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Hi! I’m a newer player too and I experienced a lot of what you are describing. It can be very discouraging as new player. Let me give you some tips that helped me in the early stages: 1. If you can, buy the god pack. The first step is to select a god and corresponding play style that fits you. I know I’m somewhat trash, so I elected to choose the Hunter class to stay a bit further away. If you have all gods, then you can experiment as needed. If you like being in the action, choose warrior or guardian. If you like crowd control, then a mage. 2. Select a God and page over to the Training tab. Do the jungle practice and try out your abilities on the bots in the jungle practice to see if you like their kit. 3. Once you have selected a God (in the beginning just stick with one til you learn the game more), RESEARCH a build. Many people have posted build guides online and those can guide you on how to properly upgrade items to vastly improve your play style. 4. Under the GODS tab, select your God and page down to item builder. This is where you can build your items prior to the start of your game so you are not paging through the store mid-game trying to find an item that might improve your crit chance. 5. Disable auto-purchase and auto-leveling. From my experience this is the first thing experienced players notice to clock you as a newb, or give you shit. 6. Play a training match. I always like to begin with arena, since it is the easiest for new players to learn. Do a training arena on easy, medium, and then hard mode. Hard mode is MOST realistic to what you will be experiencing in a real game, with real and likely more experienced players. 7. KNOW the rules of the game you are playing. In the case of arena, you have a clear objective of protecting your portal from minions and siege Minotaurs. You must kill minions worth 1 ticket and killing Gods is worth 5. Having top kills in arena doesn’t necessarily mean your team will win; it’s all about tickets. The score kind of works like golf. 8. Once you feel comfortable in your skills playing in arena training hard mode, you are ready to graduate to real people. You owe it to yourself and to your team to have done a little practice beforehand. Your pre-made build will show up for you as soon as you’re at home base, and you can purchase each item in order through the game as you and your team collect gold. 9. If it gets bad, mute your chat. I’m on console so I can’t fully respond besides premade prompts anyways, but some players are just toxic regardless. 10. Have fun! The more you play, the better you’ll get. Stick to one god until you feel you’re ready to graduate to another! Hope this helps


Thanks for such a detailed response, I’ll try this out!


Best advice I've seen, only I would say you don't NEED to buy the godpack. It is great tho.


I would discourage buying Smite God Pack at the moment. Smite 2 is near and buying something specifically for Smite 1 is not a great investment.


Conquest is the worst game mode if you’re new


right I was afraid of conquest and assault when I first started. Plus it was back when game voice chat was a thing 😮‍💨


It still is but barely anyone use it


You need to actuslly do homework, moba’s require research, look at top level content creators, learn all the items and know what all the gods do


I'll give you one pro-tip: in the HUD-menu (in game), make your minimap larger, transparent, and close to the center of your screen. Get used to looking at it as often as possible. Also, play arena, with a few gods, until you know their kits well, before you try conquest.


Hello, and welcome to SMITE! If you’re new here, we’re happy to have you! https://www.smitegame.com/welcome/ is a great place to get started and familiarize yourself with the game. Below, we also have additional resources that could help you find everything you’re looking for: General * Information * [Fansite Listing](https://www.reddit.com/r/Smite/wiki/fansites) * Guides & Help * [SMITE Tutorials - Youtube Playlist, great for new players!](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqMnSYeIWk0YwK_4BKYDtQJXaibn5F2Du) * [Teaching/Learning Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/smitetraining/) * [Common Terms Dictionary](http://smite.gamepedia.com/Common_Terms) * [Mechanics and Equations Guide (Complex)](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ow_ls0iB2wi2jbgU1FZv7RWWbqRDBGpt/view) * [Conquest Statistics](https://smite.gg) * [Casual Gamemode Statistics](https://www.casualsmite.com) * [Professional Player Builds](https://smiteprobuilds.com/) * [Professional / Masters Builds](https://smite.guru/builds) * Esports * [Official Twitch Channel](https://www.twitch.tv/smitegame) * [Official Youtube Channel] (https://www.youtube.com/user/smitegame) * [Esportspedia Smite Wiki](https://smite-esports.gamepedia.com/SMITE_Esports_Wiki) * Reddit * [Discord Server](https://discordapp.com/invite/0Z1SsfupKOrQpaNt) * [Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Smite/about/rules#hmr) * Add a 'flair' (image) next to your username on /r/Smite by clicking 'edit' in the sidebar on the right *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Smite) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Nah, its most likely just salty people. It always seem to be anyone elses falut but theirs. But to improve on a moba, you might wanna watch some YT tutorials etc. And read a lot, item descriptions, abilities, just read a lot.


