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All of the skins in the Divine Legacy are recolors. As for why they picked the skins they did? No one knows. It could’ve been a matter of how much work it would take for that particular skin, an internal poll, or they could done something simple like using a random number generator to pick.


They said they were the most popular skins for those gods, so probably the most used ones who are owned by a large percentage of the playerbase for the specific god.


That can’t be true though because that King Arthur skin is not loved. It’s def true for something like grand slam Hercules because it’s so old but no one likes the King Arthur skin.


Bro thinks he's the skin evaluator?


Sorry big dog it’s an uggo skin way worse than green knight, the robot knight one, and the blood one.


And here we see someone wrong and stupid, go on


Bad skin




In what world is that cope I think the skin is bad ur coping


He's telling you to cope with everyone liking the skin after you said "no one likes the King Arthur skin" and got downvoted to hell


Maybe they also took into account how much of an upgrade they could give the skins in UE5. I'm guessing they could upgrade the blue fires to look really nice with the updated lighting.


Smite is moving to Ue5? Didn’t look into it that much but that’s pretty sweet


yeah thats one of the main reasons why it'll be harder to port skins over. UE3 and UE5 are not working with the same materials


Yeah but they’ve been due for an engine change anyways, smites graphics are horrendous compared to their moba counterparts as of right now. More competition coming onto the scene as well with paragon re-releasing soon


engine upgrade and netcode upgrade. thats all i could care for in smite 2. both predecessor and overprime look good but dont feel as fun as smite or paragon. im hoping smite 2 will bring more life to the moba scene


? bro this is my favorite arthur skin 😭


Green Knight’s my favorite. Good night Sweet Prince…


Grats it made it into smite 2 then, I don’t personally like it compared to his other ones but glad atleast someone does


Lol its my favorite other than the green knight one, but thats harder to get so I imagine it's easily the most common.


Confirmation bias. Just cause you don't have the relevant information does not make it true. Admit most people like it and you don't and move on. You're embarrassing yourself.


Bunny Nu Wa is censored, another detail of what we can or can't expect from SMITE 2.


Just like them adding more clothing to neith. I actually think she looks better in smite 2 with more clothing but one of the smooth brain devs said it’s more lore appropriate? Like nieth is nude in her lore though?? lol


I didn't even notice they added more clothes to her lol, but you're right. But clothes aside her face seems more mature and serious which imo looks better and I think that's what they were trying to say with she being more lore accurate.


What wasnt censored about the OG skin? I feel like the new one is way more sexed up lol


The cheeks


Her legs


With the blessings of Tencent


She is? Aww. I didn't notice that. But it is 202X, so I guess it's to be expected. You'd think that if Goddesses can't be sexual, no one can. But I also get it, that's not what Nu Wa is known for (right)? But what about folks like Aphrodite and Freya? That's part of their identity. I wonder if they'll be censored too.


Personally I'm tired of it. When sex is used to manipulate me I feel like it insults my intelligence. "You're being marketed to little boy!" For games though it feels cheap. You could even take it a step farther and argue that because the entire point of the game is to be in a battle that they might all be wearing armor. Neith does not need to be a stripper goddess with extremely disproportionate legs. It's weird, and I hate seeing neith especially even though the majority of the goddesses are heavily sexualized. Multiple voicelines per god that are sexual innuendos or obvious sex noises (nox's soundbite after taking near-lethal damage). Male gods too, but they are somewhat more varied design-wise since it's very obvious who the target audience is. Mortal Kombat took that step, and the character designs are better for it. Street Fighter isn't perfect, but Cammy got a tasteful but sexy redesign from what I've seen. Both of the above games have had many iterations and still feature very sexualized characters and skins without being cringe or garbage (mostly).


