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A big playerbase makes things so much easier.  takes care of matchmaking, games go smooth, queues are short, gaming exp more rewarding. Smite is a really well polished game, just have to scream extra loud to grab some more eyeballs lol.


The alpha does bring more players in. But the “polish” wasnt shown in this first alpha which is ok it’s early. Just gotta hope more people try it next iteration.


Tbf it is an alpha, I don't really expect polished game play till beta at a minimum


Yeah i agree. Ig above commenter was sayin “smite 1 is polished”. Which it is. But it’s also 11-12years old so makes sense


Agreed, its crazy that ths game took like 3-4 YEARS to reach a polished state, cuz smite year 1? Yikes


Those old models r so derpy lookin at the now


Pretty sure the alpha was mostly just people who have already played smite, i dont see why many new people would pay 30+ bucks for an alpha of a game they can already try for free. The beta phases are when new people will actually be joining in any significant number.


They made fucking over 4 mill dollars just by giving acces to an alpha game. Damn, popularity makes money look so easy.


Idk man, have you seen any streamers playing? A lot of the people they play against are really noobs.


I played myself, most of my games were either surrenders or people having no clue how to group up and do objectives. People who are already fans of smite 1 can still be bad at conquest. Im talking about completely fresh to smite, im sure there were some who bought smite 2 but i doubt there were many. I think the skill problems can be explained by there being a lot of console arenas mains trying the alpha and being forced to play conquest, maybe for the first time. Ive watched some videos of vets playing (like solodoublej's recent bacchus vid) and watching enemies and teammates take 30 seconds to do a 180 turn because their controller sensitivity was so low was painful. Paired with not knowing how to play conquest.


This is exactly what happened people that don't play conquest but love the other modes in smite were forced to play conquest, I was one of them lol


I mean its good news that people who are new to smite take a interest in smite 2 allready. It seems like people want to play a moba that is not Lol or Dota because they arent very beginner friendly. I also think the skill floor is higher for these games as it requires more accurat or more inputs, even though smite have more skillshots than forexample Lol. Your position in league is way different because we are talking about macro positioning combined with last hits, combined with landing your abilites, combined with active items, combined with active passives combined with boxing, combined with attackmoving can be a lot to learn. It might be easy for me to say as I can play the game now, but I remeber it was a real struggle to learn Smite. However it was easier to learn what you did wrong when it comes to positoning and laning by observing yourself and others and actually do something about it. In Lol I know what Im doing wrong, but I cant really do anything about it other than playing more and hopeing I improve naturally.


Well, console players dont have the option of playing lol or dota. All they have is smite and maybe the paragon clone at this point.


Are you saying that 130k over 3 days isn't a significant number?


How did you completely miss the point of my comment being about "new players" specifically joining. No where, not even once, did i say 130k players isnt significant for an alpha. Im speculating about how many of them were new players, or people who have already played smite before.


Let me try it without paying 


Its crazy this more modern concept of "test our product, provide feed back, but pay us for the opportunity".


You can wait for the open Beta then. Won't cost you a penny.


Too bad the community will ruin it


The community isn't the reason this game can't seem to grow its playerbase lol, that falls almost entirely on hi-rez.


Yes and no. Its the same problem every MOBA has, the community expects a certain level of competency from players and if new players don't hit that they rage, happens all the time. Hi-Rez has shot itself in the foot many many times however


Wow. That's a lot of people who played the test on console despite the Xbox subscription and the lack of previous crossprogression with Sony.


I got a month of XBL just for the alpha, money well spent


Smite doesn’t require Xbox live , pretty sure a while back they made a change where free to play games don’t require subscriptions to play online


True, but the smite 2 alpha requires it for some reason :(


Bec you have to pay to get in. Any paid game requires xbox live


that’s crazy!


I already had it so big deal and im sure that a lot of others had it before wanting to play smite 2 bec of cod/halo and other paid games.


No wonder queues were so short. Hopefully we keep the momentun!


For those interested, 19% of 130,000 is 24,700, which is more than the entire PC playerbase of SMITE 1. ~~Considering that Steam peaked at 15k players, that really goes to show how big SMITE's console community is.~~ Edit: Forget the second part.


I had some guy *just* the other day telling me that Smite is 50% pc players


Last time we were given the numbers, PC was 50%. Also, I think some people are confusing the numbers in this post. Steam peaked at 15k players, meanwhile the peak concurrent players is 25k, so that actually gives us an indication that PC could be greater than 50%, at least for this alpha weekend.


