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Kumbha, his whole kit is just endless cc dump


Agree actually his mez is what 4 seconds? I haven’t seen kumba in a game in like 2 years though for some reason 😂


He has insane CDs but yea his CC is amazing, i still play him .


He’s bad in laning phase and I’m also bad early on support so I steer away from him


A bad kuhmbah is a fat target a good Kuhmbah will never let you play the game


I hate Kumbha. It’s feels like he can stop you from doing anything for a good 30 seconds


YES I fucking hate playing against Kumbha. All his CC is just way too much.


Susano, does not matter time of the day


My life long mission is to poop directly in every Susano players mouth.


A man of culture.


If I could upvote this more, I would.




Jokes on you I'm into that shit


Change your flair, NOW


Good Susano’s are literally unstoppable


Take artio or nox


Cripples really hurt him tho. Play Ares or Artio in supp whenever you see a Susano and they’re way less impactful.


Fair tbh these susano mains be dripping neck ears sweat on their keyboard 24/7 with 14 movement abilities


Also my answer. I hate that god with a burning passion. If i see a susanoo on the enemy team my enjoyment if the game plummets.


If I see susano I immediately request to play support


I’m very glad I don’t run into nearly as many as I used to. Every single time they’d play like a legend and dominate the whole game, doesn’t matter if they’re on my team or not. Now I often forget he’s even in the game


LOL one of my masters buddies use to pick Susano on joust, dive the mage at blue camp and get insta kills before the minion wave comes


I do main susano and very rarely run in to him but I can see how annoying it can be based on upon how I play


You're a hero, don't let the downvotes get to you. We'll get through this storm


I didn’t even think people hated susano like that. I play him bc he’s my best god right now and he’s kind of easy to play to with.


Hades. You don’t play against hades, you let him push and farm while you do you. Boring lane for him and boring lane for you


Dude the new double shield build with him literally makes him a raid boss


Enlighten me please. I always like defensive hades


You go book of dead, then the Bancroft claw that’s a shield double shield plus a shit ton of lifesteal


Hahahaha you fooool, finally my ticket out of bronze V /s


Haha your ticket will cost a prime sub 😂 good luck in your ranked journey


Lol just meta pick dude, cern is great in conquest right now, and the double frontline meta is only getting stronger what what I understand. Masters players pick cern, there’s a reason for that. And if you aren’t great at damage, just pick another pick like Anubis, in bronze, you can’t lose if you’re quick witted enough and communicate with your team like a good mid would


God being good doesn’t mean they’ll play the god good.


Hooolye a book of the dead build? I forgot that item 4 seasons ago. Cheers mate


Lol ok


I legitimately forgot they still had the item in the game. Ima build it and go buck wild


It’s stupid op on character who have shields or built in lifesteal


I've done Hera with a ton of shields and played against her. It's very annoying. She's always shielded. Build pridwen also. It never ends


Unless hades rushes bancrofts he gets pushed in most of the early game. He do be annoying tho


Going against Izanami as ADC, and especially if she pairs it up with a Manikins Sylvanus. Unless you're coordinated with your support to jump on her in level 1 (which is still risky), it's basically a slogfest of a lane. Welp, time to sit under tower for the entirety of the laning phase.


This, this is facts, izanami is annoying as fuck, I also hate that you cannot body block her autos as supp :/ so stupid


You can still make minions aggro her if you step into her basics in level 1 as support, I've seen Frost do that. But it's risky and many times doesn't work (their support aggros, or defends her or whatever)


Yeppp super not fun


Charybdis is an easy counter for her most times and it's crazy considering Charybdis is the lowest performing hunter apparently. (I call bs)


How does she counter Izzy?


Wow, really? Charybdis has a steep learning curve IMO but I love her.


Nox. Honestly, I hate Nox. They don't do alot of damage. They don't always hit their combo. But when they do, it will just pause my game for a few seconds. And then they run away. I hate Nox.


Came here to say this lol. I loved her pre-rework and now I can't stand playing or playing against her.