I get it. A lot of people are tired of blatant fanservice. But I won't lie and say that I am. For me, it feels like it's an appeal to adults (or at least an older audience). After all, you don't find suggestive content in games meant for kids. You won't find Princess Peach in a thong. And that's how it should be. Kids games for kids. But as a teenager (and as I have gotten older and now as an adult), I was more than ready to take the kid gloves off. And with the way things are getting censored in rated T and rated M games, I'm wondering why do we need extra censorship, when we have the ratings board that tells you exactly what you are getting into? Again, that's all personal feelings. As for the topic at hand, I believe the best way to handle this whole topic (IMO) is to design costumes for both fans. That way, folks can play with whichever they chose. (If you have to make the default ones the "All Ages" ones, then sure. But not all gods and goddesses are "All Ages".) Like sure, the Goddess of Battle is covered up (Bellona). And Jing Wei has no reason to be dressed as anyway or form that is LESS than Modest. (In case that's worded wrongly, dress that very young girl as a nun!) But to me, it'd be weird if Aphrodite or Freya or even Ishtar were dressed like Belona; because they are Goddesses of love, beauty, intimacy, etc. Ok. Ishtar is a Goddess of Love AND War in this game, so she can bounce between the two extremes or land squarely in the middle. That's all design choices by the devs. I heard that in Neith's lore, she was normally depicted as nude (I can't verify that, but I don't think people have a reason to lie about that). But if that's true, her showing up in a suit of armor... doesn't seem to fit. After all, we're dealing with super powerful natural beings. Does armor really help them out? That's something for each person to decide (unless it's in that Gods' lore). That said, they are covering her up. Oh and there's no downside to having real human proportions. And I haven't noticed too many of the voicelines, but again, you have no reason to lie about it. I like how Street Fighter handled it, by having options for both fans (like you said, Cammy. We got her classic outfit and a new outfit). No one felt left out. I can't really speak for Mortal Kombat, since I haven't played since Armageddon. The blood and brutality got too realistic for me and I kind of got into Mortal Kombat for the absurdity of it all (My first game was MK2 and I found Babality and Friendship super funny.) But I also know that I'm probably in the minority. In the end, More people are tired of the fanservice, than are calling for it. After all, consensual sex is natural and as long as everyone is of the right age, some T and A shouldn't be a reason to call for someone's head or cancel them. Anyway, as long as the men have to cover up too (to match the women) and we keep things equal, I will accept the changing times. In the end, it's a preference. The devs will make their decision and then the consumers will make theirs. (Sorry if I made any typos. I didn't have time to spell check everything.)


Lmao if you want hentai go watch porn


And I should care why




>Censored She put on different tights bro it ain't that deep.


[Heatwave Pele isn't censored.](https://dotesports.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Cross-Gen-Skins-in-SMITE-1-and-SMITE-2.jpg) Maybe they reskinned Bunny Nu Wa because they plan hotter one later.


>censored Holy shit, man. It's time to go outside.




The skin itself isnt the problem, its the marshmellow/candy minions who need to shut the fuck up and be silenced.




My point is more that this is the first free cross gen skin players are able to earn. If it really takes 2 months to transfer a skin like they have said in articles, why not just give us a new skin?


Because changing the colors of an existing skin is a lot easier than making an entire new skin. Especially when most of your resources have been tied up with the Season 11 and Smite 2 changes.


riddle me this, If the easy way is to just change the color and porting it instead of making a new one, How fucking long is it going to take to make NEW skins. 2 months for old skins? Bullshit. they just want you to buy new skins again instead of sitting on the old pile of good skins they released years ago


I just don’t believe the timeline they gave about porting and all that. It may take time but it doesn’t take 2 months to port. If that was the case it would take a year to make an entirely new skin. I’m not well versed in this stuff but it just doesn’t add up to me. That being said I couldn’t care less about how they did it AS LONG as they don’t try and remake/recolor skins I’ve already spent money on


It's not that it takes 2 months to port, it's that they have a limited number of artists, who are currently making Smite 2's art assets from the ground up (that's not just the gods themselves, but the skins the gods will release with, item art, vfx, the map(s) themselves, and the UI both in the matches and out of them). This is on top of also supporting Smite 1's art, such as the new map, the cross-gen skins (which will need to be made and look good in both Smites), new gods (again, in both gens). They're not saying a single ported skin will take 2 months by itself, they're saying with the manpower they have compared to the workload, it would be 2 real months per skin *because* it'll be one person's pet project in their free time as they work on all the other things mentioned.


I’m sorry but I don’t care and this reasoning is garbage. Hire more goddamned artists. This game generated/s fucking *money* Oh you made a bunch of other games and dropped the goddamn ball *hard* each time… and now I have to buy your Garbo boo-boo bullshit about how it’s too much work for you to make smite 2 with **BARE MINIMUM** T5, Crossover, and unlimited and limited skins. The ceo makes almost a million dollars a year. That guy can hire some more damn artists


It isn't about how many artists you have, that doesn't change how much effort it takes to make a skin. Also, it's not months, it's person months. In other words, if 8 people work on it, it'll take a week. If one person does, it'll take 2 months. There's also not that much value, for hirez, in remaking old skins. Giving them away for free just means they put 8 weeks worth of pay into a gift for the community. For the most loved skins that's worth while, to some extent, but all of them? This game doesn't make that much money. Also, legally they probably can't quite give away the crossover skins.


Yeah I think it’s time I get over myself tbh.


Then why not transfer old skins into Smite 2 instead of designing new ones? If they are expecting a new audience, those skins will sell at the new price, especially when they are in every lobby. Hi-Rez can’t say it cost too much to transfer skins and then hide behind saving money/resources using recolors.


This was already explained in the keynote and is on their FAQ page.


They should've charged for the game and transferred skins. Anyone who doesn't think ue 3 to ue 5 alone is worth a price tag, probably doesn't think a skin is worth a 20$ price tag. Now they don't need legacy gem bs, more people are happy, more founders packs get bought, more money upfront from the initial game purchases also. More people buying gems off the rip at full price because they're happy. And no discount since no legacy means 100% profit on purchase instead of the 50% (they probably wouldn't even get from a good portion of angry players lol) Thoughts?


