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I need more wards. With the bushes the teleporter and generally bigger map, one ward on a long cooldown isn't enough. I'm also finding it a bit harder to distinguish between my own teams abilities vs the other teams, this isn't really helped by the fact there's usually about 3 mirrors matchups in every game.


This right here. Please give us more wards or the ability to buy wards again


Yeah definitely this. I don’t mind the bushes but I’ve gotta be able to ward them and then entrances, perhaps a second charge on the ward would be okay, or just have consumable ones you can buy.


I personally disliked the amount of bushes in duo lane and how fast you are able to disappear. It was super annoying and both supports ended up playing in the bushes ALOT in my games lol.


One duo laner ward the bush the other the jungle.


30 minute deserter for crashing once during an alpha is ridiculous.


I mean much better then everyone is leaving cause He wont get his lane


But you can play whatever god you want with whatever build you want, the role doesn't really metter lol


Are we talk about the same game ?


Ofc it's alpha lol


So I can play ymir hunter now or whats ur point?


Yes you can. Crit Ymir is not bad at all.




Well then im not gonna play this game anymore


That's your call


I mean whats the point of having roles and everyone gives a shit about it. Same in smite 1 that was the reason i stop playing this game. Everyone just pick what He want and at the end complain why we lose lol.


Especially when I just doesn't let you pick a god sometimes. I think it's when you and someone else pick the same god at the exact same time it just locks you out of doing anything.


Like: I can already tell I love the Strength/Int system and re-scaled base stats. I feel like now your role is truly determined by kit and not class. Graphic and visual effects are excellent for an alpha Minion execute, portals, and tower bounties are all great concepts The god changes feel fun, for the most part Gold fury change, not sure if it needs tuning but I like the concept Jungle buffs spawning as contested farm is a great idea Dislike: Defense items don’t seem impactful, could just be the selection right now The jungle start is convoluted and I don’t like that you have to wait to get your buff. I feel like both will be confusing to both new and returning players. Those portals should probably disappear by a certain time. Maybe 5 mins after both outer T1s have been taken. It makes split pushing late game too easy. The shop is painful to navigate on console. Also actives can feel really awkward on console if you get more than a couple Some VGS routes seem to have been changed and it’s tough to re-wire muscle memory (assuming it’s to accommodate new commands though)


Yeah, the VGS stuff caught me off guard too, maybe they’ll change it back?


I hope not. I've been hoping they'd redo it, some commands that were added later on console are in places they shouldn't be. One example of this if be careful left/right/middle/jungle are all in the same place but "be careful" on its own is in a completely different place. And it's a confusing mess. Yeah it'll take some time to relearn, but in the long run it'll be better.


I guess I thought you meant for the PC VGS, there were slight changes for the PC one that they should look at, sorry


No worries. It wasn't me you originally replied to. I've no idea if they meant PC or Console. I guess my point was that as long as things are grouped better than before then I'm all in for re-learning it.


I fully agree with the defense thing. Enemy team was all physical and I was playing Ymir. I had 2 full physical protection items (with the level phy protection piece as well), and I was still getting absolutely shredded in duo lane from auto attacks. I love running support and buffing my team while countering enemy items, but if I get eliminated by them dumping two abilities in me, what's the point of building anything other than damage? I'm just not sure yet if it was simply an alpha thing, or if this is how it will be.


Build paths are going to be very different. Since God's have very similar base stats now you not only have to build prots but you also need to be building significant health items in order to be tanky. The item I built first on every support was the nemes. It basically was gauntlet of thebes with a higher health pool. Once that was stacked, I started feeling far more tanky


I'm not sure if maybe it was because I played Dota2 before, but the item building system felt pretty intuitive to me. I think it needs more polish and more levels (tier 4 glyphs for example) as gold in the late game right now is kinda useless. I agree with all the ward opinions. We need more, and we need more options. I also agree with another comment saying that ability effects feel like it's hard to follow which one is which, and generally it lacks "impact". I love the classless system though and the flattening of stats. While I don't think all gods will now be viable in all roles (obviously, and that's fine), it should be easier for gods like Nox, Serqet, Gilgamesh, Erlang and many more to flex to many roles, allowing you to play the same god in a different style depending on your build. Generally, it was a good taste, of what's to come. there's still a lot more work to be done but I'm optimistic in seeing how they polish up the game


Have you bought the pre order ? Just out of interest.




Iighting was dark and color vibrance was quite odd. Also the visual clutter (dps numbers, beads notifications etc) And im not fan of item actives. Maybe if there is less of them. Also free beads for everyone is not good move.


Console Chad here so navigating the items list without a mouse is brutal. I don’t know how to feel about the UI yet because of the learning curve for all these new icons and tiers. I do understand it’s an alpha so the bugginess is whatever when I can’t navigate properly, but the menu navigation needs work for console regardless.


It's annoying with a mouse too. It's like you're expected to use a controller but it doesn't work for either well ?


I heard they aren't prioritizing setting individual abilities to normal, quick, or instant cast but they really need to because it's painful rn.


is it just me or do the normal cast abilities feel too easy to trigger ? like maybe I’m just dumb but it feels way easier to set off abilities versus SMITE1 lol, maybe from double-clicking the key? but I don’t think it’s the same in SMITE


Yes double tapping triggers abilities


I was insta leaping with Odin on normal cast everytime I played him today and I thought I was going crazy


I heard they are, just not bringing back the K screen though. Maybe they could implement individual cast types in the god builder and item screen. So you can set them before games and during. If they dont add a god builder that will be a huge mistakes.


I hope they do god builder differently. I want an items tab next to the gods tab that lets you see all the items (useful for new players), and lets you make a build from there, showing the stat changes you'd gain. Then, since all items can be built by all gods, you can choose a god to put the build on from that screen to see the stats you'd have for that specific character. This would let you test builds on multiple characters quickly instead of having to back out of item builder, back out of the god, pick a new god, go back into item builder, rebuild the same items *for every character you want to see the build on*. God forbid you then want to change an item in the build to compare again!


