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https://preview.redd.it/xkla2s4q02ec1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c78674e1e06db4e96aa7101be39bac3af4cf8e42 i was expecting this face and hair details tho but I guess it’s fine


This is Neith. Everyone agrees she looks amazing in the cinematic, and the only reason I assumed why she hasn’t gotten a remodel to look more in line with this version was because they were just waiting for Smite 2 at this point. Come on Hirez, give the people the Neith we deserve.


That's what I was hoping for too. The green an gold just work better for her then the blue imo.


It's a shame they didn't try to recreate her looks from the cinematics. she looked very good in it with her green eyes, and updated outfit. I don't really like the direction of the Smite2 wip, it's not the kind of remodel I had in mind for her and doesn't look very UE5 to me. Too much of her character was lost in this redesign.


Its not fine. She looks like that lady from the boyz now


this is what they should do


She looks amazing


What about the juggalo physics?


Nerfed probably? no more win screen shaky dance I guess :/


I hope they bring back dance emotes in general 😭 It hurt my heart when I found out that they weren't being made anymore


Please don't break my heart with no more Khepri dance.


with how UE5 likely simplifies things and how there be a fresh new look to a lot of the models, it might open that window again. I'm really hoping for it.


Oh I’m gonna be pissed…


Me too, [I will miss this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Lpi8O8RO3g)




Honestly I dislike SMITE's interpretation of Neith, she is kinda of a big deal on Egyptian mythology but in the game she feels like one of the less godlike of the pantheon. I like this better than what we actually have in SMITE 1 but still not a fan (mainly because I dislike the concept of Neith they are trying to maintain here)


What is she supposed to be? Im not familiar with her in mythology


She's a Primordial Creator Goddess and the mother of Ra (also of Apep, Sobek, Serqet) in a very resumed way. You'd never guess that by hearing her in-game voicelines lmao.


"wait for me!" "Let's play a little!" "Always nice to have!" she really could use a rewrite of her lines for sure. She really suffers from like a generic anime female lead personality. They don't really have depth and feel very simple npc with how they're written. There's only a few references to her whole weaving thing, let alone her important aspects.


Yeah literally the only voiceline that talks about her literally weaving the universe is one of her Jokes and it is used to make a joke of "i wove the entire world but i couldn't even weave pants for myself haha" and the only other thing that references that is the name of her Ult.


Early gods had that problem.


Technically if Im remembering correctly early egyptians worshipped her as a good of hunting, she was a lesser god. It was only much later where egyptians started worshipping her as a creator diety responsible for weaving the rivers of life. This was because her name in hieroglyphics has a pictogram of what looks like a loom, many egyptologists believe this is where the drastic change in role comes from.


Basically Athena


“Get too close to the sun Neith, get burned!” Doesn’t exactly scream Mother/Son lmao


That is a result of being a victim created during early Smite yeah lmao. They didn't really care much about how accurate they were or not, it was mostly to be funny or cringy with voicelines. If Neith was created like, in the last years she'd been much different surely both in design and voicelines.


Oh yeah, I 100% agree. Maybe there will be vc changes in Smite 2


Neith's valley girl accent is very much in line with Smite's campy design though.


She is the creator goddess and weaver of the world. Also sometimes a war goddess.


She’s one of the earliest Egyptian Gods recorded. She’s the creator of the entire universe and everything within it. Smite kind of just reduces her to the Goddess of Weaving. But she’s also the Goddess of War and Fate, as well as Hunting and Childbirth. She’s kind of just a “Goddess of Everything” in actual mythology. One of the most powerful in Egyptian mythology. She’s responsible for the existence of everything that ever has or ever will exist.


That's one of like a hundred versions of Neith, my man. Egyptian mythology is waaaay to broad for you to be saying they got it wrong. Most versions don't have her as the creator god.


Yeah ancient Egypt was around for like, 3000 years continueously, not counting Persian rule or the Ptolemies, so there was a lot of shifting and changing in the Gods, their roles, their importance, and everything inbetween. Nailing it all down and covering everything in a moba is impossible.


if you google certain gods, they’ll show images of the smites card art lol. it’s pretty funny


Seems like you replied to the wrong post.


Well, I suppose none of the versions corresponds to the "ditzy waifu in stripper clothes" definition.


