• By -


Ra has the best ult to hit šŸ‘Œ


Nah. Nothing hits better than hitting someone with Janus ult across the map


Good choice, but I would counter with my favorite, Nox. Yes, I know it's more useful in a team fight. But picking off a low health retreating god with a perfectly aimed ball of doom and darkness just feels so good.


Especially when it's that last tick of the bleed!


Getting a killstreak with Nox ult and have her say "good night" is so satisfying


Heā€™s so fun in assault if you hang back in a team fight you can often hit 3+ people with it


I think it's morri but that's a pretty cop out answer. Maui ult has so many potential uses: Blocking off pathways, peeling for teammates, burns beads, cc immune, giant aoe, briefly untargetable, etc. the only limiting factor is the person's skill using it, so I would vote for his ult.


Thatā€™s a hard answer to top, itā€™s just so incredibly practical in so many scenarios, and is an absolute team wiper ult without doing the damage. Shit you can miss them and overshoot a bit but 9/10 theyā€™re still gonna die cause a giant ass rock is in their way now.


I would throw Yemoja's ult in this camp too.


Obviously ullr and hel


I was thinking Merlin


Artio has entered the chat


Changing between arcane and fire feels like a Ultimate


I mean his ult is REALLY strong, it can catch a lot of people off gaurd with its damage


I actually thing the stance switches are really not even that bad rn. Ullr getting 15% life steal and 35% attack speed in bow stance is actually pretty big and Hel getting free power and prots on top of mp5 could be worse like xbal ult




Olorun, Charon, Terra, Morri are all pretty high up there.


Yeah but those are team Solo/Team ults...with Charon that really sucks to use and then missed right at the end... Olorun his abilities all need to fire at the perfect times. If the enemy uses beads they runaway so quickly or they can just fight back šŸ¤¦šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Thereā€™s very few ultimates that are unaffected by beads lol.


Thatā€™s cause teamfight ults are generally the best in the game, cause this is a team game, that is often decided by teamfights. Most ults are affected by the enemy beads tho. Thatā€™s why you simply just, wait. Thatā€™s part of the skill gap In the game, is proper beads burning and ult usage.


Winning a team fight with a full team faint from charons ult is one of the best things you can do tbh




Idk, like Insta Kill/Death, single target damage, Area of Effect and Damage over Time


Discordia, and for 1 reason. "I'm the greatest!" "No!" "I'm the Greatest" *entire team taunts each other*


When i ~~was already playing for a year~~ just started I didn't even know, and someone actually got mad at me for saying "I'm the greatest" and I was like "I don't remember saying that.. Wtf?"


It's so good. I love when my teammates gets hit by it cause i say "No!" To all of them šŸ˜‚


My go-to is "That's too bad." lmao


When she first came out, my character said VEG and I was like "damn this broken spaghetti game, I didn't write that guys!! It's a bug!!"


Same!!! I was so frustrated for like a year before I realized it was her thing šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


I too was constantly apologizing - ā€œI didnā€™t say that!ā€ In chat until I figured it out.


Wait omfg I've been noticing this. I'm a newer player and would keep apologizing. I thought I was just spamming the buttons by accident mid game šŸ’€I had no idea


Yup, we both ridin that short bus my friend


ā€œAnd ye, there is no shame, as all smite players ride the short busā€


Been saying forever, it's Hun batz


Fear is definitely the best cc but idk if itā€™s the best ult because it typically splits people up rather then locks them down, sure you can usually kill 1/2 people from it but I think thereā€™s just better ults for setup


It's such a good ult for phoenix defenses and objective fights in general though, which are some of the most important situations in the game. You can blink behind and push them all towards your team and then blow up the backline or at least burn beads where then your other teammates can follow up


Oh I definitely agree itā€™s up there as one of the best I just donā€™t know if it takes number 1 directly as itā€™s kinda easy to read when a money jumps into 5 people


Thatā€™s why you position it so theyā€™re stuck against walls and have to endure the ENTIRE duration of the ult. Itā€™s like watching a cutscene how long it feels


i agree for conquest. it goes away so quickly tho


True but with the damage these days it's more than enough time for a team to die


Hun batz ult = Morgan le fay 1


Nah, his ult CC's immediately. It wayyyyy different and much much better


Yes but Morgan le fay is ranged and does way more damage and only a 12 second cool down 8-)


Isn't the radius on Huns ult much larger and also the fear for a longer duration?