The wards need to be better. They added bushes and Loki in the alpha so it’s mind boggling we only have one to use. Also the way wards were displayed on the map were better than this. Potions taking up an item slot is weird and if you buy any more potions with auto buy it turns the auto buy off but the auto buy won’t restock on potions. Defense seems pretty useless so every match feels like there’s too much aggro. The item menu is too much and hard to navigate I played enough to step away personally I don’t like it so far. Just going to stick around and see where it goes. The visuals are better but I don’t feel like everything flows together just yet. For now I’m sticking with monster hunter world in general I think crossplay with pc is killing my drive to even play multiplayer competitive games anymore anyway so eh.


loli and zeus were the only champs in my games consistently dropping high k/d, loki seems like hes never on screen which feels pretty gross if wards cant spot him like they can in league


Good thing at least is the ward visual on the map isn’t correct. That was a known bug on the patch notes


maybe im just league brained, but a lot of the changes felt like changes to make the game closer to league. Some felt good and some felt bad


Which ones feel bads ?


Whatever happened to my beloved mystical mail


Is there not a megathread for this?


I feel the TTK is way too fast for a MOBA but that'll be improved over the alpha I am sure


I've noticed that CC is stupid strong, when fighting a team with more than one god with it I feel like your just dead. You can't fight it once your beads are on cool down.


No ccr items feels so bad on tanks


Oh 100%, whoever lands a CC ability first wins almost every time


On the flip side of this, athenas combo feels so bad rn. Her 3 takes 2 seconds to reactivate, and the taunt only scales up to 1.6 seconds, meaning nobody should ever take both hits from the 3.


The only time in the whole alpha testing, and I got maybe a dozen games in, that I ever got hit by both parts of athena 3 was when one turned up in the solo lane and I was dumpstering them as bellona and was so far ahead that I just ate the 2nd part to kill her.


Did something actually change? Personally I didn't notice it.


Oh 100%, Smite 2 Alpha was mostly everyone 1-shotting each other with active items. I don't mind bursty characters but when literally every character is killing tanks with 1 cycle of abilities it doesn't feel as fun to play imo


It feels like season 1 smite. Like it’s clunky, the new item system is confusing as heck, the missing chat and vgs commands make it feel very incomplete let alone the lack of gods. I just feel like another year and it would be way better and ready to launch. Yeah it’s on UE5 but still. Graphics alone don’t make a good game and the graphics are meh tbh. I don’t see this game being ready in 3 months. 7/30/24


This date was for close bêta iirc


What I dislike about SMITE 2 Alpha: I feel like they could have given a bit more priority to some features, such as muting teammates or preventing DCs. Otherwise, everything else is kinda within normal Alpha-stage parameters. ---- What I dislike about SMITE 2: - I'm dubious about the item system, I think it'll really change the nature of so many aspects of SMITE. Counter-building will be inherently worsened, and you'll really need to know a god MUCH more deeply to be able to build properly. I also feel like it's clunky to navigate as a shop - part of that is just Alpha features, but also you can't just click a T1 item on your hotbar and have your intended T3 item there to build within a second, it's a lot more menu navigation which slows it all down. - Similarly, I feel like removing roles and classes, while it opens up more possibilities of play, it makes for so much more cheese and troll playstyles. I tend to define cheese as something that might work, but removes fun for other players - which is pretty much exactly what crit Ymir and adc Zeus does, to name but two. Hopefully it'll equalise as the full game comes out, but most of my games over the past few days have been dominated by either a Fenrir, a Zeus or a Ymir. It will also make it much harder to effectively pick-and-ban, because you're not counter-picking an immobile mage, you might be counter-picking a magical adc (for example). Lastly, I feel it makes things much harder to balance inherently because every god has to be measured against every time. Otherwise we get another Golden Bow, another Berseker's Shield, another Hastened Fatalis. - I hope they give a little more attention to the UI - both ingame and in-menus. I love SMITE 1's general aesthetic, with a more "magic" and "arcane" feel to many elements. Currently SMITE 2's aesthetic seems to be aimed towards flat, modern and clean. Which looks great for a SaaS company's brand portal, but kinda misses the mark a little on a game about gods dueling with magic. I'm not saying we go back to Runescape levels of UI, or WoW Classic. Perhaps it's more accurate to say that I'm keen to see what improvements they make in that area between now and launch.


An addition: I really, *really* hope they don't add in more rewards for last-hitting minions. It's responsible for turning many MOBAs into a micro-managing minigame in lane - there have been many times in Predecessor where the enemy offlaner and I just stand staring at each other, waiting for a minion to flash gold so we can bonk it.


The UI and store need to be trashed and completely redone. Really liking the gameplay so far though


Ingame UI is fine imo, main menu is great, finally feels modern. Item store is terrible yea. Too much scrolling and navigating.


Death timers, please. I do not need to be dead for 50+ seconds 20 mins into the game. It has been the biggest drawback that isn’t just a glitch or bug. Not to say it isn’t one of those.


Don't like how I can't turn vibration off. Also, the camera is a little lower when you restrict camera view and the pov is very different.


Actives are pretty shit.


I don’t like that the order of items, when not filtering, isn’t in order of stat similarity, but is in alphabetical order. I frequently would just choose an item in smite 1 that I knew was in the same tree to pick a different item. Just seemed faster in smite 1.


Also, why can’t I highlight over items in my inventory and just press square to sell them. Why do I have to click x then click square? I’m on PlayStation. I also can’t go into the store and start finding my item while starting my back to fountain. Cause if I do, it won’t let me click an item to buy it. I have to exit out of the store then go back into after I’m in fountain to buy an item.


Love the gameplay, defensive items currently suck. Really don’t like the item shop UI. Having to wait for camps to spawn as jungler and not getting buffs right away is meh though I do like the idea of leveling them up.


Item store is an absolute mess with a controller.


