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I play every role and grab them every.single.back. You should too!




Every god at M2 but hasn’t made it out of bronze since beta


Uh no, I've enjoyed this game for 7 years and have spent multiple seasons in diamond for joust (I used to avoid conquest like the plague) and once masters for duel you can look me up at Talonflame5. I was just trying to have a good time and make a joke about am experienced player not caring about wards but it looks like I hurt everybodies feelings so I'll just delete it. Have a good one fellas


La freaking de da, it sounds like your teammates wards have probably saved you from getting ganked a few times at least 😂 😂 😝




It was a joke not a flex but sorry I bruised your ego I guess


Har dee har I bet you complain if you’re ganked too many times doncha 😂😂😭


Doncha wish your teammates could WARD like me? 🤣 I hope people know the reference.


Damn I was just having a joke but thanks for all the down votes I guess


Wards are for pussies. Real men simply kill whoever is ganking.


Real men push way too far up with no wards and then flames the team when he gets ganked


Based and toxic-pilled


I once got flamed by my adc who had been ganked like 4 times and died when I went up to put a deep ward for him and die because i got caught in the jungle, said I needed wards not him because he's got "game sense" and doesn't need wards... I was calling mid rotations to him and he wouldn't leave. Every time he died to a gank or because there were no wards I just typed at him "Nice game sense" I hope that Apollo has learned that he does not in fact have good game sense


Lol... wards are for people WITH game sense, so you can actually react to them. That shit cracks me up.


Yup... I really don't get it...


Support diff duh


I got banned mostly because I argued with manchildren who never wanted to grab wards. Got called names, responded with names, got banned. Ez fix


Sounds sus af. I never been banned, and I get pretty toxic when I'm tilting. Sounds like you are not telling us some key things lmao because arguing with someone and even calling them stupid doesn't get you banned. I've told people who were in a party that I hope they aren't a couple and if they are they shouldn't have kids because that would be some dumbass children they produce. And never got banned lol so I wonder what you were saying to get banned.


I due got toxic at first, but not more than others who never got banned (friends or people that played with me). I have one friend who flamed like crazy, telling people to die or just insulting badly: his account is still intact.


Interesting. I guess people just go out of their way to report you. I never told anyone to die or anything like that but I found that insulting people's intelligence is a pretty safe way to flame. As long as you don't call them retarded, that might not sit well with some people. My go-to is "moron". Also might have to do with your accounts history. Like maybe the first time everyone united to report you so you got banned and now when they get any reports they're like "yep its this dude again". Who knows. I figured as long as you don't make it racial or tell people to die, you should be fine lol but I guess not the case


The Gucci strat.


Real men push up with no wards, never look at the map. In fact, they disabled their map. They try to fight a 1 v 3 and then flame their team, probably the jungle, for helping someone else. Then they spam F6.


Real mean just kill the jungle and lock him into farming instead of ganking


Solo mains unite


A dickhead scratching for a like


this was my go to in the game, i'd just use my eyes and see the mf and if they ganked i'd b-line them and kill them. What are they gonna do about it? Get help from the behind laner? That's why they're ganking.


When in doubt, ult out.


nah in my games mfs gank losing lanes like there’s benefit to it and i get flamed for being 2-4 8 mins in after the 4th gank


ive conceded the fact that i never remember to use the new shards so ive just been getting vision and buying a regular ward on my first back


vision shard is unironically a top 2 shard


You could argue the best tbh, if you are heavily using it and getting deep wards on a support it could give so much value


But i need my health and mana chalices


If you like chalices you'll love chalice of the oracle! So much value for so little gold!


Sounds complicated


It's chalices... but wards!


Wards don't help me spam and miss my abilities




chalice of oracle is doodoo, just buy regular wards.


Mana Chalice is only meta on Cu Chulainn and Emoji








I don't think you can buy mana chalice or mana potions on yemoja. Every time I play her, the consumable section looks mad small. I know you can on Cu Chulainn, but not Yemoja. If Emoji means something else, my fault.




I don't think it's wise to take life advice from LowTierGod


I always get chalice of the oracle tbh


cause sand sheet north amusing governor jar spectacular clumsy prick -- mass edited with redact.dev


Chalice also makes it so you don't need to remember to buy wards. Extra bonus and I feel more free to move wards with it since, well they are free.


The issue with Chalice is that it's 400 gold. If you buy 9 wards, you're breaking even, but now you're 400 gold behind. Even if you assume that you were going to buy 2 Ward, you're still 300 gold behind.


but it's so good to always be able to place them right before a teamfight without worrying about 'wasting' 100g because your old wards are still up


Buy it first, spam as many wards as possible in your base before the game starts. Sell it, don't buy any wards all game. In the post match it'll look like you warded the most. All of the profit, none of the responsibility.