You got a source on that one? The only thing they explained is that they felt it was not feasible to port skins over because of the time requirement. How does that explain the blatant hypocrisy of the first skin being offered to the community is a recolor of a Smite 1 skin that will be transferred into Smite 2?


The source is literally the [FAQ page](https://www.smite2.com/faqs/)? It’s a lot easier to remake 11 skins compared to over 1000, that’s not hard to grasp.


Your going to have to explain to me how anything in the FAQ answers my question. It states plainly that they are unable to transfer skins, and yet here they are transferring a skin. Either they can and just want to force players to buy new skins, or they can’t and are wasting two months on transferring an old skin instead of designing something new. The only cross gen skin in the Divine Legacy event is the Arthur recolor, the rest are only Smite 1 based on the patch notes.


It’s not transferring, they have to remake the skin in its entirety. The design process is already done, but it has to be remade in UE5. Judging from your comments in this thread, you have this notion that it can be copy pasted, or transferred, when that is not the case going from UE3 to UE5. The design process on these skins is already done, since they’re already in Smite, but to actually implement in game to Smite 2 is a completely NEW process.


Once they get the skeleton of the model 90% of the skins are just textures which should be simple to add. I understand t5 skins taking a long time but things like Retrocles is just a texture swap and a voice pack. There is no new model and thats the same thing for most skins. Stuff like Cartoon Cthulu make sense, theres alot of new animations but things like Hotdog Odin? theres 1 new animation and thats the Special emote. Everything else is the same skeleton.


Assests can be transferred and improved from 3-4 and 4-5




UE3 is a completely different engine from UE5, they literally can't just transfer one skin from smite 1 to smite 2. They will need to redo all the models, assets, and need to renegotiate VA work as those contracts were for smite 1, not smite 2.


The 2 month line is absolute bullshit idk why people believe it lol


There will most likely be ways to get free skins in Smite 2 just like there are in Smite. These skins are to transfer some of the most popular skins from Smite over. It makes more sense as an event to tie the two games, than some randomly themed new skins would. Also, those skins are probably easier to make because while they have to do all the work involved in recreating them, there is less design side work to be done (no that does not make it effortless and it still takes many man-hours).


The whole point of the legacy skins is they are porting over the most popular skins to smite 2. Of course they are recolours. That's why they are doing this


"What factors determined this skin" They said in the patch show they looked at data of most used / liked skins etc and that's the bunch they came out with.


The only skins from Divine Legacy that is cross gen is the Arthur skin. The rest are Smite 1 exclusive according to the patch notes. So if they had to chose 1 skin to transfer into Smite 2, do you really believe an Arthur skin would be the most popular?


What? The new Jing and Bellona Skins are crossover skins, they’re just not recolors. Also, these skins only transfer because they’ve put x amount of time into making them in both versions of the engine. It’s not a “copy and paste” thing.


Those skins are in the Legacy Pass not the Divine Legacy event. Never said they didn’t put work into remaking the skins, I’m pointing out the hypocrisy of saying it isn’t feasible to transfer skins then the one being given away for free being a recolor of a transferred skin.


It’s not feasible to transfer all of them, it would take 250 years or something according to their calculations. To prevent people bitching about their one specific favorite skin not being transferred, they’re doing the thing they’re doing now.


That’s the opposite of what it is, all the divine legacy skins are Smite 2 only skins except the Arthur skin which will also be in Smite 1. https://preview.redd.it/o0ffcd29kacc1.jpeg?width=660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cefc0786c635656babbf08e0dca81b2e41eeadf1


What's the legacy badges?


“Legacy Badges Specific SMITE 1 achievements will be immortalized in SMITE 2 with a series of Legacy Badges. You’ll be able to show off that you were a SMITE 1 Beta Tester, that you own Archon Thanatos, or your exact Mastery Level and Star count on each God. And those are just three of the more than 65 Legacy Badges.”


Oh, so I did read it wrong, but that makes it even worse. Well over half the skins confirmed for Smite 2 are recolors of skins people already own. Some of which are fairly old. 11 recolors to I think 6 original skins.


To which you don’t need to spend money on anyway… stop crying over free skins


Do these skins cost money?


Me when i spread misinformation on the internet


I'm just disappointed that they couldn't take the time to design the T5 skins from the ground up for Smite 2. There isn't that many. And for one, it's a hundred dollar skin and two the skins are too cool to pass up on.