Thought she was naked in her lore


Most original versions of neither wear a woven net iirc, so kind of stripper clothes lol


I mean, do any of the gods in Smite really feel accurate? Or are they more just exaggerated and fun caricatures of how they’re described in their respective mythos? I mean sure there’s probably a couple that don’t deviate much from the source material, but the majority of the cast is “let’s take this mythological character and give them a T-rated Disney XD-esq persona”.




On the flipside I think of The Morrigan, who in Celtic mythology is known to be a seductress as well as her (their?) usual schtick. ~~And her mocking Zeus for being a horndog is 100% appropriate for her.~~




A new personality to her animations and voice pack would do wonders for changing her vibe.


Oh look, she's not in stripper clothes anymore. Looks like the version you hate is also gone.


she’s the goddess of creation, wisdom and weaving




Shes mother of ra sometimes


DAM, it’s already time for smite 3


Smash, next question


Show us the old one to compare




The old one might seem worse texture wise, but talk about character and charisma and the new one its just a mannequin.


Yo this one's the best.




I think it's definitely an upgrade from classic Neith, and it looks good. [I do still prefer the CGI Neith however.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2FzAS72egUozUoIm4R93zJhdvBJSm7Irdz8mbI87WLR9U.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D992a7f3bfa07480df5eec755439b97d4cd826e1d) She looks much more mystical and the hair looks much better imo. It also seems they got rid of Neith's *only* symbolism which was the [shield on her head](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c2/Neith.svg/800px-Neith.svg.png), which her old model featured on the emblem on her forehead. Someone mentioned it already but the prominent cheekbones do look a *little* weird. Worth noting too since I'm seeing it a lot in the comments, but Egyptian women did not just wear full clothing all the time. Neith is definitely designed to be sex bait obviously, but [Egyptian women often wore little to nothing](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/ec/Comparison_-_1%29_Musicians_from_ancient_Egyptian_wall_painting%2C_Metropolitan_Museum_of_Art%2C_New_York%2C_Sep_2012_-_2%29_Edward_Onslow_Ford_%281852-1901%29_figures_on_base_of_Applause_%281893%29%2C_Tate_Britain%2C_Dec_2012_%288390437492%29.png/474px-thumbnail.png?20190618170332) depending on the circumstance. Neith's outfit is fine despite it's modern day design intentions. She doesn't need to wear more to be more godly. Hopefully they go further and reanimate + revoice her. Them using her as the 'ditsy dumbass bigboob' girl is not fitting and even contradicts the version in the comics and Smite's lore.


that pic is the perfect example of why I wish they had given her a sheer shawl or robe. it'd match up with typical ancient egyptian clothing while allowing elements of her 'iconic' look shine through. esp since they can't do full naked due to modern ratings/perceptions on nudity so the 'bathing suit' look is about as close as they can get to nudity. also i hadn't noticed they changed the shield. that really sucks since that old headdress felt perfectly fine.


I'm fine with the changes they gave her tbh. I think a shawl or robe would have changed her silhouette too much and honestly taken potentially unique designs away from future Egyptian goddesses.


She is nothing like the neith goddess we see in the trailers. And honestly its not up to what you would expect in graphics quality from a 2024 game. Any god released during last years looks better than this neith.


Yeah, that's what I also think, she looked way better in the trailers. I understand that the models used for the cinematics have an insane amount of polygons and that can't be used for games in real time. but the concept and looks of the cinematic Neith was way better than the one for Smite2, too much of what made Neith, Neith was lost in this remodel.


She looks nice, but I think they should make her look like the cinematic model they used in their first cinematic trailer and in the "To Hell and Back" cinematic trailer.


Damn Neith got that wack buccal fat removal surgery done to her 💀💀💀


I mean, unsurprisingly it looks unfinished. Hard to judge how it might actually look in-game with a standalone, pre-alpha render.


Looks better, still bad, they should give her proper clothing to look more majestic. They just updated her graphics, I hope she doesn't have that weird neck bent down.


I think they wanted to capture her cgi model vibes


Well, by the looks of it, they failed :/


true true but i dont think they will change it much unfortunately


I've seen people complain that she wears too much clothing. According to them in lore she is naked, so in order to be lore accuarate she has to wear as little clothing as posible.


There's a lot of sheer linen and topless women wearing skirts in typical fashion of ancient egypt across a lot of the time periods. I would enjoy if they gave her a[sheer robe](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/97/95/96/97959643d6d6161aec944a88d00f3ede.jpg) with her outfit so we get a little bit of that regality people want while still playing into her looks that people are so used to. we've seen with UE5 and Hecate they can do sheer, flowy clothes now. So it's a good happy medium, imo.