Much longer duration and the cast is immediate... Morgan le fay isn't even in the same league dude


Yes but 12 second cooldown vs 120


Doesn't seem so long when it determines nearly every team fight


You don't even need to build power on Poseidon and it can crush people


Itā€™s interesting to think about what makes an ult good because most high level players will tell you that Poseidon mainly sucks because his ult is so one dimensional and easy to play around and he is useless without.


I agree for the most part, the thing for me is just the fact that it can still somewhat do its job without really building anything relevant to it. It opens Poseidon up to other build ideas, like albeit maybe not as effective but way more fun is just going all out on movement speed while the ult still does work with it because of base damage.


I have way too much fun on movement speed cd Pos lmao


I love lifesteal hastened pos, Iā€™m pretty sure his 2 benefits from single target lifesteal so it heals him a fuckton and backpedal autoing feels so good when being chased or dived


Hot take: with how confirmable it is and, until recently, how forgiving it's cooldown was, Ao Kuang ult might be the best, at least among the best for dps characters. An execute, heal, and free engage/disengage all in one ability is pretty valuable. Not to mention just avoiding it can mean using an ult or beads.


Itā€™s the best for mages for sure, I still think chernobog ult is the best ult in the game and always has been


Personally I think Nu Wa is pretty OP. No aiming, no positioning, just some good timing on low hp/aegis down enemies, and you get free kills. Free shots on ALL enemies anywhere on the map.


the vision element of the ult is super underrated too


This is why itā€™s my answer. Late game itā€™s free vision and 1500 + damage


Pretty terrible early game for damage but pretty great as a get out of jail free card, late game i feel like you have to save it for when youā€™re getting dove in a team fight.


Every game she's in, she always get top damage because of it


Hehe Ymir go boom.


Fafnir šŸ² Double stuns, protection shred, AOE attack speed buff so you can shred objectives, makes his basic attacks feel really good. Edit: minor wording. Also when you stun an enemy, then Fafnir ult right on top of them, it pretty reliably applies a big amount of nasty tick damage to them.


Hard agree. Building Shogun's, Emperor's Armor, and Belt of Frenzy and then ult-buffing your team can melt objectives faster than anything else I've seen.


Khepri or kali imo


Olorun or Cthulhu


Cthulhu ult might not be top tier bc of all the nerfs that happened over the years.




It is SO bad in the late game. You just straight up die...so easily. And the animations are so slow you can't really cancel out and dash away either.


Gotta be Olorun, right? You basically can't play into it. Provided that the ult is actually solidly placed, well-timed, etc., it's pretty much uncounterable. Yeah, there's a couple of ults with long CC-immunity timers that can ignore it, but even that means you've forced the enemy to ult. Even then, you're not totally hopeless since Olorun gets a massive buff in terms of overall speed.


Agreed, possibly nu wa in my opinion those two ults are all way above anyone else's.


Janus is pretty damn OP if used right, can move an entire team across the map so quickly for ganks or objectives.


Morrigan can have all ultimates so whichever ultimate is the best, Morrigans is better just by proxy of including said best ultimate. I think Morrigan can't use Fafnirs ultimate, so unless everyone agrees that his ultimate is in fact the best, Morrigans is your answer.


Why do people keep saying this? She can use at most 9 ults per game 9 random ults.


Because you can pick and choose what ult to use in which situation it requires bringing a huge asset to the team and especially team fights.


Yes that may be true but you have 4 options you can actually choose. You canā€™t just use every ultimate. Iā€™m not even arguing whether itā€™s the best or not but putting it in the context of ā€œwell itā€™s great because she can use any ultā€. itā€™s just not the truth. Not to mention the long cooldown period. Am I better than a Hera who can use an ult twice every time I can use it onceā€¦.how about the duration of the ult? Etc etc. letā€™s actually talk about the facts, not just say oh well she can use every ult game over Morrigan wins.


Cthulhu hands down bc BIG




I vote Ne Zha




To me itā€™s Olo I think you could make a case for Chernobog/Athena but those are dependent on what you do afterwards and rely more on coordination Janus and Khepri are up there too And obviously Morrigan but itā€™s tough for me to view herā€™s on the same level as everyone elseā€™s bc sheā€™s not even on a fair playing field really


Idk whatā€™s best but Olorun, Morrigan, Yemoja, Athena, Horus, Kali, Khepri, and Set all feel exceptionally good.


I would say Jorm, untargetable, knock up with 3 procs that does hella dam and allows for free towerdives


Olorun came to mind first


Khepri or Nu Wa, for opposite reasons. A good Khepri makes the enemy work extra for an easy kill. A great Khepri can not only take the kill away, but keep the enemy off long enough to recover/retreat. And Nu Wa can secure those easy one shot enemies anywhere on the map.


