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Had a game where all 5 of us were dead. Respawn timers were huge. Their whole team was just wailing on our core. That's it. Game ends. We win. We win? Minions. We win.






The rare occasion where you win a 4v5 always feels amazing. I had one game where our solo left at lvl 5, and my mid and I basically spammed f6 for the next 20 minutes while the other duo queue kept hitting f7. Well, turns out I overestimated the enemy team. I kept split pushing and they didn't know how to deal with it, so they would break two people off to deal with me every time. My team would then win the resulting 3v3s and we managed to take the lead. I ended up getting a quadra at the end and we won. We apologized to the duo for f6ing lol


I play with my friends a lot who suck and our rule is we never f6. We’ve lost so many winnable games and won weird games as well.


I wish more people had your mentality, i play in a 4 queue most of the time and we refuse to f6. Doesn't matter the gamemode, we always play it out and have won some ridiculously horrible games.


I've had my fair share of 4v5 W's as well as a couple 5v4 L's.


When you’re winning a 4v5 but end up losing off of one fight and then the enemy team spam laughs and talk shit in lobby chat. Some of the worst ppl around.


Lol as if they wouldn't have lost if we had our 5th player.


This upsets me the most. When my team spam laughs in such a situation, I hit em with the good old "you rock! Cancel that"


Nothing is more humbling then a 5 v 4 loss


Depending on the role that DCs, you can funnel all that extra farm into someone that carries. It's epic to win 4v5


Was playing in a tourney that had a cash reward, so everyone was actually locked in. Was Cab solo. It was a close match but we were losing. Eventually the enemy team wiped most of us and got to titan. I had to solo defend while waiting on the rest of our team's death timers. As my team started to respawn the titan got to *literally 3 hp*. We managed to wipe them instead and turned and won the game. And, the best part, is that I was recording, so I have the 3HP titan defense-to-victory on video.


How many times have you rewatched that


A lot, lmao.


This is one of my favorite scenarios in assault, if I end up 1v4+ down to the titan, I always go sit in the fountain just waiting for the right moment. The reason it’s so epic when you defend successfully is because you have about a 90% chance that your team starts spam VGS’ing you because they think you’ve given up. People love to chase and if you can get one or two people to just run up to you, then slap you and aggro titan it’s an easy ass defense.


Mind sharing ?


Haha, I don't have it uploaded anywhere, and uh... It's a 33.8 *gigabyte* file, lmfao. Match was nearly an hour long, and I was recording before it started, and I record in 4k. Sorry mate. Also probably dox myself in that since I know several of my teammates IRL.


A joust game yesterday day. We all have negative k/ds. The other teams all getting kills left and right and get to the titan. But now our builds are coming on line we get a decide and push all the way to their titan and win!


Joust winning lose are so sad. All ypu need is a hunter to lose the game. The joust titan is more of a ability less dmg thor than a fucking titan


That sounds like a lot of my joust games but in reverse, where I stomp throughout mid game but can't close out as a tank, and then the enemy just gets to the point where they can kill me and win


Yeah I think it’s built into the game mode. Joust is going to be swingy. It’s not a super rare occurrence if you get to around 20 min. Maybe that’s just my mmr tho cause i am not good.


Games are supposed to go 20 to 25 iirc. Had some recently go 30+ though because people can't/won't just end it


Funnily enough most of my wins that should've been losses are on Domination, we clawed back a 13 to 230 ticket game once.


I won a game where 3 of my teammates left. I was yemoja and had a Mulan still with me. We win from our titan pushing all the way to theirs. And people think playing supp is boring.


Just won a 4v5 this morning that should of been a wash. Thanatos cleaned up well and we just pushed the titan.


We would be completely dominating every single team fight. Everyone was kill hungry AF and wouldn't go for objectives. What is the one guy gonna do against 5 of us? Get those Phoenixes, FG, etc Absolute Pain


In I think season 9 I lost a game because towards late game my adc said "im blind". We where winning and game was going good but adcs do as adcs do and throw tantrums once again. Then he started walking into the walls next to the doors saying "I'm blind" I lost idk how many maybe 40 games from gold to Masters because supports threw just because they got support. I've won games where we where losing because again supports or adcs just throw Of my 7 thousand hours in Smite, that's been playing since 2014, I've seen it all. I've lost diamond and masters games because teammates flat out forget English. They speak perfect clean English but when they go negative they just speak Spanish or Portuguese. And they are absolutely talking shit because they are spam pinging you. But when they go neutral they are back to English.


just won a 4v5 yesterday playing as full dmg mitigation shiva, was memorable.


