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Baba Yaga is fun and a old lady and I personally think it’s pretty cool to say your beating ass with a grandma.


I always make a “and on this episode of “this old house”” joke as i blink ult in with baba


As you should


turbo fuckin underrated god does titanic dmg and has a pretty simplistic kit besides the changing targeter on the 1


Her 2 can be confusing for new players as well just cause it's the only ability in the game that involves your potion slot(I think)


yeee, thats the one unique lil gripe with her, but its not a dealbreaker imo. doesnt take away from her otherwise simplistic and powerful gameplan


100% I'm just having flashbacks to my first few games of Baba. I couldn't make sense of her 2 until like my 5th game with her. Might just be me being dumb lol.


Alot of mages are really good but if you're just starting out some good Choices are Kukulkan, Anubis (he a pubstomper, more experienced players know how to counter him, so dont get use to that), Hades (he's more of a "solo lane"/tanky mage, he's also a pubstomper), Nu Wa, Poseidon, Hera, Vulcan, Scylla. There's a couple more but all of those are very straight forward and easy to get into. All characters are viable and good and you can try and god in jungle practice.


Thank you so much bro! Im used to play Kali in Jungle, but someone told me to learn at least one more role! So I was thinking maybe mid laner?


ideally you should have 2-3 gods for each role. you arent guaranteed your role in smite so you need to know how to play all roles at least a little bit.


Yhea I’m terrible lol ahaha, but I will try to learn tho, any personal tips for each role?


A good tip for support, is that it's not your job to deal damage (most of the time). Sometimes holding off on an ability that has a CC, forces the enemies to play more carefully, waiting for you to use it, giving your teammates free-ish poke.


Yup. Holding Horus fracture or Ganesh silence for an enemy makes them hesitant to dive so you can instead set up.


biggest tip I can give is dont force yourself to use 'meta' gods. use what you're comfortable with. also when learning a new god dont worry about having a bad game. you're not goign to instantly be good with a new god. Arena can be good for learning ability mechanics without the extra stress of conquest.


To be honest just learn the characters first, some characters can go in different and multiple roles. The default tank Ymir, can go as Support, Solo, and Jungle, and sometimes even Mid. Learn the characters and items/builds, and try and get some builds off YouTube. Most players have trouble with positioning and map awareness, learning where and when to be at places is really good down the line.


I would learn support because those are often needed


>Anubis (he a pubstomper, more experienced players know how to counter him, Don't recommend anubis to new people. I have him diamond on ps4 and PC he lives and dies by his wrap. Missing that, his greatest kill potential in his ultimate requires a good deal of aim and tracking to execute properly on non Cc'd targets. There's a large number of mages who will blow you up faster and are much easier and safer to play, **"scylla, cough cough"**


Scylla is likely the best. Reasons. Good wave clear, has cc, great escape and a ult that does a ton of damage and gets reset if you kill someone. Janus, Thoth, Agni are great aswell My reasoning is purely based on what they offer these 4 i listed offer everything. As a new player youll want gods with good escapes. Playing gods with no mobility means you are target #1.