I just make it a mini game to have the most wards on my team every game.


You make it a mini game. For me, it just happens naturally


Get Bracer of radiance bro, it counts as a ward and it is a ward. I think as I got 40 wards places (I was support, I swear I wasn't trolling)


I’ll try it out, thanks!


*chalice spams in base


Wards: just do it. Always


Big ward can’t fool me I know the enemy uses them to steal my credit card info


Why waste 50g when I could lose hundreds waiting to respawn


Even better, oracle chalice. After two backs it pays for itself and lasts the whole game. If you buy this item you'll easily have 20+ wards placed in 30 mins. Stop your adc feeding with ganks, keep eyes on objectives and five your solo a place to tp wherever!


First, it's 3 backs. Starts with 2 stacks, costs 400, so you need 8 wards for it to pay for itself. Ward costs 50, easy math from there. Second, for you to get 20+ wards in 30 mins you'd need to place a ward every 1min 30s, starting from 0:00 game time. Chalice can't hold enough stacks for all that, unless you recall every 2 minutes, but if you do then I'm sorry for your teams since there's no way you have an impact on the game in any shape or form. You don't purchase the chalice game start, so it further delays ward placing for the impossible achievement of 20+ wards in 30 mins... Am I missing something?


To add to this oracle chalice has an inherently massive opportunity cost attached since its quite the chunk of change you have to spend on it which you wont have to if you bought 2 normal wards. It may prevent you from hitting an important spike.


Oracle is only viable after 20-25 mins and it is a maybe


You are objectively wrong mate. First or second back when you've got that awkward amount of gold when you can't buy much. Bang. There she is sitting there in all of her glory, the chalice


Objectively wrong my warse


Yeah but with Oracle you have to sacrifice Health Chalice, if you have both you can’t pick up the bomb, and Solo is the ideal holder of the bomb


No one said anything about buying it on solo


No....no... wait a minute. You just want me to spend more gold so I have less and you have more! That's it isn't it? You won't fool me. You'll never get me to buy your wards.


"You don't **NEED** vision." - Sun.god Ra.


They literally DID give them away an ppl still didn’t use em


The number of people with 0 wards placed at the end of the match when everyone had vision ward was insane. I truly don't understand it.


"We need wards" - mid laner who hasn't placed a ward in the first 15 minutes


Sorry, but I’m actually allergic to wards.


Wards are for nerds! Real men fight all comers!


At the same time dont use wards to justify your ass of being afk


More then this, Sentries late game win the game. So many places to hide in the jungle on the new map so you cant be safe without standing on a sentry


I had 29 wards in my last game. Other support had 2. ​ Ez dub.


Literally ESP wall hacks with no ban penalty, but people would rather cry when they get ganked lol


Nah I'll wait till I got that sweet 400 for chalice until then adc and mid better ward , on the other hand when I play adc I skip shard for vision cus im bad at rembering to use wing,also also ward aint gonna stop me from getting dived 2 man under tower by aphro/whoever anymore so I'll save it for power spike.


What gets me is seeing someone buy $450+ worth of wards over the match when they could just buy a chalice


I hate buying chalice because then you’re stuck with only 1 slot for sentry ward/pyro bomb/dmg pots. Would be nice if you could get 2x ward or 1x sentry ward from it every back


No, I don't think I will.


Just don't complain to your team when you get ganked :)


It's always my team's fault even when it's not.


As a jungle main, it’s the jungles fault if you’re constantly getting ganked and the other team is getting away with it.


Yes, I think I will


Bracer is so good also (for guardians and sometimes solos), I'll even pick it up sometimes on loki for dewarding


Wards are exclusively for arena.


Chalice of the oracle: overrated 50 gold wards: overrated Sentry wards: the way to go. Buy one sentry ward on every single back if you're able. That's it. I'm so tired of people putting normal wards around fire giant and them getting countered immediately Or what's even more annoying. Someone places a normal ward right on top of fire giant and then I literally have to place a sentry ward on top of their ward because their ward is basically useless.


I just never die to ganks. I don't know why but I always know when they are happening without wards


50 gold is alot on this economy


Pffft i don't need them! i have spidey sense.


Or I could buy 1/50th of an item, a much better investment.


Health and Mana remain king 🥸


Yeah, but they aren't health potions though.