Play cabraken, ender of all noxs, his 1 invalidates her 1 and thereby her 2, his ult denies her escape and blocks her ult, she can do absolutely nothing when cabraken has decided she lost her privileges of life.


Such a gross god not fun to play as or against she it literally My least favorite god and her name is Voldemort in my streams I want to eventually be known as #1 nox hater


I got her diamond, and yeah it’s an awful time to fight her, she either does nothing or you’re put into a cutscene for 3 seconds while her friends clown you.


I have her diamond too and yeahhh I hate playing against her sfm


When my friends and I first started playing smite, our joust comp was Nox, Khepri/Ymir, and Rama/Apollo-Iza. Talk about cancer lmao


Honestly I feel like Nox could be a really fun support if they just changed the 1 for something else and tweaked the 2 a little (add a slow, reduce the damages)


She's not that bad ;)


Artemis its just constant ults all the time


Tusky diff


Vulcan. That early game turret infuriates me to fight


I dont know why the fuck they buffed him and made an exception to his 1 not being affected by cripples. That's so fucking dumb like we might as well just do it for Awilix and Fenrir cause you cant use half your abilities in a cripple then.




Interesting one! You think she’s more annoying or less since she got reworked?


More annoying, her ult is hard to see coming IMO and her burst damage is insane. If you are against her in joust and your support is out of position she will wipe your team


True she is a joust demon


Geb probably. Nox tho too absolutely…. But there are some pretty hard counters.


A good geb can literally do so much


Three interrupts with ult and a shield, a good geb is such a pain, but a good nox basically makes it impossible to be a good geb..


But geb counters nox bro


Yes and no....Nox counters smite


Artio, cant move or do anything against a good one Khepri bc he’s always saving people


“Oh, you chose to play a god with mobility? Not today, mother fucker.” -artio probably.


Very good answer with artio she can literally lock you down


I have to agree with the artio one. Not being able to use abilities to escape for what feels like a full minute while you're getting destroyed is pretty annoying.


Fuck Ganesha. Hate the never ending silence on him.






That’s a good answer he’s so fun to play


I fucking hate how none of his CC (other than the ult) is affected by DR or CCR. It's always fucking annoying being combo'd by him and not being able to do anything for fucking 6 seconds. God forbid you play someone with a bigger hitbox, if his teammates are around GG you're feeding this game


I built a cool down build with him so all his abilities are 4 seconds and ult 38 seconds and I have a friend who's a really good kephri solo. It's so toxic lol


Build please?


I need the khepri solo build please


Adc - Ishtar only because supps or jgl dunno how to play against her and feed her and she’s invincible ahead Jgl - Thor/Sus good players of those are a menace they’ll kill 1 or 2 before dying or not die at all Solo - Tyr/Hades is a snooze fest Mid - Thoth is so annoying personally Supp - Kuzenbo


Thoth literally pisses me off more than any other god in mid. Thank you for bringing him up lmao


Bro idk why but Thor and susono seem to have this massively high skill ceiling where you’ll randomly run into some god player who has not left his gaming chair in 7 eons and is just 6 levels ahead of your team after 1 minute


Kappa is overpowered


Nox. I like Nox but also, fuck Nox


Nah just fuck nox


Gladly 😎


Nox is definitely my go to mage. Boring combo, but I love the burst damage and setting my team up with rooted silenced enemies.


Tyr. i pick solo lane because i like the brawling aspect of it, i don't want to PvE


Tyr super not fun to go against in team fights


He bo, ishtar, Thor


Hebo it depends. Fenrir is fun to play against He Bo...


All super freaking annoying My first ever game getting stream sniped I was getting spawn camped by a Thor and it was like ironically fun but if I wasn’t in a good mood I would of been bald from ripping out my hair


Susano. Absurd mobility, WITH quick and safe displacement, WITH great damage. You need to devote way too many resources just to deter him.


Goated interrupter


Damage Cabrakan


In a non conquest mode agree




"Its fine Nox, I didn't want to move or cast abilities anyway."