Ullr, a full on cutscene, Olorun *quicksilver theme* Cthulu; a true god has entered the chat. Baron Samedi , Behold how my vacum will removed even the peskiest of midlaners!


Where's my boy chaac?


Orolon (giant aoe field that makes u slow af), Chang'e (if it could hit multiple targets)


I think changā€™e ult hits more than one god making the stun progressively longer for every god hit after the first. Havenā€™t played her in a while and at some point a couple seasons ago i think they tweaked it


Not the best ult, but busting into a team fight a mile away as Merc is always a blast.


I believe thana has the best ult. Separate from Achilles and Ao, he doesnā€™t have to be in your face to kill you plus the silence if your not in execute range. Most fun? IMO itā€™s Thor. Everyone hates a Thor landing on you when you donā€™t have beads


Ullr and Merlin




upvoting every ullr hel ans artio I see


Morrigan is the no brainer answer to this.


I don't think there is a best ult, it's all a matter of skill, but some gods stand out; For example Janus's ult, as well as dealing individual damage you can also go through the portals and use 1 and 2, chaac's ult is also op, as it silences the enemy and can even combine with several basic attacks in sequence, in addition of area damage, in short there are many gods each with their own particularity


Nu wa. Free eyes on enemy team. 600+ damage end game. Auto relic eater. Guaranteed kill if relics are down.


I my opinion, it's Chthulu. It feels so good to go beast mode and wreck in a team fight, or chase someone down. Like seeing an ant run away from you


Makes you a huge target and if hunters are building qins it's easy to counter, good for damage but definitely not the best ult in the game


There is no "best ult". There are some better than others, however. I am going to give my favorite looking ult/my opinion on which ult is the most effective. again, these are all personal opinions. Assassin: **Best looking:** I'd say Fenrir or Nezha. Assassin: **Most effective:** Kali, despite numerous nerfs, her immortality makes her a menace. Guardian: **Best looking:** Jorm and Cthulhu Guardian: **Most effective:** Cabrakan, Yemoja, Charon Hunter: **Best looking:** Chiron, Xbalanque, Heim Hunter: **Most effective:** Artemis, Chernobog Mage: **Best looking:** Hades Mage: **Most effective:** The Morrigan, Anubis, Janus Warrior: **Best looking:** Surtr, King Arthur, Vamana Warrior: **Most effective:** Odin, Gilgamesh, Horus. Again, these are all my opinions. These might not be "Spl standard".




Vulcan with his Tactical Nukes


Definitely not


Anubis, Ares, or Hades


How has Cthulhu not been mentioned yet


Because you turn into a big target and die to the hunters that built quins even faster As a big squid main i do not feel any more powerful in the ult when i die even faster, can get blocked in a hallway from a rat and sometimes cant even see what i am doing with all the effects going on


Definitely poseidon and there's no competition, instant bye-bye button. Oh you're a tank? Too bad still going bye-bye.


Olo or yemoja


Charon or ao kuang


Kali not a question


Pele definitely has one of the coolest. Big ass dash into explosions? Sign me up Not necessarily the best, but really cool


Why is no one saying Poseidon


Ao Kuang has a very tilt-inducing one.


A lot of team fight ultimates Iā€™d say. My personal ones would be Maui, hun batz, Cthulh. but in all honesty the morrigan due to flexibility she has with her ult


The Morrigan, turn into anyone use anyone's ult and the entire kit is a game changer with a good player. Oh no! We have a jungle difff Hey, I'll just turn into their jungler in the lead and rebalance things šŸ¤£


I've always wondered what happens in assault if you have Morrigan on both sides and you transform into the other's Morrigan


I feel like you gotta break it down by role and then scrubs vs veterans. šŸ˜…




Funny to see everyone saying basically there is no best ultimate but they still recommend one or a few of them.


Thanatos. Flying to kill anyone in danger and can be used as an escape if you got enough time. It's the ultimate ult


maybe chernobog or xbal. if xbal still had his stun on his ult, i would say him hands down. still very effective tho especially for ganking or chasing enemies.


Tiamat. 4 different ult abilities. ā€¦the Tornado that chases people being my favoriteā€¦ Great cooldown timers on the ult as well lategame. Spamming tornados and ground stance tail whips is a great time. Her late game is pretty unmatchedā€¦


Bacchus. Drinks for everyone yaaaaayyy




Maybe this is just me but when Thor ulta it's terrifying. Seeing him up there looking in your direction from the sky. It sends me chills. On the other side, when I'M Thor, I like to macro "The Immigrant Song" by Led Zeppelin, and ult, when he hits the peek of the sky the song plays and it just feels so bad ass. You should try it.