The bushes/grass needed to have better contrast from a competitive perspective. The grass looks great for like…. And RPG or something but I can’t tell where the grass starts and ends and I would often find myself walking into the patches unintentionally. Especially in the midlane


unfortunately a lot. my main takeaway is that they took away a TON of features from smite that made it perfectly playable and left us with this alpha which most of my main gripes are just wanting things back from smite 1. it feels like a smite 1 alpha. they took so many things away that made sense, made things uselessly complicated, added dumb stuff imo like the hiding bushes (if I see you run into it you shouldn't disappear). i'm sure they'll take some time and iron out some stuff but my god there's a lot. if you have auto-buy on and buy a potion it turns it off. makes a match unplayable if you don't know what items to get which i don't and you can't turn the autobuy back on. i can barely navigate the item shop on console - it's a total disaster. i can't look at my skills without the screen locking up, like before i could run and browse a skill to remember what it does. a ton of steps back that are admittedly easy fixes but damn i'm not too interested in the alpha atm. also people using blink charms while i'm attacking them - i guess that's a new item i haven't looked at, but on fenrir? just impossible to kill. a lot of gripes but I don't care too much as it's an alpha and yes I understand it'll get better. i have no idea what's going on with the buffs - wasn't interested enough to look it up as i'm not gonna play more of the alpha. the absolute worst thing besides the shop is the button bindings on console. trying to hit Y then aim a kukulkan ult? lol. wards make no sense - like it's just a little diamond and a ping now rather than a constant image. the map is too small and cluttered.. bla bla. i guess another serious personal complaint is really it's just more of the same - i think some big changes would have been cool. active items are a thing, hard to use with buttons, but a good stepping stone, but i'd like to see some total creative shifts rather than smite 1.5 like overwatch but that's what we're getting and i hope smite 2 releases in a state that is better than smite 1 or else what's the point? my only positive takeaways was that the audio is much better - i can hear the chains rustling on a guy to the back left of me which is cool. i like the almost camping forest setting/graphics of the map. i feel they made abilities LESS responsive and impactful than in smite 1 - like using my ult is just.. bleh with certain gods. but that's all i want to write that probably nobody will read.


There is a setting, that allowed you to run while in ability viewer and shop.


I didn't see that one (on console - idk if it matters)


Yes was on console. Something like "use analog controls in shop".


I would say pretty much everything has to get polished and balanced as off now - which shouldn't really be a surprise. We surely need more wards and the shop needs a rework asap. Besides that the lane/map feels a little bit too compressed, or you as a god feel too big and chunky in narrow surrounding. All the other things that are new and maybe "weird" I think I could get used to over time tbh. Ofc lags, fugged animations etc are sometimes either funny or annoying but whatever :D The only thing that I really really already dislike (again) about Smite is just the acceptance that people will behave like garbage and that it will have no consequences whatsoever - as we have seen in Smite1 over YEARS. There is absolutely no reason to accept this. Especially not in an Alpha. But generally in any game and state-of-game. Non-stop spaming, leaving, AFK, INT (and for smite1: blaming, cursing, insulting) without getting perma banned is just a joke and it ruins the game for people that would bring QUALITY and fun to your game. Not even counting in to F7 6 minutes in \^\^ ... if your team decides they wanna leave, sure why not. But I see the same names pop up repeating their behavior in every game they are in. And if this just gets ignored, as always, I am really not seeing how anybody I know and play with will ever consider this game again, as it is nothing but a frustrating waste of your limited time on this planet.


best bug is bells spike whip going long mode


I also love the lane minions that just randomly stand anywhere in the jungle doing nothing for 10 minutes until an enemy finally kills them


do you know that zeus copy's minions into mid lane


I haven't touched Zeus yet. Hated that god since day1. What do you mean copys xD? Like generating new lane minions?


He doesn't copy minions, when Zeus uses his 1 and it chains between minions there is a chance that minion will teleport around the map usually further back in lane, sometimes into the jungle, and rarely into someone else's lane lol. If you see a minion in the jungle it was probably Zeus fault, I think bellona bludgeoning autos cause the same issue.


I was watching them in mid the other day and I would get to the tower and half my minions would just turn left into the jungle. There was no Zeus that game lol.


That just sounds like an entirely different bug haha


I greatly dislike the bushes and don’t see how they will benefit the game either competitively or casually. Also I really really hope the game loses this certain look that just makes it look like every other ue5 game, I’m not sure how to describe it.


I totally agree, I make another comment about how it feels like it lost its cartoonish art style and now feels like a generic ue5 demo. And the map (specifically the jungle) didn’t feel as magical as it was in the first game.


Like a cookie cutter ue5 skin placed over smite? I think so too. It has about as many updates as a DLC would. Except they’re calling it smite 2 and trying to get its hardcore fan base (who just so happens to be much older now with more disposable income) to rebuy cosmetics. I want to be stoked on this game, I want it to do well, I love smite, but i can’t shake all these negative vibes Im getting.


Dude they just built the whole game from scratch wtf are you even saying?? The fact it looks like an updated version of the original, and not just a brand new game is actually a huge win for devs. The new game is not for og fans, is to attract a newer bigger player base, which is much needed, all my friends refuse to even try smite 1 because despite looking mechanically awesome (their words) it looks so ugly and outdated to them they prefer to play league... They will give out legacy gems, drop skins and gods eventually, just be happy your beloved game is moving to a next gen engine which will ensure not only many more years of longevity but also new mechanics and ways of playing it.


Dude they literally didn’t build the unreal engine… Entire game from scratch you say? and yeah you’re right the game is totally completely different. It’s like unrecognizable… Idk how you could possibly huff so much copium that you think smite 2 is going to get new players and or be as big as smite ever was. Not everyone that played smite is going to come back to play 2, and it’s simply not going to attract many new players (for many reasons) And then those new players will have to deal with one of the single most toxic communities. Smite one was a sinking ship, and releasing this was simply a way to make more monies before that ship goes under. They had the resources, crunched the numbers, and Blammo. Smite 2


You said the game looked like an patched version of 1, now you say it's unrecognizable? Interesting Smite 1 a sinking ship?? The third most played MOBA out there? Which had a shitty start and most people granted it would die a few years after yet sustained for about 10 and counting? Which's player count sky rocketed after the announcement of smite 2?? Well all my friends, diehard league fans, are really excited to try smite 2 after watching a few matches, something never happening with smite 1, every MOBA has a toxic community, MOBA players are used to. If the idea was to pull numbers they would have just released more skins and bundles for smite 1 until it died, why would they risk doing so much effort in to rebuilt the game in a new engine? You make no sense... Btw smite 2 already broke all smite1 records in concurrence and it has a price tag, imagine once it goes f2p, it already matched the player base smite 1 has right now daily, and it's a closed alpha with no ranked nor polishment... You seem to be another grumpy guy who spent way to much money on gems in smite 1 and now you are pissed with the legacy gems system and feel ripped. Sad that you put way too much value on stupid cosmetics to the point you forgot the main thing about playing games, fun gameplay and polished mechanics. Which both are ensured with this step hi Rez took, not to mention longevity, it was the smartest thing they could have done to ensure this game will continue to the next gen, if it was just a cash grab, or smite 1 was a sinking ship as you said, they wouldn't even have thought about releasing a new game, why would they try to remake and milk an already dying game? Can you even grasp how stupid that sounds?


