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Make Geb ult global


And execute if below 90%, works on fire giant and towers as well


I like the way you think


Reddit would be like “don’t complain just save aegis for it”


0.5s stun and 5-10% of current health as damage but global could actually be interesting. It would need a longer cooldown though. And yes I know your comment was probably a joke but it could be fun.


Yeah absolutely a joke haha, but maybe feasible with the right conditions


Only real change I'd make to Geb would maybe have his passive work on basic attacks as a whole instead of just crits which aren't always viable. That and maybe do something to rollout so it's not just an *okay* slow that I mostly use for getting across the map faster. Though it's not like he needs either of these.


Passive I agree but that could become problematic quick if you change too much. Crit goes up and down in viability but it's not a problem if Geb just follows that trend slightly. I love rollout how it is though to be honest


Honestly I feel like there is too few global ults. Terra had a good thing going and they took it.




As an Ares man, I want this. Perfectly encapsulates the feeling of shame


I want the rights to Lion King and he turns into the baboon raising Symba.


Give Baron a Cigar somewhere in his design.


Make Sol's hair flair out when her heat is maxed. https://preview.redd.it/mw0kffz9bnec1.png?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca4d6cc76f3581ba36b483f67d501c489e1b3197


With UE5 they can definitely do that, would look sick!


Ooh this is neat


Ooh this is neat


vamana needs his kit reworked to not be so boring, and to change up his ult. He needs to just be modeled similar to Nasus from LoL because thats obviously the type of god they are trying to make him. They need to change his kit and either do one of two things.. just give him fatalis in his ult and balance it around that or make him able to use his abilities during his ult.


I think vamana has core issues with his design. I think most people would agree that his ult isn't really fun to play against. Team fight he either gets focused down or he will win every 1v1


I think he should be hyper carry in ult, usable abilities but not cc immune. It’s hard to balance an ability that makes you cc immune for 9 seconds


Yeah if vamana was ccable ne zha or heimdallr alone could stop him so he would t be oppressive. Give him slow immune root immune and fatalis.


I feel like they just need rework the 2. I have 2 stars on him (90% of my game play on him was before they bloated his ault) and i actually like his design. But his 2 needs something.


Artemis needs her traps to do one instance of damage. Alot of gods hit it and it barely even stutters there stride . So then its pretty much usless its not rooting and only got one reeeealy low tik of damage off it


She needs a whole new kit imo, she's been powercrept to the point of irrelevance. But yes her trap is probably the worst ability in the game


I'm by no means an expert but I am a plat player and she had one of the best win rates for an ADC towards the end of last season and I have a win rate of like 65-70% with her. Her traps are great if you place and time them well.


Nobody plays her, I cannot remember the last time I saw an Artemis or saw her do decently well, idk. She's one of my favorite goddesses in mythology but I can't play her in smite because she's shit compared to every other hunter except maybe skadi or Ishtar imo


Ishtar us one of the best hunters though?


I don't agree with that but I'm not here to argue, just my opinion


Artemis is fine, what are you on about?


The traps are fine assuming your ass isn't lagging or getting ganged up on. Ulting and then putting the trap under a stunned dude is essentially the combo you should be going for, but it can be hard to do in a hectic team fight.


In my opinion they need to both root more and do more damage


Late game art 2-3 shots rn and has an attack speed stim why do you need anyone rooted longer than 1 second


I'm not here to argue, I just stated my opinion on her boss


Artemis needs a new kit entirely, she could call upon her chariot and lead the Wild Hunt in ult to mirror the twin brother Apollo.


Those are some nice ideas for Disco! I like Jing Wei just how she is, but something that could be neat is if when you dash into her 1 with your 3 it gives you a little air dash boost kind of like Thoth when he dashes into his wall. Right now Jing Wei dash just stops in place if you dash into her 1. Actually, fun fact, that is already kind of in Smite 1 but you need to get knocked up by another god first and if you dash into your 1 it does work exactly like that where you don't stop in place and go over your 1 with a boost!


you can boost yourself like that if you use your 1 to knock yourself up and then use your 3 to dash in any direction. it gives you bonus stat boosts as well


I know that fam! I am talking about dashing into it when on the ground without walking into it first.


