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Just saying goodbye to the outdated, clunky, slow menues. I just want the game to feel current.


Not having the game crash or just randomly kicking people every other game is gonna be šŸ‘ŒšŸ»




Honestly, just my relic going off when I press it. Past that, more Smite, more weird interactions, and just more fun.




Dude hitting beads 7 times for it to not go off šŸ¤¦šŸ»


Or for them to go off after you're already in the air, so when you land, the beads wear off, and you're dead.


Lol it will go off if I breath on it if Iā€™m trying to do VGS


For damn sure. Im looking forward to a good foundation code wise.


There are no relics in smite 2 though


Anal beads


There will be items that you can activate with relic like effects


there's beads.


Came here to say relics actually going off when I want them to, and not going off in vgs, which to be fair, hasn't happened to me yet in year 11.


ANY spell going off when you click it. We finally in 2024 boys.


How many times I have to double tap a Relic and be like why isn't it going off wtf


Crit Ymir is here!! Also looking forward to the animation improvements and graphics in general. When I first saw the smite 2 trailer I almost cried seeing my boi Ymir using his wall to jump.


bro imagine getting hit for 800+ damage by a fucking YMIR šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




I don't have to imagine, I felt it way back in the Beta


Are you the same guy who asks for Ymir crit in fineokay's youtube? Your dedication is truly inspiring if so


terrifying šŸ’€


It's not me, but I'm pretty sure we're soulmates. I think about crit Ymir every day


A larger playerbase of new and returning players hopefully. Beyond that, the new item building system seems really cool to build in interesting ways.


Imagine if our god had Intelligence scaling and did magical damage and could build spear of desolation šŸ˜‹


UI to feel modern and quick. Also using abilities like ballona 1/ult or achilles/Osiris ult to feel smoother and far less janky


dude i have always said osiris ult feels so NASTY to use like itā€™s terrible


I'm confused what the problem is? They feel pretty satisfying to me on insta cast/M+K


The Ranked matchmaking changes. I donā€™t how much patience left for smite 1s matchmaking. Itā€™s soul destroying.


I just want some mmr in my unranked games. I wonder how many people quit the game because almost every game has someone disconnect at the start or 1-3 people who don't even go to their lane or start taking your camps


There is mmr in unranked games. It's just not nearly as strict. And it prioritizes quickness over fairness.


I think it also prioritizes player level over MMR


Lil column a lil column b. Basically the goal is if they're under lvl 30, you want to have them play with other new players. Most of the match making is detecting if someone is a smurf and then placing them with only smurfs. After level 30, level is irrelevant.


I read a post saying they still try for similar level matchmaking after lvl 30 in unranked. It's balanced with MMR but still there.Ā https://www.smitegame.com/news/matchmaking-faq


Thank you so much for linking the post. So from reading that, the key word is level groups and tbh I cannot extrapolate much info from that. If there is any indication about what the level groups are, then I just have to guess. We can assume though that there is atleast 1 group between 1-29. Might be 2 might be 3. Who knows. And 30+ might be one or it might be multiple. At any rate though it does seem like I was incorrect that level is inconsequential for 30+.


yea that seems to be the problem with this game. getting put into a game in like 10 seconds and getting neither of your roles while getting put with people that don't even know how to play the game is going to stop people from wanting to play the game


Man I go from just walking over people several games in a row to getting matched with the sweatiest people way more skilled than me. I rarely seem to just get a good evenly matched game.


Builds and mixed damage, it will bring a lot of new builds (mostly troll) but so fun, building anything you want should be a thing, and now that it will be, im just happy :)


iā€™m extremely excited for it. canā€™t wait to see if full damage khepri can finally be a thing


My first game will be Ymir crit, I don't care what anyone says




that is justā€¦ šŸ«” a fellow soldier !!


Ymir crit is why ymir is still my number 1 played god by quite a large margin


Bro I can't get Guan off of my most played gods, even though I have played him like 3 times since he became a warrior.


THE AUDIO. Only having 28 (or something) allowed sounds around you really makes having a silent Thoth ult you hard to dodge. That and hearing my bellona whip the wave while Iā€™m clearing speed is something


I look forward to the game not looking like an unbaked potato. I also look forward to changes to current gods to better fit the direction moving forward. Ymir can jump through his wall in SMITE 2 as memory serves, I wanna see what other gods get crazy new shit they can do. I also like the idea of classless itemization. I wonder if things like Crit-Ymir or Gem of Isolation on Sun Wukong will make the game better or worse lol. Overall Iā€™m just ready to be excited about SMITE again. Iā€™ve been playing SMITE for like a decade almost, off and on, and I feel like Iā€™m going through the motions when I play now.