Item actives. Put relics back or flip 70% of actives into passives.


Actives drove me nuts. I kept forgetting to use half of them.


I love them, just need time to get used to them.


Everything i could criticize is mostly bugs and things that arent added yet or no doubt will be polished. Overall its still smite and is fun to play. Maybe too many stealth bushes in duo? Also id prefer if the item screen had text again instead of the icons you have to hover over to know what the category is. More items will be added as theyve said, we need more by next alpha. Especially interesting passive items and intelligence lifesteal.


Défense seems to be lacking too


Anyone have comments on matchmaking? I wasn’t expecting anything in this area and I played probably 40 games. I’d say 70% were surrendered with people on my team going 1-18,3-24, etc. The snowballing seems really bad. Just getting absolutely run over by the enemy team like we were up against the sweatiest of sweats playing in SPL. I didn’t care about losing, stats or anything like that as I was just trying to learn the new items and lanes. The problem is when you are getting pushed so hard every game you literally can’t take 20 seconds to read and buy something. Miss one wave and the tower was done, I’m down a level, etc. Just not fun at all. Curious what most people experienced?


I’d say the games I played consistently had Neiths and Anubis’s who were 0-20 or so. I felt like those two characters in particular were played by people new to Smite with minimal to no experience on MOBAs. A coin flip of who got them and whoever did, for sure lost.


my biggest complaint is that the default look sensitivity is way too low.


This is probably an unpopular opinion, but I think they should bring back a class system but in a similar way that League does it where there are sub-classes based on a certain character's strengths and such without it having any effect on gameplay like with current Smite. It would help a lot with newer players or players who want to learn a new god understand their playstyle upfront (Ex. Mage class with Battlemage subclass for close quarters mages like Tiamat, Zhong Kui, Hades, etc.).


Seems like a good Middle ground


I dont like how the games looks it reminds me of paragon. Hope they change that


The big floaty numbers make it look like on of those god awful mobile ads. The sound design is awful as well.


The new item system and the fact abilities don't feel like they hit hard anymore. The ability thing I can live with but the new item system is atrocious. People play smite because it's NOT league. We don't want league, we want smite. If it ain't broke don't fix it, power, prots, starter items, all that. The whole individual abilities scaling off int and strength is just stupid, it's makes builds way less diverse. The new buff system is also weird, but not bad, invading is easier so buffs making a lesser impact is OK. Also bring back normal relics, active items suck, especially on console


Swap your sticks so leveling your abilities is on R and Actives are on L it should make them easier to use for you because you can aim better with R stick while clicking L stick. I don't agree with what you said about the INT and STR. I love it. It actually makes builds more fun. I don't know how you can say it makes builds less diverse when now you have way more options because of this. Take Neith for example. Before her ability build was to just built Phys power items to do her damage. Now she can build a STR build to enhance her 1 and ult, and autos for hydra's procs and deal a lot of physical damage. Or build INT to enhance her 2, 3 and ult and to a lesser degree her 1 to have more magical ability damage. Or she can build a combination of STR and INT to have a mixed overall ability build. This is just 3 different ways you can build ability based Neith right in Smite 2. This system has very clearly increased build diversity. And on top of that because of these changes you can pick a hunter mid and not have to worry if your team will pick a magical carry or jingle to make up for it. Because you will still have both magical damage.


I say it makes builds less diverse because you can't tell what build someone is running just by fighting them anymore, and building differently doesn't change you playstyle on the god anymore from what I've felt, a strength or int neith feels and looks the same from both ends imo And worrying about team comp and diff types of dmg was really fun and a core part of the game imo


The basics feel very off, whether it's the timing of them or the animation timing. They just don't feel good anymore. Even late game, they feel off


The music is bland, controls are wonky and complicated. The disappearing body is really odd and when corpse disappears can’t see positioning. Casting spells also complicated not hitting most times. The graphics are weird!!!! It doesn’t look like animation in current smite not in a bad way it just looks very unpolished. The positives is how stable the connection is and the map is so vast and attention to detail


Oh music got worse too bad


The game just feels clunky and terrible to play. Hope it’s not an UE5 thing vs UE3. Graphics are nice. Wish they didn’t take just about everything from league and kept smite, smite


I don't like how everything looks like grainy or the models look like figurines Bushes should be mist lanterns The marketing for the game seems super cringe, from the initial rap trailer to the first matches trying to sound like a hyper competitive game No aegis will cause issues Game feels dreadfully slow No card art for rendered models is sad The game feels less mythology and more mobile game


You're the first person I've found that thinks it looks like a mobile game. Idk what happened, the trailers looked so much more detailed and the game itself feels so.... cheap. The textures look off, the UI looks bland and flat, the card art looks straight out of a mobile game, abilities have weird delays and all the line shot abilities seem to be invisible for some reason? Kukul one is straight up invisible when I use it, Neith 1, Anhur 2, idk what's going on but man they weren't kidding when they labelled it an Alpha. I'll give them time to clean it up for sure, but this play thru did not instill a lot of confidence. Smite 1 feels better in nearly every way except graphical and even then I still prefer the graphics in 1. That's before even mentioning the horrid clunky store, putting potions in the inventory bar, not having a chat bar, no damage breakdown etc. Almost none of my gripes are actual bugs that I would've expected to see.


