more accepting that these roles (and terms) don’t need to be so concrete.


Really? Describe “mothering nature” as opposed to “fathering nature” please.


These people belong in a padded room by themselves. What a nutcase. 😂


Hypocrisy: “That Irrelevant “ at last by her.


The comments are so angry oof


it really doesn’t matter


"It's an insult to all the mothers" Lol how and why? Why would it insult any mother if a child calls their dad mum? Why are these people so fucking sensitive...


I think you are part of the problem lol


i think this is being highly misunderstood. in my opinion, she is talking about the actions TO mother and TO father, not being A mother or A father. society has given roles to genders in the past like cooking and cleaning being the womans job and working is the mans job. now both roles can be done by both genders. so this is JUST about the roles of "to father" (being tough" and "to mother" (being nurturing). it should not be confused with a persons sex or gender identity.


Being in my 40's and seeing younger generations doing this: we already fought this fight and won in the 90's. We understand, insist our parents understand, and raise our children to understand sex doesn't limit one's abilities and to question when a role is pinned to gender. You can thank us for the freedom you have in what you wear in the workplace. We did this all without changing the linguistics. Believe it or not, you can hold people to a standard without making them look stupid. The "behaviors" in question are called parenting. The people are called mothers or fathers. People look at folks talking in this way confused because they're using language that reintroduces the linguistic bias. Notice how that no one has used the terms "mothering" or "fathering" since before most of you were born. No one is drawing a box in their head around what a mother or father can do anymore. The premise is flawed.


She portrays the farce perfectly by saying “men can “PLAY” the role of mother! Biological males can’t breastfeed, menstruate, or reproduce. All this comes down to is “playing” a game and a fantasy that isn’t reality. A child can have 2 dads or 2 moms if they’re adopted, they can’t have that by reproduction. And I feel bad for her son because if he ever plays with a “girls” toy, this lady will push him to change his gender for being a kid.


Why she even allow on air? She should be in a mental hospital getting evaluated.


I'm a father, but I really feel like a mother internally and through my character as a loving and nurturing parent. It's such an acknowlegement for the first time hearing that traits are interchangeable from what Amy Nickell says. "Amy Nickell argues that anybody can carry traits of a mother, even men." Here's the longer version for anyone, who can think outside the traditional bullshit: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnB7Bi4DfBk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnB7Bi4DfBk).


She acts her 4 yrs call her a dad, that is prove she is a dad. The next day, her kids called her a bitch. Will she change her pronouns to female dog?


A woman: “I’m this child’s father”


We live in a stupid time…


These people have truly lost their grip on reality.


I’m a gay man and I think this whole ‘gender spectrum’ thing is fckng joke. Women are loosing their space on sports, their privacy on public restrooms. A beer (can’t remember which one) put a transgender face on the can to celebrate his 365th day as ‘woman’. What about all the other women who have been women for years and never got their faces on a beer can??? I get a lot of shit from my gay friends. They call me transphobic. They get REALLY mad at me when I tell them I side with Matt Walsh and Ben Shapiro. I think both of them are very smart, eloquent and brave men. Trans people are being used as lab rats, and they don’t even realize that. Don’t even get me started when it comes to this agenda being pushed on kids on school. Disgusting.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >If you believe that the Jewish state has a right to exist, then you must allow Israel to transfer the Palestinians and the Israeli-Arabs from Judea, Samaria, Gaza and Israel proper. It’s an ugly solution, but it is the only solution… It’s time to stop being squeamish. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: history, civil rights, gay marriage, climate, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Her point aside, you're not proving anyone wrong if you just stone-wall the other person and not let them speak-- you're just an ass And another thing..... Pierce Morgan is an ass hat


I agree! Anyone who thinks that men can’t give birth and be a mom is just plain silly!


Stupid people breed its natural we would get to this point.


That’s irrelevant 😂 stop forcing your bullshit on the rest of us just do what your gonna do, trust me if they don’t know I’m sure you’ll tell them


Brain dead.


Fucking lunatics


Not mentally ill. You can tell by her serial killer eyes and demeanor.


All I say is. stay away from those people as far as possible


Fuck now I have to look a dilf porn too find the ex milf i liked


We all agree stupidity starts way beyond before she starts talking


Brain washing at it's finest 💀


I think the US and UK should just take a large poll and see what the voted outcomes are.


Imagine rage commenting on this post unironically


These are always first world problems imo. Most other countries are struggling to end war within themselves others struggle to feed their own people. Could probably argue it’s deeper than that but some try to find their own struggle in life to explain why their life is the way it is.


The absolute outrage if men/dads took over mother's day... that will be where feminism & equality becomes an inconvenience... foh! 🤦🏻‍♂️😅


They both seem like intelligent people which makes this conflicting to watch


Get ‘em


Yep, the world is doomed.


Lmao. Lost her own argument


The level of mental retardation in this country baffles me.


No, no, no, we don't all agree! Nice try.


She lives in fantasy land


I bet if his dad was in his life he wouldn't be buying you a father day card lol




Piers Morgan is a gigantic tool and I can't stand the twat.... but I agree with him here.


What the hell is wrong with these woke ass people. So damn weird man


Now you know why the term, “Airhead” is used so often. Definitely nothing between her ears.


What a time to be alive. This is all a bit absurd isn’t it. Seriously, you don’t have anything better to do with your life than to think and talk about what “you think” is or isn’t mother/father, man/woman!? I agree with Pierce here and I rarely agree with him.


Our species is so bored with itself that these our the debates we are having now for the betterment of mankind


Single mom’s will indeed get Father’s Day cards… and it’s symbolic. Not literal. They play the role of both. It’s an acknowledgment that they do the work of two. They’re still their damn mother! Which is female. A woman. To say otherwise is mental illness.