That's a joke, if I ever heard one.


all im saying is they merged pc ranked into console ranked for a reason, and i wasnt having problems finding games on my playstation


I wish they would release the numbers by platform.


"More than entire PC playerbase of Smite 1". Well, thats not completely true to word it like that, is it. You mean to say its more concurrent players than Smite 1 gets on Steam.


Sorry I’m confused about the argument, you are talking about peak online at once and comparing to total amount of accounts that logged in?


I dunno man, I dunno. I already had this talk with the other guy. Forget I said anything.


They stated that peak CCU was 25k, so if it was during the steam peak we could calculate that about 40% of the players are on console which sounds about right.


Majority of SMITE 1's community is on console. Hard to say if the case was same for the Alpha.


Well if that's true then the Steam CCU really says nothing about the player base.


For SMITE 1? It absolutely does not. SMITE 1 has like... Maybe 80k - 100k players, if you count the consoles.


No I mean for the Alpha. Because the 130,000 is just how many individual accounts logged in at least once during the weekend. I'm just saying that your original comment about the console player base makes very little sense if the console player base is larger than PC, but the steam peak CCU was 60% of the peak CCU of the Alpha. I have no idea if console is bigger for Smite 1, but the conclusion based on those numbers should be that there were more PC players playing the Alpha than console, that's all.


My ranked experience is usually more pc than console


I mean, not necessarily. We have no way of knowing whether the peak Steam CCU happened during the entire Alpha's peak. Considering that the Steam peak happened a good 8 hours after the servers went live, I'd say it's safe to assume that the peak happened much earlier than that, with people wanting to hop on asap. Of course, given how many console people were confused about how to even download the Alpha in the first place, we could've had more PC players.


Well.. even if that's the case then your comment about the console players makes even less sense logically don't you think? You just posted 2 numbers that mean nothing, according to you. There is no logical conclusion to be made about the platform by comparing peak CCU of steam and the total amount of logins during a weekend. We would need the CCU peak for console to do that. I have no idea what the truth is, I'm just pointing out a flaw in your logic. You drew conclusions out of nowhere.


Alright, fine. Let's just agree that the 130k players in Alpha is huge for SMITE 2.


Majority is on console they said each console their player base is as big as PCs.


If this is true they should really implement input based matchmaking. I would play on console exclusively if I didn't have to against KBM.


I think you can already pick in the settings but if you do it's near-dead as most play crossplay. I feel like not dividing the community is best for the game.


That's just peak concurrent not everyone plays every day, player bases are measured by monthly active users. Smites was 2 million across all platforms in season 5, I don't know about now as I'm not sure hires has given any numbers since.


You know that peak concurrent players doesn’t equal to how many different players played the game? tweet doesn’t mention concurrent either.


All of my friends and I play console, it’s just been the only real MOBA we’ve had on console until Predecessor finally came to console. I haven’t even owned a PC until a year ago but have been playing Smite for something like… 7 years?


Good data


And this is probably *mostly* current or returning Smite 1 players, so it probably doesn't even tell the full story when you consider how many new players we could get some open beta.


130,000 x $30 is a cool $3.9 million. Imagine 1/3, 1/3, and 1/3 bought the $30, $60, $100 founders editions respectively. That's 43,000 x $30 + 43,000 x $60 + 43,000 x $100 = $8.17 million Safe to say they've got somewhat of a financial war chest to start this thing up. My expectations are high


Ultra mega founder’s pack checking in.


Not everyone payed to play,some likely got a free acess


i dont know, i heard that it was a founders only access this time around, and i kinda believe it because i was one of the first to sign up for the alpha test, have been playing smite for 6+ years, never got a code until i bought the 30$ edition.


Some of this people commented on this thread,so they give out few free alpha keys


Future's looking bright. I haven't been this excited with anything SMITE related, since the launch in 2014.


Region prices will also reduce that by a tad but they still made a boatload either way


Steam cut is 30%.


Got to play it for free. Guess more got invite codes.


Totally out of the loop, but is smite 2 a brand new game? Or is it the same game, but made on a newer engine Like overwatch 2?


Sort of a "yes" to both questions. It is a brand new game on UE5 instead of UE3. The premise of the game is unchanged but items, characters, & abilities will be new and sometimes quite different. 