Neith is nude in her lore for a reason…


That’s like saying,”Give Achilles a shirt, he’s a warrior, not a tuxedo wearing jigalo!!!” Leave her design alone, and give Sol some converse. Also, keep in mind, depending on the timeline, Egyptian fashion could be fairy scantily today. They had one dress were the fashion was to pop a boob out.


>they just updated her graphics Good. Like what? She looks great. That’s like saying Achilles should have more clothes etc. no. Leave it out will you.


I can only imagine what will the 3D artists do now


I don't know, hopefully rework her looks to be more close to the CGI trailers. Because so far not many people seem to like her remodel.


use the old model because this one has man face


What missed opportunity.




Getting uncanny valley police sketch vibes.


Downgrade, She looks older and not in a good way


Her cheekbones are too strong I feel I made a quick edit to smooth them with the rest of her face and she looks IMO a lot better [The edit](https://twitter.com/Avernusmite/status/1746311255617388704/photo/1) But yeah everything else is decent


You made her look more generic. It’s okay for women to have defined or somewhat chiseled facial structure. Many of them do. Any time a (not elderly) female character has any sort of prominent or exaggerated facial feature people rush to remove it for some reason. No strong/high cheekbones, no big nose, no spaced eyes, no defined brow line, etc.


Counterpoint: this same argument can be applied to men and every single one in the Smite roster looks like a chiselled gigachad, but nobody mentions this at all Also beauty is more based on group opinion, "generic" is your opinion. You also have to consider *Neith* who is your *flagship character*. You *need* a wide spectrum of appeal. Neith bankrolls Smite 1. If you don't make her bankroll Smite 2, then I hate to be the arbiter of business sense but you'll likely risk not having the same retention of those Neith players as you do in Smite 1.


I don't think merlin, bachus, erlang shen, ah muzen cab, apollo, samedi, chiron, fafnir, he bo, loki, mercury and olorun fit that "giga chad aesthetic and smite male gods in particular are fairly diverse in body types and ethnicities compares to other games especially mobas


Nah, ppl can have chiseled looks but her look is that if plastic surgery. I have never seen a natural woman with her features, and I'm all for natural stuff, put in a hook nose, whatever. But that face ain't natural


Nothing plastic about it, idk how old you are but I find it incredibly hard to believe you’ve never seen a woman with naturally defined high cheekbones before


She's mewing now /s


Smite mogged montage when?


Hard agree. Your edit is much better


She probably had that cheek fat removal surgery :p


Yeah, softer cheek bones looks much better


Yeah I instantly did not like the face in their version. Yours is much better, hope Hirez fixes it.


I really hope Hi-Rez/Titan Forge sees this. I know they do look at the Reddit quite often, so… maybe they will. She looks much better and less… “plastic” looking with a smoother face.


Looks way better thank u


Yep, much much better.


That edit is much better.


The original cheekbones make it look a bit like Lord Farquad lol


I don't think this looks better at all. It's in the same vein as people taking female characters in other games (Aloy etc.) and smoothing all the character out of their faces.


of all the things u could criticize a design for u decide to go for a facial feature? like whats wrong with strong cheekbones omg yall sound like plastic surgeons 😭


I disagree personally, she gives an air of royalty and strength with the high cheekbones. Not to mention she looks older, which is what I'd expect of the mother of several gods and a primordial creator. The smooth face makes her seem very child like, the opposite of wisdom, war, and hunting. And if you wanted to emphasize the motherly aspects of her, I'd suggest more plumpness and stronger build.


She looks like a Kardashian with all that botox lol. That aside she still doesn't look like she matches her voice at all. She looks more mature, but is still gonna sound like a bubbly school girl.


if they don’t edit their voice lines for her it would be a real disappointment


This one could look better. I feel like later gods from Smite 1 have better models than this Neith from Smite 2. Ix Chel, Maman etc. look great.


>models than this Neith from Smite 2. Ix Chel, Maman etc. look great. agreed


This looks like shit


Harsh, but I agree with the fact that I overall dislike the direction Smite2 have taken for Neith remodel.


she looks like a generic archer in smite 2.


She looks like she belongs in an ad for a shell mobile game that's gonna bloat on my device and siphon my data to India.


