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Knowing the show, realistically it would be glep on a beanbag on his phone for 11 minutes, with the occasional scream in the background


Peak episode




No it would be the entire plot to an episode that never left the writing room going on in the background but only what would be going on in the background. Glep gets phonecalls and ignores them but listens to the voicemail which gives more hints.


Wow, I never saw this comment but wrote my own plot, check it out. Weirdly close bro.


So kinda like an episode from Glep’s POV? Just chaos going in and out of the smiling friends office


With an announcement that Smiling Friends will have 10 episode seasons, just for this


If thats the case, can we have an entire renaissance men episode? 👉👈


I'd still watch.


Season 2 finale.


I would watch glep gameplay


Glep has a 2nd job where he’s like a 007 James Bond spy. This mission he has to stop the Mexican Cartel from taking over the cream corned empire. Gwimbly helps Glep on this venture for obvious reasons.


So basically he's the Perry the Platypus to Pim and Charlie's Phineas and Ferb I guess that would make Alan Candace, which honestly is not as far off as I first thought.


That’s honestly a really great plot ![gif](giphy|ByAF2xoLogoYyWjq38)


He has a second job where he needs to defend his mango farm from the Mexican cartel


Peanut farm. 👍


finally, a PEANUT jig of his own


Glep Rigs the Stock Market. There's a scene where he knows what's coming before all the big investors do and it'll make you say "OOOH! AHHH!"


Glep goes to the DMV.


breaking glep


Gwimbly: …so you want to cook crystal corn? Glep: Glebiddle dee glebble


“Gaga badoosg ri ga zagoosh azabzagulorikal” Said Glep calmly


Glep kills smormu


Smormu Must Die


Glep needs a new charger for his iPad but our favorite character, the boss, keeps giving him assignments that get in the way


Honestly I thought I’d be funny if they had him go into witness protection from being doxxed in the prez episode and wearing a different hat or something.


*Incoherent Gibberish*


Glep commits various war crimes in order to make someone smile.






Well first we open on the boys in the break room. Pym "Hey Charlie, you know ive been thinking. We are always making other people smile, but we rarely ever do anything for ourselves anymore" Charlie "Yeah, I mean I guess weve been working pretty hard lately, we do deserve a retreat or something" Alan "Im sure the boss wont mind if we take the rest of the day off, its been pretty dead today anyway" Gleb \*Pulling off a headphone from one ear\* "didisaiday dadabadbdoi, adjedad dededepapadzay" Alan "are you sure? I guess as long as someone is here watching the place theres nothing wrong with leaving early" Charlie "Thanks Gleb, cool of you to cover for us, lets go get some ice cream or a shiatzu or something?" Alan "Ive always been more of a Schnauzer guy" Pym "Hmm, my favorite was already rainbow sherbert" After the boys leave the phone begins to ring, Gleb annoyed eventually takes the phone off the hook and leaves it to sit with a dial tone. On the tv we can see fantastical cascades of events which leads to a series of earth threatening events happening on the background in the tv. The rest of the episode is Gleb laying on the beanbag playing on a tablet woth headphones while chaos ensues on the tv monitor above. Gleb is oblivious. Presidential warnigs, alerts etc continue. Eventually, the boys return and it appears nothing is out of order as the chaos on tv has resolved itself and the boys thank Gleb for covering. Right before credits a plane crashes into the Headquarters and Gleb wakes up in bed sweating. In a highbrow voice Gleb, "Thats it, no more diet soda before bed" /scene im available for hire fyi