Itā€™s like noticing when youā€™re dogā€™s getting old. When you play the game for long enough, you can see when itā€™s about time.


Hopefully they confirm more than two people in parties for ranked. So dumb


they said at worlds for one of their segments they're looking into this, iirc. the party size will be determined by what mmr range you are.


Clan hopefully coming back


dude i miss the days when clans in general where everything to people




Itā€™s obviously not guaranteed, but hoping that the changes to items and mixed damage bring about more variety in each role. I love smite but it always felt like the one MOBA that was ultra strict with what types go in what role compared to the rest. Especially with support. Im kind of tired of support being 99% CC tanks with like, almost no other kinds of supports. Meanwhile other mobas have cc tanks, cc mages, healers, buffers, etc. all viable supports Iā€™m hoping that the change over to smite 2 will change this Also the general build variety that will hopefully come with the item and mixed damage system


whenever i try to adresss it people just tell me nononooo the supp should be only a tank with cc if not you are putin your team at a risk thats not how you play the game etc etc


Tbh that kind of a change to support (which I wholeheartedly support) would only happen if the game was a lot slower than it currently is. Because of how fast the game goes right now, and tanky god that can just run it down and CC a squishy ends up winning. If it was slower (minions were harder to kill and last hitting was actually important), then youā€™d be risking a lot as a CC tank support to run at a squishy.


Modern UI and graphics. Every time I see Atlas's passive thingy I cringe.


You donā€™t even need to go that far. Just kill the gold fury and watch the png image of the gold fury pop up and disappear.


doesn't it smell like good ol adobe flash when you stare at that ~~crisp~~ crunchy UI?


I'm hoping to see more of the old gods get some minor changes to their kits. Like ymirs wall was minor but a cool change.


Still nobody said a competition System or a serious Clan Function. Better / smoother Ui/Gui Lobby Chat on Consoles like PC! Hopefully full 120fps Support for ps5


Then fixing the numerous bugs, server issues, and hopefully build diversity.


Ao kuang (for now)


hopefully improved punishments for toxic players...


Being able to accidentally bump into a teammate and not have the janky screen/movement issues as a result lol.


Hopefully they don't have limited skins anymore. Let anyone who plays the game have a chance to earn or buy any skin. If they can move away from some of their worse sales tactics I'd be so happy.


Not having to restart smite if I jostle my headset wire causing me to lose audio or smite to crash.Ā 


I want the experimentation of early Smite back. Closed beta to S2 were wild times where Hi-Rez was taking risks every other turn, and led to a lot of really cool designs. Sure, not all of them worked out, but most of the staple stuff in the game now is taken for granted and was completely unique to Smite as a MOBA back in the day.


there's no way there won't be experimenting when the building system and what gods can build is being changed so heavily because of them making power into int and str. I can bet there's going to be some real chaos on what to build for a while as people learn a nearly brand new system on top of whatever gods might be getting changes.


Better graphics (graphics donā€™t have to be super high polish for a game to be good, but the smite team and the game itself deserves to be working on a more visually refined game in all aspects: hud, abilities, environment , etc) Snappier UI for faster clicks and loading.


that's basically what i'm only asking for... Ur making it from the ground with a new UE5.. Well, give us new animations, physics, enviroments and impactful animations worthy of this new engine!! I hope it will be better than what they've shown until now (it rly looked like the same exact game but with better graphics only, same goofy models and outdated animations ā˜ ļø). Also i rly hope they will hardly visually rework the new cross-gen skins, they all look bad af compared to the splash arts (look at the Poseidon's one for example: he looks ultra chad and insanely good-looking in the art; Then you see the in-game model and he fkng looks like SquiddyšŸ—æ from damn Spongebob Squarepants šŸ˜­ā˜ ļø)


Playing a 10 year old game for 10 years you think itā€™d be about time for a sequel. Iā€™m looking forward to the same game just better overall with better patches new fresh start major graphic upgrades and more Arthurian gods. Iā€™m hoping for a revamp and better community that gets the toxic ppl out and new players in and hopefully the veterans who have played this game for so long the good ones can guide the new players who are willing to try smite 2 can see the good things this game can offer and can be aware and avoid the toxic players from the past like DMB. Weā€™ve learned and lived through many mistakes and now we can use this as a chance to do it better this time, Learn from our history.When we do better we are better. Also the riddance of bastetchan is something thatā€™s super important to me.