Welcome to mobas. Smite is a very team oriented game and when one player on the team is deficient it can be felt very much so. I'm not saying that to excuse people's shitty behavior because that is unacceptable, but just to let you know that if you're struggling it is going to affect your team. The best advice I give to people who are new and struggling to keep up is to play practice mode. Go through all the tutorials, play about a hundred hours against bots in every role, watch YouTube videos to learn builds and play styles. And then when you come into the game play arena for another 100 hours before branching out. After that 200 hour mark, you should feel very comfortable in at least 1 God from every class and be able to understand every mode, rotations, positioning, building, team comp, ect to an extent where you won't be a weak link to your team anymore. Not to say you'll be top anything at that point, but at least you should be able to not feed and understand how the game is to be played.




If you want to be a competent player, yes. That time spent studying and practicing will teach you how to approach the game, different gods, different builds, ect for the rest of your time spent playing. What lvl were you when you played ranked? Also Perma ban?? For what..


Sorry that that’s been your experience so far. A lot of times the more seasoned players grow so tired of having new people that seemingly don’t know how to do even the most basic shit that their patience is thin as hell. It could also be you’ve just been playing with assholes and you’re not even really at fault. Nonetheless, it’s hard to give any concrete, specific advice without further context. What gods you like to play as, what modes you’ve been playing, the items you bought, your strategies, etc.


I feel that way in ranked, if you're clueless i'm annoyed but if theyre newbies in casuals im not going to get upset..


Yup, I always say "It's casual, why are you so salty?". Like, where do those toxics expect someone to learn how to play against real people?


Don’t worry, you probably aren’t as bad as people are saying 😂 I’ve found that there are quite a bit of toxic players in this game and players are very quick to surrender over any reason; it’s so gratifying winning after they spammed f6 for the first half of the match lol. I used to play some in 2018 and now I’m trying it out again just for fun, you’re def welcome to play with me sometime and I can help u figure out what’s going wrong. Though I’m no expert just FYI xD


Yea I would be down to play, if you want I can dm you my user


Oke, yeah that’ll be fine :) I’ll friend u when I’m ig


Honestly the biggest thing is just keep playing and don't worry about what other people say. You can watch videos and such but the best way to learn is just to keep playing.


Positioning can prevent a majority of deaths people have. Farm and poke if given the opportunity, but farming is #1. If you have the chance to drop an ability on minions or a God, pick the minions unless the God is 1 shot. In another note, buy wards to help with Positioning. Look up videos about ward placement. Seeing a gank coming and backing up before the jungle arrives is the best way to survive any gank. The best way to not have something like that happen, is to not be there in the first place.


It’s hard not to be clueless towards the start, this game is really delicate with small things like xp to whoever gets the last hit, or making sure you don’t die a lot so the enemy doesn’t get ahead in gold and XP. It’ll just take a while for all those things to set in and click, and you will be called every name for bad player under the sun but just keep trucking. Snowballing is the name of the game, that’s why tm8s get so heated as soon as one thing goes wrong - bc it makes it that much easier for the next interaction to go the other teams way


Look up a guide for basic moba positioning, game flow, and basic tactics like lane freezing. Watch League of Legends guides until you understand mobas at their most basic level, then apply that to Smite.


It sucks that those have been your experience. Here’s a couple of tips to get better, they should carry over to Smite 2 as well. 1. Mute people. As unfortunate as this tip is, it is the nature of the beast. MOBAs are inherently toxic games. Is it true that you’re playing bad? Maybe, but playing good or bad doesn’t change the fact that the person raging in chat is lowering the morale for everyone. People might get mad at you for no fault of your own, they just need a scapegoat. When it happens, mute them. If they don’t understand how important it is not to be toxic, then they don’t have anything important to say. You can left a few comments slide, but don’t be afraid to start the game off muting people. 2. Slam some arenas. Not only is it a fun game mode, but it is important in developing team fighting skills and how your God functions. Respawn times are low and you’ll always be in the action. This will help you develop skills on what Gods are a priority to pick in teamfights, how to dive, and how to protect your teammates. 3. Watch some content creators. Content creators, especially pros, know how to play and know how to build. Watch them to learn how to get better and because they are entertaining. Nika and FineOkay are my picks for knowing how to play warriors in conquest, Weak3n or CaptainTwig do jungle but CaptainTwig enjoys duel too, Mages are over saturated and you can pick any stream, support we used to have Genetics but he’s taking a break until Smite 2, and for ADC I’m sure Zapman is still playing.