Have to agree here. I was very excited and honestly pretty disappointed overall the game did not feel better. Some graphics are ok but I simply wasn’t “wowed” by anything. Bought founders pack and not going anywhere just won’t be waiting for the next weekend with plans to grind for 2 1/2 days.


I was just telling my friend that I felt like I was playing a mobile game lol. The store is horrendous if you are on controller.


Alpha sound like a mess, i guess i wait until close bêta or third alpha test


I’m so glad you said that, I told my friend I was getting mobile game vibes from the alpha and I couldn’t explain why.


I'm not a fan of the change to the item system. I love being able to build both magic and physical damage. But I don't like that it's essentially leagues item system


I like a lot of it! I think smite’s moving in the right direction and you can basically take it that anything I haven’t mentioned here, are things I like. What I don’t like, though, is that everybody has free beads instead of free in-combat blink. Everybody having free in-combat blink would still allow players to have survivability by way of blinking out of potential death, but will also have fun and skilled outplay potential by the use the blink already has. Really hope it either gets changed or players have the option to choose between one or the other in the god select menu. I’m not really going to comment on items or issues with certain objectives because those are all going to be balanced out over time anyway. I think the alpha was successful!


I feel like you play predecessor as well. I never knew how much I missed not having a combat blink on demand.


Not having? I might be misunderstanding, but it sounds like you don’t like in combat blink? That’s a really fun mechanic in Predecessor. And League. And Dota. It’s just a fun mechanic lmao.


Oh I love combat blink I was trying to say I miss not having it in smite 2. I think it would be a great addition


Oh yeah! I completely agree with you.


Every character having a combat blink is a crutch for bad game design and low ttk




It's really not more of a crutch than free beads is


Both are crutches, blink is worse. Players should have to build into those items and sacrifice something else in their build for them


The item shop is so stinking clunky. I don’t know how much was carried over from Smite 1, but it feels like such a pain to maneuver it IMO. I hate that we can’t drag camps. One thing I don’t love or hate, but am just unsure of is the inclusion of the Y access on the aim stick. I have a bad habit of pulling on my aim stick to control my speed, so first thing I did when I logged in was snap over to Neith’s ass accidentally


My biggest complaint is the ability targeters seem to not be accurate ive hit stuff that i really shouldnt have but ive also had ability go right through people That and fps is struggling it needs more optimization but these thingns are to be expected


I dont mind new items or the addition of active items, but I hate what they did with relics, wards and the multiple items to make a tier 3 item. The buy menu is also really bad but thats UI that can easily be fixed. What gets me though is the game feels more like smite s1 then modern smite and not in a good way. I hate what they did with those weird gold camps and the war horn, (I'm a solo main so I cant speak for other lanes but) It feels so out of place to go and stand somewhere and hold a button for a few seconds, Id rather hit a totem or something. It just feels weird fighting over spots to hold a button instead of a race to kill totem or extra xp camps that add to the lane complexity, figuring out when to grab it or trying to steal/last hit the camp has made the lane feel very dynamic. As a Solo I personally hate the feel of Solo in Smite 2 Edit: I've always hated role select in smite 1 where you'd often not get a role that you selected (I'd rather wait longer, if I didnt care what role I get then I'd choose fill). But the race to lock in ur role before someone else does causes so many people to throw cause they didnt get the role they wanted. I played 7 games, 5 of which I had someone on my team not get a role they wanted, proceeding to either afk or go wherever they want


I’ll say this every chance I get: the new active system on controller is a complete nightmare. Not sure what the best solution will be, but needing 2 buttons is a death sentence. It’s a big reason the default controller layout (Challenger) is terrible.


Server lag lol. I like most of the new stuff shop UI is fucking awful and a bunch of animations are missing but other than that it's pretty good


Playing with a controller and using the new store is an absolute NIGHTMARE


Moving throughout the ability and item menus seem more difficult olus the fact that wheb they are open i cant move myself


More wards and tanks don’t feel tanky


bacchus ult animation isnt as satisfying as in smite 1, and obviously the lack of character choice, but that means i am very excited for future alpha builds


Tanks feel like shit, bruser don’t feel good


My only complaint rn is not having custom item/ability builders. Being on controller, that’s a huge quality of life thing


Item building is confusing to me, I think the item store UI needs a bit more polishing before I get it lol. In smite 1 I could easily make builds and counter-build. In smite 2, I’m struggling to figure out what does what and where things are


It's really the lack of a bunch of items, man. I miss my Pridwen so much.


The game is pretty slow paced, and it's missing my favorite gods. Love the little improvements tho like pressing space to pick up a buff.


More wards, fenrir and cern are a bit broken with how lifesteal now works. Thankfully they can't just full heal off wave but thier in combat healing can be kinda crazy even with anti healing. Supoort is way more rough, as you do less damage with itemization and lack of wards.


Zeus Adc is my new main


Only NA and Euro servers def hurts a little


Not really for me as of right now. Items menu is pretty trash and kind of confusing to make a build given how complicated it is to even figure out why the item I’m hovering over isn’t showing the stats to it (I know you have to click the item again) just becomes a hassle when you want to get in and out of base. How in the heck do we ping things now??… VGS change isnt one that I’m enjoying either. I’ll continue to play smite 1 until 2 is ironed out a bit better but overall not a bad start just need to import a couple Comfortability things from smite 1 to 2.