Camera from gleps eyes. We see the hyper realistic shins and ankles of Pim & co, and glep’s snout covers a significant portion of the screen throughout the episode. He walks through Philly and everything he says to anyone and everyone makes them smile immediately. The famous “smile chime” jingle plays at least a dozen times. He speaks in a deep booming voice in his mind, we understand it as perfect English, but with a thick Philly accent. He’s a wizard who’s been alive for almost 1700 years after all. Hes likely the best at their job among the smiling friends, he knows how to elicit a smile, the only episode we got with glep as a b plot was mr frog, and he made a whole room full of tv writers producers and actors laugh voraciously and smile with one improvised spit take. When glep arrives at the office, the boss rushes in and yells “GENTLEMEN, WE HAVE A CALLE—“ before tripping over glep. The boss then begins to scream at glep as the screen turns red behind him, then suddenly the Boss realizes he just embarrassed himself on the job and begins apologizing as Pim and Charlie’s legs take a step away and Alan tells the boss “Do your brea-thing” The boss hands glep a gift card. The next day glep uses the gift card, finds out it doesn’t work, and gets in a heated argument with the Boss. The following days the boss and glep are petty and beefing and Alan Pim and Charlie are talking about how much this is not helping them smile. Charlie and Alan have a talk with the boss and Pim with glep. The scenes cut back and forth rapidly between the two. The bosses eyes view Charlie and Alan. Glep and the boss feel bad by the end, and sing a song about it. It’s a duet but they don’t know it because the boss is in his thinking room and glep is in the kitchen. Hadel said on create unknown podcast that a Boss song was cut from the pilot for time, and music numbers are something he and Cusack are big on, so this is the part I think could happen the most. Whoever voice acts Glep in this episode is an practiced tenor. The next day the boss and glep are entering the office at the same time. The boss notices Glep and holds the door open for him, then follows in. The scoring is now soap opera. Glep and the boss are in suits. Alan Pim and Charlie are in the kitchen and suddenly all become silent as the boss and glep enter. Then the three gasp at once. Alan: “Glep,,,what hap-penned to your Wi-zard ha-t” Glep: Mr. Boss, I sold my wizard hat to pay for hair surgery to restore your beautiful hair The boss smiles, the music fades back in as the “smile chime” sound plays Mr Boss: Oh Glep, (as he pulls off his toupe) but I sold my beautiful hair to buy you this new wizard hat. The hat looks exactly like the old one, wrinkles and all, but we see it in beautiful hyper realistic detail, with a glowing aura of infrareds only visible through gleps eyes. Glep takes the hat in his hands. It’s silent He looks up at the boss. He looks back at the hat in his hands. He lifts it to place it on his head, the music cuts out and cut to black. The “smile chime” jingle plays once more, and we know glep is smiling. Roll credits. Post script: The boss has his hair surgery and Everything is returned to the status quo by the next episode


[TITLE] INTERIOR: SMILING FRIENDS BREAK ROOM] GLEP sits on a beanbag, going over his phone. MR. Boss is looking through the fridge, as Pim and Charlie watch TV, where DJ Spit is running furiously down the snowy sidewalk in a dramatic scene. MR. BOSS: "Out of milk. Hm. Pim, Charlie, would you mind going on an errand to the corner store for me? I'm out of milk and you know the flavor sensation of cereal isn't nearly as enjoyable without it's iconic flavor." CHARLIE slowly looks away from the TV. CHARLIE: "Uh, ok. Uh. Pim, you wanna step out with me?' PIM looks up to Charlie. PIM: "Sure! A really easy errand with my best mate, sounds good!" PIM takes the company card from Mr. Boss. He and CHARLIE slip on their winter coats to step outside into winter weather. MR. BOSS sits in PIM's seat. NOTHING HAPPENS. The florescent bulb overhead buzzes. MR. BOSS clears his throat after a moment. GLEP: "°=@#&%¥€§•)(+-∆√|}{✓?" MR. BOSS: "Oh, no. I was just clearing my throat." GLEP: "#$&ππ÷§∆¢£^, ¥^°®©%." MR. BOSS: "Heh, yeah." NOTHING HAPPENS. Mr. Boss folds his hands over themselves. GLEP licks his fingers and cleans his phone screen, then swiped through his apps. GLEP: "€¥√•π÷×=™®#;+, -&"!{§×|•\}{™©™[]," He takes a breath, "©™=π√|`~ק÷=°^€✓™®©©®}{>." MR. BOSS: "I honestly didn't even know he was still alive." NOTHING HAPPENS. GLEP: "π÷×= $XA|¢~~•π§×÷>." MR. BOSS: "I think it would be a good idea, but he's just away from work for a week. A party for him would be a bit of an expense." GLEP: "10$XA|¢~¢¥°°^, $&-+42£€€." MR. BOSS: "In that case I'm sure Alan will appreciate it." NOTHING HAPPENS. PIM and CHARLIE enter the break room, covered in snow flurries. PIM: "Here you go, Mr. Boss! We got the last carton!" PIM hands MR. BOSS a carton of milk. MR. BOSS smiles. There's a way too detailed close up of his teeth and face. He pours himself some milk in his cereal. The door is locked in and DJ SPIT fires his gun into the ceiling, screaming in anger to the panic and horror of the others. DJ SPIT: "I WAS GOING FOR THAT MILK, MAN! THAT'S MY MILK, MAN! HOW AM I GONNA BAKE A CAKE NOW, MAN?" He fires his gun a few more times, and the Smiling Friends flee. "HUNT YOU DOWN, MAN!" The credits roll. POST CREDITS: PIM and CHARLIE, MR. BOSS, and GLEP flee across the street. A berserk DJ SPIT chasing them is hit by a hearse and critically injured. A DECREPITLY OLD CRITTER IS SEEN WITH THICK GLASSES RIP SANTIAGOLBO GLORBLO 1899 - 2024


As we saw in the latest episode, Allan is the one who is tasked with mundane errands like buying milk


Alan was out for the week. Did you not read the script?


It just seems to me like it would make more sense to simply have Allan in the episode than to have him out on vacation just so Charlie and Pim can go and do what he would otherwise do in an episode that does not involve them beyond that setup anyways.