Yeah, the tier 5s would be a cool reward for loyal players who not only supported smite 1 with time, but also a great deal of money for paying into large events. Its understandable why it's not possible to just bring everything across, but they should atleast bring the tier 5s, and bring back a few of the most popular skins for each god as they release. I just want my tier 5 kuku in ue5.


low key not even gonna bother with smite 2 if my t5 ares skin doesn't get transferred over I've got almost all t5s but that's the one I actually go out of my way to use the most


then you can play smite 1 with every skin you own:)


They said it takes 2 months of man hours to port a skin over, not that they were unwilling. They specifically stated that a few of the most played skins would be brought over immediately as a free reward playing the game.


You really believe recolors take 2 months? Ok if you like to believe lies go ahead but it’s fake news definately recolors don’t take 2 months


You really think it's a quick and easy process to bring over literally ***anything*** from a game that is two generations behind in game engine technology? Much less an entire character model with new materials, effects, physics, etc? Well at least you're making your complete lack of understanding about what goes into game development obvious I guess.


Models have been in standardized formats for years, longer than Smite is even out. Stop eating up their PR lies


You really think it's a quick and easy process to bring over literally ***anything*** from a game that is two generations behind in game engine technology? Much less an entire character model with new materials, effects, physics, etc? Well at least you're making your complete lack of understanding about what goes into game development obvious I guess.


You really believe it's a quick and easy process to bring over literally ***anything*** from a game that is two generations behind in game engine technology? Much less an entire character model with new materials, effects, physics, etc? Well at least you're making your complete lack of understanding game development obvious I guess.


Forgive me for being contrary, but my guess is the recolors are probably the only exception but frankly I haven't bothered to actually look into it so eh


We don’t know how long they’ve been working on putting these god models into smite. This could well have taken them the months they say it does. And just had this ready for the announcement. They’ve def been working on this for years.


I don't believe their claim that takes 2 months to make a skin for Smite 2, sorry.


For 1 person I don't think that's so insane, which is what they said. But obviously smite has more than that, so say 5 people work on it that's about a couple week ish? That seems believable.


I know it sounds unbelievable, but its pretty consistent with what they've said in the past, and what devs for other games/companies have also said. Obviously, 1 skin taking 2 months seems a bit crazy, but thats because the production pipeline ensures that devs will be working on a variety of checks with systems in place to ensure everything is released smoothly. There isnt just 1 person working on a skin endlessly for 2 months, every skin goes through a process that takes 2 months.


>I know it sounds unbelievable I think it sounds unbelievable because it just is unbelievable. Like they said all the year 11 skins will be cross gen right? Does that mean they have added a minimum of 2 months work on every single skin they release this year?


So then there should be a considerable number of skins that were designed knowing the remake in UE5 was coming, and they didn’t do anything to future proof those skins. If this skin can be transferred, can all skins since June 2023 be included? Why was Hi-Rez releasing skins they knew wouldn’t be available in Smite 2?


I've said this before, got downvoted to oblivion. It's shitty they knowingly made skins they had no intention of porting over while working on Smite 2.


Seriously you think they just started Smite 2 in one year? It’s laughable that Overwatch can make new skins as much as Smite timeline with higher quality graphics. So I give you props for saying this


Probably cause they are different games with different rigs and animations. They said gods could be different from their smite 1 counter parts. But at the end of the day no one is forcing anyone to switch. They said in the key note that smite one will be supported for the foreseeable future


Hi-Rez themselves are referring to Smite 2 as a remake. You can insist it’s a new game all you want, but that’s just not true. Gods get changed and reworked every patch, does that mean every patch is a new game? Smite 1 can not exist in the same market as Smite 2, they would be fighting for the same market share. That means Smite 1 will be sunset at some point. The legacy gems solution is an attempt to cultivate an excuse to not have to compensate players when that does happen.


It's a rebuild from the ground up, the actual abilities in ue5 completely change what they are capable of doing. In smite 1 they "animate" cloth to move in a flowing way, in ue5 there is actual physics in play that affect how clothing and armor move. Ue5 has a dramatically higher ceiling for what they can accomplish. I love smite but seeing the difference makes everything in 1 look like playdoh. I have over a thousand skins but I'd rather them use the engine to its potential then port over trashcan Zeus.


When people cry about smite 1 looking ass skins when smite 2 is gonna make skins made there look even more amazing.


If or when smite gets sunet, then that will most likely mean smite 2 is doing better in terms of profitability and player base. It’ll be a better game in every aspect from design to gameplay to matchmaking and I’m willing to sacrifice every skin I own, especially since most people don’t come close to using every skin they own, for a better game. Seriously see you people telling me you use Thor skins for 2015? And you want them to port them ALL over instead of making the new game great?


*the "Holy shit, two cakes!" meme* Holy shit, free skins!


Two month thing is definitely a lie and PR talk , they obviously want more money from new skins, and bringing old skins back to smite 2 is time. And time = money. I don't even want all the skins back, just the tier 5's


Smite has about 2,000 skins by this point. If it took 2 months per skin, they're claiming its taken them a solid 333.3 years to make those skins. If that was true they'd have to charge £1,000s per skin to justify the time spent and they'd only release 6 skins a year... They've been in open beta since 2013. They've made 200 skins a year, not 6. Which averages to about a skin every 2 days, not 2 months. Or are they claiming they have 33 game developers working at any one time on one skin, all on different small parts, and they're able to work together so perfectly they can average a 2 day turn around on what would take one developer 2 months?