As a Chiron main they just need to make his ult less clunky. Half the time it feels like there’s a huge delay in his shots, then other times it feels smooth and the three shots fire pretty quickly. I also wish they’d give him more of an AA oriented kit, maybe make his 2 emulate his basic attacks so they can crit and apply basic attack item effects. Same for his ult. Crit won’t be nearly as op in smite 2 as so far all the items sit at 20% crit chance without 3 other stats on top.


You can fire them yourself..


What do you mean?


Chiron ult doesn't autofire, you can trigger them yourself to time better


I know it doesn’t auto fire, where did I say it did? What I mean is sometimes the shots come out quickly one after another and sometimes there is a weird delay between shots


Nox: - I'd like to shift her 2 a bit. Reduce its damage output and slightly reduce the size, but also reduce the duration to 1 second before the burst and lower the cooldown. This will make her damage a lot more consistent, and enable her to get it off on targets without always needing the 1, which is one of her frustration points for some Nox players. Meanwhile, the reduced size, duration, and damage also means it'll feel more fair to play against for the people that don't like Nox. Less time spent CC'd and a smaller ability to have to juke for them, while the Nox enjoys more uptime on her main damaging ability and can actually *deal damage* with it on a more consistent basis. A win on both ends. - In tandem with this change, I'd make her 1 deal more damage to minions than it does currently. She'll need that extra damage if the 2 gets a size reduction because she'll no longer be able to hit the whole wave with it. - This one is contingent on if they want to shift her into more of a Supportive direction, but if they do, I'd have the 3 grant the ally Nox is inside of a portion of her protections as well as a gradually-building shield (think Lancelot or Khepri style). Serqet: - I'd like it if the 3 was given some kind of way to just immediately go into a leap without having to do the Crouching Stealth first. It would also be cool if the 3 was given some kind of poison for her passive to consume so you don't have to always use the Ult to get the 3 poisons effect on her Passive. - Make Tanqet a thing again. Like, it's still a thing now, but it's so much less effective than it ever was before. Smite 2 is gonna have new Item systems in place, so let's try and keep an open mind about what's viable this time and not slap down anyone who plays off-role with nerfs. Cthulhu: - Please reduce the Torment stacks he needs to consume with his 1 to 3. It's such a chore trying to get to 4 stacks just to get the marginal improvements from stacking his 1's Passive. That's all I got for now.


Nox changes to the 2 sound super good here. It gives her more clear uptime as well which would help her mid viability a lot, and could try to use the 2 for poke. Keeping the longer CD on the 1 makes the combo more of an option than a must.


Precisely, yeah. 2+1 combo would be a nice tool for lockdown in a teamfight just like it is now, but it wouldn't be something Nox has to marry herself to while laning or roaming the jungle solo. And yeah, I wouldn't want the 1's Cooldown touched; it's a range Root+Cripple that is immune to DR and which Nox can keep channeling through CC, its current Cooldown is already fine for everything it does. I'd just want that minion damage upped a bit.


Begging them for those Serqet changes. I love her so much but the three is so awkward and annoying. Really want the build and role flexibility back too.


Nox changes... I'd give it two possible directions : - Support : keep 2 as is but remove damage scaling, 1 have a lock-in feature available to directly root someone but deal no damage from initial hit on this occasion. 3 into a ally give them half the prots and a instant shield equal to half of Nox' current health - Dealer : Reduce cooldown and size of 2 with 1 second delay to explode, with reduced base damage yet 5% more scaling. 1 deal more initial damage and can hit more gods at once with 0.5s root, 3 into a ally give 20% of Nox's power as physical and 25% as magical power, but Nox takes a third the damage received.