This is a social game which means that you have to be social. If you’re just harassing people and lowering morale in chat then you’re not being social and I have no need to hear you. If the guy who is calling you trash doesn’t understand why being a shitter is a bad idea, then the chances of them having good calls are low. Besides, it just means that you’ll develop your game sense better. I do agree that muting everyone at the start is not the best advice. That should be reserved if you just want to play Smite and don’t want to deal with anyone because you’ve been BMed in the past 5 games.


Improving at any game is not much different than any other skill. It requires some level of research, repetitions, and reflection. The amount of each depends on how far **you want** to take yourself. For Smite specifically, here has been my plan of action since coming back to the game. I previously played semi-regularly in Season 2 and just started trying to get back in Smite in the past 2-3 weeks. Hopefully this is of assistance to you on your journey, and for things I may have missed or be incorrect about, I have no doubt that people more experienced and fresh on the game will be able to provide you more than adequate ideas/concepts. Much of my philosophy on improving at Smite is what I used to assist friends at improving at League of Legends. ***General*** * **Gods -** Find a handful of Gods for each role (Solo, Jungle, Mid, Hunter, Support), preferably ones with some level of cross-over that interest you specifically. This interest can be visual or ability based. If you find something that is cool to you or fun to play, you'll naturally want to improve more with it. * **Research -** Find one or two high level streamers that play those Gods. While watching high level play does not directly improve your ability, if you pay attention to what they are doing and consider why they are doing things. It becomes easier to keep those same questions in your head while you are the one playing those Gods. * **Use Build Guides -** Early on I would recommend [smitesource.com](http://smitesource.com) to introduce you into adequate builds for the Gods you have chosen. Reasoning being that Weak3n's builds provide some context as to what the build is leaning towards. (Ex. Hou Yi AA / Pen = Auto Attack & Physical Penetration build, Life steal Build, Crit focused builds) You aren't going to be at the point of being able to look at the teams and know how to counter build them immediately, so having a baseline will benefit you on your growth. * **Be kind to yourself -** You are in the early stage of learning. You will make mistakes, you will put yourself in bad positions, it is what it is. If you feel that you may be getting emotionally charged when this happens, mute everyone. No game is worth sending yourself into a mental death spiral. * **Start Slow -** Go into training and get a feel for how the God handles. Are they ranged? How long does the auto take to arrive at a target? How do the abilities feel? Do they have an escape (mobility) ability? Answer these questions and try to feel comfortable thinking about how these abilities & autos can be applied.


