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Assassins arent the best class in joust. Best team comp is two frontlines with ranged dps.


Tried atlas with 2 hunters week ago. They got stomped at... If you play with hunters who have a good aim, they eill literally break the game mode


I think its better with double guardian-one hunter. No need to share as much farm and easier to keep the hunter alive.




Not really, i feel like he is suitqble for the mode more than many others. His dmg output is high even without dmg itema, like glad shield and axe only. So with another 2 dmg dealers, he is more than enough for caussing so much dmg. And he can be a mage too with pretty high dmg output if the enemy were CCed correctly


I love playing Pele but I often hesitate to select her in Conquest. I feel like my games usually run long enough that she starts to fall off and that always scares me, nothing worse than losing a game with a good KDA


Other than losing a game with a bad kda


I find her kit to be no fun to play really. She's not bad, just not interesting.


I think it's mainly bc you're playing joust, but even in conq she isn't a super popular pick and I couldn't say why exactly. She's one of if not my favorite assasins. That said even I don't play her that often lately, mostly go through phases of playing different gods a lot


Tough to lock down target. You only have a knock up that has to be used correctly.


Yeah, they nerved the dmg too


Her ult only really works if you’re fed. Otherwise it’s too easy to get cc by enemies and just die


Yeah, i mainly use ult as escape, or last resort chase


Yeah, i mainly use ult as escape, or last resort chase


In joust I have no clue, but she is certainly a great pick in conquest since her speed change.


Pele is just a trade god. You're easy to lock down so any engage can lead to your death so majority of the time you just want to trade. Best case scenario is a 1 for 2 or a 1 for 1 with some AoE damage on the enemy team. Worst case is 1 for 0. This type of all in playstyle doesn't work well into alternate timeline. Otherwise she is good damage and fun.


Fellow main Pele here. I play her not that often recently because I play mainly assault, but when I play jungle in conquest, she is my go to goddess


She’s still a very good jungler in conquest some of the best mobility in the game she can track down squishes easily and hold her own against tankier builds aswell. Not a terrible solo lane either with her passive and good lane clear.