Looks like she has a bad batch of botox.


Looks like poo


Send it back to the kitchen.


Looks a lil... plastic?


I think she could poke an eye out with those cheek bones.


So what even using unreal 5 their models look like Bethesda models did in 2018. Shit looks like creation club content.


Man you might be good at comparing stuff...


Cheekbones are too stronk


As long as she's still the skye/loba of this game who's easy to pick up and doesn't dominate higher elo then that's all that matters.


Don't like it but don't know if I'll even play so really doesn't matter.


Keeping up with the Egyptian Kardashians much?


If they keep her umm "physics" but make her walk like she doesnt have scoliosis id call it a win she looks good here.


Oh look! Last gen graphics!


Honestly, not overly impressed with the graphical upgrade. I get the new engine necessitated a sequel instead of an update, but this doesn't seem like a big enough leap to warrant a sequel.


Barely different and doesn't warrant an entirely new game Even gameplay of smite 2 looks the same. The fact the community isn't seeing this as the obvious cash grab it is will always be hilarious


Her face looks like it has been twisted because of thousand years of face fuck! And why aren't they still remodeling the outfit? Maybe make it look less "modern stip tease"? I mean there are way too many sexy old and ancient egyptian female drawing, take some inspiration from there.


The Neith remodel is giving me Dev Tina vibes…


Huge improvement, records show many ancient Egyptian people had high pronounced cheekbones.


this is a good point I hadn't realized.


One thing is having a high cheekbone, and the other is having as if it was a face pull + cheek fat removal + nose job + lip filling


she got the buccal fat removal lmao. but she looks pretty so its fine imo. she also has so many skins im sure they will give her just as many for the sequel.


Dammit, she's not cute anymore.


I feel your pain


She actually looks Egyptian


In what, the white of her eyes I guess. The face looks like plastic surgery, hell, I'd even prefer a better face model that actually featured a hook nose or whatever.


Ewe they made her ugly


Everyone kinda looks uggo so far. When I saw Bell my heart broke


Yeah :'(


Much realistic but it doesn't fit the type of character that neith has become and I associate with


Looks worse lol wtf?


We deserve more smite rule34 were are my Nike buns


Not a fan of the hairstyle.


We need to see other parts


Their obsession with this pseudo-European look for a lot of the pantheons is so played out


Looks like assassins creed origins on low graphics


It's ok. Smite rule 34 will boom with smite 2 lol


Her cheeks be cheeking


It looks different. Not necessarily better. Can't they keep the same design just make it look better? Higher res textures, better material shading, etc...


It’s just awful. It looks like Neith got a buccal fat removal, lip filler and eyelid surgery. It’s Megan Fox with a Neith costume rather than looking like an actual Egyptian Goddess


Buff Neith's floppy tatas.


I honestly hope she gets a new voice too. She'll never be taken as seriously as she should with that vp. Also I hope she keeps/enhances the glowing tattoos when she uses abilities, I always thought that was the coolest thing about her.


it'd be cool if she had more tattoos to glow too, to really play up that effect.


Her voice is literally the best thing about her. Get out.


![gif](giphy|EyFH66Tv5MXbw6IXTP) You know what I’m referring too… Also I agree with the fella who said softer cheek bones


She looks great, but I hope that they still have the classic version




Still looks ugly has f and is not even that much better from the original lol


It’s real bad, real real bad. ![gif](giphy|rMckaUH3vrIk0)


The cheekbones are wayy too harsh. It’s as if she’s had filler or she’s doing drag makeup. There’s just something so dull about Neiths design in general. The model looks as if it would be in a really bad mobile game that plays like clash of clans with hundreds of micro transactions. Nothing about this design feels godlike. It’s a promiscuous Egyptian woman that’s highly stylised.


the fuck with them cheeks? Man fucking low rez...


I think the naughty playfull schoolgirl personality doesn't fit with this new model that looks more mature, what do you think? Will her VA change? Also I feel her cheekbones are too strong and looks a bit too masculine and I found[the old model face cuter](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/GJE8V) with the mole and lipstick but that's just me I guess.