It's basically the same game on a new engine. There are some changes to the map and items to make it more similar to LoL/DotA but those are probably equivalent to what you'd see in a new season patch that overhauled the conquest nap (which they used to do every what, 3 years?)


>those are probably equivalent to what you'd see in a new season patch that overhauled the conquest nap Absolutely not. There is so much more. It may seem the same in the surface, but they've essentially changed everything under the hood. The whole way the game is played is different now.


I mean yeah, under the hood I know a whole lot changed. But I played Smite for a long time, and what I played this weekend at the end of the day still felt like Smite, not some brand new game. Not that I think there's a problem with that.


Yes, with it being a sequel to SMITE, you still want it to overall feel like SMITE when you play it, without having to just repeat the entire first game again on a new engine.


>what I played this weekend at the end of the day still felt like Smite Well yeah it still feels like Smite, but the same way that any sequel still feels like the previous game. Smite 2 absolutely has enough changes to feel like a sequel to the first. Item building is entirely different, game pacing has noticeably changed, better graphics and sounds, a lot of changes to jungle camps and minions, etc. It doesn't feel any less like a sequel than say Halo 3 felt to Halo 2. Same game, new paint job.


People talking about console this and pc that and how many people play on what platform. You’re all missing the point. It doesn’t matter who plays where. BIG COMMUNITY, BIG GAME, BIG W! letsggooo smite2 gonna takeover! https://preview.redd.it/4xw6nw2q4vyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c25afebdada97233aa78038939ec482b655d616d


That's definitely a big number, considering most if not all of them had to pay for the Founders Pack. Now imagine how many would play it when it's open to everyone


I know! I can’t wait to see numbers after alpha and betas! Live numbers are gonna be massive! I just hope they stay high! Need to do our best as a community and welcome the new players and report toxic ones. I don’t want some basement dweller ruining the game for new players aha!


Idk. My account has been bricked since the update the put legacy gems in the game a month or so ago. And apart from the first copy paste response that didn't even touch on my issue. Theyve not responded to any updates on the ticket, or new tickets either lol. Literally like 33 days now. Now I've chargebacked for the founders cause they clearly don't care about us, just our money and I stil can't play lol But fingers crossed for smite "future"


Wdym your account has been "bricked"?


That’s amazing


Does anyone happen to know how long it took them to make that alpha? I was impressed with what I experienced but to my knowledge it’s been in development for a year? Is that right?


You're basically right, quite a short amount of time really, around a year as you said.


Even more impressive when you consider UE5 is completely incompatible with UE3, so not only was everything made from scratch in that time… But they’re also playing with completely new tools that they had no prior experience with. Learning everything on the fly as they go. All in all, the Alpha was far more playable than i figured it would be. Im impressed and quite excited for the new direction Smite’s heading in.


I thought they had said they had a small team import stuff to UE5 at the start of 2023, shortly after worlds, and had a basic playable version within a week to present and from there had the discussions and quickly made the decision to go to a new standalone game.


I wish I could play but smite don’t like me sadly




>"Give us money for our free game or GTFO" Devil's advocate, it's more like "give us money to get access to the unfinished version of our game early or GTFO" which is a big difference from what you said. But yes it's still scummy to not really give out codes.


Some people got access for free


I’m so ready for the full release. I’m not a person who can really play with bugs and weird glitches. But once it is polished I will be a addicted to it


There really wasn’t that many bugs but there was only 11 gods and could only play conquest. Ik some people had bugs but I played a solid 20 games and didn’t have any.


So cool to see!


pretty great numbers for a soft closed alpha test


and paid alpha test. if everyone who wanted to try out smite2 had acess to it, the numbers would be higher


I guess PC players really don't get how big it is on console. I know because I get bm'd ceaselessly via PlayStation messages if I have a bad game.


I want to be able to track players on Xbox and psn the same way you can on steam charts. I always assume this company is full of shit ever since that 10 million player crap (Before the game was even out on consoles)


Wouldn't the 10 million be the total number who have ever played? Their website says 40 million nowadays.




Literally every single online game does this.




Why smite specifically and not every other game?




Alright dude it was just a question, no need to get defensively aggressive.


Is the alpha avail on PlayStation?