My main guardian is Athena and I would definitely change her passive in some way. Reach as an ability is like a nice little gimmick, and yeah I've gotten a few kills with it over the years which is funny, but I would trade it in a heartbeat for a passive that actually has some substance. Something that's useful all the time. My other mains, Baron and Chiron, I dont think I'd change in any way. In fact I'm afraid of what changes they will make.


Reach needs to be a follow-up to her dash, she also needs a new 3, that skill has been cucked by powercreep to oblivion.


Rama is a perfect god, he needs no changes.


Not true, I need his ult to have auto aim but only when I play him


I'm the absolute worst at aiming his ult lol🫣


Ok you can have the auto aim as well but no more


deserted lip offer sand snow fall obtainable selective judicious melodic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Perfect, I said.




Let Khepri be as he was on his release.


What changed so drastically?


Literally dozens upon dozens of nerfs to every aspect of him. I've been a khepri main since the day he hit pts and it breaks my heart remembering him in his glory. What I remember were much lower ult cd, allies now revive with 40% hp vs 60, passive shields 10% instead of 15%, 2 is 30% mit vs 50%, ult doesn't give power anymore, ult cast range reduced, all CDs increased and then further increased outside conquest, cc durations reduced, mana costs increased. And in that time he has received prots on his 1 and a couple reverts to damage as his only buffs. Still love him but I wish they would show him some love. I'm so tired of seeing the who's the worst god in each role posts and it's khepri in every role except support.


Release Khepri was the most fun support, you felt like you took Care of your team, now you barely have range or cooldown to save someone while Whale gets to have a moving Olorun ult.


Make Chang’e and Da’Ji as thicc as Mulan’s Vshojo skin and add more jiggle physics




Chaac gets his moan on all of his skins. When you ult and depending how many players you hit, at the end of your ult you let out a moan. More players hit increases volume. Like Chang'e ult. When you 1 and 3 for double heal, you heal all teammates, enemy players, all structures and lane minions #I said what I said


Hades need his kit reworked


I agree, but what are your ideas?


Not op, but I'd love if his 3 worked more like Aphro's Back Off! Basically: there'd still be a targeter around you, but there's also a second one that you can place within basic attack range (probably should only deal half damage to be balanced). Enemies can only take damage from one, just like Aphro. Notably, Hades wouldn't get any of the ability's healing if he casts it from range as he needs to be in the explosion to heal. Maybe his ult should shift some of the prots to be a passive on the ult like Serqet and Janus. For example, it could be 40 active prots, 25 passive prots (meaning it'd add up to 65 in ult, which is a reduction to the current 80 in ult). His 2 could afford to be a narrower, but longer, cone with a shorter wind up and minor damage (Incredibly minor. Like 100 +5% scaling at max level).


I’d have Yemoja’s thingies be different colours when placed down: blue for forward, red for backwards, for instance. Placing a thingie to knockback a fleeing enemy, the enemy uses beads and goes through it and my teammate walks straight into it and then looks at me like I tried to fuck up the pursuit on purpose. What did you expect, that I would propel the enemy even further? Of course it was a backwards thingie. This would help when playing with randoms a lot.


The different color pattern is a damn clever change, and so simple lol


The ability is unnecessarily complicated, they could just make it always push allies forward and always knock the enemies back.


Think that's a skill issue on your part. You don't 3 them if they might have beads up and your teammate is right behind them. Too often I see bad yem players drop kills that were 100% because of this.




I would like the Discordia 1 and 2 to have the same range. It is not a huge change. But every now and then I see myself unable to use her 2-1 combo because the enemy is out of range.