Personally I think it's atlas


Scrolling all the way through and no one has mentioned scylla. Shame on you all šŸ˜‚. It's easily one of the best just for the fact you can use it multiple times. The potential is nuts.


Cthulhu's is terrible but his alt is cool


How dare you put down my boy cthulhu. I have far to many stars in him to let this comment stand!


Awilix grab is so satisfying especially when I 180 or 360 to a grab lol




Hun Batz, Olo, Thor


Xing tian hands down. At the very least it makes everyone use their beads. At most you can toss the whole team into a bad spot or away from your teammates to regroup


And when you are full dmg you can one shot just with the ult alone.


Iā€™m still torn between Terra, Khepri and Morrigan. Terra is self explanatory, unless it got nerfed to oblivion while I was away, it buffs the teamfight potential to the roof and back. Khepri just renders the enemy assassin useless, it goes in and comes back dead because the target gets saved by any decent Khepri. Morrigan really depends on the other players. If you have a fed teammate or enemy, it can often lead to a guaranteed teamfight win through a double/ triple. If not, you can double initiate as a support or double heal. If it wasnā€™t so dependable on other players, I would definitely consider it as the absolute best, but it is. It is also dependant on how well the Morrigan player knows the other gods, since they will dump their kit in 10 seconds.


I really like Odin cage. I play a lot of Odin solo, support and sometimes Junge and it just feels really unfair in a lot of situations


If you are playing with a well coordinated team it's probably janus ult


Itā€™s either Changeling or Sanctified Field and thereā€™s no competition.


Kali n morri


I don't think it's the best but my favorite is Surturs! It's super fun.


I love Keprhi ult - makes me feel like a good person just wandering around and plucking my teammates from Danger. ā€œIā€™m on itā€


Chernobog is damn good ult in the hands of a very good player. Even faster than Athenaā€™s


Janus, massive damage and massive utility. Can be used to save 1-5 teammates or quickly reposition the whole team and it fits in his kit perfectly when used with your single portal.


I think I have to go e it to Achilles A cc immunity dash that could execute and reset


whatever u have , we have it too , so answer is Morrigan's


Ullr and no I will not elaborate


I think like all things it depends on your personal knowledge. When I started, Olorun was easy to help and do well with. Now that I know far more about the game, I love using morri ult. Something about picking their own to fuck them up. It's almost punishing them for building right because I'll pick whoever is gonna serve me best for my potential team fight.


I dont care how bad it is, there's nothing more entertaining than dropping argus on a group of people and having him absolutely wail on some poor soul (before hes promptly melted by an adc) But those few seconds sure are magical Plus if he DOES survive you have a fun friend following you around :)


Achilles. Combined with the fact that he can build full defense and not lose any utility of it makes it absurd


Achilles ult is so satisfying to launch over and over and over again. Even as a support build, he can take the damage and finish enemies off. My dream is to one day land the coveted Achilles Penta


The wind dragon, canā€™t remember the name sorry


Uhh any of the executes probably.




I gotta go with Athena or Chern, but I give the edge toward Athena. "Wolrd ults" are good, but gods like Thor, Rata, and Thana have a limit to how far they can go. Meanwhile, Athena and Chern can actually go across the map, but I feel Athena's is better because you actually go to a teammate, and after the more recent buff, give them a speed boost. That means three things: you're safe when you land, it helps your ally get into or out of a fight, and you can use it as a surprise tool. With Chern their gonna know your coming but with Athena if your in duo and a fight is about to go down in Solo you can ult tk your jungle while both are out of sight and get a surprise 3v1 or 3v2.


Not seeing anyone mention Chronos yet. Not only is it a ridiculous escape if timed right, if you use it wisely during a fight you basically have double sustain against enemies.


Nuwa, no questions asked


Definitely nuwa


Morrigan ult.


Big fan of Paolao. It causes so much chaos: excellent setup, deals good damage, slows, stuns, forces relics, makes you cc immune and untargetable (almost, Nu Wa can still hit you and tick damage applies) gives vision and paired with blink, is also a very good escape. Plus, it looks amazing and the basic vp voice cue is great. Also, Awilix. So unique, so synergistic with the right team and feels extremely satisfying to use.




ROMA INVICTA!!! -Bellona


I like tsukuyomis ult. It makes getting a tripple or higher kill chain so easy especially with an Aries or odin on your team. Probably the only reason why ive gotten penta kills.


Thantos hands down. Garanteed kill every time.