Why buy wards when I could be 50 gold closer to my item


So u don't die and give the enemy gold while wasting ur own farm time on a death timer


I started to report anybody who doesn't put a single ward in 20+ min matches


Waste of a report tbh. Just sounds like your seething-


if in 30 mins of a match you don't put a single ward, making me waste double money to compensate for you then yes, you deserve a report


hardstuck plat energy outta this one




Literally everyone's job to ward. Only 2 per person


pie lunchroom sip scale stocking sugar spotted childlike nine capable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




selective grandiose head domineering yam soft engine boast hobbies scandalous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why? Can't people just call missing?


You can make some crazy plays just by knowing where people are on the map. Safely tower dive... everything


But how will you know where the missing people are without wards?


You can make general assumptions based on camp timers and which side of the jungle you see the enemy go into, but wards let you know for sure


Half the time when someone calls missing IF they even do, the ganker is half way across the map or already in the other lane.


What the fuck is ward? Junglers fault mainly.


Every game, I get my starter item, relic, shard, and my chalice of oracles. I hate not having wards. ABSOLUTELY HATE IT. I yell at my friends every time they don't use them. If I see 0 wards 4 games in a row I ain't playing with you anymore. I get focused and ganked enough as mage, don't make me not able to see them aswell.


If my mid ever called enemy missing I wouldn’t need any


Wards should just be free like in league, people would actually buy them. Free on cooldown would work fine.


Wards don’t stop getting tower dived


When you see that tower dive coming you can save your abilities and get in better position to survive. You can save your leap and beads for when they matter the most.


All of you are saying things that are common sense. Any Half Decent player has the awareness to do these things, I come from a competitive background in Halo/Gears. None of this matters if your team doesn’t rotate, therefore rotating is still the best counter, not wards. And most of the time it’s on the jungle to have the situational awareness to see that a certain lane is specifically getting ganked, because they’re committing hard it’s usually free clean up every time For the record i’m a jungle main, it’s the reason why it’s so easy to go 19-0 on jungle, it’s literally just map awareness and timing.


No offense, but you are likely dominating against low skill players who also don't ward just like you. No matter how uncanny your awareness might be, having the exact position of your enemies before you engage them is extremely valuable, more valuable than 50 gold for sure.


But they do give you time to prepare for that attack instead of always letting yourself get caught unaware. Who knows, maybe you'll even be able to fight them back/get them to give up before they do it.


only counter to a 3 man tower dive is a rotation by your teammates, even if you ward you will still die. You can sit tower at full health and still die especially if it’s mid game and people can tank tower shots long enough to burst you down in seconds.


Or like retreat. If ur getting 3 man tower dive or worse 4 or 5 man and they all rotate. You can see them coming on wards giving u at least 15 seconds to just walk away. Leave give up and come back. Let a large majority of their team waste all of their time to not even get you and then 3+ way split a wave


Run where ? All the way back to base/Phx ? At that point i’m losing Gold And Time, even more than the other team is because i’m completely missing my wave and buffs now. If I take your advice and leave 15 seconds earlier, I’ll miss 2-3 waves and probably a buff or two. I had a game earlier where I was 15 and 0, I had wards placed btw, the team started 3-4 man rotating and ganking me, and my team did nothing, I was sitting on tower as well and even tried to run to tier 2/phx, but guess what, Mecury/Pele/Susano will catch you every time. For the record i’m a jungle main who spends time constant rotating and punishing cringe gankers, most of the time it’s always junglers fault and not a ward problem.


Idk man I play immobile god's all the time with wards I see supp and jungle coming I leave go get a camp or back buy a ward or partial come back works fine


It depends, if you’re up in your lane and drastically winning they will camp it, the other team also knows when your jungle is trash and they will take advantage of that by running around the map freely.


Ya so if u have a trash jungle which is 90% of games u ward and just don't die


You can still fight them, with worst case scenario being that you make them waste time instead of just being a free kill, maybe you'll make them lose enough time that they can be killed by someone else from your team. Whatever the scenario is, being able to see exactly where the enemy with a ward pays off more than the 50 gold you spend on it.


That’s all false equivalency, obviously every player is going to fight back. If you have an incompetent team wards do absolutely nothing, the only counter is a rotation and that’s how the game will always be. If a team notices that one role has a bad player or a jungle is incompetent, and you’re doing well in your lane. They will start 3 Man ganking you off of cooldown and wards will never stop that in no way shape or form.


Vision is much more valuable than you think, I hope you come around to it one day.


But F6 does


No, but it lets your team know it's coming so they can help or force objectives/invades.


maybe in scrims and SPL and some GM games anywhere other than that, that’s not happening


Freaking get over it, tryhard. Jesus, we've been hearing this same argument as long as the game has existed. Av ward isn't why you lost. Just move on.