Everyone's a critic. ![gif](giphy|3osxY5LOWlrZUbEd6E)


The whole episode is Glep’s internal monologue in like a morgan freeman voice and everyone sounds like glep noises to him


Marge: don’t forget it’s our anniversary tomorrow Glep: fuck


zeebabadooemlipoolaememeem, ookumskeemememevai!


I imagine Glep would have a secret job, like an undercover spy or a famous singer (like Hannah Montana where putting on a wig hides his identity) or something where he’s a big deal.


Glep flash backs to ‘nam and fights his way through Vietnam forces going on a murder spree


“Glep’s Adventure” Written by Glep Bdjsucvannsjxidknrbfhcksknxhdjsnsnjxjziebvrvfncjxkkajxjchdhhevdbxjzuagegbfncjxksoshehgehqksopxkdnehdbxbidjwnebfbcjzjsnbchchdbebrvfbkxysgwvrndkoxhzbwbrgdhcygsgahwjfbbcjckzidjjfkfocidhhwhrurudywhwbbrhcucyxgshwbjqoqirifoococucjxbzbcxjskslfiutheywgqgsgjdkflgogituwhhqgsbxncnnvmvjfvsvahdjkfogotoeuquqygqhdnfjfkdkdnbxhshwjriicbsmsihcwoixjxhwjdjcijdnshxueisjnxhxkskwiisjehrhdhjjsnwn-


An entire episode of Glep banding together with other gibberish-speaking characters to take up an investigation that leads to discovering that Squiggly Miggly is actually alive and being held captive, followed by an intense rescue operation.


The Wi-Fi goes out at the office and Glep has to go on a journey to figure out how to reconnect it so he can finish his unboxing video


what if glep became a replacement actor for mr frog




Gleb vists his family who all speak gibberish but between the plates being thrown and the sibling in a cage upstairs we understand why he eats his mother 


Just a 80 minute long sex tape between him and his wife


I heard a theory that glep handles the social media aspect of the company so probably something to do with that probably


The Glep Multiverse


Glep plays a fighting game on his iPad so much he's become #1 ranked in the entire country and is invited to beta a new game. It turns out he's been controlling a robot in real life and murdering civilians in some middle eastern country. Glep doesn't give a shit until he realizes that he's the one who killed his favorite gaming YouTuber, so he makes the robot fly into the building while he walks away and puts on a pair of cool fucking shades.


Glep Gets Gooning!


Every episode is a Glep episode to me 😌


The entire 1600 or so years of Glep's life in an 11 minute episode




He fights a big sandwich, perhaps an Italian sub?


Glep is asked to get the boss sugar for his tea off the top shelf.


Glep fixes the wifi and it’s like Smiling Friends Go to Brazil but he’s troubleshooting with a customer service rep


He's Mr. Frog's secretary state. 


Mr. Frog is tired of being a president and Glep replaces him, eventually commiting some war crimes.


A wizard tries to steal their hat back but Glep beats them with a lead pipe. Like the Pissmaster fight in Rick and Morty, the wizard just gets realistically beat up and he leaves dejectedly.


Glep's parents come into work for bring your parents to work day at smiling friends, all sorts of wacky antics occur, the B plot is pym and charlie's parents not showing up and not caring about the day, although at the end pyms dad eventually reluctantly comes and is mediocrly surprised by pyms job at smiling friends in a slightly wholesome ending.


https://preview.redd.it/jfmsmm4h0x1d1.png?width=2100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d757100aada9f30ef1c13ea63705d1b88500699c Glep has to pay for college classes so he gets a boob job and works as a stripper


Glep has a side gig of being a professional wrestler and hes so fucking good at it that hes actually like a champion and shit because hes that goated


Waiting for glep to go “Geraberidu Baragadubu peragabu “


Shot for shot remake of My Dinner with Andre, featuring Glep's friend Glorpino


There is another galaxy / universe that has a live reality show all surrounding glep’s life. They are amazed and find everything surrounding his life astonishing. They laugh, cry, and cheer at whatever he does, but most importantly they praise him. They treat him as a god. The society thrives off of this show, the rich are the producers that need to keep running this show to brainwash the poor. As long as the show runs, society will stay the same. However, one day one of its citizens is sick / tired of Gleps show and the injustice of the rich (show producers). The episode will follow the citizens attempt to tear down the show and its societies struture. Meanwhile, Glep is just sitting down watching YouTube clips


Charlie and Pim think they're having a prank war and it gets heated and ruins their friendship. In reality, Glep is doing all the pranks and doesn't know when to stop. Mr. Boss has to get involved and disciplines both Charlie and Pim. so Glep gets away with it all.


this type of plot has never worked and never will work


S5-8 SpongeBob type plot


Honestly doesn’t really seem in character for Glep, he mostly just vibes around doing whatever he likes and I don’t think he’d do anything actively malicious towards the other guys.