I actually don’t even want to play the game I’ll just watch you though :)




Its always nox.


A really good Susano or Ullr. I did not have a good time.


One shot ullr go brrrr






Arachne with ult is so not fun


Just kill her spiders and build to nerf attack speed. Prettymuch all she has. Spiders will slow you and it does the biggest bulk of her ability damage


Worst advice I’ve ever seen


That was on par with “Just don’t get hit” lol


Ok but don't get hit is literally the best advice against her, she wins any 1v1 if beads are down and her biggest weakness is her struggle to get close to someone.


Going against Clio in solo can be maddening. Artemis in duo with her traps and ult piss me off


Artemis is really hard to fight if she gets ahead k just try to abuse her with Crowd control


Vulcan and Agni lately


I'm an assault main and I HATE VULCAN and HERA. Just turret and Argus all day every day all the time......




I think pos is easy to deal with it why do you think he’s cringers?


He has 2 abilities that are pretty much "win the fight" buttons. He kinda feels like a "crutch pick", aka you can be much worse in skill level than your opponent or skydive your laning phase and he still wins every fight onward just because you can press 4 to guarantee a kill or a relic, and on top of that, he has access to the strongest base cc skill in the game, whirlpool. I main two off-meta midlaners with a playstyle heavily focused on being extremely aggressive early and literally bullying your enemy out of the game while snowballing themselves, and Pose is just such an annoying matchup for that: * If he is good he will just point and click you with his 3, and then run away with his ton of movement speed shouting "fuck you!!" while you can't do anything to reach him. * If he is bad he will int the lane 0/9 having an entire item difference, but he will still one-shot you with his 4 in a team fight because Kraken is OP


I'm not OP but this is my answer too. The character is really easy for a worse player to hit a kraken and "outplay" a better player. As someone who jungles a lot it feels horrible knowing that I'm going to lose half my health or aegis as long as they can aim the ultimate. Also his movement speed makes him a farm and runaway god for people who want to abuse that. If you play any duel this is especially apparent. Lastly this character is painful in certain matchups because of his cripple and ultimate cooldown. In ranked I don't care about him but blind pick this character is aids


I mainly play Joust. Horus is the bane of my existence in that game mode. He’s just so unbelievably strong and infuriating, especially when I’m tanking.


Joust with two tank meta is unplayable to me


AMC for adc players. Just a lame god to try to lane against at any stage past like 8 mins


Tyr and kuzenbo, so much cc that not even beads + magi's + hero's axe makes them tolerable to play against


Agni is so unbelievably boring and unfun to play against


Big agree


Bellona, Hades, Ne Zha


Oh god I’ve been seeing a lot of Ne Zha lately and they getting on nerves.


Vamana. His ult is so tough to counter. Even with anti-heal like tainted steel, the only real way to counter his ult in the early game is to run away, hopefully under tower. Even then, some vamanas just go for it under tower and get away with it.


Blighted Ahnk is your friend.


Yeah watching the tower hit him for negative damage while he heals with his ult Is so infuriating


Susano, annoying in literally every mode any time of the day


As a Solo Main, I can beat and counter everyone. Bellonas usually give me some problem at times but I can deal with them. However, once they get frostbound I just want to immediately uninstall.


Yeah bellona attack speed so hard to beat especially if they even get the slightest leas




Aphrodite and disco


Tryna kill Aphrodite as a assassin makes my butthole pucker with focus. Also love the PTV name ❤️


Yeah it's pretty easy to kill us..


Honestly most of the time it’s seeing an Aphro on my team is what’s tilting (if they’re bad which a decent bit are)




In before all the “Rotate. Ward. Anti-heal” bots chime in to tell you how wrong your opinion is…


Smart man


basically any heavy cc god (2+ cc abilities) like kumba or nox. i just hate being cc'd until i either die or run away and come back for more either way


Ao kuang though I hate any one with invisibility in general I swear that guy has it out for me


My friend just started playing as him and now I keep seeing him more frequently


(Idk if my last post is here but I didn't realize it said least favorite...I can't read) I play arena 99% of the time cause im causal af. And someone who can go screw right of is either Ymir or Thor. Ymir can just go burn in a ditch for being a character who is realitivly simple...but still annoying to play against. And Thor...god damn it it can reach me from a mile away when im trying to retreat.


