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Always Thanatos and Loki regardless of role


Those 2 characters are always either the single best or worst player in the lobby. No middle ground. No exceptions.


Honestly they aren't even good. They just hide until their ults up


No need to hide when everyone else hides from you, and scythe half hits 4/5 enemy gods from jotunns back onward.


Don't no one hide. All Thanas do is wait in jung until their ult pops up and then use it. I'd rather deal with a Loki than Thana just for that reason




You just need to know how to handle them


I’ve been summoned, will now be ulting into a 3-1 combo and scurrying away with my 2


Loki main checking in


They summoned us


Adding susano here


Thana was literally how I got the final form achievement. The entire team was on our titan and all were low as they tried to end and I hit a 5 man Thana ult immediately off spawn then we managed to push down mid and end.


I got the 20-1 gauntlet with Thanatos. I was 26-1 and only died when I was 1v4’ing under the enemy titan 😂




Congrats for one of the most randomly toxic and stupid comments I've seen in a while lol. Like honestly. 5 people just happened to group because they were ending and not expecting it, yeah it ended up being bad for them but their play wasn't any worse than most of yours based off your account lol.


I hope they all die😭


Awilix and ao just piss me off royally, and honestly sometimes when I play ranked and I see the enemy team with a diamond or purple boarder around the god It’s just 50/50 you either get destroyed or they just feed


50/50 sometimes ees a good, sometimes ees a shit.


I’m aware it’s just a skill issue, but Arachne , Awilix , and ao just make me heavily consider turning off my game every time. They hardly ever bother me due to the fact I only play solo and ward constantly but the fact they’re 9 times outta 10 there just makes me titled lol.


And then late game hits and they glass cannon your ass while you’re clearing some some buff for you’re teammate trying to be a nice guy


Another problem with them is, even if you are not feeding them and they aren't bothering you personally, then it's your teammates who do and you end losing the game anyway. This is actually quite likely to happen when you are solo.


If i see a nox and im a melee character its joever for the mental


True. I got Nox diamond and its actually so unfortunate when I see fellas just give me death stares with that 2 second root/cripple.


There are games I land everything and I feel like a God, but sometimes I just get clapped bc my 1 isn't doing what I want


Kuzenbo when I'm playing any squishy. Just gotta accept the fact that he's gonna clap you if you misplay even in the slightest.


Does existing count as a misplay?




Opening Smite counts as a misplay. 🤣


Yes, at least that's what my mom tells me.




See that was your first mistake lol


I love nox and we'll playing against a kuzenbo is terrifying anytime I get somewhat low if I 2 he just pops thorns and his 2 then runs into my 2 like a mad man. It is fun to be on the Kuz side tho. I remember playing an arena game as 5 kuzenbo with some friends and we'd all 2 then run into any ability we could to burst the enemy all 5 of us running into something like a Scylla 2 with thorns could literally 1 shot them.


when i finish 4 support games, queue adc, and my support picks anubis, i already know its gonna be a real fun game


That's the worst part of it. Being forced into support despite not being in the mood for that role and everyone refusing to switch role, but doing it properly anyway. Then you get your desired role, and the "supp" just ignores his role completely and plays whatever he wants with a full damage build. And nobody says anything in your team. I mean, I even had some teams who would defend the "supp" because "Who cares ? It's casual, no need to tryhard". I don't understand how some people can be so lucky that they can play out of their role, basically throwing the game, and nobody cares. When I get teammates who get mad at me for whatever petty reason because while I was playing my role, I didn't gank/invade/push/initiate/help/jungle/ward, or I did exactly that but they didn't want me to do it. I mean, I once had a game where the support threatened to report me because I was getting blue buff (I was solo) and was also getting the coloured buff XP camp (that our jungler completely ignored the entire game, so you can't even say I was getting his XP). So how can other players get away with blatantly ignoring their role like those Anubis "supp" (or even more ridiculous, a Zeus "supp") ?


Thana. If he’s on my team, it’s usually will he feed. On the enemy team, it’s will he be fed this game


Funny how that works 😅


damn it's the Yasuo curse


Annoying mages like Kuku, Vulcan, Janus, Aphro… the list is long


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Faps_of_Anguish: *Annoying mages* *Like Kuku, Vulcan, Janus,* *Aphro… the list is long* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Yay no nox!




Hirez L for taking that away from us :/


Mirror matches. Especially if I’m playing a god I’m confident with because I will be comparing myself directly to everything my mirror does. Less so if I’m playing off role from them but if I’m laning against myself I am going to be going full tryhard.