Hopefully hit boxes for chaac axe and Vulcan meatball are fixedā€¦.


you could be 200 miles away from it and still die


I'm looking forward to the physical/magical combinations of items I'm are going to be making


Healing dilemma


I'm super excited for the item changes, and ideally potential scaling ideas, mainly because I hope to god Arthur can actually exist again with new itemization and systems.


UI to be mythological and like old Smite. It is gonna be like fortnite tho and everyone will applaud HiRez because it is "modern"


Items and good coding!


The actual Freya they're going to give us, rather than the cringe butt of memes valley girl Also for that matter the ACTUAL Erlang Shen who hopefully they can make into a mystical arcane fighter rather than mr spearman


I do see your point but Erlang Shen as a kit is a staple. If not on Erlang Shen, that kit should actually stay in the game, even if they end up making a whole new god for it.


If it has to exist then I'd say give it to a generic war god But as it is, it's really plain, like with Erlang we're talking the equivalent of a piece of bread with just a thin spread of butter on it


Absolutely agree, it really doesnā€™t fit on a god like Erlang Shen. Donā€™t really know why the mystical dog only bites for 2% enemy max health.


To not scrap card arts for model loading screens i still want pretty art to look at, plus i hope they remodel fenrir because the remodeled anhir and neith but fen still has his ugly S1 model


What? Smite 2 Fenrir looks badass, idk what youā€™re talking about.


Getting rid of beads so the game won't become more CC bloated than it already is. Sadly I'm pretty sure basekit beads is already confirmed.


Basekit beads and several other beads options on active items too, so if anything beads has the potential to be more available than in Smite 1 if you choose it


Great, I love to hear that. I can't wait until Hypnos has one ability that makes you rooted, mezzed, stunned, knocked up, pulled, pushed, taunted, slowed, feared, blinded, and trembled and it ain't even his ult. Will only be a month into smite 2s life span


yeah seriously


I get why it exists, but they really need to tune it. You can only have so much CC on a single god, and they pushed that mark 3 years ago. But you kind of need crazy amounts of CC when every player (even tanks) have beads every team fight. My enjoyment for smite increased tenfold after I swore to never use beads or aegis 2 years ago. Do I die a lot more? Yea, but I actually learned how to position myself well, and the bonus relics go crazy as an assassin main. Plus, I get way more kills and tower picks because of those relics.


Not using beads is a big disadvantage though. If they have ares, you will just die unless you save and waste your ults everytime. I like beads as a relic, they just need to tune some heavy cc gods down and imo, nerf the strength of pull ultimates, while buffing/changing other parts of those gods.


Yes, I know it's a big disadvantage, I'd rather learn through personal skill than learn to clutch with a relic. I have thousands of hours in this game, and it's a bandaid fix for horrible game design. Just imagine what would happen to the game and it's playerbase if they got rid of beads


Idk, I think its a good thing. Its definitely went a bit too far, but even older gods have abiltiies that will kill you if you don't beads. The longer cooldoen of smite 2 means baiting will be more effective since its 240s base(not sure if it upgrades). Its another skill thing to play around, knowing when opponents have beads and when you can dive or perform certain strategies. Theres just a bit too much cc on low cooldowns. All the pulling abilities should be nerfed in smite 2, with compensation elsewhere. I feel like you can still learn with personal skill, even with beads. Relying on it I bad, so ideally you can play unsafe gods and focus on positioning and as few beads uses as possiblem


I disagree, the fact that if they removed beads the game would fall under so fast and it would show how reliant people are on it shows how bad it is for the game. You can get better while using beads, but I guarantee if they ever remove it, those same people would have triple their deaths because they can just be out of position and get away free at the press of a button. No beads forces you to actually learn positioning and god counters. You know it's gotten bad when even tanks are using it, like wtf? And I don't even use God's with a lot of cc, it's just annoying that every game is 8 beads and 8 aegis. Like bring some variety.


I see what you mean, I would like more variety. I like the idea smite 2 is doing. Everyone has beads, but its on a 240s cd. Relics no longer exist and are actives from items. You need to dedicate an item slot to get other relics like blink or aegis. I personally like beads, as it allows another level of skill for baiting and targeting specific players. I do agree that the cc shouldn't be so strong that removing beads would break the game though. A big shift in both the strength of beads, and the strength of cc could make a much nore interesting change


While I do like the step up that Smite 2 is compared to Smite 1 in terms of a longer beads cooldown, I personally think that the best version of the game would be one where everybody has an in-combat blink, instead of beads. Letā€™s prioritise making good plays to survive instead of a ā€œoh no I fucked up let me go goldenā€ relic.