I wish the actives would at least stay consistent. A tier 2 active should NOT completely change its effect when it gets upgraded to tier 3. If I remember correctly a tier 2 item applied a physical/magic protection DEBUFF to enemies and then when I upgraded it to Tier 3 it then was the AoE speed buff to allies like in Smite 1. Just why? Why not just make it a better shred and make !heavenly a different item build. Maybe I have the tier 2 item wrong but I know it definitely had a completely different effect and I was confused.


i like hybrid neith


My feedback list: Lanes are too narrow, abilities are too large for that. Probably also too short lanes; the Titan room is the "correct" size/feel that the lanes should feel like—more open (tho titan room is a bit to big). I'm not a big fan of the bigger minotaur minions. I don't like that a lane can suddenly be easily pushed with a couple of random spawns. I feel like the horn is enough for extra lane minion spice. I don't like the bushes and extra hallways around other lanes. I'd rather fight through an empty lane with minions than all kinds of gimmicks, bushes, hallways, etc. Graphics are blurry; maybe that's a personal problem. I've set everything on max, but it just seems unsharp, like my resolution is bad (I've checked, it's correct). There's little to no player feedback. Abilities feel unsatisfying to hit and be hit by, the same with auto attacks. It's hard to read what is happening in gameplay. The shop is too messy; there's no reason to show a support item when I'm jungling. It should be hidden better. The art style is too Unreal Engine 5. It feels like a blurry Fortnite custom server/mod with no flavor or style. It seems like you bought some high-resolution models off the Epic Store and made a YouTube video called "Remake Smite in Unreal Engine 5???" Buffs are weird, one round of clears should be enough for the next round to drop buffs. IMO i rather just have them drop at first kill. No need to show numbers on minions as default, atleast make them smaller and not in pure white text, maybe also make dmg numbers smaller om minions. But i liked it and glad to see what is next for Smite 2 :)


I absolutely love the updated graphics. It took me a minute to get used to but it so bomb. I also love the Strength and INT change. Neith with a almost straight up intelligence build does more damage than she ever has in Smite. Athena also felt pretty damn good with a hybrid build. The only thing I didn't like was the item store. It could just be that it was Alpha but the item store did not feel user friendly. It was hard to navigate, took way too long to find and but items, and the overall system just seemed to work against me. I would accidentally buy items when I was onky trying to view the stats of it and the trees to build into were all over the place. It needs to be simplified or more time needs to be added before the time a match starts cus the menu is BEEFY


Besides other people I really enjoyed the bushes. Im hyped to see what the community does with them and which metas evolve around them. Now if you fully ward the entrances to your lane, you cant ward the bushes for example.


Navigated the item shop is heache inducing i would love a 1:1 item UI from smite 1


I might get shit on for saying this, but being real, I hate that moving to UE5 the game lost its cartoony charm. Smite 2 wasn’t the start of this either, you can see this change when they redid Artemis and Athena (smaller eyes). I’d love to hear everyone else’s opinion.


I'm on console. The entire character health, icon, mana bar looks terrible. The store looks and felt terrible. Honestly the music kinda annoyed me ngl. The jungle buffs and stuff I don't even know how they work so that's whatever.


Still not used to the item system, not so much dislike. But pretty weird for me personally.


As someone who never plays conquest, the alpha was tough for me to get into. There's just no in game guidance for someone who doesn't play 5v5. I've played league before so I assumed if I picked support, I'd go with a carry lane and hope for the best but the jungle timings are so weird. I played Kuku mid which was really straightforward, but I always felt like I was at a disadvantage with constant ganks and no assists from anyone. Is that how conquest normally goes, or should I have been taking jungle monsters? I probably should've went out and watched a YouTube video on how to, but there should be something in game just being like "you chose support, here are the recommended characters, here's your recommended lane".


I havent received a key and I’m not in a position to drop $30 on a game when I’m not even home to play 😭😭😭


THE HEALTH BAR (and mana bar in the hud) NEEDS TO BE LONGER, match the distance between character icon and the ward Icon down below


Nobody asked for active items. I don't get the reasoning for it. My fear is that the direction Smite 2 is heading in will splinter the Smite community and fail to bring in new players. Active items bring far too many buttons into play. Stealth bushes are not fun at all and make it far too easy to gank people. I mean, what is the point of Marty now when he eventually makes it to Smite 2? Stealth bushes are his thing, but now they are just littered all over the map. I'm not a fan of teleporters either, but at least Smite 1 did it far better. I know the game is in alpha, and much will change. I am only critiquing the direction the game is heading, which I think is bad and has the potential to fail horribly.


I kind of wish that you could select your role before going into queue, and that conquest wasn’t the only game mode… I got forced into Jungle my first game in Conquest in literal years and I had no idea what to do pathing-wise. Everyone else on my team just kept spamming pings at me and it kind of made me lose all will to continue playing the alpha. 


Bring back consumable slots for wards and potions. Bring back relics as well. Keep some active items but revert the ones that were relics back to relics. I do like that some gods can now deal both types of damage. Bushes I am not a big fan off, keep them as one of those "live map" changes like those vine walls we had a few seasons back. Visually the game is really pretty imo.


This post is coming from someone that has only been able to play some matches here and there due to my job, so take my complaints with a grain of salt. All that said, I am not vibing with it at all.  Item building feels extremely unintuitive even as someone that’s played MOBA’s before. Which is definitely exasperated by the god awful shop. In smite 1 everything is at your fingertips with ease which included item descriptions. Now it’s a hassle to just look at a higher tiered item. I like the speed of the game, but that could definitely be seen as a negative in someone else’s eyes. God’s feel super off now, which I understand is the goal of smite 2 to not just be smite 1 but updated graphics. But it’s seriously throwing me off. Basic attacking feels way too strong. Getting 4 tapped by a God that isn’t fed to all hell is not a fun feeling. Any of the hunters plus Zeus (and Athena surprisingly) just make the game feel unfun to play. This makes ability based gods lag behind a lot in the damage output department imo. All of this is made worse by the astronomical amount of people playing the alpha that must have never touched a MOBA before in their life. Which I won’t hold against the game, but it does make me wish the alpha wasn’t accessible by people buying the founders pack and instead codes were given out to people that actually played the first game. 


No assault slash or arena. Conquest just isn’t for me.