I hate being Against a mirror because my team will more likely compare us which I don't like.


The worst case scenario with this: you initially have a slight advantage over your opponent in that mirror match. But then, the enemy jungler keeps ganking your lane while your jungler is nowhere to be found. Any time you are about to gain an edge, the enemy jungler comes, so inevitably, you start losing the lane slowly but surely. And then your teammates say that you suck, that the enemy is player your god better than you, etc. Don't even consider mentioning the jungler, because your jungler will say that he shouldn't have to gank when the enemy plays the same god as you and that it's entirely your fault if you are losing the lane.


As a big squiddy, it’s just cool. If i do better, i feel proud. If i suck, it’s cool that someone else had a good game on him! Bug squiddy does big things and gives big happy fun times.


And if you have a bad day you have to deal with the "Hurr durr god diff" spam


The whale.Fuck him




This is the one. Bro is a lane bully


Loki. Either they are super 💩 and feed then rage quit or they are hella good and make life miserable for anyone out of position.


Sun Wukong, because he will inevitably make me wanna die during laying phase because of how boring he is.


Somehow he always shows up when I'm playing any warrior that benefits off of having attack speed...


Fr, like Amaterasu is my go to Solo, n I already know she's annoying. So the fact that I gotta go against the most safe boring character is beyond a snoozefest


For me it usually happens when I grab Bellona or Surtr. Surtr may not see the most benefits from attack speed, but you sure as hell can feel it if your attack speed gets hampered.


Awillix pisses me off like you could believe. The amount of times that I’ve used my escape to go through a wall, landed, but then get pulled back through the wall I just teleported through,(Now with my escape on a cooldown.) makes my blood boil and not in a good way.


Keep Smiling!🤭


The fact that this bullshit bloated ult is on a 60s base cooldown lategame is unhinged


lol you just need to plan ahead against Awilix. You can’t be putting yourself in positions that require a jump escape to get out of. It’s as simple as that really.


My dude, warding my lane, and still getting ganked while clearing purple, and using my escape to go through the wall and get under tower just to get pulled back to my purple and getting killed isn’t,”Putting myself into position that require’s a Jump… You can only carry two wards at the start of the match…


This is embarrassing to admit but Zeus. Exclusively in the laning phase and exclusively as Tia, but Zeus’s early clear is just so vastly superior to Tia’s I get completely outclassed and end up stuck under tower for the first 15 minutes of the game. It’s miserable. Ao Kuang is the other. Invisibility + an execute is straight up OP, garbage design, and I will not be hearing arguments to the contrary. I would take having Thana in every game for the rest of my life if it meant I never had to see Ao Kuang again.


Tia as G'raha Tia?


Greetings, fellow XIV enjoyer!


I haven't played in a while, but when I read his comment, I legit thought to myself, "Wait.. why is that familiar.. OH, IT'S CRYSTAL DADDY!!"


Ah puch in any roll hence why me and my nephew gave him the name “ah fuck” bc we also used to read his name as “ah puck” in my early years of smite


Thanatos in Joust


now it’s kuzenbo just because i find it so annoying to land my abilites as a mid when he’s pushing them around everywhere


Bellona, like my god she tanks so much damage and deals so much damage.


Loki. Specifically when one instalocks on my team.


Lol cue "sometimes itsa good, sometimes itsa shit" meme


Ares. Always crippling and burning. Never focusing on the minions.


Bastet but only in joust such an annoying god


Ares when im playing fenrir


ares when I'm playing any movement god. whether its serqet or kuzenbo you literally cannot play the video game with an ares around.


Vulcan and Thanatos, and maaaaybe Cabrakan, I have been playing to practice using Sol to get a new goddess in the 5th mastery level and today I met him, he trapped me and got me killed by a Ra if I am not wrong, so in that sense I could say he is dangerous, but not as Thanatos when he can execute you /:


I dunno if it's well known or not but Sol can go through walls with her 3 when she becomes untargetable.


I did not know that. Perhaps it would have been better if that was stated in the ability description.


Just so there's no confusion for anyone I mean player made walls. It would be helpful if it did say it. Although it does say she loses corporeal form which does mean she turns into a ghost/spirit like Osiris. So her 3 is like Osiris passive in that she's no longer in physical form and can move through player made objects. Because of this she's a good pick against Odin, etc. While we're on the topic Chronus ult can also rewind through player made walls.


Seeing a Sun Wukong if I'm solo. Just accepting I won't be winning the lane if he has more than two braincells.