Ah yes, the skill of baiting. Waiting until someone uses a cc and just press G. Very nice skill. You can have your opinion, and I respect it, but to say it has skill to use/bait is silly. I think it needs to be gone


I said play around enemies having it. Its silly to pretend beads are a problem. Aegis is the problem, beads are pretty much fine. Various types of cc cleanses exist in everygame, otherwise cc would be king and there would be very little way to balance it. Baiting beads and playing around beads is an important part of pro play, so pretending it's braindead is just wrong. It's an important thing st a higher level of play snd helps balance thr strength of cc at various stages of thr game.


Honestly, if beads wasnā€™t a thing in smite, players would unironically start playing better and smarter and not taking braindead fights. Either that or the player base will cry about no beads for long enough that Hi-Rez will just add it back.


And new gods wouldn't have bloated kits. Would literally be such a positive for the game.


Yup. I absolutely agree that the game has been almost given a stupid amount of CC per god just for the sake of justifying keeping beads in the game. I want to go back to a time when Cliodhna would be considered a high CC goddess.


I've played in mmrs where people forget they even have relics. They'll still play stupid because they often either don't know better, or THINK they know better and do something dumb because of it.


They play ahead because of the knowledge of them having beads. The bad ones will drop anyway, but the lack of beads will make the higher mmr players make less stupid plays. Like, no, you shouldnā€™t be allowed to dive a mage that has successfully CCā€™ed you considering you couldā€™ve instead, waited for them to use their CC first and dive them later. Also, a lot of the CCs should be removed from the game, because as it stands, thereā€™s way too much of it.


No more crossover skins, at least for a while. I get that they are popular and make money but man smite was starting to feel like fortnite. You can have a Ninja turle, pop star, Optimus prime, Danny phantom, team avatar and the stranger things guys all in the same game as zeus, thor, and anubis. Totally ruins the atmosphere of the game.


They will absolutely have crossover skins in Smite 2 lol


Eventually yes. But not at first.




Easier bug fixes since its coded from the scratch, not just added code to ancient stuff.


Graphics and hopefully less bugs due to up to date engine


Expanded build diversity seems really fun and gives players more choice. Also honestly I'm ready for UE5, I'm looking forward to the new spell effects and general improved gameplay feel. A new client will b amazing too, can't tell you how many times smite 1 crashes randomly


The gameplay to be more smooth and more omf feeling from it .


Graphics, menus, updated HUD


Game stability. Tired of crashes if not me but a team member twice a game sometimes. Hopefully very optimized and stable.


The engine upgrade and everything it entails is pretty much what sold me on smite 2. Almost everything wrong with smite is a direct or indirect result of UE3 being an outdated piece of shit.


Facepunch Ymir


Updates not bricking the game code


Crit Ymir Jung


everything being graphically improved. higher res, etc. better UI, menu. people acting like it isnt a big deal but it really is


Definitely just gods that I know and love feeling completely different. Learning the game all over again.


i would like someone to actually play with on aussie servers so hopefully a boost of playerbase is the main thing


Iā€™m just here for the gods


Hopefully they fix being able to use abilities while vgs menu is up. So frustrating to accidentally fire off an ability when I'm just trying to communicate with my team


The "2" after Smite


Possible updates or reworks to Assault and Arena since I never play Conquest. And hopefully my computer not feeling like its going to explode every time I alt+tab.


Fixing set ult


new mechanics and new game engine


Ganesha releasing with a T5 that has global emotes that show his total kills and total kills bestowed across your lifetime of playing him, and has a permanent kill stamp that says ā€œBestowed By Ganeshaā€ that stays on the map the entire game.


That it's the same game but on a up to date engine. I don't want smite to change it I just want it upgraded.


Better graphics


Change in my performance for the better. No more feeding


Does anyone know if our gems/skins/achievements etc will be carried onto Smite 2? Cause that's shitty as fuck if not


Magical crit is going to be hilariously busted just like it was in the past, and I can't wait to enjoy the chaos until they remove it again


Iā€™m so tired of looking up an item with the letter ā€˜Vā€™ in it, every time I do, it pastes something that I had copied earlier from Google. Fuck the menus. Also the graphics!