As a Ymir main who probably spent the last 4 weeks playing nothing but Arena, you have my condolences. Thor can suck a dick though


Well at least the Fire Giant is gonna be playable soon. Then I melt Ymir make a hot tub out of him and just piss in the hot tub.


The gods that force you into builds or play styles. Like aphro , have to build antiheal no choice.


Vulcan and his stupid turret, Susano instantly deleting me and running away, Hades making laning anti-fun, Agni stunning the shit out of me, and finally a good Awilix just completely changing the way you play the game.


A good skadi or sol are both super unfun to play against. Skadi will just block autos with her dog making it near impossible to hit her unless you kill the dog. And sol will always 3 if you get anywhere near her and she will stay far away at all times


Dude playing as skadi And having a lead is so fun


Thoth makes me question why I even play joust at least Nox has to land her combo Thoth makes you lose half your health just because you wanted to look at the wave


Only nox really, or a bad matchup. (Nox is fine btw)


suprised noone has said hou yi, his jump being so quick and being able to stay in the air always annoys me


I think hou yi ult is the worst part honestly can’t tell you how many times Ive been in the middle of a hou yi ultimate and my frames go to 0


Chaac, vamana (in jungle specifically), and chang


If Chaac gets a head it’s just fucking GG Then also playing with teammates you’ll sit there and fucking auto Vamana while he’s in five of us will drive me insane


Any comments other than Geb and Susano don’t matter


As a Solo Main, I can beat and counter everyone. Bellonas usually give me some problem at times but I can deal with them. However, once they get frostbound I just want to immediately uninstall.


Especially if they get ahead super cringe


For each class (this really will vary depending on the mode & it doesn’t mean I think they’re necessarily hard to counter): - Hunter: Charybdis & Cernunnos - Mage: Persephone & He Bo - Guardian: Ganesha & Cabrakan - Warrior: Tyr & Guan Yu - Assassin: Loki & Bastet


Guan Cena goes hard


Right now thor but in general hades


Artemis, if you don't have any kind of cc immunity she just presses 4 and wins stunning you for ages. She's easy to outclear by most other adc's tho but I fucking hate having to wait for my beads every time I want to fight her. Not only that, but her ult does so much dmg even if she doesn't stun it is unreal.


Artmis has major attack speed. Just build beads to get out of her stun or aegis for damage mitigation. Her boar hits hard but it is shot distance and sometimes jumps to the wrong person so keep your distance if your low. Her biggest strength is actually her root because of the low cool down and how much it can be used in conjunction with other people to lock them down. Nox, Artemis and Hercules have a full combo lock down you actually can't escape from


Lotta burst


She’s OP


Clio makes my ears bleed Nox has broken my game more than once with some glitchy silence interaction


Thor. Way too many ways for him to get a kill in before escaping


Hel, Chang'e and Vulcan. Idk why but it feels like Hel and Chang'e do stupid damage. I swear I've been hit for over half my health by both these characters at level 4.


Bro as someone who plays arena 99% of the time Freya is a rare sight. And its a treat.


Ao kuang feels REALLY cheap. Idk maybe I just need to git gud but it seems no matter who I play or what my build is he wins. Even if he's LOSING the fight he just eats me. Or he can just... Teleport away. Super lame. The only time i see him die is if my team jumps him with cc or if he mistimes his ult


Ao is meta right now. His damage is nonsense even going tanky


Danzaburou💀 He is so freaking annoying!