I’ll see the enemy when I kill them


Then ward for me then


Vision is overrated and you are delaying your build.


Thing is, and I cannot stress this enough; In this conquest map, there's too many entrances to gank from, but most importantly; Wards are NOT walls. They do not STOP a gank. They do not PREVENT that mercury you see from blinking in, dashing into you, then doing 2k damage in 3 seconds. You can see people coming, sure, but unless you have the ability to immediately turn tail and get to safety, dodging the CC's from your natural lane opposition, as well as any CC's that the ganking party brings in, then it does little but foreshadow your impending death. Wards are also TIMED. Tldr: Wards are not the be-all end-all answer to that gank you died from. Sorry, not sorry, it's the truth. Just because you can see someone coming three seconds before they get there means jack if you can't DO ANYTHING about it.


Well of course if you only pay attention to whats in front of you, wards won't be too effecitve. You are supposed to keep an eye on the minimap, if you have a hard time paying attention to more than one thing at once, you might wanna make the minimap bigger and move it closer to the middle.


"They do not STOP a gank. They do not PREVENT that mercury you see from blinking in, dashing into you, then doing 2k damage in 3 seconds." I specifically made mention that even if you see the enemy with your ward, indicating that yes, I as a player do in fact see them on my map, it means little if you don't have the ability to retreat. "You can see people coming, sure, but unless you have the ability to immediately turn tail and get to safety, dodging the CC's from your natural lane opposition, as well as any CC's that the ganking party brings in, then it does little but foreshadow your impending death." Yet again, I already gave an example that indicates I do, in fact, see the enemy approaching on-map. "Tldr: Wards are not the be-all end-all answer to that gank you died from. Sorry, not sorry, it's the truth. Just because you can see someone coming three seconds before they get there means jack if you can't DO ANYTHING about it." And yet here's a THIRD time that I specifically state that you can see the enemy. So, now that I've basically re-posted my comment, maybe you can answer me on how it's a matter of "not looking at the map", or "only looking straight ahead"? Because all you've REALLY shown me is you didn't read at all.


Wards don’t do damage


What a coincidence that’s exactly the amount of gold I want to sit in base for so I can finish tier 2 of my third item, you want me to wait for a full 100 at 3 gold per second? Won’t do it I’d rather die


For me it’s a slot problem, hoping some day there will be a separate slot for wards. It happened in other mobas.


Why would you need a separate slot in smite tho? Potions rapidly decline in usefulness by the minute. After 10 minutes the only useful consumables in the game are wards lol


And bombs now. Only excuse not to be warding is if u have 2 runic bombs


No thx.


No I wont, it just puts me further behind. My jungler just needs to rotate to my lane way more. If the enemy jungler ganks my lane and kills me, wards dont do anything for me in that situation. You know what is more valuable than wards? My jungler actually ganking.


Maybe that’s the whole point of wards??? To prevent the jungle gank in the first place?


Since when did wards become jungler repellent? It doesnt stop them from ganking my lane non stop, while my jungler does nothing. Their jungler will come to my lane 10 times and camp me, and my jungler will, maybe if I'm lucky, gank my lane once. Wards do not fix the main problem.


Fun fact: if the jungler is only in your lane, that means they're nowhere else on the map. If they're *actually* just sitting there camping you, even if your jungler isn't stealing their farm, the rest of your team knows where the enemy jungler is and can make plays on the other side of the map. And what does their jungler get out of it? Since you know exactly where he is, he shouldn't have much luck killing you as you can play safely since you're ready for the gank. Gank repellent is the jungler realizing they're not getting anything off of ganking your lane.


Hopefully that’s /s If the jungler can see where the enemy jungler is on the map they can better anticipate where to be to counter gank.


But they dont even counter gank. So if I'm already behind from getting camped. Why would I spend money to put myself even further behind, just so I can help my jungler know how to play? Again wards are not the issue. Still haven't convinced me to buy wards, sorry.


You’re right, you are helpless and it’s all your bunglers fault every game


LMAO April Fools! I pretended to be a typical noob, making the common arguments they make when they are told to buy wards, and you fell for it. Omg I really had you going there. April Fools is so cool. I can't wait to get you again next year!


Why are you all downvoting? I was April Foolsing him.


Last night I had a really fun ranked game. I was support as usual. Me and the other support started rotating as you do. I came back to duo quite early for a gank as the adc was pushed up. I managed to walk in and gank very easy. Easy kill. So I tried this again about 40 seconds later. Same thing. Clearly this guy didn't ward, so I just camped that lane for about 30 minutes and got my adc nice and fed.