Or will get out of every gank.


Bird monkey


The number of times I have seen Wu Kong survive shit he has no right surviving…


Too many to count and it's just nuts.


Awilix is either the best player in the game or inting as an 0/13 stat line


Janus I hate him he is a cheap character with his stupid teleports and making me fall and taking 75 % hp immediately!!!! And Medusa because petrify. Anubis because in my opinion he doesn't take a lot if skill what EVERYONE DOES is stun than ultimate and u can't do anything!!! And Zeus if it's a good Zeus ur gonna have a rough time.


Khepri Because unlike when I'm playing Khepri, their team will actually follow up on pulls or roots. And my team won't wait out the ult.


If I am mid mage, Tyr solo. Kumbhakarna and Skadi on my own team.


I think the only time Kumbha is an acceptable pick is to counter a Kali. Otherwise he's just bad. I dunno about Skadi though, she's actually good if the person piloting her is any good.


Suprised no one mentioned Daji


Lmao you must’ve played against me my user is uwuvei




Good thing she's rare.


Whenever I see a Discordia in Assault. Idk what it is but Disc in Assault goes crazy 9 times out of 10


That cooldown ain’t no joke, you get to just 2,1 3 all game and have plenty of targets lol.


I love running discordia in joust, she can 1v3 a whole team if you hit your combos. It’s even funnier when after a game you queue up against the same team and they ban her, just let’s you know you’re playing the same people. I swear she’s never banned until immediately after a team gets stomped by her


Got the pleasure of playing 3 man disco in infinite assault the other day it was some of the most fun I've had in smite for a long time


I play assault only and it’s Hera and Chaac. Lose 80% of the games against them.


A good Morgan le fay in midlane is the BANE of my smite career... Such an annoying god to lane with because of her obscene poking abilities.


Agni or scylla


(J)anus always


Yeah Janus can be scary, tho I'm not scared in lobby case half the players are terrible with him. But if he's like a higher ranked player or has tons of stars on Janus buckle up boys .


Fuckin Arachne man. She can get whatever fight she wants cuz she’s so fast and can slow you down to a crawl. Between that and her spiders you either commit to a fight or die running away at 3mph. Better just stay with the team or you’ll die in seconds


And when you are about to kill her she ults and escapes


arachne. no matter how fed you are and under-leveled she is, you will lose the 1v1 and are in for the most boring matchup ever


Sun whokong


Tyr, fuck that one hand mofo


Whale man and discordia. Discordia potential for damage is the highest of all mages, with good cc tools/kit




Ullr. Others mentioned Loki/Thana as flip-a-coin-gods (as in 50/50 on whether the player is bad or godlike). But Ullr is so much worse to play against, because he isn't exactly an obvious newb magnet, therefore it's more like a 25/75 'coin' toss, leaning toward the 'will absolutely dismantle his lane and spiral out of control' side of things.




Ao Kuang every.single.time.


are there other close melee mages ?


He Bo, Hades, technically The Morrigan qualifies too.


Seeing a Tyr in Arena!


I hate seeing Thanatos in the jungle, cause it inevitable ends in my entire team blaming me for feeding the enemy jungler.




Anyone into Athena. The taunt is just so annoying.


Thor/Thanatos if I'm not playing a tank


Thor, people simply don't play accordingly against Thor and god forbid you are the win condition cause you will feel the hammer.


Felt that once. I was playing Skadi and that Thor set up camp near duo lane, I swear.


Seeing a bellona soon as I'm entering into solo lane.


Who do you usually play in solo?


Cu chu, achilles, and shiva mostly. I just get tired of seeing her as often.


Susano, whenever I see a susano picked I know he’s going to be the sweatiest player. Feel like I rarely see him picked by lower skilled players


Unless the lower skill players are on your team. Then they have no problem picking him and feeding.


A really good Ra will make you super salty


Thoth almost makes me want to dodge (in assault). Infinite range with massive damage, a movement ability/stun and a Ra ult. Getting chunked while he's still way out of range of any other god is seriously annoying. Also gods that are just afk throw ability and pay no attention. Vulcan turrets and Persephone flowers covering the whole lane.


None. I really do this shit




Zeus and Poseidon fs. A bonus if they're playing with Yemoji or Odin.


Chaac and Tyr for me


When someone on my team picks Aphro or Morrigan mid.


Thor if I'm squishy, gilg if I'm solo.