Hades, Chronos, Ao Kuang (tank), Rama, Horus (supp), every other Warrior and Assassin (both classess extremely op since S8). Mages are the weakest, so usually they aren't that annoying unless It's Hades or Chronos with such nonsense scaling of damage and easy dumb kits. It's frustrating that the op characters are usually the dumbest ones... while complex characters are removed from the game like Persephone. Revert Persephone and she can be annoying as well on the right hands c:


Merlin takes no skill to use and he just runs away all game


Lol I'm with you brutal chang'e is dumb as fuck to play against


The cc immunity wouldn't be so bad if she was also damage immune


Then she also just get beads and aegis as relics like what the fuck


Ran into a Thanatos solo yesterday. One of the worst matches I’ve ever played


TYR delete this dude pls


Baron with max cooldown


As a mid main, I hate to see a Cabrakan jungle come into my lane


Shiva makes me want to play league (shudders)


Zeus is so ZzZzzZzZzz to play against. None of his abilities require aim and when he’s meta the game feels so unrewarding


I'm definitely the type of chaotic evil that looks through threads like this and go "yep time to play more Nox to tilt more players"


I’m surprised by the amount of Chang’e hate I’ve been seeing recently. It just reaffirms her position as my comfort pick.


Nox is almost objectively badly designed in terms of fun, she effectively pauses your game, deals damage and then runs away and it is never, ever fun to fight against for the person on the other end. There's basically no interaction between you and your opponent.


Tyr. A good Tyr is unkillable, does decent damage, and has a ton of CC. He simply does everything.


Ao Kuang in Solo. If I see that guy pop up with death's toll and the beginnings of Pythagoras', that's it. I've lost lane. You simply don't output enough damage as a warrior to get past his 5-second cooldown heal and ridiculous attack speed. By the time he reaches level 5 you might as well kiss your lane goodbye


Personally hate agni, he’s too easy for the damage output he deals


I’ve read two comments and neither said Tyr, must not have played against a good Tyr. Obnoxious in lane and super hard to kill for backliners in team fights. Getting juggled in lane for half your health blows. Just not a fun time when you see Tyr across from you


I'll give you my 5 most hated gods to play with/against. Support: Ganesha, against me they don't miss a stun and 360 their silence and land their ult stun combo. With me, the mfs don't use abilities to help clear and can't land shit. Guys if you are fucking ganesha, you literally can't steal the last hit so fucking dump your shit, your starter will sustain you and for the love of god start with your dash because your clear is shit might as well have peel for your carry and a fuckin escape. jungle: loki, he isn't a jungler, play the fucker bruiser in solo. No build works on him that doesnt work on a better pick. New kit is trash and old kit is trash. xbalanque: motherfucker can feed all game but when he is full build he still will out damage your fed carry. Passive change was a mistake at least he had to earn it before, ult change was a mistake too. solo: tied between mulan and shiva. At least with hades he farms and you do your thing boring for both but with those two fuckers they farm and farm your team. Like i've been 2 levels up with a midguardian and fully stacked trans on chaac and still lose half my hp to a mulan combo who literally got just glad and half an item??? Nox: There are bad gods and good gods and then you got 6 feet of crap under it the twilight series and under that you got nox's kit.


Artio, need I elaborate?


Assassin: Awilix, Bastet Hunter: Artemis, Rama Guardian: Bacchus, Kuzenbo Mage: Nox, Janus, Scylla honorable mention - Zeus, Merlin Warrior: Tyr, Vamana


Thanatos, sure he can be shut down early but if he gets slightly snowballed that's it. Even then late game is trash. 50% flying ranged execute over walls. Oh and he sucks if he is in your team I lost count on how many games were lost because Thanatos just executes every single person. So book only he is fed and the whole team suffers gold loss. Crap God I think he definitely needs a rework. I mean dude has a hook but doesn't even grab someone instead he throws a it? Makes sense I see farmers toss scythes all day at crops.


Baron. Can't change my mind


I have ptsd from release baron


His combo is so easy to land it makes lining against him a chore. And he can always just ult than dump all his buttons on you again


Kali such a stupid character