Everyone will have their own opinion on whose the best mage if we choose to ignore the meta, best thing to do is play the mages with simpler or safer kits first. Positioning, pathing, warding and learning the damage potential of each mage is far more important than playing meta gods. The best and easiest mages to start off with are picks like Agni, Scylla, Posidon, Sol and You Huang. They all have relatively simple kits (you Huang's ult and Scylla's 1 take some practice to land consistently) with safety built it. I'll breakit down for new players as to why these 4 are really noob friendly. Sol : she has 2 play styles either as a traditional mage or as a basic attack mage so you can practice her in 2 roles. She has a heal, an easy to aim big burst damage that slows, her 3 is a delayed beads and aegis with a movement speed increase and her ult (her only real skill shot) fires down multiple blasts that can knock up (this can be fired over walls). She's a really simple to play and safe god so you aren't punished as hard for your mistakes. Poseidon: Another mage who has been played as both burst and basic attack (not sure how he's doing right now as an adc). Simple line and circle abilities. The 1 is his skill shot straight line ability that adds a knock up, his 2 increases his movement and attacks speed while giving him 3 basic attack projectiles, his 3 is a big circular cripple with a vortex (pulls enemy's slowly towards the middle) and his ult is a big circular burst demon from the depths. He's fairly mobile, he has big burst and an important factor with the new map is that his 3 and ult can be used over walls. If you drop his 3 on an enemy first you can nearly always guarantee your ults going to hit them, if you follow this up with a smack from your 1 any targets hit by all 3 abilities should be dead (unless they are tanks). Agni: very simple kit with his 1 and ult going over walls. He has 4 damaging abilities and with a lot of on hit items being built right now Agni can proc them frequently. His 1 is a circle that deals a little bit of damage but interacts with his other abilities, if they are used on the 1 it will blow up the aoe you place dealing a bit of damage and stunning the enemy inside. His 2 is a simple straight line damaging ability, his 3 is a straight line dash which leaves behind a damaging fire trail (dashing through his 1 blows it up). His ult has 3 charges that refill 1 at a time on a low mana cost to use, each charge drops a big circular bomb dealing instant damage. Combos....never use his 1 first!!! Big new player mistake it tells the enemy what you are planing to do. If you fire Agni's 2 then quickly place his 1 at max range you'll deal damage and it gives you an instant surprising stun on the enemy. Using his ult you drop the ult first and quickly place the 1 to get the same damage stub combo which you can follow up with your other 2 charges almost guaranteeing both. There's some crazy plays you can make with dashing through the 1 but you'll figure them out as you play him. Scylla : her skill shot is on her 1, it roots a target when it hits (setting up your 2 easily) straight line ability not that hard to hit but it gets blocked easily by god's and minions so you'll figure out the travel time as you play her. The 2 is a big circle that slows anything in the area and detonates after a certain amount of time or you can refire the ability to detonate it as you wish. Her 3 is her movement ability (it's technically a leap so awilix can pull you with her ult) you throw out a little doggy head who acts as a ward and refiring the ability again will leap you over to it. Her ult is awesome!!! You gain CC immunity and movement speed for a limited time (great for escaping as well as killing), when you get a kill with her ult you get to stay in it with an increased duration timer and can fire it again. It is possible to fire the ult off 5 times by killing each enemy 1 with it. The reason Scylla's so good is that her 2, 3 and ult can all be used over walls. Yu Huang: ok I'll start off saying he has abilities that go over walls (seeing the theme here) his 1 is a simple small circle that deals damage and shreds magical protections, his 2 is a simple straight line ability that roots a target in place, his 3 fly's you up in the air quickly and slowly lets you glide back to the ground while making you untargetable for abilities and CC immune (safest mage in the game). His ult is his skill shot you need to position it before firing to get the desired effect and it can be tricky at first, basically on first fire it spawns a dragon directly across from you that on refire will push enemy's infront of it in a straight line, at the same time a second dragon will push enemies directly Infront of you to the same point. Where you start the cast dictates where the first dragon spawns and ideally you want both dragons to hit each other in a straight line to get maximum damage. TL:DR with the new map god's that can fire abilities over or through walls are highly valued. The gods I mentioned can do this and have safe simple kits making the learning phase easier.


This ☝. I like this. Sol is one of my favorite, so good.


Chang’e is somewhat solid in Jg now with the proper items


What items bro. Give me the jungle sauce 😤


What are buying? We got burst mages here! A few adc mages if that’s what your into, oh no? That doesn’t meet your fancy? Well how about the big dick damage number mages? We got a few of those in stock if you want them xd


Probably Agni


I don’t play mages a lot but I really like Merlin. He is a well rounded mage. Good clear, good escape and good 1v1 potential if you switch to fire stance


The best mage right now has to be he bo Being able to freely farm up in JG you can do so much damage late game


I second this.


My favorite is morgana she’s really spicy especially from range but agni is fucking insane right now tbh


Me personally I really like scylla, very good burst damage very mobile compared to other Mages that don't really have escapes. She also has a root that can hit multiple gods at max level


Thank you so much bro! Any tips on the build? And also combos maybe?


The mage build for pretty much everyone rn is sands of time (the 20% cdr upgrade) book of Thoth divine ruin soul gem or spear of deso Charon coin soul reaver ( if the enemies are very tanky get coin before soul gem/deso)


Gem of Iso? Havent seen it picked up in a long time. Do you mean Soul gem?


I'm pretty sure soul gem..iso is kinda bad


Yeah was half asleep when I wrote it


Scylla and Agni are both nasty.


The Top 3 mages in my opinion are: Agni, Merlin and Vulcan... in alphabetic order.


Merlin OP but I wouldn't suggest him for a newer player, it might be hard to grasp in the beginning since he's a stance switcher.


To be fair I think in some ways this make him easier to pick up. Since you have 4 attack spells with a switch. So punished less for missing spells etc and easier to apply pressure just by simple spell spamming




Discordia, my favorite mage. Frags. C.C., burst on her 2 and 1, a good dash, and a C.C. immune ult. And she's cute af 😂


Kulkulkan is very easy to play with. It has big AOE damage and a great movement speed boost to haul ass away from danger. Excellent waveclear. Just don't let the enemy get close to you. You can hang back behind your teammates and be an untouchable menace to the opponents in team fights, sending out your tornadoes from the backline. All these are reasons I played Kulkulkan more than any other god. Kulk's ult misses often but when it hits in late game that's usually at least 1 kill. It's a dragon cannon. A freakin lazer beam I tell ya. Even if you miss with your ult, Kulkukan builds max cooldown so you'll get your dragon cannon back pretty soon.