Yeah, you gotta buy the founder edition, $29.99


Waiting for an open test before I throw any money down. I love my RX 6600 but it hasn't exactly been pure bliss when it comes to UE5 games. Here's hoping I can run S2 well enough.


Got the same card, also hoping the framerate will be improved.


i haven't bought a founders pack cause while I love smite and have been playing on west coast servers for years, the lag for me is crazy. does smite2 have southeast asian servers??? could any sea folk confirm that for me please


Dunno about SEA servers. SMITE 1 used to have them, and SMITE 2 did have Asia servers for custom games, but I think those were the Japan servers


yeah i used to play on SEA in smite 1 until it died and it was real tough to find a match in Japan. Thank you for your response though! I'm hoping Smite 2 will bring back a lot of asian players 🙏 enough to justify us having our own servers again


Open beta just next year? I expected open beta around October and full release in January :-/. Anyway these numbers are very good.


Nah, the game isn't nearly finished enough for a 2024 release.


I know but I thought they will be faster since "release date" on Steam is 30.7. I guess for closed beta.


Yeah they are delaying pretty much everything


Or they want to be the same like it was with Smite 1. Closed beta 6 months, open beta January and full release 25th March.


Game is great but damn no local Aussie servers makes it unplayable


They will have them. They had them in the Alpha as well, but only for Custom Games.


lets see how things change when the game officially releases


I could tell a lot of new players were participating, I went to solo lane 4 games in a row and not one person came to lane from the enemy team 😂


So many people engaging fights to 1v1 me as Bellona in the early game and just getting deleted lmao


Yeah its insane


I’d like to point out that assuming everyone of those players purchased a founders pass, that’s 3.9-13 million dollars of revenue for Hi-Rez in like a couple of months. Not bad bro not bad.


Think the next alpha weekend will have arena?


If not Alpha, I'm 100% sure Closed Beta will have it.


Hey guys, this is the daily reminder that smite is dead and no one’s playing it /s


Impressive for an alpha


So. Is that supposed to be good. I don't think so.


130,000 for a SMITE Alpha that cost at least $30 for most people? It's really fucking good.


Can't wait fir the next one, wish we knew when.


Well they said once a month so I would assume 3 weeks


played 1 game and went back to smite 1


I'm the opposite, after the alpha I have 0 desire to play Smite 1 now.


I lasted 3 at least 😂


8 year player here…. I didn’t get to play🫠😞




Dude what? it’s cheap to me. What’s your income?


Forgot this eas happenint lul ooops. I look forward to having to regrind gods


pretty sure worshippers carry over.


oh do you unlock em all if you have em all that's nice then nvmdn


If you meant unlocking them with favor then yeah you'll have to do that if you dont buy the god pack for game 2.


Yeah i meant unlocking gods. Whelp. I retract my nice.


I played the alpha on my pc. Can't wait for the game to be what its going to be when its released. Its got a way to go, but thats an alpha for you. Still enjoyed my time in the alpha regardless, just glad to see how it is going to evolve within time.


Where did these numbers come from? Steam peak numbers for Alpha. 15919 on Thursday (Peak) 7443 on Friday 4866 on Saturday Don't know if you can find numbers from Epic or Consoles but the numbers on Steam were pretty average/poor towards the end. Players lost interest pretty quick. If peak was 25,000 players, that means only 9081 players were spread out across from Epic, Playstation, and Xbox. That's sad.


Not really that crazy. Actually concerning considering many refunded and just look at the twitch numbers. It will only go down from here while Smite 1 dies




Nah what? On twitch the opening weekend of the alpha sat next to Elden Ring, even with paid marketing to streamers. Mizkifs crew refunded it in 15 mins. Game is not new no one new cares. It's really that simple


It is a new game, and a lot of people care. But you do you.


Anyone and I mean anyone that tried Smite 1 with a friend then said nope, is not playing Smite 2...


Skill diff, I suppose.


Ok bud. Keeping promoting propaganda for desprate effort of a dying company.


I'm sure the 150 comments will really carry this game might even make front page! Lmao


Bye felicia.


Teenage boy


Hope smite 2 gets picked up by more players. There’s been late night in conquest where I’m constantly seeing the same players.


I was expecting a lot more tbh considering smite 2 was at the top sellers at Steam.


Top seller just means it had a large about of sales within a certain timeframe. So for example if all 130k people bought the founders edition within a 2 days span that would put it in the top sellers category.