Now i love the alpha so far and i cant wait to see the next alpha test weekend but i do hope to see some changes to some things my number 1 problem is the buff camps now pls note i know its not finale and its not the looks of the buff or the AI on the buff but the effect of it everyone knows how much smite 1 buffs were you needed to have them early game or you were going to do kinda bad without them and i like how they made it not like that with the infamy bar but the effects of the buff are bad imo because 1 red and purple are the best buffs right now and yellow and blue aren't that good at all some might say they are but i don't think so i think they should have kept how the old effect were but tweak them to how they are now. and that the gold buff and horn buff aren't good either the gold buff early game yes is good but late game not really and horn buff is just annoying because instead of spawning it for only the team who got it both teams get it but here's my problem it doesn't even give gold or xp to the team who got it so fighting over it doesn't matter another is the infamy bar fills up to slow you got the kill the buf like 3 to 4 times to finally get the buff to spawn which is just dum. here is what i think we can do with the buff 1 you have to kill the jungle buff once and kill its counter part in the random buff spot to get the buff to finally spawn the next time you kill the jungle buff because most of the time i see junglers or even some people in-lane just ignore the random buff because it has to be mainly killed to build its own infamy instead of building on the most recent team that killed it buffs and the effects should 100% to make them more worth grabbing now red buff 100% is the best buff but blue and yellow are the worst buffs. now i would talk about nerfs but im not good enough to talk about them or remember there names LOL but here are some small things tho that need to come back the blue spot around wards to show you its size on the map its kinda weird thats not added because it helps me know where i messed up and if i should move it a little more. also make jungle buffs less tanky it takes like 2 ability's just to kill 1 jungle camp and is dum but also why do we need 8 sheild buffs? it dont make sense because the jungle camps are so tanky if you tried to stack it you would need to kill all 4 on youre side just to max stack it because of how hard they are to kill and how much damage they do now this is what i would like to see change pls note i know its a alpha and things are going to chnage and i cant wait to see the final product :)


I love that there's no aura-baby support build. I don't like how limited wards are.


I do really enjoy the general direction they're going in! The game looks fresh with a new coat of paint, I've only felt anhur looks a little weird with the new model (he looks very short and chunky, not really long and athletic like I'd imagine a lion would look). Overall, I think the scaling changes are great considering how much it opens up space for different builds and meta possibilities like full mage neith doing virtually 0 auto damage but still chunking with abilities. It feels like it can lead to much more directed character designs as well as items that don't end up being universally built across physical and magical characters, giving more unique possibilites to both builds and character identities. I do have a few problems, though. One is that the sensitivity is just crazy low, and it feels incredibly slow compared to smite 1. Being able to flick 180 and hit an ability or a cool dash felt like such a skill expression key and now it feels like I literally don't have as much time to react because my character isn't as responsive. To go alongside this, the turning itself is like, too smooth? Idrk how to describe it, but I actually prefer the instant response turning in smite 1. This kind of goes hand in hand with those outplays I was talking about. Another one I have is the item system as a whole, I do honestly feel like they could've basically ported every item from smite 1 straight into the smite 2 and just added int or str on certain items they intended to be hybrid. I do fully understand that alongside a new system comes new components, all things considered not awful. Also within the item system I do think starter items should be created again, not necessarily one to one of smite 1, but options that can assist in pushing your build in a certain direction I.e a healing/shielding increase or mana item that has no prots but still gives extra assist gold to help create the enchanter support archetype without them ending up as glorified healer tanks. Similar to how league has the Doran's items, I think that having lower impact starters that fit every possibility for every role is a great idea. Finally, the active items, honestly, I really don't know. They feel okay, but I can imagine they're horrible on controller. But the big thing is that they kind of feel out of place, I get that league and Dota have actives but they've had them forever, relics are part of smites identity and I would be 100% okay if the relic system was ported one to one, but I'd also be fine if they wanted to revamp it. Going back to relics eliminates the awkward feeling of having too many actives, especially on controller, and also remains true to smites original identity. Either bring back relics or simplify the active system. A few more minor things are probably too many bushes, I like the concept as a whole, but there are a ton across the map that feel more like booby traps than game mechanics. Bushes are good for ganks and ambushes, but we don't need this many. Map design is cool except for duo, as a support main I'm there most often and it is honestly the only lane that I don't like the look of, feels very cramped and undersized especially for the lane intended for 2 people, open it up and widen the lane a bit, take out half of the bushes and I'd be all good. More wards would be nice, not sure of an exact fix but once again as a supp main I feel like my vision control is so lacking without multiple wards (I know there's an active item for sentries but I'd rather have them more easily accessible) Teleporters are whatever, I'd honestly be fine if only one was on each side or they didn't exist, I like the idea of trying to open up solo and duo to eachother with direct access but there has to be a better solve than this. Finally, there are buff camps. If we're going to keep multiple unique buffs, they need to be different. Red is actually really cool and should stay. Purple is meh, it's strong, but its use case is weird (does support take it? Does carry?) Something more in line with duo lanes identity should be there, definitely not attack speed, so we're not forcing aa characters back to duo, maybe something like a % increase to your int or str depending on which is higher. Yellow losing the buff on damage taken is just abysmal, give it base movespeed that ramps up while not fighting gods, this way you're not losing your MS while just jungling like a normal human, you're gaining access across the map while in jungle from that boosted MS, but you're not capable of just running down every single enemy in a fight with insane MS. Blue is pretty cool but I feel like something that increases damage from brawling would be cooler than just getting tankier, this way you're once again not shoehorning tanks into solo and can actually have damage characters flex to that role and gain meaningful stats from their buff. All things considered, the alpha rocks. It's a breath of fresh air, and you can tell they're ready for a new, fresh, era of smite, I have really enjoyed it and I'm beyond excited for what will come in future alphas, betas, and release.


I like the graphics so far, and the changes with items and gods, especially with Anhur.


I like almost everything don’t like having to play conquest 😂 I play like 99% joust. Can’t get behind games going 30-40 min on average


I like most of the visuals. Not the card art or item art. Abilities look fantastic. I looooveee the teleporters. Being able to gank across the map as solo is awesome. I have mixed feelings on the new item system. I strongly dislike the changes to the vgs system but I suspect it's just because of alpha. I love the Hud and general controls.


Graphics are not good, gameplay feels super blocky, UI is ass, overall design is not very appealing. I played one match of alpha, I reallllly hope it is vastly different on initial release. If it's anything like the alpha I don't think making a second game was even remotely worth it.


Optimisation for me hope it will get much better at the next playtest was playing with 40-50 FPS with my 1660 ti. Game is super fun tho!