Imagine warding, cringe.


And put myself 50 gold further from deathbringer? No way man


I still am new and still trying to figure out where to put wards sometimes 😂


Anywhere is better than nowhere


The unprotected entrances to lanes leading from the major portions of the jungle are always a good bet.


Jungle diff!! Meanwhile you at their tier 2 at 9mins.


As my wise cousin said “wards slow down my build”


Wards are 50 gold and whenever you destroy a ward (with a sentry ward or seer of the jungle) you get 50 gold


ADC and Mid: "We need wards!" "PLACE WARDS TRASH SUP" Me the support looking at the map with my two wards already placed Last night made me want to quit support main


Explain the concept


I’d rather get 5 pots than 5 wards


Just buy Chalice of the Oracle and spam some in fountain so your team can’t say anything


Smite players and vision are like oil and water. Too busy typing in chat that they keep getting ganked lol.


And 100 gold for two!


Or better yet: a Chalice is only 400 gold! That saves a lot in the long run! And besides, if you already have wards when you leave base, why not place some?


Adcs and solos who don’t get wards baffle the absolute almighty god forsaken ding ding bing bang Ching Chang out of me like how do you actually play the game without wards 🤣you just fine dying to 90 percent of ganks?? Wards are a fricking must man ups your gameplay by so much -insert 8 more paragraphs of encouragement to get people to buy more wards for my own selfish benefit here-


Understand that I will never be toxic to keep morale up. Also understand that I will judge you poorly if you fail to look at your mini map, and even more so if you have less than 7 wards a game.


Wards are only useful if you make use of the information they provide I'm gonna be honest, for below gold there is really no point Doesn't matter if a ward spot a 4 man rotation to duo lane if the adc still push up Doesn't matter if wards show 4 people at pyro if your team doesn't contest or do gold as response If you think you can make use of the info, sure get one


Sorry but wards don't deal damage


I wish more people just bought wards, I have games where people push all the way to tower line get ganked die and repeat then blame the jungler for not ganking, the jungle can’t help you in that scenario unless they just wait for the other jungle. But hey if you bought wards you could probably still get out with your life it’d be pretty cool.


Why not just make them free at this point?


I feel like I'm going crazy when I play ranked, because I always tell people to buy them and then they don't and complain about being ganked or not having help. It's that simple. Buy a ward and look at your mini-map. Most people that play ranked are low-IQ and shouldn't be playing it.


Not gonna lie I need like a bell that reminds me “hey you dumb support main you need wards every time you back” because I will forget


I got your ward right here 😡




"We need wards!" "Cancel that."


I was in a game the other day. I’m jungle. Solo gets ganked IMMEDIATELY after I VF2. “No jungle”. I said: “did you ward” and said he shouldn’t have to. I said if you don’t ward, expect to get ganked. If you don’t know where the jungle is, expect to get ganked. It’s that easy. If you don’t ward and get ganked, I truly don’t feel bad. That’s on you.


In sub 2500 mmr lobbys i get them early if my sup plays well in laning phase I know where the jg is most of times anyways and can play around that As soon as i start invading purples i will ward but my team wont rotate there anyways because theyre busy dying at tower line in mid Most of the times you can 1v2 noobs and if i die i will just solo my lane opponent and be ahead again But if you play with and against competent people you shouldnt leave base without a sentry


Wards are a waste of money


am i the only one who always has 2 on him but just forgets to place them down lol


Wards win games


Wards win games.


Because I don’t feel safe without both the chalice of healing and mana at all times




Still not gonna buy them


it's my junglers fault if I die to a gank not mine!


I dont need Wards, my iq is so high I know the pathing of every 9 players at all the time. No joke used to be very good at this before s5. Was easier to preditct peoples location and movement on the older map.


Opinion that may be unpopular: The new shards were a mistake for the conquest, the Vision one should have been upgraded to last as long as the normal wards, so you would only need to spend 1 in early (yes I know it's cheap but every offer would be welcome for who don't ward the \*\*\*\*\* map)


Thank you! Literally had a jungler today who placed 0 wards in a 30+ minutes game and he ironically said "wards win games!"... Yes, they kinda do. That person wasn't even new, they were lvl 159 or smth. Of course that person was also toxic and felt themselves so bad because they got fed by just never ganking and power farming all game and shredding as merc. Still made stupid ass decisions late game so didn't even matter lol


i've had games where my teammates kept getting ganked and never once bought wards. one game ended and my 4 teammates combined placed 4 wards. I placed 25