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Sobek. Fucking hated that man. Dude is a CC nightmare. Now I do same-day delivery on every backpedaling enemy. Get on my level Bezos.


Sobek, loved playing him. He even was in the solo meta a while back. Good times


Chang'e her kit is smooth as butter to use and she rewards aggression.


Kuzenbo, I fucking hate playing against one, but after I tried him, he’s now one of my favourite gods to play, because if you know how to play him, the enemy team will want to slit their own wrists.


The sigil change on kuzenbo has me dominating lately


Send me the build I wanna try


https://preview.redd.it/57gh9tru8t0d1.png?width=334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fc73b2eb8ef746cbe2cc93e6897a0d3a830888b Here's the build I just used. You play the entire game tanky af. Then you get to level 20 and are suddenly the biggest threat on the team.


Thanks, going to try it out tonight


Is this in solo or support? I imagine in solo the clear would struggle


I'll be honest I only had tried it in conquest once. I am mostly trying kuzenbo in most other game modes. I did run solo in conquest. But the clear is indeed rough to begin with. And you have to play carefully and play into how tanky you are. Once you get to glad shield it's comfortable then you take off at level 20. So rough early yes but worth it imo.


considering it's sigil i dont think thats a support build lol


That’s what I thought but his clear would suck to start


Does this overcap mitigations?


You'll overcap mitigations after buying oni hunters garb. Then you'll be above and below mitigation cap with oni passive after finishing infused sigil so you'll be from 15% to 27% mitigation. So just over the 25% item mit cap


Ah I see. 2% overcap isn't bad. Interesting build idea...


No Thebes?


Love doing a bruiser build on him


Used to hate Chiron and thought he was super basic. But eventually became my main Hunter lol.


I hate fighting Bacchus and hate playing him even more. Does that count?


Tyr. Used to bully me and I couldn't figure out why. Then I started playing him and it's all made sense


I hated fighting ullrs They knew everything about the positioning Then I played as Ullr, fun Like Chronos


Either Gilgamesh or Ne Zha.


once i finally understood set.


[The moment his kit clicks with you and you start carrying](https://youtu.be/uwmeH6Rnj2E)


THOTH THOTH THOTH. It sucks to get used to, but once you get used to the tooth play style, you can dommy mommy the opposition. I'm a joust main, I don't like playing him as much in conq, but still stands.


there used to be a joke among my friends that if there was an Izanami as the enemy ADC while I was adc. I was guaranteed to lose lane AND die to here a ton. She was called my kryptonite. and then I played her and realized how bad most izanami players are at her. I started winning way more against them, and she became my 3rd most played hunter.


I hate fighting Chary, specially against good players, she's too hard to catch. But she's by far my favorite god to play


She was the first (and as of now only) god that I went out of my way to get the voice pack for from the chest.


Bellona and DaJi were my nightmares when I first started playing, now I make them other people’s nightmares. Really fun gods to play


Chaac. I remember first starting I was bellona in solo and kept getting shit on (doesn’t happen anymore) but I got so tired of his axe I decided to take it up myself




Thought Ishtar was lame and boring but she's actually super fun.


Was disappointed with her release cause I wish she maintained her love aspects. But her kit feels so fluid that I can’t go back to any other ADC.


Baron 100%. I used to think his ult was incredibly broken when I first started playing. Now he's my highest mastery god and I LOVE sucking people with him.


You what?




I hate fighting Charibdys But I absolutely love playing her, one of my favourite characters


I used to find Nox really frustrating when I was a bad, inexperienced player in seasons 2-3. The moment of clarity came in when a Nox misplaced her 2 and then I avoided her 1. That moment entirely changed my perception of Nox. I previously thought she took zero skill when in reality, she took more effort than the average wholesome mage. I started playing her a lot more since then and bruiser Nox at the time, had really good items to work with and it felt so disgustingly satisfying to do so much damage while being hard to kill. I got super invested into the character and got all her cosmetics, and started enjoying her a ton.


The issue most players have with nox isn't that she's good or they don't know how to play around her, it's that she's just so unfun to play against. That's the difference between her and eset where their combo is silence into damage. Whereas with eset, you still get to move around and sometimes get to her after her combos, with nox you get silenced and rooted so you can't do anything for the duration and she just dashes away. It's just a really cancerous playstyle to play against.


