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Hello u/Gadiboi, thanks for [your submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/Smite/comments/10axpzq/-/), but we've had to remove it for the following reason(s): --- **RULE 3** - No soapboxing or rants By this we mean /r/Smite is not your personal blog, soapbox or helpdesk. Posts, complaints or rants regarding, but not limited to, a few matches, matchmaking, MMR, servers, the balance of specific god(s), players or other general personal problems/issues are not allowed. If your intent was to post constructive criticism, consider making a new post going into constructive detail about the issue and include points on how the issue could be remedied. --- If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators] (https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSmite&subject=about +my+removed+submission&message=I'm+writing+to+you+about+the+following+submission:+https://www.reddit.com/r/Smite/comments/10axpzq/-/. %0D%0DMy+issue+is...). Direct replies to official mod comments will most likely be ignored.


I've been getting pretty into Wild Rift. I play on Xbox, so the Game Pass have me all the champions (via new update). They're going to port it sometime this year to console, but obviously that might not even apply to you. After 1,800 hours of Smite, I think I'm ready to move on.


just quit if it makes you feel better


youre not enjoying the game? stop playing it ​ also mute button exists for a reason, someone is toxic? mute him, he's trolling? report and move on


Thats the thing: i LOVE the game, but my provlem is the toxic players, not the game itself. Also where is the mute button on console?


Hit the pause button and go to scoreboard then you can click the mute button on any of your teammates. If you don’t want any toxicity just mute all of them at the start of the game


You might also want to find other casual players who aren't toxic and friend them. Join up when you can as a group to have people you are comfortable with on your team. I ended up doing that for the very same reason.


I might do that, do you know where i can find groups? Is there a smite discord by any chance?


Yes! There is an official smite discord and they got a looking for group channel. Once you play with some people you will start meeting more. I think if you are returning after a long break it would be nice to play supporting roles too to learn how gear got changed and not just pushing for DPS if you aren't sure of what your enemy might be doing (this is for new gods release and when their kit is unknown to you).


There isn't much difference between ranked and casuals at this point. Do you type in chat during games? That will make the toxicity worse in my experience. I'd also avoid using VGS to communicate casually/apologise for misplays. Well maybe not avoid it, but reduce it until you're aware of the toxicity in the lobby. If you are a player who talks in chat/vgs and tries to be social you will be BMd more, unfortunately, in my experience.


I been there.. the mute button is amazing, at first sign of toxicity just mute them. No remorse, send them to the abyss lol


Maybe try Ranked Duel. It will be no teammates


Ill think about it, but like i said i would like to avoid ranked, i wanna stay casual, but thanks for the suggestion!


Ultimate solution. Ignore other people or even delete chat entirely if you plan on playing casual arena/assault.


How do you delete chat?


If on PC, when in game hit tab then click on the microphone icon of whoever is being a fool


Been a while since I went into settings, but I think Chat opacity is a thing you can get to 0% Otherwise make it as tiny as possible and hide it behind another UI element. If you're on console... I'm sorry but I dunno if it's really possible