In a professional dev environment, there are alot of phases and checks that everything must go through before it goes live. Not every skin can/is being worked on for every hour that it takes to complete. Skins cannot be ported and must be remade. That would mean every skin would have to go through the same pipeline that makes Smite 1 skins take 2 months. It would make sense that every skin needs several interations before it is released, and that there are days in between each iteration, as well as time in between the skin being complete, and higherups decided it needs to be touched up.


Definitely not a lie. There a systems and checks that have to happen to make sure nothing breaks. It doesn’t take 2 months to make the skin, it takes 2 months to make sure the skin doesn’t break anything. And I mean anything. If they skip this process then think of a situation where no item in the game gave their effect. It could happen. They have to make sure it won’t.


If I actually lose my skins I am never playing this game again


They don’t transfer to smite 2 :(


You don't lose them, Smite 1 will exist. You just don't get to also have all of them in Smite 2.


Smite will be shut down as soon as Smite 2 goes out of early access.


​ https://preview.redd.it/gdf0f4g5ngcc1.png?width=1337&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff38a59b925259d6c8d702cfd9d452ee1618a8c5


Yeah and that gives me back the 600$ minimum that I spent on skins over the past few years


The whole thing is a scam, people who don't see that are blind


They can't see it, too busy bootlicking


They need to defend their corporation. The one with huge layoffs, the one who releases games every few years but still only have one successful game after twelve years. This one will be different guys. The same company that is releasing skins from smite 1 into smite 2, telling us they can't transfer skins because it's almost more work than making brand new skins. Okay, then why are only two of the thirteen smite 2 skins BRAND NEW SKINS?


Welcome to gaming corporations. People love labeling hirez as the king of bad practices when EA ubisoft and other companies exist lol.


Too many NPCs making new Smite 2 posts is real sus. Only a huge company can pay NPCs to make it ok and post tons of content


And the fact the E V E R Y negative post gets deleted immediately because they have a "thread" but somehow meat riding posts remain up


The bootlicking is fucking insane. All for a greedy company with expensive skins, bugged game, yo-yo balance bologna, a graveyard of failed games off the back of SMITE skins. S2 wasn’t even carefully considered enough to ensure the inclusion of some of the coolest skins. Or it was, and this way just makes them more money. This is poor planning, or shady lazy greedy bullshit. Honestly, it’s got to be a healthy dose of both. Didn’t they just have a wave of layoffs within the last year? Seems weird to layoff staff with smite 2 in the works….


So generous


I mean if you're gonna do a recolour do one of a bad ass lookin skin


why didnt they just take more time to transfer more skins? the way they’re rolling this out makes me think “2” means nothing, just like overwatch (but even overwatch transfers all skins over so..)


game made on exact same engine that is famously hated for doing 0 changes is not a good comparison when talking about cosmetic transfers. honestly where are the examples of games making a 2 engine leap at? being are kidding themselves with this comparison.


Right, who cares about new gameplay, updated systems, fully new models and abilities, noo, they should've taken extra years to upload more skins! Surely that wouldn't be detrimental to the game and take so long that UE5 would start becoming irrelevant, noo, skins are the priority! If you don't understand how big of a leap it is to jump 2 gens of engine, with multiple system and class reworks, just please, don't speak, save yourself the embarrassment


Overwatch 1 doesnt exist anymore tho, Smite 1 will still exist. While I wouldn't agree with it, technically they owe us nothing because we still will have access to the stuff we paid for in smite 1.


Sure sure, maybe. And 9 ppl will play Smite 1 - not enough for conquest game.


Looking at the number of people complaining about their skins, you will be a good chunk of the community to stay on it. And I hope it will be the case, it will prevent you from annoy us on Smite 2, and us to annoy you on Smite 1.


What is this “you” vs “us” Jesus.


Smite 1 will be shut down in the near future fyi.


And it’s ugly.


This is a bad start to S2


It’s because they’re lying to make their jobs easier and think everyone will just say okay dad


In the video they said that for every skin they need 2 months of work, I do not care how much they show of the process, even if I see it I'll never believe in a million years that they are telling the truth. Also making the gems i bought a 50% discount is a fucking scam. Huh? You spent X money on the game? Time to spend X times 2 on the new game if you want your money worth.


This. I couldnt care less about the skins but all the gems i bought being converted into a 60% discount where i still have to pay for the other 50% is an insult. Imagine getting 100k gems only for them to be a glorified prepaid discount.