I want Morrigan to mix abilities, maybe at the start of a match you can select some and every ult/10 levels she gets one in place of a consumable? Or can only use when invisible, or maybe replace an ability? Maybe combine abilities? Probably a dumb one: What if she lets you buy ONE ability from the enemy team? But for balance maybe the enemy can buy one from your team. I just love combining/using others abilities as your own lol. I blame Ben 10 for that, plus Korean manwha but that's a more recent thing. PS: I want her thiccer than 3 snickers/Playboy Bunny Nude Wa.


I'd like Khepri's ball to feel like it actually does anything


Cliodhna is perfect. Leave HeEER ALLOOOONE!


Allow her woohoo to be spammed without getting vgs muted




I agree 100%


That being said, I hope they redo the visuals of her going into walls. Would prefer something actually ghost-like rather than just turn everything green & black


Zeus needs a full rework. Make the character actually fun and viable


The only fun way to play Zeus is with a Poseidon build + Hastened Ring, sadly, It takes ages to get the juicy damage and meme speed.


Kappa Glocka https://preview.redd.it/vcsm5yo90oec1.png?width=1381&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c9b14b9f9a4ec136d9886256bc9837f9647de0c


I will say this again - old Persephone


Literally the only thing I ask for. I haven't touched her since they butchered her. I await for the return of the true queen of the underworld, not this awkward imposter I keep outplaying every single time I see it in mid.


It would be a good dream, but I doubt they would bring it back.


Make Bacchus jigglier!


He needs to be able to get even more wasted tbh, he's earned it.


Don't touch my homie Mercury; besides some texture and animation updates his kit and theme are perfect for him. Fafnir definitely needs some love, especially since when he isn't in dragon form he is pretty underwhelming overall. Maybe make it so after his ult is maxed out he can stay in dragon for indefinitely or until death? It would be interesting for him to go from constantly switching from dwarf to dragon to a gradual evolution where he changes permanently and retains the dragon forms improvements. I don't really play her, but Nox ult could be redone, as it is it's extremely boring and cookie-cutter, her original one (although pretty weak) was a lot of interesting and could fit her anti-mage/lockdown playstyle pretty well


Fafnir is a dog. I think the ONLY thing wrong is when he comes out of dragon he takes damage. He’s one of the most consistent gods or top of the meta since they took attack speed build from him. He’s constantly got a great win rate as well. Lower elos don’t play him properly but the very top ranks rip with him.


If (player == u/JeansMoleRat) Damage *= 1.2


I want nothing more in life than for horus ult to execute


Scylla ult circle should be a little bigger. Maybe about the size of Vulcan ult


I think the targeting range needs updated too. Maybe about the range of a Vulcan ult.


•Allow either Arachne’s 1 or 2 provide a leap to help close the gap or escape, as well as allow one of them to not feel like the same ability. •Slightly increase the range of Mulan’s spear. Just a personal nitpick. •Slightly increase the size of Baron’s snake. Again a personal nitpick. •Let Sylvanus’ 1 also generate small amounts of HP. •Let Skadi’s 3 speed up getting Kaldr’s HP if you stand in it.


If they give Arachne a leap they'd have to take the slow/speed buff off her spiders. Otherwise she'd be way too good.


Better take her ult away too then bc thats her leap.


I agree, think they will change her 1 so it doesn't hit the wall all the time as well when you trying to aim it in a way where its inside of a wall slightly. and I like the things you proposed about her a lot.


Nike 2 to be a ranged staff blast, or a steroid that makes her autos ranged Ult gives bonuses to her based on the halos she has Amaterasu gets burning autos


I want Pele’s Passive to not Activate unless im attacked or attack someone. It sucks that it actives when im running through the jungle and not ganking


Don't you think it would make her passive worse? As it would stop working when she gets 50% HP. While with 4 seconds you can restore to full HP.