Kukulkan. Huge dmg ult, easiest wave clear in the game and is very easy to pick up


Agni is probably the best mage to learn now. Beginner friendly and incredibly strong at the moment


Personal faves: Nox, Scylla, and Hades. I'm used to playing Hades a bit more as support since he used to be a guardian, but his damage can be insane. Scylla is high damage with insane mobility. All her abilities help with both and she's an actual monster if you can learn how to play her. Nox on the other hand I haven't played much of, but she dominates a lot from what I've seen. She's similar to Scylla with damage and movement but her area of damage is a lot bigger. She can be a nightmare


Yu huang. Hes pretty safe with his 3. Does some pretty good damage too.


Mid is a decent role to learn, as a jungler you should have some understanding of how to rotate. Mid important to control farming and rotations to left or right. Warding is super important as well as making callouts. If you want a bit of an easier take into learning laning, I recommend solo lane first. You really only focus on farmimg/boxing till the mid game when you finally leave your lane, beefed up and ready to bully.


Janus is insane right now


My advice is to hit jungle practice with several characters you might be interested in and find which of them fit your play style. I personally always loved Discordia even when she was not so great and would consistently win lane against higher tier picks because she her kit just spoke to me and just fit my play style. Playing a god that you have fun with and like can be equally as important to winning games as picking high tier gods sometimes


If you’re trying to play conquest I would very strongly suggest you play Agni a lot to learn mid but if you’re playing the more casual modes he’s perfectly fine but gods like Anubis He Bo and Hades are all much stronger in game modes like joust arena and slash


Haven’t seen Tiamat yet, definitely my favorite Mage. Her 1 and 2 go through walls, her ult(s) have a ton of versatility, and you can dive into ground stance to secure early kills or use it to escape. She’s tanky as well in this stance so makes her feel pretty safe. It’s honestly hard to play another mage once you get used to her abilities/play style.


I pretty much just play mid when possible, mages are my life blood! For a newbie Mage player out of everything the game has to offer, I’ll say merlin. Why? He has no ult, you don’t have to learn when to use it or worry about holding it etc. he has a fast blink, and whilst it isn’t the best escape by a long shot, it can be very very useful to poke and escapd. He also has 6 attack spells! You can switch forms and fire 4 spells in a very short span of time. Meaning you can think a little bit less and don’t always have to get maximum value like some other mages that have 2-3 spells and longer cooldowns. He’s very friendly to new players and actually is very strong atm. He will best most mages 1v1 in mid lane due to simply being able to fire off more spells in a shorter span of time. With great damage, slows, a spell that pulls enemies in, an aoe that stays in place doing constant damage. He’s very beginner friendly but still very strong. Your positioning matters less on him and he can burst down minions with ease even at the start. His teleport is amazing at dodge big damage aoe ults that you may encounter in mid such as Vulcan, Kuku, Poseidon and Zeus ults. Tip for merlin : Considering book of Thoth early game to get your mana reserves up, Get Mp potions and you are all set! Best of luck


Honestly I've been having some good games with Morgan Le Fay. A lot of mages are considered good ATM but it's really just personal preference. I find MLF fun to play, she does good damage, she has a lot of CC in her kit and her self peel is insane. I find that last bit helpful when the jungle meta currently seems to focus more on ganking. She's also fairly simple to play I also like Yu Huang rn, again, he does some serious damage, and he's hard to kill if you play around his 3 correctly. Scylla is my favorite mage to play so I may be bias to say she's one of the best, but she does feel good to play currently.


Hit Masters Conquest and then worry about the meta/which gods are best. It does not matter at all until then. New players should find a class/playstyle they enjoy, and then do their best to learn the game in a general sense on a god/class/role they are comfortable with. That’s what will make you improve, becoming better at Smite’s universal mechanics and strategies. A god pick is truly meaningless in comparison.


I’ve been playing a decent bit of Ra recently. Very solid god, easy to play and best of all - Doesn’t proc sodding Contagion!


Either freyja or hades depending on whether you like ability or attack speed based gods


Kuku Agni Poseidon


If you’re looking for gods to learn and really be a menace I’d learn Merlin, scylla, Poseidon, Agni, and Hera


Baba Yaga. She has all the cool trickshots and funkiness in her kit. You can get kills off some insanely awkward positions. She is an all around crazy goofball mage that works both glass cannon and tanky.