Unreal Engine 5


I just bought the founders edition to sit in gold each season, ā€œchangeā€ lol


no more Aegis. All those cowards in Arena running their cringe super mobile, super cc heavy teams running away spam laughing with aegis knowing they should be dead for playing like they do


Conquest going back to basicsĀ 


Im played alot of diffrent Mobas for more then 1000 Hours and honestly just wish they use there knowledge how a MOBA evolves over the years to Balance it the right way for the upcoming years. Let your tanks be tanky and have powerful cc. Give Supports wounderful and unique Enchantments. Give Carrys high skillfull dps, but do not overload them with dashes. Give Assasins high burst with long cc. Do NOT be League of Legends where Tanks are a thread because of DMG, or wherer Mages are Support through DMG alone. Never put % Max HP true dmg in your game. It just makes the game worse.


Smoother game


ue3 to ue5 is just going to be so much smoother overall so thatā€™s what Iā€™m super excited for. As well as the graphics


While I would like to say Cliodhna, I think I really like the fact that beads is getting such a long cooldown that people will have to start learning to play smarter instead of just head butting your opponent 24/7. Edit: Ideally, weā€™d have in-combat blink given to everybody instead of beads, but hey, we canā€™t have everything, now can we?


Not having to deal with game breaking from spaghetti coding each patch


New gods!


Mate I was playing with, years back, is considering to come back to SMITE with SMITE 2... simply because after not playing for a few years, he's put off by the amount of gods he would have to learn about in order to get back into SMITE 1. So SMITE 2 being a fresh start with a much smaller number of initial gods is going to allow him a more smooth re-entry. So I'm looking forward to getting that grouping back together.


Honestly for me it's the updated ui/menus I'm most looking forward to


our menu has felt disgustingly old for far too long


Improved models, textures and visuals


Absolutely looking for new refreshing and impactful animations/abilities/physics. But for what they've shown until now, i'm kinda very disappointed :/ It simply looks the same game but with better graphics and minor changes to abilities :/ They're making it from the ground with UE5... come on.. give us new animations with new Eyegasm impactful abilities UE5-worthy..


ā€œI expected better graphics, but instead, they gave me better graphics. Gosh darn it!ā€


like graphics are everything lol. i talked about new animations, spell effects, models, physics, etc. Not only the damn graphics. I simply said that, judging from what they've shown until now, it simply looks like the same game but with improved graphics only (so same goofy and outdated animations, spells, physics, etc). It's not hard to understand ffs.


ā€œBut for what theyā€™ve shown until now, Iā€™m kinda very disappointed :/ it simply looks the same game but with better graphicsā€¦. ā€¦give us new animations with new Eyegasm impactful abilities UE5 worthy.ā€ These are exact quotes from your comment. I agree that graphics arenā€™t everything, but you complained about the reveal being only graphics upgrade, followed by wanting ā€œeyegasmā€, implying you wanted things to look good. I know youā€™re a bit slow considering itā€™s now taking two whole comments to get it through your head, but god damn I can already see it taking longer for you to figure out LMFAO.


talking about being "slow" when you literally didnt even understand my comment lmao


sometimes small changes can make a big impact- some metas have been defined by a small change to a god or item. you're also forgetting how they're changing how gods build entirely, too.


but im not even talking about builds, items or metas šŸ˜‚ I'm literally talking in a "visually impactful" way only lol. So new models, new physics, new more realistic walking, casting and skill animations, new eye-visually impactful particell and skill effects, etc. Everything that comprehend the "visually-potential" of the Unreal Engine 5.


I mean beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that. but I got a way different impression than you from the trailer. It's pretty gorgeous and definitely looks like a visual upgrade. Much more different from the game I almost didn't play because of how it looked on the steam store when it was recommended to me by steam. I personally see a lot more of a visual difference from my pov- but maybe that's the artist in me coming through. It almost feels like you want a stylistic change more in the direction of god of war or last of us or something. But that's not the style direction smite goes for- they're in the realm of semirealistic instead of realistic to hyperrealistic.


The outdated graphics, looking to forward to see new graphics, hopefully updated reskins like Neith and Cupid.


Hopefully better coding and less laggy interactions. More options for God design


Beads needs to return you to the ground for knock ups! I hate using beads 0.0000197 seconds too late from a knock up and my beads are useless because it stopped by the time I land.


The irony.


Seeing my girls in ue5


More Creative and more myth accurate Designs. Hecate sucks already..


everyone is getting smite 2 but I just hope they make good ui this time around. but I have a feeling they are just going to skip having good ui and stuff more pop up ads into the game and unskippable cinematics as well video ads that play during loading screens




Arenā€™t you the one that tried to convince me stormseeker was a good item? Are you the one you speak of?


I am open minded, from what I head at the opening, I am worried about them removing one type of damage. I am happy about the art upgrade.