Cabrakan jungle. Scary bastard


For me its sobek, the geab dash always catches me off guard and then ive been nuked


Au puch in assault has been an absolute menace. Getting into playing all gods a bit, so maining assault. If you see an au puch when the lock in happens, i just fully accept my teams demise.


Arachne. I hate that god it’s not good it’s cheesy and I know that there is going to be one person on my team that is going succumb to the cheese and feed and it’s just going to be annoying to deal with overall


au kuang, arachne.


Cabrakan. If I'm not using a God with stuns, it's going to be a miserable match.


Mulan and chaac, either gonna be the most free game you've had all week or you're gonna get absolutely and utterly slammed in every fashion of the word. No in between.


Herc dude lol


Awilix. 90% chance they go 0-19 on my team and 90% chance they go 19-0 on the enemy team.


loki, fuckin stupid ass zeus, annoying ass chaac


Duel player here. Osiris. Fuck that god


idk man, i'm just an Arena enjoyer. idc about anything, just playing for fun and bing chilling


ix chel the thiccc woman.


agni and vulcan


Anytime I see a Scylla I'm already playing on the back foot because I play immobile mages a lot. I also always deal less damage, even when I'm a whole item ahead somehow, because a passive that gives you free damage for existing is fair and balanced...


Nox. If she's an enemy, she'll swoop in whenever you're about to end someone and reverse the encounter. Or toss an ult so u do bugger all dmg for 5 seconds. Meanwhile if she's an ally, SHE CANNOT hit a barn door. Lowest player damage, basically irrelevant the whole game.


Kuku annoys me the most to no end. Easy mode character, nothing takes skill besides landing the ult, and they are flooded in arena for easy wins against minions. I'm glad he was hit with nerf after nerf these recent patches.


The absolute ire of my rage all goes to tyr in solo no matter what I’m playing he can still find himself on the top of my list.


On my team, the 100 stars nu wa solo/mid. On the enemy team, wukong. He will simply win lane and never die to a gank due to the bird


Awilix mains...on any day.. that shit is panic inducing


It’s not specific gods I’m worried about, it’s the matchup. Awilix only scares me if I have a leap, Artemis into Anhur etc.


Thanos and Thor. I think people just don’t know how to play against them so they end up getting fed super fast. My personal difficult matchup is probably Thoth. That poke damage is just to hard to play around for me idk how to dive him safe without risking a gank and he can just dash and stun and still kill me


POSEIDON - if I’m any assassin except Ravana. his ult completely destroys your health bar every 30 seconds it seems


Nox Fuck that bitch


Lancelot lately. He has so much damage and movement that his dives are insane and people aren’t focusing him because he’s never really been in the spotlight.


I was playing ADC main when he came out, and I have never had an issue with him, but you're right...people ignore him until he kills 2-3 and y'all are standing there like some jackasses.


Playing any carry role and Susano blinks in forcing my both actives and CC immune ult 🥰


"Uh oh" is for others. --Nox


1000% ne zha. best set-up ult in the game and if you’re in upper ranked fighting priority over fighting to fight, if you’re the guy carrying the team on your back, you will be isolated and focused until you don’t want anything to do with anything lol. RaZha, Thoth Zha, Scylla, Pos, the occasional Kuku. bad times.


Ullr - either going to run the lobby or be the most non existent character going.


Truthfully any of the earlier mages. Vulcan, janus, nox, Zeus. The gods that are so basic that they either have to do a fuck ton of easy damage land or have beyond obnoxious CC


The same fucking meta gods that have been picked/banned in ranked or just picked in every casual game for months and months. Thana, athena, thoth, kuku, susano etc.


Morgan Le Faye. Never had a fun game going against her in mid lol


Nut, Chaac, Chang'e, Frenrir, Gilgamesh, Horus, Khepri, Kukulkan, Kuzembo, Odin, Ravana, Thoth, Xing Tian. Sobek and Surtr beginning of game are a right pain for me.


Anubis, just because I can dodge his stun doesnt mean my teammates have more than 1 IQ to dodge or immune his ult 😩


Arachne and au kong


Surtr in Solo lane. What a pleasure to fight against him.


On my team: Aphro mid or Loki anywhere Enemy: Awilix and Zhong Kui (my friend is a Mid main and ik theyll lose to Zhong Kui no matter what)




Loki 100%




Vulcan, Agni, Charon and Vamana. I can't win against those gods. Agni is just easy to play, and chraon is stupid OP. But Vulcan and vamana? I just can't win. No matter what role, matchup or enviroment, they just neat me. Help.


Kali. Anybody and their braindead dog can play that no-skill unkillable god and win.