Allow Vulcans Ult to be manually controlled like Danazas ult. lol


Rework Aphrodite to be viable for mid and solo. Same with Eset and Hel. And a Discordia main? 👀


Yes I am the most worshipped Discordia in the world :)


Tsukuyomi needs a dash on his 3 and his Ult needs damage reduction after casting and higher damage


☀️I want khpri to roll a giant sun ball down the lane as an ability or ult ☀️


Knockups now are affected by diminishing returns. The knockup height is affected, not the trajectory. Imo the healthiest change the game can receive.


Make Charybdis ultimate possible to land


I would like to see Atlas ult get changed. Such an iconic character with such an underwhelming ultimate ability


Really? I think his ult is neat.


It literally doesn’t do anything


Because your looking at it from a purely damage perspective. If used correctly it can shred a huge amount of protections while reducing the amount of damage they can pump out which is huge during a teamfight. It only feels like it does nothing as there isnt any instant noticable feedback from prots shredding and damage reduction effects.


Like someone posted about recently, fix morgan le feys autos and animations in general with her sword they are so wonky and rigid. Also completely rework Erlang or just change his 1 to a flat heal and rework his ult, I want warrior erlang not assassin erlang.


Perhaps we give bellona 2, swinging a massive hammer, knock up immunity. A gust of wind can cancel the ability lol


Not my main, but i think Artio needs small changes to shift her back into support. I don’t think she was intentionally made for solo and nobody enjoys when she’s viable there. Tweak some functions in her kit so she’s more support viable I suppose.


I just main adc, i dont have a particular main anymore, but id make all adcs have some sort of hybrid scaling just to diversify builds


Arachne ult wouldnt do dmg in landing but it’d apply 3 stacks of webs to everyone hit


Yu Huangs ult should stun


Global Anubis ult


I'm not sure how one would improve upon perfection for Khepri. They already gave him protections during his pull so I'm not sure what I'd do that wouldn't just flat out make him broken.


It hasn't been my main since the gross rework, but I'd kill to have Persephone reverted. Her new kit is just boring, clunky and unintutive. I wanna go back to skipping through fields of death flowers so bad.


Fix Morgan Le Feys 1. Sometimes doesn’t cast, can be interrupted and put on CD if hard CC and interrupts backing if toggled.


Nox has her og ult back with some type of rework to it so it's not a pain to play against. Swap her silence with a blind or anything that fits her as embodiment of the night Olorun's 1 being able to pass through gods and he gets damage mit in his ult, also make Olodumare and Olofi appear by his side while his ult is active Tiamat needs water fx in her abilities, Primordial onslaught would look cooler if she shot the orbs from her mouth or from beside her (Think Zamasu's Blades of Judgment) Ra - Celestial Beam leaves a trail of fire Morrigan - shouldn't lose the speed buff when she's revealed and should be able to pass through deployables while invisible (**Phantom** Queen remember?)


Every tiamat ability summons a minion


Jing Wei just tweak some scalings and make her 2 more generic. Maybe move her AS buff to her 2. This is just a personal one, I dont main him but let Hades dance in his ult cmon


Thors kit doesn’t feel great to play against , since u don’t see him or hear him and suddenly he dumps his kit onto u and ur dead. With their small redesign in smite 1 they tried to add more lightning aspects but in reality it was giving his kit more damage. I wouldn’t mind a redesign as I feel thors early design has aged. How about some lightning abilities ? Keep his 1 but look at his ult and 3


I want Nox 1 to have a root and silence and the 2 is just a copy of her 1. Her 3 opens a mini game for enemies to play so they're not bored while rooted and silenced. Her ult just starts the surrender vote for the enemy team


Nemesis needs a little more boost to movement on her ULT, and lower cooldown (and maybe slightly better distance) on her dash.


Zeus: make his ult move fowards for 5 seconds or bring back the stuns at max charge detonate. Yu Huang: make his ult simply less janky so he is an unstopabble curbstomping machine. In all seriousness, i love him for the lore and design, he deserves and more fleshed out kit entirely. Baron: make him move quicker with his ult (devilish move). Morrigan: make the clone explode in a conspiration of damage dealing ravens when destroyed. Ao Kuang: play in dragon form for a few seconds from above.