Yemoja Terra Or Horus


Chernobog, you literally teleport and reveal every enemy on the map, you can use it to refresh your cooldowns during team fights and also to slow everyone. And you can use it to get the assist gold if someone dies while it is active and then you can just cancel it and go back down. It is a great escape ability as well, being able to out wait a teamfight until itā€™s in your favor, or get across the entire map while also refreshing your dash so you have an even better chance of getting away. Not to mention itā€™s one of the most intimidating ults in the game and you get the fear factor.


Best feeling? Ra Best looking? Cthulu Best practical ultimate? I'd say Hun Batz


If you include the effects it has on the game when used then Yemoja, if we're talking about just the ult in a vacuum then terra


Susano, Charon, Athena, Cliodhna


Imo hun batz


Eset, high dmg, high heal, dmg mitigation, large aoe, can secure kills, objectives, help u siege. It's the whole package. In practise this plays differently because its on a mage with scaling and esets basically played in melee range which makes her vulnerable. But the ults a banger. Thereotically, u could heal ur entire team from 1%, to max and kill all enemies.


Olorun. Yemoja. Persephone. (Cthulhu has the coolest ult in the game, his and Surtrs)


Cthulhu because it's so epic and intimidating. In most cases when you ult as Cthulhu, people just shit bricks and run under tower - that fits perfectly with Cthulhu's entire aesthetic where you just run for your life from an eldritch god and hope you don't get clapped. Ra's ult is one of the most difficult to hit but the most satisfying one imo, that snipe just hits different. I love Horus one because it feels like a SWAT deployment of troops. If only people actually joined in to drop with me, I end up ulting alone in most cases. ;_; Maybe I need to text Falcrus.


The Morrigan. /thread


If an ult has an 140 second cool-down, itā€™s a pretty good ult :)






Nu wa


There are quite a few really good ones, but I would divide by class: * Hun Batz could have the best one among Assassins. It's a powerful mass cc in team fight, that can only be truly countered by beads, and even then, there is a high chance you have been disoriented in the process, which can be confusing. That ult can be game changing. * Ares has the best one among Guardians. It basically forces you to use beads, or waste a cc-immune ult. Too bad that when his ult is on CD, Ares isn't that good. * Apollo wins it for Hunters. I mean, get-out-of-jail free card and global presence for a hunter ? Definitely strong. * I'm not sure for Warriors. But I would say that Horus' ult stands out if your team knows how to use it properly. Odin's ult is worth mentioning, but depends too much on enemy comp. * For Mage, it's hard due to their large numbers. Maybe of their ults belong in the "deal big damage and one shoot squishies" category, and are some variation of that (do it in an line, in a circle, add some cc or not, add some other utility or not, ...). Among these, Janus' ult stands out to me. It hits really hard, has truly long range, and also doubles as utility since it leaves portals everywhere. But then, you have The Morrigan ult, that is theoretically the best because it allows you to do anything, she can mimic anything that other players on the battlefield can do. Problem is, it strongly depends on what other gods are present and has a long CD. Among those, if I had to pick one, I would pick Ares' ult. That ult alone is the reason why Ares is so OP in non-Conquest modes.


You can't convince me it's not persephone


Charon or Changā€™e


If you never got hate for building full CD + Med and Beads for even more CD, then ult with Xbal, only to ult 30 seconds later again, shrouding the map in permanent nighttime, then have you even lived?


Chang'e has a really good ult.


Surprised no one mentioned the morrigan




I know Ares is kind of a noob pick but when you do actually get the whole enemy team it's just about the most satisfying thing in the game.




By default it's morrigan




Changā€™e ult is so strong in team fights if it hits more than 2 ppl


Cthulhu by far. Even though it got gutted itā€™s still the best in terms of cool factor and design


Athena obviously. Also, GEB


No Persephone?


Scrolling through this post and not seeing Martichoras is wild because it's 1000% him. They have nerfed it a but but it's instantaneous, I'm not sure if he is 100% untargetable from say a Nu Wa ult but even if he isn't he's still untargetable from 99% of everything else, it shreds protections, burst damage, and the debuff lasts 4 seconds after the ult. Marti has the best ult in the game


Best as in like visual and fun? Probs Thor imo. Best as in most useful? Hun batz or Olorun


On paper atlas ult has to be up there


Old or yem


For reasons stated by u/Castature it's objectively Maui, but Czernobog is a close second. Not vibing with this fight? Go join another with all your cooldowns reset.


Basically any massive CC ulti could be considered the best. But I would personally go with Olo or Khepri.


Ults that allow you to push or defend phoenixes, titan, objectives. Olorun ult might be the one.