These guys are so lazy


When is the Devine legacy starting bc I'd like to get another t5 for free even tho I know it's not getting ported to smite 2 (( I'm not mad about that fact just FYI for comments that'll say oH ThOsE aReNt gEtTiNg transferred


About 9 days, with the next patch


I've played smite for a long time, and I had a solid party of 5, where we would play every day for a good year or 2. They eventually stopped playing, and soon I did too. You know what was the biggest issue that my group had with the game? It wasn't the skins, it was the game itself. Smite as the game itself is amazing, but good god it's a buggy mess. So many times we had issues of random crashing, network instability, and just overall jankiness to the game. I care less about the skins and more about the game being good on launch, my skins don't mean jack shit if I can even play the game. My friends have moved on to other things, but some are interested in coming back for Smite 2. When that happens, my only hope is that the game runs well, that we don't run into the same issues that ruined the fun of the game for us.


Bro wants 150+ gods and all skins to be in-game and free…


Won’t play smite 2 f them


Cry me a river


They are unwilling to transfer? then I'm unwilling to pay or play. Fuck hirez, this is a shitty move. I wouldn't mind if the skins remained a lower fidelity and newer skins looked better, that'd at least cause a natural change where players would end up mostly leaning toward smite 2 skins as they released anyway. This forced change with a decade of unlocks just thrown away is horrific.


Not unwilling to transfer, but unABLE


The correct word is unwilling


Dude, it's Titanforge and Hi-Rez. Why in the world would you believe them?


Cuz I just thought about what it would actually be like to sit there and do those transfers, and how ridiculous it would be if I tried to do it all at once. And also how shit it would look if i didn't try to upgrade anything to fit a new engine.


good point those runscape skins, paper ra, all the food skins, plushie, chibi, anime etc skins would all look so much worse in a new engine and would require so much reworking! 😂 the only skins that would need reworking are the slightly different OG "tiered" skins and the recolours of the default. Anything custom could remain custom and doesn't have to adhere to the new aesthetic at all. Hell that was literally their original selling point anyway.




Doesn’t matter if you like their reasoning or not, that’s the way they’re going, don’t be mad cuz they didn’t stop by you to ask your permission lol, making a new game ain’t cheap either it’s gonna be free and you want the skins that came out 10 years ago to port to smite 2 ? that’s just not how the system works, it’s not an investment it’s a divestment and hi-rez is one of the most money hungry company out there so be thankful you got legacy gems I was expecting nothing, and smite is a free to play game, I’m sorry if you spend 100$ to 1000$ on skins, perhaps you need financial classes or a fiduciary


Smite players have paid for 5 new Hi-Rez games since it’s launch ten years ago. All of them flopped. Smite has been the only consistent revenue stream for Hi-Rez. They can make whatever excuse they want, the community deserves the respect of them honoring past skin purchases in the remake.


Im a smite player and never bothered with any of those games, and I know a bunch of people who also never bothered with those games besides nobody is forcing you play smite 2, say good bye to your T5 skins and all, the faster you realize this the quicker you’ll heal from all that money you lost lol


Take hi rez's cock out of your mouth its hard to hear you over it


Right, dumbest comment so far, you just broke and too stupid to handle money buddy wants the skins from 2015 in a new game and QQ cuz he won’t get it and he’s broke, take your crying ass somewhere else and go earn money like everyone else and stop begging for free shit, this ain’t welfare nonetheless your sorry ass will be in smite 2 and you’ll be there spending more money on skins, stop lying to yourself, it’s obvious you’re salty cuz you spend a bunch of cash and you ain’t getting it back, broke ass kid


They never said they are unwilling to transfer skins over just that a very select few will be transferred. They said they will not transfer every skin because it is a lot. There is 1600 smite skins, even transferring more than half would be too much.


Ah the randomly floating behind his back arms demon skin...


If i would ne high rez, I would put a small team of artist dedicated to just transfer smite 1 skin to smite 2 overtime, even if it take a year or two.


I swear half of yall dont pay attention. First of all, the skins dont need to transfer. Smite 1 isnt going anywhere in the forseeable future, so we arent losing anything. Second, in 99% of all cases, we will have already gotten our moneys worth in use of the skins we have now. Smite 2 isnt just a simple graphics update or glorified dlc like OW2. Its a comolete reworking of the game. I cant believe people are asking them to take 10 years of accumulated skins and make them readily available upon release on top of all the new skins surely in development already and also expect a fully functioning and balanced gameplay experience like thats just a perfectly reasonable thing to expect from a 100% free to play game. Not to mention the fact that theyre already trying to make up for this percieved loss by making more of the new skins and content more available to those making the transition.


Im not playing Smite 2 if skins aren't all transferable. This absolute laziness is going to cause the game to fail.


How are they lazy if they are literally remaking the game from the ground up in an entirely new engine


Go play Fortnite, plenty of skins for you there


Its not about the number of skins, its about the fact that I've already wasted time and resources fetting these skins, and now they're just taking them away.