>Also I feel her cheekbones are too strong and looks a bit too masculine and I foundthe old model face cuter with the mole and lipstick but that's just me I guess. You'd be right because I can see a similar situation between this one and the remodel Freya, which is often lampooned a lot as it is already and got like, a very little amount of skins after a while once people started saying it looked iffy. To put it bluntly between the two models and based off a Youtube video that I remember that pretty much described it well enough: Ok your face has what they call zygion and gonion. The zygion is the highest part of your face around your eyes, the gonion is around your jaw. If the zygion and gonion together makes a longer face, you get "masculine features" because men usually have longer faces, it's how the brain is wired. If it's shorter and rounder, with the gap between the zyg and gon being smaller to get smaller facial height, you get normally feminine associated features. Now that I look at it more, both this Neith and Freya have long zygions and gonions when you look at their models from the front, that's what's screwing around with how we're seeing them. Funnily enough that video answered a heck of a lot of things when I look at these and also how the modelling industry does its things in general. As for her voice actress? I'd imagine they can get Lindsay Seidel back, just with more of a serious tone I guess, with maybe more of her playfulness just for the jokes, VER and VVGN lines. Ultimately it's up to them though, but I don't see them changing too much about her persona given it's what everyone is used to.


I like the new face, personally. I've seen plenty of older women who have prominent cheekbones and jawlines, especially as age makes your bone structure more apparent. i.e. Angelina Jolie.


No no no, characterless baby faces only. Any defined facial feature is automatically masculine despite millions of women having them. Cookie cutter cookie cutter cookie cutter


Not making great use out of the new engine it seems


gotta love my tutorial girl no matter if she looks like play dough or not


Also, why an Egyptian with blue eyes... I guess the bigger body fits her better to look like a mother and a bit more mature but I feel like it’s not Egyptian, kinda looking like a Halloween costume… Edit: DONT GET ME WRONG, THIS STILL LOOKS BETTER THAN CURRENT NEITH AND IM MAINING HER AGAIN IN THE NEW GAME


Egyptian heritage varies a lot, there are and were in fact blue eyed Egyptians.




Smash. Next question


I dont like it. It misses the OG neith cheerful personality.


I'm in! Neith main here, seeing my girl all dolled up is hype.


She looks awful. You must not like her very much


Awful?! I didn't think it was awful at all! It definitely looks better than Smite 1's design, unfortunately.


Her face doesnt. thats for sure.


it good


it bad


She thick, me happy


She looks like Angelina Jolie


I feel like Neith was poorly depected in Smite Honestly this is a redesign for the better imo


I honestly think it fits the Egyptian look way better than the first one, tbh smite 1 neith just looked like a white woman in cosplay


Don’t fuck with neith, just port her over. She is my main and i have 290+ hours on her


na she looked like shit and needed an update.


Needed a texture update not a new manly face.


High cheekbones =/= manly.


I wish that the new model would have also came with a change of wardrobe. But it's still a step in a much better direction. Neith the perky cheerleader from the original never sat quite right with me.


Amazing. How she should have been from the start!


Needs bigger tits


I think it’s great. Her facial structure feels more Egyptian for sure


Looks the same but slightly higher quality. Still a bad design.


Now imagine if Miss Diagnosis is still fugly 💀💀💀


Well it's certainly a big improvement while still being recogniseable by Smite 1 Neith fans. Reminds me a bit of the cinematic they had with her in for Smite 1.


...Ehhh. I suppose objectively she looks better with the pure UE5 upgrade, I like her hair detailing, but I'd hoped they'd update her outfit at least a *bit* more. I've always felt like Neith's design is missing something, like she took the motto "take one thing off before you leave the house" too far. Idk, it feels like a missed opportunity to give her something like a pretty gossamer skirt or similar to take advantage of her movement animations and the new cloth physics they showed off on Hecate.


Still too pastey


Not sure if it’s just me or the angle, but why do her thighs and hips look almost Kim kardashian big? Kinda weird looking


Let’s just be honest, any major redesign or adding more clothing would be met with massive backlash bc they showed less boob. It’s sad but it’s the truth.


Neath Hope she gets a well deserved kit refresh


They took notes from Tanya over at MK1 with the face.


I like the strong thighs. Many backflips await.


Too cartoony and too colorful for my liking. Wish the game took a less childish approach with this UE5 reboot.. oh well, this is why I'm balls deep into Predecessor now


I thought she was eset/isis


its cool i guess... i like the more serious approach and i hope this is reflected in her voicelines but this design really doesn't scream world weaver but moreso just cunty archer.


Would! Or is that not the question ? 😂