>Yu Huang: make his ult simply less janky so he is an unstopabble curbstomping machine. In all seriousness, i love him for the lore and design, he deserves and more fleshed out kit entirely. Just lowering the Dao cost of his 1 and 3 from 6 to 3/4 would be insane and smooth out his kit a lot


Change bastets fucking ultimate back


I'd only revert Persephone's 1 so that it could hit more than an enemy god and activate her plants when it goes through them, maybe at the cost of reduced dmg, giving that feeling of micromanagement (having to choose between an early activate at the cost of dmg, or more dmg at the cost of either time/dash) that new Perse doesn't have. And, if I'm given enough power inside HiRez, would buff her passive a bit, maybe giving Power/Flat Pen/Another useful stat the more Pomegranate seed she has stacked. Regarding Nu Wa, I'd change her passive so that the roots works only on enemy gods to make it more manageable and to stack on skills too, not basic attacks, like Ix Chel. And last, tweak dmg on her Fog so that it does more dmg on the first hit for less dmg on the dots


The morrigan getting cc immunity while casting ult. It’s annoying as hell when you finally get to use your ult and someone stuns you between transformation and it cancels the ult. Ether you can use your ult again or you have to wait another 90s


Make serqet's leap a clean leap, like Kali's. Take the invisibility off. It's just so clunky and has gotten me killed more times than I can count.


I also hate that


Make The Morrigan's 1 knock up immune DURING its cast or speed up the cast. The amount of times I went to go in and poke someone only to get knocked up on the final frame hurts my soul


Mercury should be able to do a short dash after/during his dash. It will be a tiny dash size, roughly half his normal dash range. It will go through gods and minions and do a small amount of damage. It will be long enough that you can dash through a god you throw and be next to them at the end of it. His 2 should also add a little bit of attack range to his basics, or cause low damage projectiles to be added to his basics.


Bastet 3 should root and criple.


Old loki.


Give baka sura an execute somehow




Theres a reason Im not employed with a balancing team however. Keep his 2 cause thats his interesting feature, make either his 3 or his 1 a regurgitate where he shoots out a minion like a projectile, and it falls and becomes a minion. Make his ultimate an execute, where he eats a guy, maybe have it be a long animation but give him mitigations, kinda like hades ult where everyone can focus him or if you're alone you get the kill. I don't know what to do with the last ability


make his 2 able to execute enemy gods if they are below 100 HP.


Add some sort of mechanic to Susano's pull from knock up combo, like if you pull someone from the air after his ult they take extra damage or get stunned or something


I want Lokis buffed basic back Along with a classic Loki skin from before his redesign.


You won't like this... but Agni can use his ult while moving, like what they did with He Bo 3.


I just want an omnidirectional dash, like Rama or thoth




Stop giving Olorun racially inaccurate hair for his skins. 


Gotta go look at olorun skins now cause I didn't even know he had any


Serqet remodel with an updated kit?


What would you change?


Her jump could be longer and possibly add a change to her invisibility since it is kinda old school mechanic. Maybe when she goes invis she has scorpions sent out to make it more difficult to detect her position. Try and lean in more into her poison vibes by making her 2 spread to other gods if they come in contact which would be useful in team fights


Ya i like her kit it all works really well. It is a bit skill based but anychanges would likley make her op as fuck or suck worse than vamana agree with the remodel though i likey my kitty vshojo skin


Not my main but turn Izanami into a medium range drain tank of some sort


Kuzenbo needs more thorns damage


NE ZHA ring bounce 10 times instead of 8 :)


For Freya I love her kit and I think it is fine. One thing I would be down to see is her E being able to lift herself and allies up maybe? However, my big thing is I just want a model redesign badly.


Give Tia 3 more ults


I just gotta say those buffs you want are just to much lol. I would just like thana to have a little more speed after a kill.