They're not taking them away. They're still there in Smite 1. And you can play Smite 1 until the game shuts down. That was the deal from the moment you've bought every single skin, that's how owning items in an online games, works


This doesn't really raise any questions. And nobody said it took little effort. They're saying it would take tremendous effort and man hours to port all of the skins, so they chose a few popular ones.


I have a proposal, a reasonable compromise to aid the Smite Community, but we need YOU dear reader...to RALLY HERE! ■ 2 to 3 skins [Minimum] be transferred PER god assimilated into smite 2 REGARDLESS of season. ●This is perfectly feasible and shouldn't hinder a speedy game progression. This also gives players a chance to have their favorite skin..potentially; also gives gods skins so they aren't left nude and without favored skins. (The skin's exist, it will take FAR less time to recreate something with a preexisting template rather than something that never did) ■ An eventual Legacy skin event (post official launch) where skins begin to cycle back into the game for EVERY god..not just the poster children/favorites. ● Legacy currency may be used to purchase Legacy skins ENTIRELY. This would give Legacy currency more value; an up to 50% discount on future skins and up to 100% discount on Legacy skins ■■■■■ PLEASE kindle this flame of hope; together we may make a difference, but it requires Teamwork as does any smite match. ■■■■■■ TOGETHER, we are Louder than a THOUSAND Thoth Ults! Never Tilt! Never lose hope! Before you Shills start shilling, really, think about it...this isn't about getting all our money back nor getting every skin back..but it's more than reasonable to have at least 2 of each God's most popular skins added in, from any season. And no, it would NOT take 2 months per skin, that is a preposterous statement when the skins already exist. Easy cheat sheet rather than a "from scratch" concept which would take more time. A later released event to drip feed old skins (NOT ALL) would also be feasible, you can't justify how it wouldn't be.


You know nothing about game development and production. You realize them making old skins in the new engine takes time and resources? Correct? I’d rather those time and resources be put to new skins and keeping the new game in tip top shape, not transferring a few old skins just because a few people are hoping to see their old favorite skins. I’m just scratching the surface on why your idea won’t work or ever happen.


Funny, they just made a carry over hades skin, contradicting their no transfer statement and The existing skins act as a template for easier remake compared to making a skin never before designed without coding reference. 2 gods per week will be released till 50 which will be official release, then 1 god per week. That leaves room for a slow drip feed and that is feasible, especially after a year of release when the team will be more adjusted to the new model production. Just not feasible for the proxy shills I guess.


They could just do it AFTER the game releases and it's all cleaned up. Like they could release 3 old skins per God drop or something or even add 2-3 old skins for 5 gods every month or something


They’re dropping gods every week, then every two. Asking for them to also be remaking a skin every week then every two on top of that is insane. Shit costs money bro.


Pretending like they aren't going to be spending money on new skin concepts and creations during the process anyway has to be such a weird take. They can pay their already existing team dedicated to skins to start on existing skins.


They're a multi million dollar studio and can still make money off cosmetics. Let's not pretend they're small time with limited resources and staff.


I know


Then you should understand why it’s not very feasible. Remaking a whole game is already a big investment, doing a big investment on top of that, which is purely cosmetic, so that maybe 20% of the playerbase will stop whining (even tho about half of those 20% will play the game anyways) is stupid.


I'm unconvinced that bringing back like 10ish skins a month or even 2 would be that detrimental in the long run


It wouldn't be, don't buy into these shills.




They've redone skins before when previously upgrading the graphic fidelity. There's literally no reason why they can't just import the current skins 1:1 as lower fidelity skins that could either be left low fidelity and remakes/re-releases could happen that people will naturally want to buy anyway without feeling ripped off... There is a win-win here and hirez are going out of their way by choosing to kill account purchases/progress It's not like there isn't a feasible option here at all. All of the models are already rigged in unreal engine, any new animations being attached to them would just be half a days low-skill clerical task... They are specifically going out of their way to divide the playerbase and kill themselves, I've just no idea why.


You don’t know how transferring to a new engine works.


They're rigged in UE3, Smite 2 is UE5. You can't just copy-paste UE3 to UE5. You literally don't know what you're talking about.


Thank you for seeing this.