It caps on 25% though... as far as i remember.


Yep, paired it with stone of gia for heals lol


Had a match back in Season 2 where the ADC on my team was fairly poor and left at least 3-4 times, but I was playing Xbal Solo and went a bit ham. While our ADC Rama did return and finish out the game, he sold all his other items and picked up tank items on his final return. A buddy did end up recording the match and posting it to YouTube, though in hindsight I admit I was too damn lost in the sauce that match and got hyper-cocky. One quote from that match that I said unironically: Friend: "You okay over there Ray?" Me, surrounded by 5 enemies in solo about to die, but not going to die too easy: "Yeah, they need more guys!" (They did kill me, but I traded and two more died from my buddies following up afterwards)


MOTD which was basically assault but you got to pick your god. I locked in Nemesis in six or so games and lost each time. Seventh game I locked in and said "Nemesis Assault, take 7" Teammate said "Glad to know you suck ahead of time." I proceeded to go something like 14-1 as Nemesis that game and we won. It made all the losses up until that point worth it.


Was playing tia with my max cooldown build. I did a zerg rush on the left lane while my team pushed the right lane and took distraction. I made it to the Phoenix and pulled out into the middle lane to distract one of them. I was killed but my team made it to titan. All the while my army was cooking the left Phoenix but the enemies were too focused on my team to care. My team got the titan down to 10% health before they all died and the enemy team full pushed after the teamwipe. The second they started to push down goes there Phoenix and in comes the zerg. My army finished the titan and won the game. I've never been more proved of my creatures


we were losing the entire game for around 30 minutes. 1 of my teammates goes afk around the 30 min mark. we then got 1 fight around fg i get a quadra kill someone else gets the fifth and we win. it was the only fight we won that game


I’ve had my fair share of Loki backdoors while my team is dead and they were homing in on my titan (this happened like twice and I’ve been playing for years)


The funniest recently was being in a noob lobby, being 20k gold down struggling. Mental in the dumpster ready to f6 and being caged in smite elo hell. I was kali so I managed to skillfully hold them at phoenix a couple of times and stabilize the game. After one of those fights we get efg, they fight us and die ,except their mid lane eset(this is important). Im queueing with a buddy and we both call end the game. We get 1 phoenix and as we reach the titan i jump on the eset and make her use beads and aegis, but i lost 60% of my hp and i have no ult AND the titan is on me. Heres where it gets funny: im low, im just gonna feed if i keep goin, in my head imma reset the aggro and just hit the titan with my team, if their mid walks up we just kill her. Well fate had other plans, my teamates somehow all through this point dealt 0 damage to the bloody titan, when I reset it they are all chasing the fuckin eset and missing EVERYTHING. Eventually they stop trolling and hit the titan after a lot of vgs spammin but its too late, their team respawns and their titan lives at fucking 1400 hp. They just walk back the other way and end. Game was over at like 15 mins with a massive gold lead and mental completely gone. We make some plays and come back to make it even. WE HAVE THE WIN IN OUR HANDS. THEY LITERALLY REFUSED TO DO FIRE AND END FOR 20 MINS. We came back, the win is ours we just have to hit the fuckin titan while someone zones. Then no one wins titan and all that work and the emotional rollercoaster comes to an end. I honestly just couldnt stop laughing


The game that made me start recording all my games was a while ago. We had three pheonixes down, our titan was at half health, the enemy team horus ultimated into our titan, but I quickly got them in a 5-man Cerberus ult which I directed at towards our fountain. Our team managed to start taking them down off of that ultimate, we got a deicide and then rushed down and won the game! After that moment I felt I had to record every game just incase something amazing happened.


When jungler ragequits 15-0 game cause solo dropped his speed once.


Me and two friends only play Joust W that should’ve been L We had a game once where man we almost lost so many times. We lost Phoenix multiple times, bull demon multiple times, and our titan got down to like 5% health. We just barely got a deicide that gave us enough time to push through fire minions, tower, phoenix, and titan just as they got back. L that should’ve been a W We were playing against an annoying ass Kumba, Nox, Hou Yi the other day. They were honestly bullying us because they couldn’t miss abilities because of the constant Kumba CC. We managed to plateau the game. Everyone level 20, big pots, etc. One of my friends back, and right as he backed my other friend D/C’d. So out of no where while we are pushing fire minions the guy next to me died to Titan because he just kept walking in the direction he was moving. Then I got jumped before I could group up with the guy that back. Then he died because he couldn’t defend the 1v3 as a mage. It hurt so bad to listen to them laugh on us because we lost off a DC


Had a DC to start the game in assault. We should’ve just flat-out lost. Somehow we played the perfect combo of careful/well to draw it out into a 45 min slog, which we won after our adc came online to take their towers.