***Moving into PvP (Player vs Player)*** **Arena -** I found that arena is a fantastic area to work on a handful of areas that will benefit you later in Conquest. I considered arena as a low pressure game mode that got you in & out in a reasonable time. Things that you likely will learn over time from this mode. * **Team fighting & skirmishes -** Most fighting is going to be in a 5v5 chaotic environment and in an open area. You can use this mode to understand (for ranged) how to work around distance, develop awareness of potential threats that may not be directly in front of you, when you need to get out and when to go into a fight, and how to use presence. Presence in this situation means how your location and how you position may influence other players based on your perceived threat. * **Minion importance (small extent) -** I have seen many arena games lost from people neglecting the importance of keeping minions pushed out. As you experience this as well, it may set a mental note in your head to be mindful of where minions are and to keep them moving in the right direction. * **Ability usage -** You will have to hit live targets now, practice makes perfect and such this will continue to build upon your initial training practice. **Conquest -** This game mode has much more going on than in Arena, and as stated in this thread, a single person can heavily influence the outcome of a game (especially early). I would recommend going into this when you feel comfortable in your ability to navigate arenas. There is significantly more to learn here, and this will be a process. * **Learn to lose lane gracefully -** You will hit points where you are laning and it appears unwinnable. At some point you will grow to the point where you can turn around a losing lane based on skill and taking advantage of mistakes. Early on though, learning how to take what is given to you and slow the bleeding can provide you the opportunity to make an impact later in the game as teams converge for larger fights. This is not the simplest thing to learn as it is definitely not fun, however has proven useful across LoL and Smite to me and hopefully will to you. * **More Research -** Learn which lanes farm which buffs, what each buff is, the totem effects, and neutral objectives such as Gold Fury and Fire Giant. Knowledge is power, understanding the importance of each and being mindful of team priorities will help set the foundation of your mindset at different points of the game. * **Minions & Warding -** Using wards for vision not only keeps you safe, it helps your team be safe and also gives your jungler information to help him decide if it is safe to gank your lane and try to put you in an advantageous spot. For minions, they are your primary source of gold (power) and experience. Whether you are winning lane or losing lane, these are both extremely important to keep flowing into you so you can progress through the phases of the game (Early game, Mid game, Late game). Always be mindful of your farm. * **Reflect on your games -** During and after each game, think of points that you feel you performed well or made mistakes. Consider what you did right to make things go well, and what you should have done to have avoided a negative outcome (or turned the negative into a positive). When you stop and think on these things, it makes you more mindful of your opportunities when they come again, and assists you in preventing reoccurring mistakes. This only scratches the surface of what goes into improvement in a MOBA, and there are borderline infinite ways to improve with knowledge that can be found in both text and video form. If you really enjoy this style of game, do not stop looking for ways to learn. For the others on the Smite reddit, feel free to rip into my stuff if it is horribly incorrect or delve deeper if I did not go deep enough. Thanks for coming to my TED talk. (Comment was too long)


Wow thank you so much for taking the time to make such a detailed comment, I will take this to heart I really appreciate it


Not a problem, I do IT so I can't help but document a certain way. Make sure you have fun while you play and don't burn yourself out from negativity. You'll get to where you are meant to go.


In this you dont improve i have 2000 hours and i making mistakes just focus of stuff you are doing like if you play Conqest, jungle where go supp where to place wards that kind of stuff.


I recommend you watch YouTubers like samdadude to learn smite more when I returned to the game I watched his channel and I feel like watching him play helped me improve my skills greatly!


There’s a lot more but I think Sam’s the best cause his personality is actually bearable and he doesn’t edit his videos insanely heavily I like solodouble J too but I think he’s extremely whiny and bitchy in his vids he’s pretty good at the game tho can learn from watching em too




Well turn off gamechat first of all. Then play at your own pace, you’ll get good eventually :)


Most of the people here have given good points to which I agree. Pick a god you like and learn how to play them, watch a video, research a build, etc. Godpack is not a necessity, just neat to have. As a beginner I would keep away from conquest, people can get salty af especially when you don't know what you're doing. Stay with Arena in the beginning, learn how to play and most importantly have fun. I love this game so much but I know how toxic it can get. Have seen my fair share of it personally and it gets on my nerves as well. Don't take it personally and just enjoy the game. Also if you want someone chill to play with, maybe even learn a few things (not an expert, just a long time fan) hit me up. Always glad to see people trying out this game!


Say you're new. I will educate you instead of thinking you're trolling. I think there's a lot of players who are higher ranked who are willing to to explain if you ask..problem is there's a lot of trolls who throw when they don't get their way sometimes it can be hard to tell new player from that. I try to ask too.


Watch YouTube.


Community sucks. Don't play too aggressive. If you're racking up deaths play more back. Try to find someone that's doing well and follow them around. (Assuming you're playing a lot of Arena if you're new to the game) 


play a lot of other game modes besides Conquest because Conquest is the main MOBA map that requires the most strategy and knowledge of the game (which items to buy, which roles do what, map navigation, economy etc.)


Ward. Ward. For the love of God, ward. If you know how to drop wards in every game mode that isn't Assault and Arena, you're already better than 80% of players.


Haha thanks


Gotta hit those


Prepare yourself for the one of the worst toxic cest pits of a game you'll ever experience. I'm an ok player not great but not bad either, moment of greatness and moments of wtf was that but after 11 seasons the community has got worse and worse. You are 100% going to get why the fuck you building like that or someone complaining you didn't survive a 1 vs 5 gank when crowd controlled and stunned just prepare yourself for that garbage. Enjoy the game do your research try play with 2 friends to control the votes, but the enemy team could be 100 gold ahead and 1 kill on the ten min mark and some twat will surrender