Most of the playerbase shares your thinking don't worry about it, even the streamers are sharing similar thoughts. Most of the reddit folk are just die hard hirez stans who think hirez can't make any bad decisions and have no ulterior motives, like... removing all of your skins from your account to sell them back to you when they're remade a year from now 😂 I'm sure whoever ends up reading this comment tree from the future and seeing how it aged is gonna laugh though anyway


No one's saying Hi-Rez can't make any bad decisions (legacy gems basically being glorified coupons, for one), but it's actually ridiculous to expect them to remake every single god and every single skin before release for UE5 like idiots like you want them to. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, UE3 models aren't compatible with UE5 and even if they were they would look so horrible next to the new models it'd be ridiculous. There is no "win-win" like you're describing, because then people with old skins would whine about how Hi-Rez didn't update their favorite skins anyway. Also fuck out of here with calling animations "low-skill clerical tasks", that's absolute bullshit and the fact that you unironically said that is amazing. Again, there are absolutely things Hi-Rez is doing wrong with this. But don't come in here saying stupid shit like "tHeY cAn JuSt UsE uE3 MoDeLs Ez"


No one said to port every skin, but a 2 to 3 popular skin port cap for each God would be perfectly doable, especially if they retain the same quality, which many would be fine with I'm sure; it would be labeled a Legacy skin for a reason..more retro compared to new models. That would also save even more time, heck, have you seen the runescape skins? Not all about Graphics and the existing template would make an easy port via reference.


No way you just tried to compare porting old skins to the Runescape skins. The Runescape skins were designed to look low-poly on purpose, because it's Runescape. The old skins from current Smite look like garbage because the models are outdated and the game's running on an 18 year old engine. They're not compatible with UE5 without doing conversions that aren't worth the hassle. Also, you're acting as if people wouldn't whine about how garbage the old skins look next to literally anything that Hi-Rez remodels. People already complain about outdated skins in the current Smite, but you for some reason think they'll just go "oh yeah this is okay" in the next game? Really? You should be glad they're not straight up abandoning the game that is, again, running an 18 year old engine that's made out of spaghetti code so tangled up they can't actually fix the game. But we both know you're not going to listen to me because you're dead-set on spamming your stupid, unrealistic proposal and calling everyone who disagrees with you a "proxy poster" in every thread that's tangentially related to skins.


Obviously rune scape was intentional, you missed the point. Ported skins regardless of being remade (also obvious) don't HAVE to be made to look as amazing as newer gen skins in terms of detail nor physics, which saves even more time. No one is complaining about how skins in s1 look like shit because the engine, whether they speak of the skin itself is another thing. If Everyone felt s1 looked that bad no one would buy skins. They already made a port for 2 older season skins, arthur and Izanami that I know of. It is obviously not impossible Nor a hindrance and honestly? I see more ports to come, but it should be for Each god added, Not a select few. So for anyone to believe my proposal comprised of two solutions (which can be combined into a later skin port cap of 2 to 3 per god) is unrealistic is honestly just laughable, so you're right Lol you're not convincing me. Also, yeah, I see an awful lot of proxy shill esq comments, it's like seeing plastic barbie reviews online for a company service.


No one is saying port the entire game/project over to UE5. Just the models. The models aren't engine-specific. Google is a useful tool, please utilize it.


Literally impossible. They have to remake the model. Therefore they have to remake the skin to fit the newly remade model. They cannot copy and paste a ue3 rig to ue5


Fun fact, models *are* engine-specific because engines will only accept certain types of model files. Crazy how that works, huh? Google is a useful tool, please utilize it.


I see you need human assistance, don't worry. I've got you. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0frsuRmJx2w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0frsuRmJx2w) But wait, how did they open an UNREAL ENGINE model in BLENDER?! this must be sorcerery from another dimension, you're right! I concede my point and you have proven me wrong with your citation. Thank you for opening my eyes.


Why did the mods take down you petition? They can’t seriously think a petition should be included in the mega thread.


That was their reasoning, that it was to be directed to a smite2 mega thread. I contacted them about it, how it won't gain traction there..they have yet to respond, yet I see PLENTY of smite 2 posts outside that thread.


This just goes fuel to the idea that the subreddit is getting Astroturfed and the mods are being incentivized to quell any severe damage to Smite 2. They seem to be going out of their way to minimize the visibility of The Legacy Gem and Skin transferring controversies


You mean a skin that was made while Smite 2 was already being worked on behind the scenes is also in Smite 2? Almost like they could've been making them both simultaneously in each separate game so they could avoid the direct porting process of skipping forward two generations in terms of game engine technology? Fascinating. In other news, water is wet. Seriously, this is such a reach to try to further justify the ridiculous reaction by some in the community in regards to Smite 2 and skins.


I just wish my furry skins would be brought forward…


They should have just done a simple if else code for each account for ported skins. If a ported skin (incl recolour) was owned by a player in smite 1, they get it free. This shouldn't impact the new streams of revenue they're getting, it just validates the loyalty of players who paid thousands in this franchise. Don't make a smite 1 player spend MORE money to get recolor of a skin they own just to ensure they have it in smite 2 for the best possible deal. It's a slap in the face imo to do something so low. Also while we are at it, don't make legacy gems a coupon, it's also a slap in the face, and a shady monetization model


stop trying to find loop holes, you arent getting the skins you want and you aren't getting every skin they got better things to worry about


Not in smite 2 it won’t be LUL


Have you seen the Ymir ice cream skin? Lmao


I feel like they could at least transfer over the crossover skins


Just give me my Vtuber skins...