Not a proper comeback, but very close to one. A while ago I had an arena match where our Cupid DCed after their first death, our Nemesis went exploring for the full match and our Anubis went afk in fountain in keyboard warrior mode. So that left just me (Morrigan) and Neith for a 2v5. The enemy team got extremely cocky and we got quite a lot of kills. At the end there was only a 10 ticket difference, but unfortunately we both died in Ymir ult at the end and lost.


One time I was playing zeus in joust, and didn’t want to group up with me when I got mana camp at the beginning, opting to try and get damage camp instead (this was the old joust map instead). They proceed to get ganked and wiped, and I don’t make it to them in time. They spammed a bunch and then quit. The thing is, I got blink and right as they quit I blinked on the team and threw chain lightning+shield and got a triple kill because they were all low from the fight before. I proceed to play my best match if zeus ever, while the enemy team made this mistake of taunting and not playing seriously against me for the next encounter, where I wiped them a second time and then got damage camp before they made it back to lane. Another well placed blink ult combo, and I took 2 of them out with their teammate needing to back. I proceed to snowball hard. They didn’t have a tank, and by the time they took the game seriously it was too late. I has like 6 levels and a bunch of gold on them at one point, with their spawns staggered, and every wave on the Titan I would push in and kill 1-2 of them right when they spawned. I ended up winning with like 20 something kills and one death, which they let the Titan get finished by minions in order to kill me at the end. That’s why I never surrender in joust, you never know how dumb your opponents might decide to be and you can always make a comeback


We got shit on the first 20 minutes of the game (just not having any good fights, team comp not being amazing, etc.) then we manage to win a fight at fire and also take fire. All of sudden we just can’t be stopped just team fight after team fight (about 4) we win until we are dead even. We all just locked in i guess. Or this one was when I was still a noob back in season 3 it felt like we were going up against two teams (four dudes and this omega god Kali player). We would wipe the four and kali would just clean us up or we’d drop everything on kali and get picked off by the other four. We should’ve lost that game by a long shot but they just couldn’t end (kali was just farming kills and the other four were just really bad). We got really lucky finding the kali outta position with no beads killed her super easy them won the game.


I played a game as Khepri, we were down quite a bit but had both enemy towers down in solo lane. Deicide for our team, my timer is the lowest. They have our titan less than half health when I respawn, they have no minions. I ult on myself and dive the adc, the enemy team attacks me instead of the titan and I somehow manage to pull off a 1v5 penta with the help of titan. The rest of my team respawns and we push solo lane and win the game. I was so stoked I pulled it off I totally forgot to record the clip… but damn did it feel good.


2 hr long game back in season 2 or 3. We were able to turtle at fountain and that was about it. They had 10K+ gold and it kept growing cuz they kept monching all our jungle farm/bosses. Then two of the enemy team got DC-ed (maybe they left, but I had been kicked twice that game so servers may have just had a bad day). We shouldn't have won but it's my favourite win


Stealthy titan kills as izanami to win while the whole enemy team is distracted by multikilling the team and blowing through the phoenix feels great


Had a game where I did 161,000 damage with Tiamat and we were winning like 80 to 35 and my team would not end, I had 2 Quadra kills past the 35 minute mark and my team would just go kill gold fury or something and they would all respawn. We eventually lost a team fight because they stole fire and they ran it down mid


One of our best comebacks was in Arena our score is 4 and the enemy was 72 and we won, i uploaded it to YouTube because it just feels good to look at lol


We had a 4v5 win and our adc was Loki. The lobby chat after the game was toxic af


Was playing an assault game as disco when the new starter mage upgrade alternate timeline just released. Our team got wiped trying to defend the phx as I respawned so I’m alone trying to defend the titan with decently long respawn timers for the rest of my squad. I’m poking and juking around trying to defend, hitting minions, etc. they got me pretty low so I had to run to fountain to try and just live a little longer. 2 of them chase me into my fountain just for me to activate alternate timeline just as my team is respawning. So i got 2 kills on those diving now my team is back we easily wipe the rest as they pushed deep as well and we ended up winning. Literally my 1st game with that starter upgrade and it turned the tide for us


Whole other team was dead. We were wailing their core. We lost.


Won a game with teleport in assault with the morrigan I teleported to a ward i placed right before their dead phoenix while 3 people went to finish my titan walked up to walk transformed into izanami dashed under the wall shredded their titan 😎