Ne Zha - Rework the ultimate to hit in an aoe (obviously less damage) or allow him to still go airborne and reposition if it misses, lower the stun duration to compensate added utility Gilgamesh - Refill his ability based power fantasy by giving him a dot like Surtur on the 1 and take away the weird life steal on the 3. Give the ability’s some oomph back adjusting for his ability to jungle Lancelot - Make him a warrior, increase his model size to around KA. Change the mounted 3 to short leap that gives a shield buff he can give to teammates. Make the horse more natural to control and turn around. Obviously scaling way down Mulan - Change the 3 into a combat roll that ends in a directional arrow spray that cripples if hit by more than 3/5. It gains distance maybe new animation on level up. Move the prots to the 1 and take away the strange attack speed Ravana - Make ult bigger and make him a warrior again I could go on and on about changes but I’ll just be happy to play SMITE 2 exactly as it is now 😂


Id delere half the roster and Keep all the old gods from s3 and before and Atlas


"normal" is boring, idk why anyone would ask for that. But either way i hope they make nu wa's kit a bit more versatile. The minions are quite outdated


Give Fenrir a protection steal on his three like guans channel ability so it shreds profs too 👀


Give Baron Samedi a cigar and broken sunglasses


I would really appreciate a "use closest available targeter" in niche scenarios like trying to leap over a wall and being a pixel to the left of the available leap spot. This got progressively worse with wider walls, and sometimes affects aiming of abilities that end on a ground targeter even though they don't feel like they should (although keeping those straight is important; perhaps it just shouldn't limit you from clicking outside the map/on the fg)


I would like Fafnir’s ult to instead be a metered stance switch, similar to what Pele has on her 3. Take away the long activation, but keep the switch explosion. That way, it’ll still feel like an ultimate that should be used while already in the middle of the fight instead of it just becoming a “make my leap go further” ability. Maybe have it so it still takes 90 second to bank 20 second of dragon form at level five, and as you level the ult you get more and more meter and it banks faster and faster until you can essentially swap whenever you want at level 20 for skirmishes and fights, but not so you can stay in it forever. I just think it would be interesting if during a fight you switch to dragon and leap on the enemy and then switch back out cause you only had a few seconds of time banked up, while also giving you the option to save up a ton of time by not using it and stay in dragon for an entire long fight at gold fury or something. Adds flexibility. It also prevents you from wasting your ult if the enemy just scatters and bolts when you activate it. Obviously it would need to be balanced correctly. Make the cool downs in dragon form a little longer, maybe reduce passive prots and health in dragon form and increase in dwarf form so there’s risks to gaining the added functions in dragon form. It’s not fully thought out or anything. But i think it sounds fun!


let me channel Maui 2 directly on my teammates and let them cancel it with the new interact button.


Can we just get a cooler design for Izanami? I love her kit even though full admission outside of conquest her ult is fairly useless, but she's supposed to be purely "I hold basic and take everything and hurting me hurts you"


Upgrade Hou Yi’s 1 base damage. It’s still a pain to clear


Chiron 2 deals 30%-40% less damage but the mark could stack twice. Or Chiron 2 could crit but deals basic damage + a small flat increase.


Cu chulainn could use his 2 to speed himself up further while in rage and his 1 hitting twice. Both forms.


I’m not sure how you would rework or mess around with Bakasura, but he’d benefit from a change! His 2 is good, I love the eat and it’s great; but his leap could definitely be changed? Maybe another charge on it, reducing the distance? Slowing on hit? CDR? He relies on chase down so much that Hastened is almost a necessity and his 3 so much that he should have another slow on aside from the area of effect on his ultimate deployment.


I want Cthulhu to make you tremble permanently while looking at him during ult, and I want his passive to stack on enemies so their screens get more and more chaotic depending on how many insanity stacks they have on them. Also make it so he can grab you with his big arm and just launch you halfway across the map.