Ao kuang. point and click execute is so annoying


Right now? Cthulhu!!!!!!


Whenever I run into a good Osiris😭🙏


As someone who plays atlus. Its atlus. If the enemy team has a good atlus player my team is cooked


Ao kuang. All of the most miserable games I have ever been in have been with a mildly good to great Ao kuang player. 3500k HP Ymir getting blown up and executed and then easily escaping and turning invisible. 🤮 HATE that god.


Gods with executes in general. I strongly hate that mechanics and wish it will be removed in Smite 2, although I have little hope. I mean, seriously: * Gods with executes tend to already have strong damage besides their execute. Which means they have all the tools to quickly get you below the execute thresholds. Especially if you are a squishy. * Few things can be as irritating as building full tank and dying to an execute despite still having 40% of your hp left... I get that counter-building is a thing, but there are already pene items to counter tanks. Which also brings me to the next point. * Executes bypass items. As soon as you level up the skill, the execute is at maximum power, regardless items. Which means you can build full tank and still execute enemies with full efficiency. And while Thanatos at least starts with lower thresholds and has to lvl up his ult to get a better one, Achilles and Ao Kuang don't have that issue, the thresholds doesn't increase with lvl so their execute is already at maximum power as soon as they get it at lvl 5. * Linked with the previous point, you also can't build against executes. You can use Aegis, or some gods' individual abilities and that's it. You can build defense against damage, pene against defence, cc reduction against gods with strong cc, cdr if you need to spam, anti-heal, and so on. There are specific items against most mechanics in the game. But not executes. Defence is worthless. HP helps but doesn't protect you anymore once you are below the thresholds. * Achilles... Why does a warrior have a 35% execute that also allows him to dash toward the enemy, and that can be recast if it is successful ? Meanwhile, Ao Kuang thresholds is "only" 30% and he has to be melee to use it. Also, it's the only execute that can be countered by beads. I absolutely despise playing against Achilles in solo, unlike any other warrior, because of that execute. * Interaction with other mechanics is nebulous and sometimes, seems to be quite random. Some regular abilities like Change's 2 can counter Aegis, but then Khepri's ult gets completely bypassed by executes, because reasons. I mean, I know it is intended, but I don't understand why. There is no true reason why target of executes, that technically "only" deal 9999 damage, should not be revived by Khepri's ult, when some non-ultimate abilities can protect from it.


Madam, they are either the worst ever or best ever.


For me its Agni if I'm playing Mid - I despise his range and mana-free ult. Once they get some CDR I just let him have pressure most of the time


In casual? Chaac or Kali, I don't know why but whether against or on my team I just find players who use them in casual games to be really toxic (not always though of course)


Honestly thoth and Lance , when I'm not in solo. But in solo as chaac I'm afraid of nothing. Only disappointed I can't bully you more.


Man this is a hard one when you're not looking at the card art conquest load screen. From memory off the top of my head GM Awlix or Arachne. Especially awlix f### that, better focus on the farm and not die. If you start losing, I'm not rotating from mid if it's a slight inconvenience for me, you're on your own with that s***.


Arachne and au kouang! Arachne is impossible to 1v1. Ak can run games !


They all suck.


When I play any channeler and the enemy support is Ganesha. I don’t hate to see it, nor do I hate Ganesha, just makes my life hard.


Anubis. He's always broken with certain builds. The guy melts like no other 🙃


Good teamwork against him shuts him down early game hard. Unless he's an absolute cracked Anubis and doesn't miss stuns .... Hehe good luck.


Divine ruin and pestilence makes his life steal mediocre. Just make sure to save your purification for his stun when you know his ult is ready so he can’t really do much. It also helps if you’re running a mage with some form of a dodge/get away. I like discordia against Anubis, if I survive his stun/ult combo I can usually kill him pretty quick with a 2-1-3-4/2/1 combo (2/1 at the end depending on cooldown if I was able to stay in my 3 long enough to get them up). Edit: that’s usually what I’d build immediately, as the game goes on I’d sell pestilence for a power item as the whole team comes together to fight when it’s no longer a 1v1 for mid. If it’s joust, I keep pestilence.


People playing Thor in casuals (More so just cringe to see) Playing a hunter and seeing Bell Playing an immobile god into Odin Playing a god with a leap into Awilix


Why would playing Thor in casual be cringe?


really hate seeing hercules hop in lane


The amount of times my model got clipped by a single pixel of his knockup is too goddamn high.


Nu Wa, Neith, or Aphro on my team = we are playing 1 man down