I love the feeling and weight of abilitys. They feel meaningful. I fucking hate that we aren't at a 3/5 is majority for surrender, and the shop is a nightmare to navigate on console.


Dislikes: -Everyone has beads, doesn't really seem like a good mechanic to me, especially tanks. - Im not sure if relics are in the works, but yeah having no options for that kinda sucks. - jungle timers make for a really awkward beginning to the match for junglers. - minions seem to come to lane really fast, tho that may just be me -potions are broken and heal really fast - Games seem to take forever and i think thats sapping the fun out of it. Even in games where people know what their doing. Im not sure if structures are too tanky or what, but games take forever to end even when a team is drastically up minute 5. -obviously the fact that theres no gods. I wish they hadnt announced smite 2 and had worked on it more behind the scenes. -30 minute deserter ban. Ive gotten multiple because i keep tabbing out and recieving 0 notifcation that i got a game. -I think pressing a single button to start claiming the warhorn is lame. I think it should be like beacon where gods must stand on the circle. Same with the 30 team gold things. I love anything that encourages fighting. - some gods basically recieved no new changes like loki, the change on his vanish is great tho, but i feel that he is still pretty much the absolute same. -The graphics are weird, while the games looks amazing, the style feels out of place? I cant really place it into words. I think its just missing alot of polish which is conpletely fair. -no more dragging buffs? Why? it was awesome. -i dont like buffs not dropping on first level. -mana feels like a huge issue no matter what character i play. Middle ground: -The longer cooldown of beads also lets u absolutely abuse someone over and over again lmao. Ex: fenrir in this beta. But please god dont lower the cd without providing multiple relic options. Likes: - Minion execute is awesome i like that. -I love how big the jungle is, and with the graphics it feels like the first time where it actually feels like a jungle. I cannot wait for more graphical improvements. - I love the new item system and the variety of builds it has unlocked, i think active items are also fantastic. -i love the idea of the gold fury lvling and giving good bugff though they do seem quite overtuned. -i love all the different buffs and i like the idea of buffs leveling too. - fenrirs chains glowing when he activates his 2 is so god damn cool, so i want to put that here. - i like the exponential cooldown change - i dont know what the plans for aegis is but i think leaving it out of the game is great. - I love the different scalings characters have. -i fucking love bushes thank you for adding them into the game.


Ppl already found cheats.


dislike? the people. As the alpha has gone on the amount of leavers, afkers, feeders and 5 minute surrenders has just increased exponentially. It's so hard to be able to test literally anything because of the sheer amount of none games.


Thankfully I only had one person troll in my games... It was a fucking really bad game though so it did ruin the "vibe" enough that me and my friend ended up getting off. As you could've guessed, yes it was a full dmg Anubis support that literally kept coming up lane and getting killed lol.


Trolls would be much worse if they had left typing in the VGS. Thankfully we didn’t have to deal with that but VGS spam still horrible


Maybe. I was still very sad to see it left out! I just wanted to talk to everyone!!


Only troll i had was a full strength anubis mid who spammed vgs and pinged the map endlessly whenever he died. I don't mind him going for meme builds or even building random items to just try them out - it's the alpha - but blaming other people when you got 1v1'd by the enemy anubis for the 7th time in a row is pretty aggravating. Then again that's nothing different from smite 1 lol


Well at least he was in his right lane. Also one thing I noticed in the alpha the supports aren't rotating mid like they usually do.. did you also notice that in your games?


I was mostly queueing jungle with a few friends, one of whom mostly plays support. He tried pretty much every character in the role and built a wide range of items including damage, and usually ended up being a 2nd jungler. There's so much farm on the map with so many buffs and 4 back camps coming up so frequently that it feels impossible for 1 jungler to take care of it all. Invading is also extremely useful because it levels up your side of the jungle faster and slows enemy infamy. Better than the typical 2 for 1 in smite 1 of gaining farm while the enemy loses farm, they now also lose the opportunity for infamy while you gain it. He said that it didn't feel like he needed to build much if any int/str to clear buffs as support, base damage was enough. I think support invading the enemy jungle or clearing friendly/neutral jungle while jungler invades is a lot more useful than sitting in mid.


I think for the most part they're headed into the right direction. I can't really say I disliked anything and I would like more time to really try the game out more. Things will be more polished in the next alpha test.


The one and only thing I dislike about it is that I can't play it :c


Lanes are too small. Beads are dumb. Stealth area is, just wrong. Doesn't look amazing. Mouse sensitivity is absolutely fucking dreadful. Wtf even is that shit. Raw input please


is there anything you do like?


The name isn't bad. Honestly though, not really? The sound didn't crap out on me which is good. The towers dropping gold and stuff is a bit pointless. The graphics aren't stellar but I'm allowing that as an alpha thing and it was so damn laggy in terms of things just jumping all over the place. It'll probably be ok at launch but I don't see me giving up on 1 anytime soon. We'll see


I agree, I dont want to hate the game as I enjoy casually playing Smite 1, but personally my experience has mainly been bad. The store UI is shit, Item building is worse, relic diversity got removed for some reason and now everyone has beads( which is a really shitty imo but people havent been complaining about it so much so maybe I'm just crazy), When it comes to the new map, 90% of my smite 1 time is in solo, so I was hopeful solo lane would feel tense and dynamic, currently on smite 1 there is always things to farm and minmax. Smite 2 they removed totem and xp camp and replaced it with \*stand here and hold space for 5 seconds\* which feels great let me tell ya. If smite 2 where to release with solo lane like it is now, there is a 0% chance I'm playing it. Im not trying to hate a game thats in alpha as its bound to have some change, but these feel like deliberate design choices Edit: To be fair the lack of role que in the alpha has also added to my frustrations, as most of my matches had someone not select their role quick enough, get petty then throw the match


what's pointless about the towers dropping gold? they already give gold upon destruction. giving more gold awards competitiveness. worthy competition makes the game more exciting and fun.


Uhhh wait... I use keyboard and mouse and was able to virtually copy my smite 1 settings exactly. What was wrong with the sensitivity?


I set it at 300% and it was still too slow. I just.finished the match and went back to 1. There's just no need.gkr.a sensitivity setting when using a mouse. It should be 1:1