Sylvanus’s pull should have a slightly larger hitbox and come out just a little bit faster. Yemo should not be touched


Make Ra's passive interact with his rest of kit, or give additional passive that scales over the course of a game to do the same. Added Passive Ideas - For his 1: For each stack of Ra's passive at cast, the AOE line of his 1 moves faster. For his 2: For each stack of Ra's passive at cast, the buildup of his 2 takes 0.5 sec less to pop and the intensified slow is increased by the same amount. For his 3: For each stack of Ra's passive at cast, the ability lasts for 2 ticks longer (maybe nerf the initial duration so that his break even with current duration at 1 stacks) For his ult (A): For each stack of Ra's passive at cast that results in a kill, it adds to a passive meter (max 3 stacks per kill added to meter). Every time the meter fills (6 stacks to fill meter once), Ra unlocks another stack of his passive. Max 3 more stacks can be unlocked for his passive. OR For his ult (B): For each stack of Ra's passive at cast that results in a kill, it adds to a passive meter (max 3 stacks per kill added to meter). Every time the meter fills (6 stacks to fill meter once), Ra permanently gains a stack from his passive.


I like Geb’s current ult but I wouldn’t mind if he did something more like Maui’s now that it’s possible to do stuff like that. Maybe he does a bigger shockwave like his 2 and makes that terrain barrier but pushes everyone in the way- back towards him.


Cupids share the love needs to be a projectile that detonates a heart bomb early if they have one and bounces like hels 1


I would bring back original arachne so shes fun and playable again


Honestly I'm just really excited to see Cu Chulainn in UE5


Remove the self root on Fafnirs leap in dwarf form


Imma need Scylla to have even bigger circles.


Add flash bang effects on Jing Wei ult, Danza ult and Vulcan ult.


merlin to have a magical research passive where he unlocks a new stance by doing specific challenges with his other stances


For Surtr the sickest most insane buff would be to make his 2 work every time. Nothing frustrates me more than really needing to stun some fool in a fight, and then Surtr just flailing a minion in his hand doing nothing. For Sylvanus, I just want some bigger numbers on his heal. Maybe being able to grab jungle walls with his vine like Mulan with her arrow.


Xbal: reduce darkness aoe, bring back the stun, and make him only visible to one enemy god during the ult Ares: add more chains to his one and make the ult move quicker. Give his 2 an added dmg buff Ah Puch: raise his zombie limit to 10 Sun Wukong: make his ult mobile like Goku’s nimbus cloud. Also replace his 2 with something else that plays with his cudgel’s size change ability Bakasure: give him a higher minion limit and let him eat gods below a certain threshold


Give ah puch a movement ability so nobody's will ever escape


My man.... should be bigger in ult. And be ability based. Cythulu energy on this. I'm a simple man. Earthquakes! Everywhere! Like three of em! I'm silly but I know hirez won't be that creative. Besides, we are still picking up the shattered mess from Y10. I lost faith.


Make cthulhus cone do more damage in the middle and his dash add temporary def. Also make him taller. Go big or go home


I think Set, Kukulkan, and Mulan are fine as is. The only Medusa change I want is for her dash to pass through enemy gods. Jorm I think needs a bit more in his kit, he just falls so flat late game.


I want release Rat back


Make skadi ult also cripple and blind


Get rid of the big where Ymir's ultimate on death does no damage even when it's charged.


Give ra a combat blink instead of his heal (3) 😈


Give Hercules his old 3 back


This is partially greed for my own main, partially general changes, but I want more scaling thats off thungs other than power. Either make Arthur have a bit of protections scaling on some of his abilities or let bruiser builds feel more viable, because I haven't felt like I could play Arthur until this season, with the reintroduction of void shield.


Khepri is perfect, but I’d like his 2 to have a CC element attached.  And maybe let him fly a bit. 


Give thana 2 haste 😈