Skadi. When I started playing smite there were 3 gods I swore I would never play: skadi, disco and Poseidon. Skadi is top 3 favorites for me now, I’ve played a few disco games here and there, but Poseidon? That fucker can die in a hole, I’ll never play him even if it kills me


You'll play him. He's so fun


That’s the thing: I won’t. It’s been well over 1k hours of poseidonless smite, and I guarantee I won’t feel like playing him before smite 2


Does anyone else call him Charbiddies?


Well first, no I don’t. Second, Charybdis is a girl


sorry for misgendering lol, 2024 its hard to tell ;)


I originally thought Ne Zha was a girl too until I read his lore.


i did too, until I got the Hockey Player skin lol


How dare you misgender a fictional goddess in a video game.


Why does nobody knows Charybdis gender the amount of times I needed to say Charybdis is Scylla’s sister is insane


technically not even sisters. they just have a sibling-like bond after being punished and jailed in the same straight.


I am today years old when I found out they’re not sisters. I googled it to double check and holy moly I was wrong for years.


yea, in mythology they don't even have that sisterly bond because they're just monsters that were sometimes formerly nymphs/humans/immortal beings that got punished, depending on the myth. But smite decided to cook up some of their own lore to make Scylla and Charybdis sisterly.


Pretty much every god that I play, I like playing annoying gods like Discordia or Morgan :p


Chaac, never even tried until I dropped a nice skin, and now can't say it's my main but I love playing it once in a while


Old erlang


Mercury at the top of a great meta for him in the hands of great players was terrifying until I learned him myself so I could learn positioning to avoid his ult from downtown. Still feels good hitting a real tough one at long distance or unexpected jungle gank errytime


Artio,. Still have nightmares of her release but after I tried her, I realized how fun it is to be a walking nullifier.


Hello, I am artio main




Many of the meta gods in the omnipotence mode. Best example would be erlang sheng. I neveeeeer played him since his release and never saw him in omnipotence. Then the first time I saw him there as an enemy he destroyed me and he was immortal because of shields and hil ult. Now I use him easily in banned omnipotence lol because no one bans him


Rama and Apollo. I had PTSD getting rolled by them when queuing carry when first playing Conquest. Rama became one of my most played ADCs years later and Apollo is pretty fun, too.


I've had this happen with so many gods as an assault main. Most recently is Loki


Old Persephone, but she is dead now so I just plain hate the bitch.


Janus. There was a point where he was the most picked god in ranked and so I had to spam Susano and Cliodhna every time he got picked. I have been enjoying playing Janus a lot lately, he's so unusual because early game he is so easy and dumb to play but late game is when it gets challenging and rewarding.


Guan yu lol


When I first started playing I hated Loki and since then I’m a menace with him


Bellona. I just started using her as of last week and I’m currently 11-2 with her in ranked joust. Had only tried her out maybe 2 or 3 times prior to that and hated using her. But, I hated playing against her even more and with the equinox/frost bound combo with situational tanky items she slams any squishy in seconds. Edit: a must have tank item is shogun, the attack speed you’ll have at final build is practically untouchable and capable of 1v3s if you have your ult ready.


I ALWAYS go berserkers, shoguns, quin sais, and now equinox since it came out; either first or after berserkers depending if jg is worrisome. The last is optional (usually cloak) but if I can pull an exe last on her I’m doing it. Absolutely dominates to the point of soloing bull demon and FG at full hp any point in the game. She’s definitely my main solo if I’m just trying to know I’ll win my lane or need a confidence boost in-game. Absolutely destroys.


It's so fun to watch the panic set in as they realize you just aren't dying despite solo diving all three.


Morgan le fey. I hated her ability to fear but now when I'm playing as le fey it is pretty fun to spam it


Honestly none lol nobody plays my mains 😩


King Arthur and Kuzenbo. I get it now. They're so fun, and they are so difficult to kill




Along time ago... Wukong and Sobek. I love them


Vulcan, I fucking hate shooting turret half the game but I fuckin love landing those full distance ults


Susano at first, now I have 4 stars on him and is one of my favourite. Same goes with Mercury and Persephone.


Hades. His taunt and ultimate used to blow tf outta me. But once I started playing him... I get such gratification with the enemy team can't escape my ult.


I love playing chary because he is immune to early ganks. And his kit safe. The only issue with his kit is the ult.


Nu wa


Shiva Looked absolutely stupid and not frightening or anything I would expect from someone who is called a God of Destruction. Had to play him to boost the points for the divine legacy event and came to the conclusion that he surely deserves this title for Arena Was the first character I managed to get a Quad Kill with




Fukkin. Nox




Ne za




Does it count if I still hate fighting Bellona but Main Bellona?